Hamilton Reacts to Stuff!!

By Glittersilver

233K 4.2K 40.3K

Title says it all. (This book is completed, and requests will no longer be taken. Thank you!) More

X Reader Fanfictions
And Peggy!
Catherine Schuyler
Michael In The Bathroom
Spamilton, Part 1
Spamilton, Part 2
Spamilton, Part 3
Spamilton, Part 4
Panic! At the Disco
The Lams Letters
Doki Doki Literature Club
A/N: 1K
Last of Us
Laurens' Interlude
A/N: Short break
Harry Potter
The Beatles
A/N: Christmas React VOTE
Thomas Sanders
Home Alone (Christmas Special)
Mary Poppins Returns
Bet On It
A/N Five Thousand
Dear Theodosia
Avril Lavigne
Wattpad Update! (Short one)
Laurgelica, Kingsbury, and Wamilton (Valentines' Day Special, Part 1)
Marliza, Washette, and Jamilams (Valentine's Day Special, Part 2)
Philodosia and Pheacker (Valentine's Day Special, Part 3)
A/N: A Letter (10K)
Jeggy (Valentine's Day Special, Part 4)
A/N: 10K Spectacular Question Box! [CLOSED]
10K Spectacular! (Part 1)
A/N: Update (Very Important)
10K Spectacular! (Part 2)
Happy Birthday Maria!
10K Spectacular! (Finale)
What the Heck I Gotta Do
Happy Birthday Thomas!
Garbage Disposals (Easter Special?)
A/N: Author Q&A Question Box! [CLOSED]
Quinn's Wattpadiversary Special!
Sanders Sides
The Four Modern Major Musicalsโ„ข
We're In A Revolution
Happy Mothers' Day!
Orienteering and Snarled (Summer Special, Part 1)
Happy Birthday King George!
Tuck Everlasting, Marco Polo, and Poppy (Summer Special, Part 2)
Musical Sing-Off and Billie Eilish (Summer Special, Part 3)
Happy Fathers' Day!
Animal Crossing and Balloon Battlefield (Summer Special, Finale)
Happy Birthday Theo!
Stranger Things
Twenty One Pilots
Author's Note
The Greatest Showman
One Last Time (Finale)
Thank You

Mary Poppins

1.6K 44 669
By Glittersilver

Quinn: "Hello, everybody! Welcome to another episode of Hamilton Reacts to Stuff!" Quinn said as she blinked her crystal blue orbs, her hair flowing gently in the breeze.

Hamilton: What was that?

Quinn: That was my impersonation of a Mary Sue. Not bad, huh? Anyway, we're back from our trip to London and ready for more reaction fun.

Laurens: The bomber simulator was so cool!!

Herc: I almost puked. It was the best day of my life.

Angelica: It was definitely exciting. It was interesting, stepping into the life of a soldier. Hopefully it taught Heather some respect.

Quinn: Oh, I'm sure she learned a lesson she won't soon forget. Welp, let's get into today's request. The winner of this week's Ham4Ham is... DD_287 ! Congratulations! Here is what they requested.

Eliza: Oh, we've seen Mary Poppins Returns many times now!

Laurens: Yeah, that movie's great!

Samuel: It's probably my favorite movie. I mean, I haven't seen a lot of movies, but Mary Poppins Returns would be my favorite I've seen.

Hamilton: *rolls his eyes*

Madison: Hamilton, even you can't deny the music and performances are good.

Hamilton: So we're all just gonna kiss the ground of Lin-Manuel McWhatsisname.

Quinn: Well, don't worry, Hammy. Today we'll be watching the original Mary Poppins, which came out well before Lin-Manuel was born. And here to join us is a special guest! Please welcome @DD_287 herself...Dani!

[ENTER Dani]

Dani: Hey, everyone!

Quinn: Welcome to Hamilton Reacts, Dani. We're glad to have you!

Dani: *grins* Aw, thanks. Also, I brought lots of snacks and stuff for the movie. *starts passing out candy and chips to everyone*

Laurens: Oh, thanks!

Herc: We instantly like anyone who brings us food. It's a well-known fact about us.

Philip and Theo: *sitting in a big cardboard box on the floor next to it, hoarding lots of candy*

Burr: You two haven't gotten tired of that box yet, huh?

Philip: No, sir! It's our fort!

