The Heartless Mr.Billionaire...

Harry_Jayrone द्वारा

545K 27.3K 12.9K

#80 in HATRED This is the Sequel to The Heart of Mr.Billionaire... If you haven't read the first story, the... अधिक

The Heartless Mr:Billionaire (BOOK 2)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
A Miracle It Is
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author's Note
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Author's Note
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
New Story!

Chapter 32

7.2K 455 141
Harry_Jayrone द्वारा

Hello My Love Bugs.

I am back sooner than you thought, ain't I? 😂😂

I hope you would all love this one...

Please do VOTE and COMMENT!
There were less comments and votes for the last update. I am so sad!! 😢😢😢

So encourage me with this one! 💪

Happy Reading!!



Twelve days....

Freaking twelve days....

It's been freaking twelve days from not knowing the whereabouts of Emrys...

Neither did he call me nor did he care to drop a single text message telling where he freaking was the past week days... It's almost been two weeks. Plus fell two weeks for our marriage as well. I was getting paranoid to wake up every morning just to know that he was nowhere round the mansion.

Fine, I know I should be happy on the fact that my first class trouble was out of my sight for almost two weeks. But internally I couldn't be. Cause this prudent part of my heart was always overthinking of this assholic husband of mine and his dumb acts as well.

May be he is with Naomi.... It said..

So many what if's were revolving around in my mind making me pathetic every moment my thoughts flew back to them.

And in this case the fault was partly or should I correct, was fully on my side. Cause my over dramatic act turned him down. I knew the very day he was regretting it; the lie which I intentionally wove just to make fun of him. The messy room of his slapped the truth on my face which implied me of his un-said regretion. So this worsened the distress within me.

It's not like I never tried to get him contacted. I tried. I tried through Ethan as well. But not Grandma in this case. If she got to know that Emrys left me alone in this huge monsterous mansion of his just before one week could pass by from our marriage, she would get beyond worried thinking about the irresponsible behaviour of Emrys; which I too partly shared with him in this matter. So I kept it to Ethan and three other friends of mine who daily informed me the consecutive absence of him in the office as well...

And that cut me deep knowing that he was away not only from his house, but from his office and New York as well....

Just like the first day of his not-coming-back-home, I still do have this perks of literally jumping off the seat or bed whenever there came a voice or sound from the hall or the courtyard.. My heart stupidly pounded against the wall of my chest expecting him to be stooping in front of me... But to no avail.

Even I couldn't go out of this mansion. I know that my present title holds as the soon-to-be lunatic kinda thing. I wanted to shout my voice out until that jerk hears me, so that he could come and let me go of this mansion if it were to possibly happen anyways.

Cause I knew he would never let me go of this mansion of his.



"Ma'am! Look Sir is here!" I didn't realise I had been submerging myself in a pool of thoughts as it was abruptly broken by a voice appeared out of nowhere. But the four words rang in that voice were more than enough to give those flutters in the pit of my stomach as though those teenagers would get when they happened to see their crushes passing by... Tweaking me out of my absorption, I looked up to find Laura looking past before me with her beaming eyes.. Excited I looked towards her direction only to see Emrys was basically not live in front me, but live in an interview on the TV.

My heart accelerated as if it just got fueled. His strikingly gorgeous face was cleanly shaven. I have always wondered how he could look this perfect without even a single drop of make-up which we women needed to make us look perfect. In this case he can give a point as he has got something without any effort of himself...

He was truly a hunk.. A hunk who could get women drooling behind him. He had suited a jet black armani whilst combing his short brown locks back. It seemed he has recently trimmed his brown hair short. After I had myself drawn out of my admiring land, I quickly turned to pay attention on what they were interviewing him about. He seemed happy by the beaming looks of his face; Fuck whilst I am  getting sick-worried of him thinking what happened to him.

It was all about his talents and potentials on achieving the major success in the business world. He has named as the top businessman of America for the third consecutive time....

He is literally a fighter....

I couldn't be happier....

Yet I was worried of him not letting me know or sharing this good news of him with me....

He has his own issues....

They are too complicated and not compatible at times.

He truly can't behave as an actual man.... He needs to be trained well...


I fisted my hand on the couch before brewing myself in hundred pure anger. I angrily turned the TV off before gliding back to the room; his room...


"Ma'am.... Your dinner is done..." Laura said peeping her head at the door...

"I am not hungry Laura..." I replied nonchalantly...

"You sound sick... Are you alright? You didn't eat your lunch too..." She asked striding towards me....

"I am fine.." I wearily answered her again..

