Nuance | Chanrosé

Por chanroseaus

13.8K 771 513

‪Genre: Drama/Psychological Thriller A good bad luck; Rosie becomes a tutor for the only daughter of business... Más

#1 - Celebration
#2 - The Interview
#3 - Moving to Park Mansion
#4 First Day
#6 - Mother
#7 - Intervention
#8 - Secret
I, too, wish this was an update

#5 - Journal

1K 85 135
Por chanroseaus

It had been a week since Rosie arrived at the Park mansion to work as a tutor—or should she say: an impromptu and faking tutor—for Park Yoojung, the little being who hadn't fully accepted Rosie's role in her house.

And her job was far from easy.

Yoojung showed little interest in any lesson. She spoke only when Rosie asked her, as if she was this kind of static machine that would only work when someone operated her. Although she did anything Rosie asked her to do, it was not the outcome that Rosie wished to see. On top of that, Yoojung never showed any enthusiasm whenever they were together. She would always sulk and frown. Every day seemed like a bad day for Yoojung. She just wouldn't smile, and her gaze always felt impudent. Rosie tried everything to gain her respect and attention but it all seemed useless. Her presence was clearly not wanted.

"You know you can ask questions if there's something you don't understand," Rosie said smiling.

Yoojung just kept silent and stood up from her seat, then proceeded to grab her books and stormed off the study. That day's session was already over. Rosie let out a big sigh as she watched Yoojung's thin figure slowly disappeared from her sight, going upstairs to where her room was.

Why am I even trying?

When Rosie was about to leave the study, something on the floor caught her attention. It was a small, black leather notebook with a shining gold 'S' engraved on the cover. It must've belonged to Yoojung. Curious, Rosie picked it up and opened it carefully. She was certain that it was the notebook that Yoojung used to write down stuff from the tutoring session. She flipped over written pages of the book; not realizing that it was actually a personal journal, until she got to certain page of the book.

January 11th

Mom broke the ceramic again. Dad was really mad, he yelled and got mom crying. I told him it was my fault but he didn't believe me. I wanted to stop mom from crying but uncle Soo took me out for lunch. I didn't want to leave but he insisted, and said that we'd be going to a pizza shop. I really can't say no to pizzas, and I was kinda hungry, so I tagged along with him.

We ordered one big pan of pizza. It was pepperoni... My favorite. It's mom's favorite too but she doesn't like if it's too cheesy. Well, I think she hasn't realized that cheese makes everything better. I ate four slices and almost puked the last one. Uncle Soo scolded me for not knowing when to stop eating, but he ordered another glass of water to make my stomach feel better. When I finished eating I realized that uncle Soo hadn't eat anything... He said he was full and already ate before he came to my house. We took the remaining pizza slices home. I wanted to give it to mom because I know she hadn't eaten since morning. And she loves pepperoni as much as I am.

When we went back home, it was already quiet. The butlers have cleaned up the shattered pieces. Everything looked the usual. I didn't see dad's car in front of the house... I guess he left. I'm happy. I hope he won't return anytime soon. I don't know what happened while I was away but mom was somehow sleeping peacefully in her bed. Her cheeks were still red, and her eyes were still puffy from all the crying. She frowned in her sleep, but I think she still looked pretty. Her hair was messy though. Poor mom... I wish she will stop crying constantly because it makes her look thin. It's not good.

I wanted to take a nap besides mom but uncle Soo forbade me to do so. He said she needed some rest. He told me to go to my room so I did. After an hour, I left my room to get some water, but I saw uncle Soo.....

"What do YOU think you're doing?" Yoojung snarled as she hastily walked towards Rosie and yanked the notebook away from Rosie's hands. She then glared at Rosie, waiting for an explanation. Both of her hands clutched the book tightly in front of her chest. She was furious, but she was also shaking. Her rather tall figure for a middle school student stood firmly in front of Rosie who was much taller than her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"I hate YOU," Yoojung cried and stomped her way out, making that loud cackling noise again with her mid-heeled pumps stepping against the cold marble floor.

Rosie needed a moment to comprehend everything that just happened. She was too speechless that she didn't bother to catch up with Yoojung who already ran upstairs. Her mind was actually occupied thinking about the bit of story she just read. She was correct. Something was going on in the family. Yoojung didn't have a good relationship with her own dad, and seemingly Chanyeol and Sooyoung weren't in good terms either. It wasn't like what Kyungsoo tried to tell Rosie; that they were a happy little family, until an unwanted guest called death came knocking to their door.

Rosie immediately went upstairs to confront Yoojung the moment she came to her senses. She tried knocking on the little girl's door several times, but no answer was heard.

"Yoojung please, I'm sorry...  I didn't mean it," Rosie pleaded.

The concern that Rosie had at that time wasn't about losing her job for making the boss' daughter upset. No, she was more concerned of genuinely offending Yoojung and that the bad mental image that the young girl had in her mind turned out to be true. She didn't read the journal on purpose, she could swear on that. She thought the little black book was some kind of journal where Yoojung take notes during the tutoring session. If she knew that it was Yoojung's personal diary, she wouldn't dare to read it—not even lay a finger on it.

