The Power Of ASEAN!!!

By aSeCreTfANgurL

7.8K 207 117

"With great power, comes great responsibility." -Marvel's Spiderman In the world of... More

Before We Start...
What's Your Problem, Malaysia?
Author's Note
What Happened to Myan?!
The Adventure of Cooking With Indonesia And Timor Leste Part 1
Happy Independence Day, Philippines!!! :)
What?! This Can't Be Happening!!!
Christmas Special

The Lost Durian (Part 1)

521 24 3
By aSeCreTfANgurL

Author: Yo! What's up, dudes~

Philippines: Heya! Speak properly, young woman.


*Author sweat dropped*

Author: Aiya, true, that's why I'm bringing~

Indonesia: THE SEXY BACK!!! *flips hair*

Vietnam: Sis, we're in a book, not a music video.

*POP! Goes Laos*

Laos: *asks* But who's "The Sexy" one?

*everything remained silent*

Laos: If no one, then I shall be!

*Indonesia slaps Laos' face*

Indonesia: No, it's I! *flips hair*

Philippines: This dalagang Pilipina is "The Sexy" one!

Author: *talks to Philippines* Wait, are you too old to be call "dalaga"?

*the three little countries are arguing*

*Thailand interrupts*

Thailand: NO!!!

*the three become silent*

Thailand: The "Sexy" one is Vietnam! *hugs the Vietnamese*

Vietnam: *is stuck in the hug* Wait, No! Why did you put me into this situation?!

*everyone becomes noisy again*

Author: *talks to the readers* Let's just cut things out for now...


Narrator:  Three o'clock in the afternoon, Philippine time, a sunny day here in the country of Philippines to have a hearty snack.

*Indonesia barges into a wooden door of Philippines' house*

Indonesia: *shouts* Yo! What's up, Asians!

*the Singaporean stands up*

Singapore: You're late, young woman! How many times do I had to tell you to come here at Two o'clock~

Indonesia: *smirks* Well, duh, it's~

Singapore: *make a serious glare* Two o'clock, Philippine Time!

*Indonesia frowns*

Indonesia: Why didn't you tell me earlier?

*Singapore face palmed*


Indonesia: *sweat dropped* Oh... I thought you said it's Philippines' time to host our meeting.

*Brunei interrupts*

Brunei: I think he said "Two o'clock, Philippine Time, is the start of meeting here in the Philippines to host the important meeting by Philippines."

*Singapore looks down*

Singapore: *whispers to himself* I rather be drown in an ocean, rather than be saved by any moron country out there.

Brunei: Are you saying that you don't want to be saved by yourself?

*dark aura surrounded the Singaporean*

Singapore: *glares at Brunei* Want me to summon the King of the Depths of Eyebrows?.... *takes Indo's spell book*

*Brunei gulps*

*door opens*

*Singapore jumps into Brunei*

Brunei: *is carrying Singapore* My dear lion, you're very heavy!

"How about I summon your merienda, boys?"

*Brunei looks at the opened door*

Brunei: That voice! Isn't that...

Philippines: *smiles* Hello, warriors!

*Indonesia points her laddle at Philippines*

Indonesia: *is angry* Take that back, Phili. I'm not a boy!

*Myanmar holds Indonesia's shoulders*

Myanmar *tries to calm the Indonesian* Now, now, Indonesia. It's just a word! Nothing to fight for.

*Indonesia pushes the Burmese away from her*

Indonesia: *smirks at Myanmar* What if I give you a two-word nickname?

*Myanmar returns the smirk*

Myanmar: What would it be? Too Handsome?

Indonesia: It's "East India"!

Myanmar: *frowns* *gets angry* Hey! Who do you think you are? The Great Eyebrows?!

Indonesia: *being sarcastic* Well, it's true that you're the east of India, right?

*Myanmar glares at the Indonesian*

Myanmar: You know that those two words mean deeper things to me!

*A spark appeared between Myanmar and Indonesia*

*Thailand interferes*

Thailand: Now, now, warriors, this meeting's for uniting people, not dividing people.

Philippines: And my adobo will be sad because you don't take a taste from it! *shows her bowl of adobo*

*Malaysia comes in the house*

Malaysia: *walks in quickly* Yo, folks. Selamat petang!