She perched herself next to me before checking on me planting her hand on my forehead...

"No, I am good...." I really didn't feel well. My body was paining. Especially my thigh muscles....

"Would you prefer a soup?" She asked with full of concern.

"I prefer a well-earned sleep now..."

"Okay my child have a sleep then. But if you feel hungry, I am there. Call me.. I'll bring it up here..." she said mildly caressing my forearm.

"Sure, thank you Laura." She was truly a mother figure who took care of me even more than I needed. The thought cringed me to my heart. I missed my mom and whole family a lot.. Shaking my head, I darted an impatient look to the other side of the bed which was void at the moment.

It was yet cold with the absence of the true owner of the whole king-sized bed... If he were here, I would be quarreling or fighting with him like those kindergarten kids do.... Sometimes he held himself back from shouting at me or punishing me and left without a fight.. Wish he were here on his side of the bed. At least I would be feeling relieved to know he is under this roof.... And now I miss him way too much. I didn't know for good or bad.... But I do miss him... I lay down with that notion nagging in me until my weary eyes drooped close to sleep....

I didn't feel right with my body as I felt a discomfort swell through my nether region followed by the shooting pain in my abdomen as well.. I held my tummy tight and changed the positions of my body in the bed just trying to throw myself back to sleep again. But the sudden fluid in between my inner thighs shot my eyes open in sheer realization...

Oh my! I was due in two days....

And it has arrived early this time....

My menstruatoin is a sucker you know.... My stomach is not in its good vibes when I have it..  When I get my periods, I normally go through a breast pain rather than this thigh pain which too just occurred today for the first time. But these menstrual cramps were the same. It was so intense. Beyond unbearable.

Realising I would suck this up in the bed, I jumped off the bed holding my abdomen even though my body was weak to do so right now. I hastily collected a nightgown; even truly not knowing whether it was a nightgown if my sight didn't suck and the things which included a sanitary napkin that I needed for a change before sliding myself inside the bathroom....

After doing my business, I chucked my spoilt dress to the laundry before putting my nightgown on.. Cause I was not in a mood to clean it up now. As I was about to glide out, I quickly felt these cramps in my abdomen getting increased a little by little. I held onto the wall trying to control it. But there was no way that it was gonna get down any time soon. The droplets of sweat started to glisten my body as the dizziness came flowing to me in one fluid motion. I couldn't remember where I put my pain relievers....

Damn they are in my home.

This is my first menstrual moment here in this new place. The despair clung at my heart. Little groans escaped past my lips as the stars blinked in front of my eyes. I tried my best to creak the door open with my fumbling fingers, and I surprisingly succeeded. As I stumbled out with my weak steps I realised I couldn't hold this back anymore as I was instantly embraced by the thick cover of darkness the sooner my legs gave out......


I was awaken to the slight sound of some metal; the sound you would hear as if someone places a tray or something on a table and that's what I heard now... Laura would be the only one who was so concerened about my sleep and not to make noise while I am asleep. Then I heard the door get opening and closing and she was out I guessed.... Pushing it back, I adjusted myself more in the bed. I didn't have the perk of waking up anytime soon.... My body was still in discomfort from my monthly sickness. So I was too exhausted to think about anything right now... But something suddenly dawned upon me out of the blue....

I had the clear memory of myself passing out on the floor... So how come on earth I am lying on the bed?

Emrys! Even a little hazy moment which I was unaware of, brought his name back to my mind.

Did he come?

No way!

With that blurred thought, I sat upright and looked around the room to find the evidence of his come-back. But there was none much to my disappointment. Everything was the way they were before, except my heart.

But if he were here, that would have been a first class embarrassment....

I turned to my right side to find a glass full of water standing on the nightstand along with a card of pain relievers--Advil.

I took it in my hand and smiled thinking about Laura.

If she were not here, I would have been a corpse by now, I am sure of it.... How concern she is...? She is full of beans....

I wearily dragged myself out of the bed to the bathroom after I had grabbed a comfy pair of shorts, a tank top and the other things as well. The sooner I entered in, my eyes osculated at the laundry bin which was piled up with another fabric; the quilt of the bed which had lain over the bed just before I went to sleep last night... It had been on the bed the past week...

How come is it here?

I picked it up off the bin to observe it and my whole body was shooked the moment my eyes absorbed the stain of blood in it.....

Fuck!! I have done it!!

How could I let someone pick my dirt like this?


Laura is doing too much for me....