Theo: Also, can someone get us that blanket? *points to a blanket folded on the couch*

Dani: I got it. *hands blanket*

Theo: Thank you. And can you put it over the top? Like a roof?

Dani: *nods and stretches blanket over the open top of the box*

Theo: Thanks!

[Giggling, whispering and rustling candy wrappers can be heard from inside]

Susan: *tiptoes over to the box and kinda stands over it*

Theo: Huh? Is someone there? *lifts the blanket a bit and pokes her head out* Oh, hey, Susan.

Susan: *staring at her feet*

Theo: Do you wanna come in?

Susan: *nods, a hint of an eager smile on her lips*

Theo: Okay!

Philip: We usually climb in like this: climb onto the arm thingy on the couch *points to the armrest* and jump in.

Theo: But she's little. She might get hurt. Wait... I've got a better idea. *hoists herself onto the couch from the box and climbs out*

Philip: *follows her*

Theo: *tips the box onto its side so it looks like a cave, drapes the blanket overtop like a canopy. There! Now we can still watch the movie!

Philip, Theo, and Susan: *crawl into fort and let their heads stick out from under the blanket, grinning*

Quinn: Okay, so the original Mary Poppins was first released in 1964, and it starred Dick van Dyke and human beam of sunshine Julie Andrews. I watched this movie a lot growing up, and I still have a soft spot for it, so I'm really happy I get to share it with you guys now. *turns it on*

Theo: Hey, I just realized something: we were in London last week! Where Mary Poppins lives!

Burr: *chuckles* Too bad you didn't see her, huh?

Theo: *looks at Burr like he's dumb* Mary Poppins isn't real, Dad.

Burr: *looks deflated*

King George: My word, what unholy abomination is that man's British accent? Is he mocking me?!

Quinn: It was supposed to be good...

King George: Treason! His whole family is charged with treason! Off with their heads!!!

Hamilton: *sighs and buries his face in his hands* This is gonna be a long movie...

Theodosia: (At Life I Lead) This reminds me of you, Aaron. A man of routine.

Burr: *grins sheepishly* I like knowing what comes next.

King George: *shudders* DO YOU WISH TO HAVE YOUR HEAD OFF TOO?!

Angelica: (At Sister Suffragate) I really like Mrs. Banks already. Votes for women! *pumps fist*

Peggy: Geez, you would think they'd have a better handle on their children...

Hamilton: (At Perfect Nanny) Oh my gosh! What an awful father!

Eliza: That letter was important to them, and he just let it burn. That's terrible.

Dani: (When the nannies all blow away and Mary Poppins comes) *chilling with Herc and Laff* Oh, I love this part.

Angelica: *chuckles at Mary Poppins* I like her, too.

Philip: You're kinda like Mary Poppins, Aunt Angelica.

Angelica: *smiles, amused* You think so?

Philip: Yeah. Except nicer.

Jefferson: To you, maybe.

Angelica: *gives Thomas a sickly sweet smile*

Eliza: (At Spoonful of Sugar) Oh, I like this song! If only messy children's rooms could be cleaned that easily. *grins teasingly at Philip*

Philip: *giggles*

Peggy: (At Jolly Holiday) I ship it!

Laurens: *stands up and offers Peggy his arm, says in Bert's voice* Ello, Peggy! Fancy a stroll?

King George: I swear, urchin, if you push me any further, you shall regret it with the utmost remorse.

Peggy: *giggles and takes John's arm*

Laurens: *strolls around the room to the tune of the song* Oh, it's a jolly 'oliday with Peggy... Peggy makes your 'eart so light! When the day gets grey and ordinary... Peggy makes the sun shine bright!

Peggy: *bright red and giggling, snorts*

Angelica: *glares daggers at King George* If you ruin this, Georgie, I swear that you wll regret it with the utmost remorse.

King George: *stares at Angelica, his eyes little slits* I'll allow it, but only because I wish to keep watching the movie. Look away from me now.

Angelica: *smirks and turns back to the movie*

Hamilton: (At Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious) What... that's not even a real word.

Jefferson: That's the point, Hamilton. Anything can be a word if you give it a meaning.

Hamilton: I'm coming up with a lot of words for you right now.

Dani: C'mon, guys, just calm down. You're both two smart to be bickering like this.

