Trusting Fate

Av Sprinting_Ginger

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Ember believes in Fate, but she also believe in choices and consequences, and the choices she made as a naïve... Mer

Story Info
Tweet, Tweet, Tweet...
DM Me Again
I Promise I'm Not A Seriel Killer
You Haven't...? Nope.
Let Go
I Just Need To Process
Is This Too Much?
Birthday Baby
Parties Are Fun
To Say or Not To Say
Home Sweet Home
Missed You
Dreams and Nightmares
Life is Good
Your Best Friend, My Best Friend
Another Year Older, Pt.1
Another Year Older, Pt. 2
Family and Stuff
Ghostly Girlfriend
Safe With You
Girls Best Friend
It's Okay...
Fighting Back
The Long Way Home
I Got You
My World
The Big Fam
The Little Fam
Quarter Century
Lunch Date
Music, Dates, and Hoods
Let's Try Again
The Storm Before The Storm
Embarassed is an Underststment
Today Has Arrived
San Diego
It's a Party
Our Little Koala
Please & Thank You & Please
N. Y. C.
Learning About You
Sunday Funday
Promo...Oh, No!
Real Life
Trust this...
Last Days
Don't Tell Ash
Turning Point
Back at Work
Hand in Hand
D.C. Adventure


2K 36 5
Av Sprinting_Ginger

Ember's POV

"When did you move, Em?" Rachel asks as we sit down to start the meeting, she being the last to arrive.

"I did and I didn't. I don't technically live here, but I will in a few months."

"Because that makes any sense." William laughs.

"This is Ashton's house, PaiPai and I have been here all summer basically, but Ashton is leaving for three months this fall, after he gets home from tour we will officially move in here. At least that is the plan right now. But for today, it is bigger than my little apartment and there is food here. So I decided to have the meeting here."

"Ashton is your boyfriend, right?" Rachel asks.

"Yes he is." Jade grins, making me roll my eyes.

"So that's still going well?" Will smirks.

"Very well. Now can we get onto basketball?"

"You're head coach, fill us in." Will nods.

"Okay, first off, welcome to our new coach. I know you both know Jade already, but as of about a week ago she switched from player to coach for us, she is going to be working closely with all of us to learn and helping a lot with forwards and centers. She knows our girls very well, and I think she will bring the right spunk and encouragement our team needs this year."

"We are definitely excited to have her back with the team again. You don't have to talk her up to us. We know how Jade rolls and we are ready to get to work, and we know she is too." Rachel grins at her.

"Thanks, coach Rach." Jade grins.

"Okay next. You're one of us now, the coaches that is. So call us by our names, not coach. Because you are our equal now." I chuckle.

"That might take some practice, but I'll work on it." She laughs.

"Okay. So the real business. Schedules," I hand out the papers listing all of our games planned for the season, going over all four of our schedules with the game days set.

"Okay, and seniors. If we have them all tryout and make the team again, Mia, Diane, Becky, and Sarah."

"Mia will definitely be trying out. She grew so much last season and she knows you plan to have her Captain the team this year." Will comments.

"Diane moved so I don't think she will be at our school anymore." Jade adds.

"Becky and Sarah will try out again too I'm pretty sure. Becky will make the team no doubt if she does." Rachel adds.

"Becky at point and Mia and shooting guard will be a good backcourt. And if Hartley plays forward for us we could have the beginning of a good starting line up." Jade comments.

"Plus, we never know who might show up for the first time at open gyms and tryouts. We may have untapped talents we don't know about." Rachel adds. All of them suddenly looking towards the walkway out of the room at the sound of the front door opening.

"Crys or Ash?" I call out.

"It's your favorite human! Oh and Ash, and Luke, and Michael." Calum's voice rings out.

"Why would it be Crys?" Ash asks as they walk into the room.

"She has Pai. Wanted to take her out for the afternoon. Guys, this is Rachel, William, and Jade. My coaching staff for the basketball season."

"I forgot you were having your meeting today. Sorry to interrupt." Ashton laughs.

"You're fine. We are almost done. Why did you all come over tonight?"

"We have something to ask you. Band stuff so we figured we should all come beg." Luke shrugs.

"We are almost done. Give me like ten or fifteen minutes."

"We'll hang out downstairs. Come find us when you're done." Luke waves before they head back the other way towards the stairs.

"It was nice to meet you all." Cal smiles before disappearing around the wall.