After doing all the laundry and cleaning I got myself freshed and came downstairs as my tummy was growling with hunger since I had run out of two meals yesterday. The energy was draining out of me... I prompted myself straight to the pantry where Laura was working in full of beans as she was singing a song which she got baffled the next instant. I was smiling and watching her in her sweet movements with my hands crossed below my bossom.... As she baffled and stammered I joined her and sang along with her....

"Oh...!" She instantly twirled round and stopped singing, seeing me stand next to her. Her cheeks tinted the colour red so damn quickly..

"Why? Why did you stop? That was really nice Laura. Please continue it..."

"I didn't know you were watching me..."

"Why? Are you feeling shy?" I got closer to her...

"You should not be feeling shy to show your real self.... That was so energetic you know. I like you that way..."

"Thank you Ma'Lady..."

"Stop giving me names Lara. I have asked you to call me by my name. Even my child is doing better.."

"You are too doing the same..."


"Like you turned my name Laura to Lara."

"That's simply comfortable to pronounce..."

"Hahah. Good for you then. So what do you prefer to have? A hot chocolate milkshake or coffee.."

"Can I prepare it myself....?" I pleaded with my puppy eyes.

"Of course you can..." she agreed surprisingly for the first time. Yes, she is keeping my promise from early days..

I walked towards the pantry cupboard to grab the things I needed to prepare myself a mug of coffee.

"You look so happy today. Not worn out or jaded at all..." she said observing me.

"Uh! It's nothing at all... Just the time.."

"Oh! I know the reason though." I quickly directed my head towards her stopping my work.
She had a sly smirk plastered across her face....

What does she imply?

"What do you mean?"

"It's- it's nothing at all. I just felt it that way..."

"Oh! But you know you can be cheesy too at times..."

"I know, I know.." she giggled...

"And thank you so much for doing all these things Lara.... You are beyond a mother..."

"It's my pleasure child. You won my heart on very first day you came here." her eyes sparked with joy.

"But you know--- giving Advil this morning is so precious. It relieved my cramps.. But you could not have removed my dirty quilts last night. I would have done it myself, you know.." I immensely felt pitty for her.. Just because some people care for us, we should not let them do our dirty clothes.. That is so disgraceful...

Laura's brows crinkled and pure confusion had stuck on her facial features... "Quilts?"

"Yes, the ones I got---Oh god Lara---you already know what I mean...."

She seemed pondering for some moment as though she did have no idea about what I was talking of.... But in an instant a very wide smile spread across her face as she looked me back directly.....

I looked at her as if she had grown two heads or something similar to that.

"Oh my! I know what you mean..."

"But you shou---"

"Wait my child! I didn't complete yet.."


"Didn't I say you two have made for each other?"

"You are confusing me now...."

"You better be! Well, let me explain you everything.."

"Okay do it quickly..."

"I was not the one to remove your quilts..."

"WHAT?" My mouth fell agape like a fish's... "Then who?" The curiosity was killing my insides...

"Who else can it be other than me? It's none other than your husband!" She shot the bomb and I was the one to get attacked.

The pupils in my eyes could be scattered on the floor like those two skeleton monsters in Scooby Doo movie... "No way!"

"Yes way, my child!"

My insides got shivered as if I got a sudden current pass through me....

Now I should be the one to hide myself away from him for the upcoming days...

"It's confirmed now..."

"Confirmed what?"

"You are that special one in his life.... Didn't I say before you were the first woman to come to his mansion. And he had never stayed here for more than a day. He practically had a visit once a year or twice only. But now he has returned from his work after almost two weeks. So what does it imply?"

"What? You are talking nonsense Lara..."

"No my child I am talking the truth. It's confirmed. Sir is head over heels in love with you..."

With those words not only did my whole body shook, but my whole soul left shooked to its tinniest cell.....

"Else no man would have removed those dirty quilts as you say nor would he bring those pain relievers for his wife...."

What? Wait? Pain relievers? I gulped in discomfort. Why this day has to be full of surprises?

Did he bring those Advils for me himelf?

Holy freaking shit!!

For the second time again I went frozen on my spot....

This is delusional....

Can anybody please throw a bucket full of cold water at me and draw me out of this trance so damn quickly.

Else I would be frozen dead here in this place.....

Oh fucking shit!


I hope you have all enjoyed this!

So what do you think guys...

Well! The story will be ended with -10 chapters. I hope to finish it quickly.

Next will be coming soon.

Please do VOTE and COMMENT!

It's really imortant to me... (*puppy eyes 🐶🐶)

Thank You!

Much love!! ❤❤



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