Pivotal (Sasuke and Hinata)

By misszerophantomhive

124K 4.7K 551

Shhh...This is a secret relationship between Sasuke and Hinata...*silent* More

Backstory 1
Backstory 2
Backstory 3


2.2K 98 10
By misszerophantomhive

As soon as Hinata arrived at the district, she notice Naruto and Sasuke were fighting each other. Kakashi sensei and Sakura were there too but they just watched from the side. It seemed that Sakura might be injured when she tried to stop them from fighting. Hinata didn't have the courage to step closer. She thought that she wasn't strong enough to stop the fight.

Hinata was just standing at the same place, thinking what she could do. But it wasn't long before she heard a body flopped to the ground.

"S-Sasuke," muttered Hinata shocked.

Sasuke's body was laying helplessly on the ground. He tried to move but failed. That was when Hinata felt a 'pang' in her heart. Without thinking twice, she ran towards Sasuke.

Naruto walked closer towards Sasuke as he want to make sure he was still alive. But suddenly, something passed him and stand firm in front of Sasuke.

"Hina-," said Naruto.

"DON'T COME CLOSER!!" screamed Hinata with bloodshot eyes. She stand guard in front of Sasuke, glaring at Naruto.

"Hinata, what are you doing?" shouted Sakura from afar.

"Y-yeah, Hinata, you shouldn't be here," said Naruto as he tried to step closer.

"Take one more step and your life gonna end here!" said Hinata revealing her Byakugan.

Sasuke suddenly grabbed Hinata from behind and pull her closer to him as he whispered, "What the hell are you thinking?!"

Shocked by the sudden movement, Naruto quickly on his attacked mode and said, "Let go of Hinata, Sasuke!!".

Hinata didn't said a word. She kept holding onto Sasuke's arm that grabbed her by the neck. She knew that she had to do something.

Naruto launched an attack thinking that Sasuke would let go of Hinata, but it was the opposite. Hinata herself disrupted the attack causing a massive dust in the air. Using that as a cover, Hinata dragged Sasuke out of the village.

Sasuke barely kept his conciousness as Hinata pulled his hand, leading him far from the village.

"Hinata," said Sasuke but Hinata didn't stop running and keep dragging him.

"Hinata! Stop!!" he shouted and Hinata finally stopped. She still holding his hand and face forward without looking at Sasuke.

"Are you out of your mind?!! You could get killed in that attack just now!" Sasuke shouted at her. "Do you really want to die?!!"

Hinata let go of his hand and turn around to face Sasuke. She was crying. Hinata actually crying all the way until now.

She wiped her tears and said, "Then... Should I let you die like that? Do you think I would just sit back and do nothing while you're fighting for your life? Or should I said MY life too?!"

She looked at Sasuke and try to stay calm. "I don't even understand myself. I don't even know what I'm trying to save? You or myself? This whole thing are making me confused and I just can't leave you like this," said Hinata.

Sasuke rested at the neareat tree and flopped down. Somehow what Hinata said was right. He calm down and said, "You have to go back before it's too late."

"What do you mean? Too late?" asked Hinata.

"Just go back to that damn village already!! Explain yourself before it's too late. Tell them I'm the one who threaten you," said Sasuke as he stood up.

Hinata's face darken.

"Huh, don't tell me you just realize what you actually did?" said Sasuke sarcastically.

"Are you saying that I did some serious crime back then? But I was just helping you that all," said Hinata.

"You fool. Whom are you trying to help? A criminal. A rogue ninja. So that makes you a partner in crime. Just use your head!"

"T-They would never caught me. I-I'm just- I'll going to explain to them," said Hinata as she wanted to go back.

"Wait Hinata. You can't go!!" A familiar voice call out for her.

"Suigetsu. Karin and Juugo. Where have you been?" asked Hinata.

Juugo quickly said, "You can't go back to the village, Hinata. There's rumors spreading around the village saying that you are one of us now."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" said Hinata.

"Juugo is right, Hinata. The rumors practically saying that you betray the village. The authority might hunt you down if you went back," said Karin.

Hinata almost lose her balance but Suigetsu caught her in time. "Hinata, are you-"

"I have to go back," said Hinata. "I need to go back. I'll explain everything and then it should be fine... Right?"

"Don't be stupid, Hinata!!" shouted Sasuke. "If everything would settle with just by talking, there would be no war in this world."

"Then.. What should I do, Sasuke? What should I do now?" Hinata said as she can't hold her tears any longer. "Suigetsu, tell me. What can I do to make everything right? Juugo? Karin? Please...tell me. There must be something that I can do... Right?"

Tears kept flowing on Hinata's face as she can't accept what's going on. Her journey and fate after this might change forever.

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