Jade has an amused grin on her face that she's trying to hide as I turn back to the meeting. "Okay, any girls from the team last year that we are hesitant about this year? You might actually have some good insight on this one, Jade. Anyone who created unnecessary drama? Besides you, Robin, and Sammy, about my life?"

"Um, no last year was good. You kept everyone in line and made sure we all knew not to have a bad attitude or cause issues." She collects herself to answer.

"I had a couple girls mention to me that Riley was spreading rumors and stuff during class and talking shit on other team members last year. So maybe just keep our eye out on her a little bit before tryouts. See how true it is. We don't really want that attitude on our team, and she was a decent player but also still middle of the pack." Rachel comments.

"Okay, I'll keep that noted. Was there anything else you guys wanted to go over before school starts next week?"

"Class is still 8th period, right?" Jade asks.

"Yes. I'll text you a copy of the school A day B day schedule, and other than open gyms you only have to come during class. After tryouts obviously we will be having practices everyday."

"Okay. Ya, just send me the schedule and I'll make sure I'm there next Tuesday to announce to the team I'll be coaching. Something is telling me they might like that information." She laughs.

"Might? I think I'm bringing earplugs for that announcement. There will be so much squealing." Will laughs.

"Okay. Well text me if you guys have any questions or concerns before Tuesday. If not, we will see you in class then. I don't have anything else to go over today."

"Thanks, Em. This was a good start to our year." Rachel starts packing up.

"Oh, make sure to check your schedules for the Utah game. We will fly out early on November 20th and fly back after lunch on the 21st. I may be extending my trip for personal reasons but Damron wants to know as soon as possible who of the coaches will be going. I know you might not know until you get started in classes in a couple weeks, Jade, that's okay but as soon as you can. Also if we have ideas for fundraisers for the trip let's go over that with the team next week."

"We will let you know." Will answers the others nodding.

"Perfect. Well, I'll see you guys next week." I walk them all out before heading back to the stairs to find the band.

Ashton's POV

"So you just forgot she was having a meeting today?" Calum smirks, sitting behind my drum kit.

"Completely. She mentioned it like a week ago and I forgot after that. I've been planning other stuff for tonight, and then the whole new single and Pai being involved possibly. I just forgot." I shrug.

"What is tonight?" Luke asks, his eyebrow pulled up with curiosity.

"I met Emmie six months ago. And don't give me shit for being sappy about it. It has been a difficult six months. So I made some cheesy plans to mark the occasion."

"All of Ember's thoughtfulness and cuteness is rubbing off on you, Ash. You're going soft on us." Michael laughs.

"I just want to mark the moment and turn over a new leaf for our next six months. It's going to be easier, and better." I roll my eyes at him.

"So what plans do you have set for tonight?" Cal asks.

"Nothing crazy. Just walk down to the pizza place a couple blocks away and have dinner together. Crystal had Pai because I asked her to play with her until later tonight so I could surprise Em."

"Yes. The munchkin will still be there for me to play with when I get home." Michael grins.

"You're welcome." I chuckle.

"Okay, guys, I'm all yours now. What can I do for you?" Emmie wanders into the room.

"Actually we wanted to ask your permission to have Paislee help us with some promo stuff for our new single." Luke pulls the bandaid off quickly.

"What would she be doing?"

"Wearing a t-shirt with a little bit of information about the single on it." Cal replies.

"That's all? Why do you feel you have to beg for that?"

"No. The part we have to beg you for is still coming." I chuckle, "We would plan this for Friday, and tweet out to the fans that we will be at a certain place. When fans show up at that place they would see us with Pai and then see her promo shirt. The only worrisome part is we don't know how many people might show up."

"You want to take my very shy, very nervous, two year old out into a possible mob situation to promote your new single?" She cocks an eyebrow at us.

"Thus the need to beg for permission." Luke nods.

"What security measures will you have in place for Paislee's safety?"

"So you're not saying no?" Mike grins at her.

"Not yet. Answer the question though or I might."

"David and the team will be with us, five security guys, and I will personally be in charge of Paislee. I won't let her out of my arms if there are any fans around at all. One of our security guys will be specifically in charge of getting Pai out of any situation that turns. I don't think anything will happen like that but just in case."

"She doesn't know any of the security team, if she has to leave with one of them and none of you it isn't going to go over well."

"You could come with us, and leave with Pai if it came to that." Cal suggests.