Singapore: *growls at Malaysia* Hey, you're late!

Cambodia: Malaysia is also late?

Malaysia: Sorry about that, bro, but I'm from a grand opening of a new mall in Kuala Lumpur and I can't miss it. Yet, I'm still busy with other stuff like attending a meeting with Canada.

Laos: Good thing, you didn't forget that important meeting...

Malaysia: Anyway, can you handle this durian for the moment I'm gone.

*Malaysia gives durian to Singapore*

The other ASEAN: *whispers to Singapore* Say "no", say "no"!

Singapore: *smirks* Eh... Of course, there's no way I'll reject being a guardian to a little durian.

Malaysia: It's good to hear it from you, bro. Bye *gone to work*

Vietnam: *stamps towards Singapore* WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU THINKING, SINGA?!

Singapore: Haha... Isn't it funny that you, guys, wants to say no for a durian!

*Vietnam furiously pulls Singapore's batik*

Vietnam: YOU REALLY DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THAT DURIAN!!! *points at Malaysia's durian*
Singapore: *rolls eyes* Of course, I know something. The durian~

Vietnam: *shouts* IS AN EVIL THING!!!! *takes the durian from Singapore hands*

Singapore: Hey, Viet!

*Vietnam places the durian at the edge of the house, near the door*

Singapore: The heck, Vietnam. What's going onto you?

Philippines: Maybe I should tell him~


Timor Leste: *giggles* No need to tell that 'coz you're already an idiot!

Singapore: *shouts at Timor* SHUT UP!!!

Philippines: I want to explain to you that...

Singapore: That...

Philippines: That you all had been ignoring my adobo.

*Singapore face palmed*

*Singapore breaks the fourth wall*

Singapore: Dang it, Author, you're the one who has authority over this piece of writing. Why is this a long and stupid chapter?! I'm being a stupid yet idiot character here!

*Author appears from the door*

Author: Good thing you know because I'd just made you say that!

Singapore: Wait, what?!

Author: *smiles innocently* Oh, nothing!

Singapore: Well then....

*Singapore is very frustrated*


Thailand: Looks like Singapore is very FRUITrasted with you guys. Get it?! *laughs*

Cambodia: *whispers at Thailand* Shh! You're not helping, Thailand!

Singapore: *sighs* At least, someone knows what I'm feeling right now.

Brunei: Eh?

Singapore: *yawns* And maybe a rest is not unworthy to do.

Philippines: There's a kama at my bedroom~

Indonesia: For sure, Philippines....

Narrator: So, the Singaporean take a little nap. After a few minutes, Singapore had done his nap.

*Singapore stretches his arms*

Singapore: *yawns* What a day!

*Singapore looks around*

Singapore: Hey, where's everyone?

*Singapore spots no fruit around*

Singapore: *is shocked* INCLUDING THE DURIAN!!

*the door opens*

Timor Leste: Ola, Singapore! It seems that you're up!

Singapore: *sees Timor Leste* Philippines!!!

*Timor Leste turns at his back*

*Timor Leste sees no one*

Timor Leste: *points at himself* Me?!

*Singapore shakes Timor Leste's body forcefully*


*Timor Leste shoves Singapore away from him*

Timor Leste: Whoa, Cingapura! Calm down!

Singapore: Why would I calm down, Phi~

Timor Leste: And I'm not Philippines!

Singapore: Wait, what?! * rubs his eyes*

Timor: You don't have your eyeglasses!

*Timor Leste flies into the bedroom*

*Timor Leste returns*

Timor: Here it is. *gives eyeglasses to Singapore*

Singapore: Yo, thanks! *gets his eyeglasses* *puts it on*

Timor Leste: Now, see me right?

Singapore: I can see that you're on my left side. Now, where's that durian?!

Timor Leste: Don't know, irmão.

*the other ASEANs come in*

Cambodia: Hey, Singapore!

Singapore: Have you seen  durian?

Cambodia: Nope, sorry.

Singapore: BRO-nei!!!

Brunei: Did you just make a pun 'bout me?! MY LIFE IS NOT A JOKE!!!

Singapore: Durian

Brunei: Ah...

