Our Freedom's Fate | Levi x R...

By Suicidal_Sadistic

933 78 15

"We are their freedom, so we'll do everything even if it kills us" Those are the words that describe and rep... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 6

50 6 0
By Suicidal_Sadistic

" End Us "

After a few minutes later.

"Long range formation BEGIN!" Erwin's command ranged in our ears as we carried into our formation.

Our squad was at the front not long after Erwin, Eren and the others are with me and so is the Captain.

Not so long we saw a green flare up a head, As Levi put Eren incharge of signaling as he did what he was told.

"Titan sighted sir!, 4 Ten meter on the left, And 3 Fifteen Meters in our front Sir! "  Petra said as she took her blades out ready for ambush as everyone also did. except for Levi and Eren.

"Oluo, Eld and Jinn head for the 10 Meters. Mayra, Petra head for the 15 meters." Levi commands as We proceed to jump from our horses.

"Petra take care the one that is nearest to Levi, And I'll take care of the two behind it" I ordered as She nodded and heads to the 1 Fifteen meters Titan and I proceed to go to the Two Fifteen meters titans.

Flying through the air I quickly took out my blades and jump from the trees then to the titans back and proceed to cut the nape within 5 seconds as I headed to the other one.

I jumped and shooted myself from the other side not wanting to be killed by the titan as I proceed to shoot back and cutted the nape creating the titans head to fall of.

I shoot back to the group and put my blades back in as I gently sat to my horse without it stopping from running, Creating a silent gasped from Eren.

"What?, Dont stare at me like that" I say To Eren like nothing just happend.

"Y-you.. Nevermind.."

I sighed as I saw everyone else had just came back from their kills, Filled with smoking blood on their clothes. While I had never had any Titan's blood on my clothes, Cause thats just disgusting.

"Sir! Reporting from Hanji's group!, There seems to be an abnormal coming through this side it seems like a new titan had been discovered!. A Female titan Sir!" A Cadet suddenly reported and then popped out of nowhere, Leaving our mouths gasped from shock.

A Female Titan?!?.

"Tch, Change of plan. Tell the other group to proceed to the Big damn trees, But only on the damn sides. Cause the Group of Higher Ups is allowed to go inside, Is that clear?" Levi ordered, As the Cadet Saluted and headed back to inform the others.

Few Minutes Laters...

After a few minutes later, We were informed that the Female Titan was just like Eren, So The Commander ordered us to take the lead inside in the Forest after him.

As we were already inside, We spotted a few Titans as Eld and Jinn took care of it. Until The Female Titan was already running on our backs.

"Captain Levi?!" The Rest of the group suddenly panicked and ask The Captain, While I just sat and rode My horse Silently.

"Captain!, What are we gonna do?!" Eren asked, As he continued asking more bunch of questions.

"Shut it, Lets just wait for the right time, We'll just have to continue this nonsense" Levi said as Petra and the others finally understood, Except for Eren.

"B-but SIR! The Female Titan is BEHIND Us! And-" Eren couldn't continue as he saw Cadets being killed trying to slash the Female Titan.

Eren Being Eren, He stared at his hand ready to Transform until someone interrupted.

"Eren, I may not know whats the best choice but. Its up to you if you wanna decide your own. But remember, We do not know whats right or wrong. So its up to you" Levi suddenly said out of the Blue, Eren sighed as we continued running from Female Titan and as we got to our destination.

Canons, Fire and destruction was heard after we passed the Cadets, As we stopped from riding our horses.

"See Eren?, You should trust us more often!" Petra's voice shined through the Air while Oluo creating a 'Tch' pretending To be Levi and As Eld and Jinn just smiled.

"Eld, Your incharge. I have to do something important" Levi said as he got up from his horse and flew behind us.

Ah, So Their plan is to capture the female Titan so They can discovered it in here, Nice plan.

"Alright! you here The Captain! Im incharge now!" Eld shouted.


I sighed, As I saw Eren Smiled and while Petra was shouting at him for not trusting us.

But little did we know that something is gonna happen that Im not gonna like at all.


The sound of Titan Roaring echoed To the Trees as I thought of Eren.

No... It couldn't be...

I silently prayed nothing happened to the others just because I had to help the other group from the Titans god damn existence.

But what I saw made My heart break.










My expression turned black as I pass my comrades corpse, Regreting that Why didn't I come sooner?.

My Expression turned to the Roaring sound of Titan as I saw Eren fighting The Female Titan.

I sighed that Eren was safe but I know that He isnt safe right now that he needed my help.

I quickly got out of my thoughts as I got my blades out and shoot from trees through tress to get near to the Female Titan.

I didnt Hesitate.

I draw my blades at the body slashing from Top to bottom but didnt slash the nape.

As if now The Female Titan was on the Ground covering her nape with her hand.

Hmm.. Thought so.

Before she could regenerate, I quickly cut off her arms and legs.. until.

I was thrown backwards and landed on a rock.

As I felt throbbing pain on my back as I felt warm liquid gashing on my back, Until blood came spreading quickly.

I groaned as I Watched The Female Titan bitted Eren's Nape and almost got him but didnt, Hatred and Anger boiled up from my body.

I ignored the Pain as I followed the Female Titan as she started running again.

I groaned in pain as I get the new blades from my gear and continue to cut her legs off and proceed to cut her arms withing 5 seconds.

Damn! I cant move my body!.

As I was ready to slash her nape, Her hand was ready to hit me.


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