Hamilton: *quickly stops and turns away to prove he's smarter*

Jefferson: *rolls eyes*

Susan: (At Stay Awake) *yawns, folds her arms, and rests her head on them*

Philip: Why is she telling them to stay awake if she's singing them to sleep?

Hamilton: That's called reverse psychology, Philip. If you become a lawyer like me someday, you'll learn a lot about that.

Philip: *looks at the camera like Simba at "Pumbaa, not in front of the kids!"*

Martha: This scene is very sweet.

Washington: I haven't seen the new one, but I'm enjoying this one very much.

Philip: You haven't seen Mary Poppins Returns, Papa George?

Washington: No, son, I haven't.

Philip: Why not?

Washington: *smiles* Because when your family went to see it, I stayed behind to babysit you.

Philip: *blinks in surprise, then grins, a mix of affection and embarrassment on his face*

Angelica: (At I Love to Laugh) *chuckles* Reminds me of Alexander and his friends.

Laurens: And Burr is Mary Poppins in this scene.

Burr: *straight faced and annoyed*

Laurens: See?! They're twinsies!

Samuel: (At Step in Time) Oh, they're like the lamplighters from the second movie!

Philip and Theo: *cackling with laughter at this scene*

Quinn: Which would you guys rather be: a leerie or a chimney sweep?

Laff: I am not sure... both are very messy jobs... I do like the dancing the leeries do, though. I guess a leerie. I will hold the ladder, and another leerie can trip the light.

Philip: I wanna be a chimney sweep! *runs over to Alex and tips his imaginary hat* Thank you, gov'na!

Hamilton: *chuckles* You're crazy.

Philip: *laughs and runs back into the fort* 

Eliza: (At Let's Go Fly a Kite) *tearing up a bit* This ending is beautiful... they're such a sweet little family. Alexander, we should go fly a kite together. As a family.

Hamilton: *chuckles* Whatever you want, my love.

Philip and Theo: *skipping around the room, with Susan following behind* Let's go fly a kite! Up to the highest height! Let's go fly a kite and send it soaring...

All: Up to the atmosphere! Up where the air is clear! Let's all go... fly a kite! *laughs*

Quinn: So, what did you guys think?

Dani: I love that movie!

Peggy: It was so good! The new one's still my favorite, but this one is great, too!

Angelica: This one reminded me a lot  of the new one, actually. In some ways, they were the same movie.

Laurens: Yeah, I noticed that, too. Like the story and stuff, and even some of the songs were a lot alike.

Quinn: Which do you guys like better?

Eliza: It's hard. I like them both.

Samuel: I agree. This is my other favorite movie now.

Dani: The new one is my favorite, but I like them both a lot.

Hamilton: I liked this one for sure. Not just becasue that Lin guy isn't in it, it was just more... I don't know. Magical, I guess.

Madison: I agree with Hamilton, this one was my favorite.

Maria: I haven't seen the new one, but I loved this movie. *quietly sings Feed the Birds*

Laurens: I do think the dancing was better in the new one, though. And there was a lot more of it.

Theodosia: Yeah, I love the dancing in the new one. But I think I might like this one better. I really liked the Mary Poppins in this one.

King George: While that "Bert" fellow ought to be hanged for his crimes against the king's English, I did  like Mary Poppins. Her voice was resplendant.

Quinn: That was Julie Andrews! She's amazing, isn't she?

Theo: I wish Mary Poppins was real...

Philip: Yeah, me too. 

Dani: We all need a Mary Poppins.

Quinn: We really do. Now you guys need to watch Saving Mr. Banks! It's about the author of the Mary Poppins books, and how the series got turned into a movie!

Samuel: Oh, that sounds interesting.

Quinn: It is. the author, P.L. Travers, was very protective of her books and characters, and she felt like Disney was going to ruin them.

Hamilton: She was thinking of her legacy... she wanted to keep her legacy protected.

Quinn: Exactly. It's a great movie. Well, I guess that's all for today.  It's been great having you, Dani.

Dani: *beams* Aw, thank you so much!

Quinn: Of course! You wanna close us out?

Dani: Thanks for watching, everyone! We'll see you next time on Hamilton Reacts to Stuff!

Everyone: Bye!

[A/N: You can leave your requests for next week here. And it's okay to resubmit old requests that haven't been chosen yet. I'm not holding onto requests week to week, so if you still want it to be reacted to, please submit it again. :D



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