||Without a Trace|| Bnha fanf...

By _spooky-saturn_

9.9K 284 53

Shoto Todoroki and his father, Endeavor, have no idea that Todoroki has a half-sister who is much like him, a... More

this isnt an update, so sorry :(
Author's note


90 7 0
By _spooky-saturn_

The days flew by as I taught class 1-A my fighting techniques. There are now only 4 days left and I haven't trained much with my quirk. To solve that problem, I asked Mr. Aizawa and All Might if I could use one the flat training grounds. They both gave me the go-ahead but All Might said he'd like to stay and watch so that he could give me tips on my skills. I went on to the training ground and tried to simultaneously activate both my quirks at the same time. It kind of worked until I flopped onto the ground, exhausted. All Might came running out and handed me a bottle of water. "Are you ok young Okawa?" He asked kindly and helped me up. "Yeah, thanks" I replied as I grabbed the water and gulped it down. I sat back down on the ground and regained a normal breathing pattern. All Might was suddenly surrounded by steam and when the steam cleared, it was Toshinori. "Wait a second, where'd All Might go?" I asked in confusion. "I am still All Might, just not the one you know." He sighed and sat down next to me. "I sustained an injury when I fought All for One, a villain who's quirk is to steal other's quirks. We fought a few years ago and I lost pretty bad." He pulled up a side of his shirt to reveal a gnarly-looking scar. "It damaged half of my respiratory system. That's why I'm so skinny." He smiled "but, I still try to be the Symbol of Peace everyone looks up to and depends on." He stood up and held out his hand. "Now come on, let's get you back to training, I have a few things I want to show you." I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. He quickly attempted a right hook but I dodged, feeling his arm just inches away from my head. "You've got quite the reflexes there, young Okawa!" All Might said, he was in the more muscle-y version of himself. Then he challenged me to try and land a decent punch on him. I started with a right hook but switched to a roundhouse. I hit him square in the chin and he stumbled backwards. "Nice job! Didn't see that coming! That'll be useful when fighting a villain." He said enthusiastically. "Thanks." I said. "Now, let me show you a move I was taught by a fellow hero." He told me to get into a fighting stance, as if I were about to fight a villain. "Now, as I come at you, I want you to pretend I have a knife or a gun. Then spin your back foot so that you disappear from my line of sight. Then grab my arm and the base of my neck and swing. Hard." He charged at me and I followed the instructions. I let him come just close enough to me so that I could grab him easily.  Just as he was about to pass me, I spun on my back foot and moved out of his line of sight. I then grabbed onto his arm and the base of his neck and threw him. It hurt like hell, but I stood tall. "Very good, young Okawa!" He smiled and gave me a big thumbs-up. "Thanks All Might." I smiled and asked him to help me with my quirk. He helped me learn to activate my quirks simultaneously. When it was about 5:30, All Might suggested that I stopped and got some rest. He walked with me out of the training grounds and out of the school. He waved goodbye and I waved back.
* *
It was the day after I had trained with All Might and I felt that I had gotten somewhat stronger. I was at school early so I decided to get my homework done since I hadn't had time to do it the night before. Mr. Aizawa walked in and looked at me, puzzled. "What're you doing here so early Okawa?" I looked at the floor, "Well, there was a situation with my dad this morning and I wanted to leave so I came here." He sighed and sat in the desk next to me. "What did he do?" He asked gently. "Well, he uh, he hit me this morning." His expression changed. "You shouldn't be staying there if he's abusing you like this." I sighed, "where else am I supposed to go? It's not like I can just move out. I'm only 15." He put his hand on my shoulder, "Okawa, there are plenty of kids whose parents would take in a kid. Trust me. Just ask Midoriya or Iida or Yayorozu or Ururaka. They'll understand." He glanced up as the door opened and shut behind him. He got up and gave me one last sad look. Kaminari was punctual, surprisingly. He came in and sat down then a turned around to face me. "What's u-," he stopped short. He pointed to yet another scar over my eye. "What's that? Are you ok?" He asked. I quickly covered it by brushing a strand of hair over it. "O-oh, that's nothing! Don't worry about it ok?" I put on a fake smile but he wasn't buying it. "Hey, Mr. Aizawa? Okawa has a scratch over her eye but she won't say anything about it." Mr Aizawa turned his head a little to look at me and I hung my head. He asked me to step outside and I quietly got up and stepped outside the door. I heard him say from inside, "you may talk quietly amongst yourselves. Don't get loud." He walked out and told me to follow him. We came to a room with a couch and some chairs. He told me to go inside and motioned for me to sit on the couch. He pulled up a chair and ran his hand through his messy hair. "So, tell me what's going on." I sighed and replied, "it's nothing really, he's just training me to be the best." He shifted his weight in the chair. "How hard does he train you?" He asked. So this is going to be a game of 20 questions. Fantastic. "Well, it gets pretty hard but nothing I can't handle." He locked eyes with me and asked another question. "Why is he treating you like this?" That was the question that broke me. All my anger and fear towards my father finally poured out. "I don't know! All I know is that he treats me like trash and I'm sick of it!" I yelled. "I'm done with him! I never want to see him again!" I wailed. I put my head in my hands and began to cry. Mr Aizawa came and sat next to me in an attempt to try and calm me down. Eventually, he called the rest of the staff down and Midnight was the one to actually calm me down. I heard All Might talking to Mr Aizawa and Present Mic in the back of the room but didn't really pay attention to what they were saying. I rested my head on her chest and it reminded me of what my mother would do when I was upset. She hugged me and rubbed my back until I was just a mess of hair and tears. She was comforting. I then heard Mr Aizawa walk over and tell Midnight to 'put her to sleep' with a saddened tone. Midnight started to say something but then stopped when Mr Aizawa told her to do it for my sake. Then I felt Midnight tear a piece of her sleeve off and use her quirk. I felt the pink mist around me and became drowsy. I fell asleep and Midnight put me back on the couch and sat next to me. "We have to do something about this before it's too late." Was the last thing I heard before I fell into a deep sleep.
Word count: 1349

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