"I have school stuff all day Friday since school starts up again on Monday." She shakes her head, I can tell she's thinking hard about the promo idea.

"What if Sierra or Crystal comes with? She knows them. If something happens they can go with Paislee and security until Ashton can get back to her." Michael suggests quickly.

"Please, Emmie? The fans love Pai, and it is a unique way to do promo that won't necessarily be something we could do at another time. You know we won't let anything happen to Paislee. We have ten or eleven people who will put her safety before their own. And you know I would never ever let anything happen to her. Please?" I beg.

"Okay. But I swear to all of you, if my baby gets hurt at all, I will shave every last hair off all four of your heads."

"Really? Thank you, Em! You won't regret this! It is going to be a great promo!" Luke grins.

"Just bring my baby home in the same shape she leaves. And maybe put the promo on the back of her shirt. If it gets crowded or anyone tries talking to her directly she will bury herself in Ashton's shoulder." Em chuckles.

"Smart plan. Um, any other concerns you have, Ember?" Mike laughs.

"Just remember she hasn't called him Ash or Ashy in at least two weeks, so the dad thing might come up. But Ashton has to decide if it's worth it to risk that."

"Worth it completely. If the fans find out they find out. They will eventually anyway." I shrug.

"Then I guess Pai is helping you guys out Friday." She smiles finally.

Ember's POV

"You got home sooner than I thought you would." I comment to Ash as the boys leave the house.

"Wanted to ask about the promo with Pai, and spend time with you tonight, take you to dinner." He shrugs.

'Thanks, babe. Is there something special about today?" I chuckle.

"Sort of. But I'll let you figure out what if you don't know already." He laughs as I collect my basketball things and leave the living room.

I rack my brain trying to think what he might be thinking today is as I organize my papers into my school bag. Still clueless when I'm done I grab my phone hoping the fans might know. I sit on the edge of the bed and open Instagram, noticing I have a notification that Ashton tagged me in a post.


Liked by calumhood, sierradeaton, and 393,592 others.
AshtonIrwin: Just some advice, Fall in love with your best friend. Life has been infinitely better since I did.

CalumHood: my best friends are so cute I could barf. I love you two so much!

Anniegirl01: Thanks for loving my sissy so well Mr. Kangaroo. We all love you two together.

Lauren_dawkins: December can't come soon enough. I miss you both so much! Love you guys like crazy! Thank you, Em, for making Ash as happy as you do.

Embere96: I love you, Ashton Fletcher Irwin. You are without a doubt my best friend, and loving you is the most fun I've ever had.

I finally catch on after a minute, realizing it is August 14th. Six months from the day Ashton and I met. I know he is going to give me crap for not holding my own on the argument about when we started dating but I can't help but pull up a post of my own.


Liked by anniegirl01, and 328 others.
EmberE96: From the night we met there has been a spark neither of us could deny. So here's me surrendering to your argument that we began then, I'll sure I'll find a new argument soon. I love you, Ashton, and everything that has come from that little spark.

Ashton's POV

"I'm pretty sure six months isn't for another month." Emmie's crawls onto the couch beside me.

"You figured it out." I chuckle, pulling her into a hug.

"Six months ago today we sat up in my apartment for hours talking about everything under the moon." She grins up at me.

"And we started becoming us." I kiss her nose softly.

"Yes we did." She sighs.

"You know they say the first six months are the hardest." I chuckle, basing my statement on absolutely no factual data.

"At least for us. It was definitely a crazy six months. It tried us hard, so I'm confident we can basically make it through anything else that gets thrown our way."

"We will, I'll make sure of it. All I want is you by my side until the day I die."

"Let's die on the same day when we are old and wrinkly. So I don't have to live a day without you or you a day without me." She laughs.

"If you die before me, I'll die of a broken heart very soon after. I can guarantee it."

"Same. They can write articles and books about it after too."

"And they will. I love you so much, Emmie."

"I love you too, Ash." She leans up, pressing a long kiss to my lips.

"So how about we walk down to that pizza shop you love? We can talk about everything and nothing again over a slice of your favorite pizza?" I smile, tucking her hair out of her face.

"That is the most adorably cheesy thing we could do tonight." She laughs.

"So that's a yes?"

"Let's go."

Shorter chapter. More drama is coming don't worry. I know it's been a little fluffy. It won't last forever.

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I love you guys!!!

~M =)

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