Singapore: The durian!

Brunei: Ehh...

Singapore: *screams* THE DURIAN!!!!!


*Indonesia pops out of nowhere*

Indonesia: Oh! Are we singing the vowels, Brunei?

Singapore: Indo!!! Have you seen the durian?!!!!

Indonesia: Nuuu....

*Singapore gets FRUITrasted again*

*Vietnam and Philippines come in*

Vietnam: *is talking to Phili* What do you say we do the smackin' China tomorrow again?

Philippines: *is delighted* Do you need to ask me that?!
*Singapore appears in front of Viet and Phili*

Singapore: *is in distressed* YO, HAVE YOU SEEN THE DURIAN?!

Vietnam: *talks in deep voice* You mean the durian of the Malay.......

Singapore: *gulps* Yesss..... *starting to shiver*

Vietnam: *laughs* I knew it's true!!!

Philippines: *becomes worried* Oh no! You lost the durian?!

Singapore: *returns to normal* *speaks properly*  But, first things first. Have you seen the durian?

Philippines: Nope

*Singapore kneels down*

Singapore: *cries dramatically* YES!!! I LOST THE DURIAN!!!

*everyone gasps*

Laos: Wait, you really lost it? *asks Singapore*

Singapore: *talks sarcastically* Oh, of course not! First I peeled the durian, then ate it!! Num, num, num!

Myanmar: You know that there's no knife at a guest room.

*Singapore kneels down, again*

Singapore: *cries like a drama queen* OF COURSE THERE'S NO KNIFE AT A GUEST ROOM!!! HUHUHU!!!

Cambodia: Then, why are there weapons at the couch? *points at the couch*

Brunei: *gives moral support* Hey, cheer up, Singa-POOR.

Singapore: Shut up, I'm not PUN-ny.

Brunei: Anyway, we'll help you find that fruit. Because, we, ASEANs, experienced your sufferings.

Timor Leste: Except for me for I'm no ASEAN.

Thailand: We'll help you find it, ana!

Indonesia: No job's too big, no ASEAN's too small!

Philippines: We're all in this together, Singa!

*Singapore stands up*

Singapore: YOU'RE RIGHT, ASEANs!

*every ASEAN country cheers*

Singapore: Together, we'll find that pesky durian, ASEAN!


Singapore: ASEAN, let's roll!!

Narrator: And so, the ASEAN is gone to the world to look for one durian. Will the ASEAN find the durian of the Malay?


Narrator: Yeah, yeah, so just stay tune for the next chapter with the ASEAN.

Timor Leste: And me!!!


Some Readers: So, what happened next?

Author: Please, notice the Narrator!

Philippines: Yeah, what happened next?

Readers: Please, notice the Author!

Cambodia: Hey Philippines

Philippines: Yees?

Cambodia: What happened to the adobo?

Philippines: Please, notice the Readers!

*Cambodia face palmed*

Philippines: Just kidding! I ate the adobo.

Cambodia: You can ate that kind of size of adobo? *points at a huge bowl which the adobo was placed*

Philippines: Of course, I have a mouth.

Singapore: What a ridiculous story to hear about one durian, just one, being worried for!

Brunei: Well, what's more ridiculous is that there's a Singaporean, just one, is totally crying for one durian!

Indonesia: Shut up, you two. Respect author's ideas.

Author: *hugs Indo* Aaawww, you love me, didn't you?

Indonesia: It's not like what you're thinking, sis!

*Thailand is carrying a sign*

Vietnam: What's with the sign, Thailand?

Thailand: *smiles* Well, it's a sign saying "Puns Alert", ana.

Timor Leste: So it's for this chapter? Great idea!

Myanmar: Great idea, but the readers already read the chapter.

Thailand: Oh...

Laos: Well, not at this point for sure.

Author: Anyway~ *being shoved by Philippines*

Philippines: Now, please vote for this chapter~

Brunei: And also, for this whole book!

Thailand: Don't forget to be updated with this book, readers, ana!

Readers: Of course, we're always updated!

Author: *sweat dropped* Only me is not updating. Hehe

Cambodia: And we'll see you next time!

Brunei: And I'll see Malaysia next time...

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