"You made her lock herself in her own room already?", a familiar gruff voice greeted and almost made Rosie jump from her position. Chanyeol was seen standing not far away behind Rosie.

"It- it happened before?"

"With the previous tutors, yes."

"Wait! We need to talk about Yoojung's progress," Rosie called, stopping Chanyeol who was already walking away. "And my salary. And other things too."

Chanyeol turned around and sighed. "Of course. But I don't have that much time. Follow me."

They went to another study in the mansion. It was located on the west side of the second floor, where there was a huge window at the end of the hall facing the backyard. The warm sunlight seemed to be coming in more at this side of the house. The hall seemed more lively with all the light; but everything was still fearsomely clean and vacant. There were at least four rooms on the west hall, with two doors were placed across the other two. Chanyeol stopped at one of the door on the right side of the hall from where they came. 

"After you," he said after opening the door widely.

Rosie stepped inside the study carefully. Everything inside seemed quite stark. There wasn't really many color found, just like the rest of the mansion. Despite the dullness, everything managed to look elegant. If it wasn't because of Rosie's preference, the room would genuinely look interesting.

"Please have a seat," Chanyeol waved at the chair in front a desk that seemed a little messy from afar off. 

There was a pile of documents arranged unevenly on the polished desk. A glass ashtray that was half full with cigarette butts was seen near the papers. Rosie concluded that the man in front of her was a smoker and probably the heavy one. She thought his low and raspy voice was natural, but apparently the smoking had something to do with it. When she sat down, a strong scent of cigarette's smoke abruptly lingered around her nose. Chanyeol must've had just finished smoking not long ago.

"So, how is she?" Chanyeol asked. 

"I think you know my answer. She's been refusing me since day one and it's already been a week," Rosie responded quickly.

"I suppose that it's your job to make her like you. To listen to you."

"I can't make her like me if I don't know what her problem is."

"I'm sure that the problem is not her... Maybe you're just incapable of your job, Miss Park."

"Oh, I strongly agree to that. She is never the problem, but your family is."

Chanyeol's gaze immediately averted from the view outside of the study's window to the woman in front of him. "Excuse me?"

"The reason why your daughter is mad at me because I accidentally read her personal journal. Firstly, I'm not a nosy person. I didn't do it on purpose. I thought it was some book where she writes down everything from the tutoring session so I opened it. I happened to read one of the dates and... It looks like she didn't grow up in a healthy surrounding. You often fight with your wife in front of her. It is-"

"NOTHING is wrong with it!", Chanyeol snapped as he hit his palm against the desk's surface loudly. It was too sudden and too hard that Rosie nearly jumped from her seat. Chanyeol's gaze wasn't as soft as before.

"She is affected by it, can't you see? At first I thought she acts the way she is because she's missing her mother, but turned out there's more than that."

"You read one page of her diary and suddenly you know everything about her life. Cut it off."

"Sir, I'm trying to help your-"

"You're not even a real tutor, Miss Park. I get that you're just trying to act like one, but you're overdoing it."

"Then why am I here? Why did you decide to accept me? You're clearly aware that I never meant to apply as your daughter's tutor."

"You're here because you need the money. I never need you. You're the one who needs me."

Rosie grinned in disbelief. She felt like her pride had just been crushed like it was nothing. True, that the sole reason why she accepted the offer was to quickly pay off her loans. But she slowly found this job interesting, that she genuinely grew fond of Yoojung to the point that she wanted to help her. Chanyeol didn't need to spit out his words like that, making Rosie seem like she only lived to earn money and downgrading her value as a person. 

"Then I guess it won't be a big deal for you if I leave. Right now," Rosie said as she got up from her seat without even looking at Chanyeol, who still looked calm and unfazed. She flounced her way out of the study, not caring about looking rude or anything. All she thought about was leaving that place immediately. She was offended. 

"I suppose you already forgot about the contract that you signed before you arrived here," Chanyeol said sharply, stopping Rosie even before she got to grab the door's handle completely. 

Rosie shut her eyes tightly, trying to suppress her own feelings. She just remembered about it. Before she moved to the mansion, Kyungsoo handed her a contract with all the conditions that she must agree with. One of it was that she must stay as a home tutor until the very end, which was six months from the contract signing. She signed it without hesitation because she thought that nothing could go wrong with the job. And now she kind of regret it.

"I must admit that you're braver than the others. But that doesn't give you anything. You're here to teach my daughter. You're not here to be her psychologist and analyze her however you want. All I want to hear from you is only how she's doing with her grades, not how she's feeling today. I don't need a stranger to teach me how to deal with my family, you know?"

Rosie stood still, back facing Chanyeol who was still sitting in the same position. "I understand," she said in defeat.

"About your paycheck," Chanyeol said curtly before getting up from his seat. "Kyungsoo will transfer your first salary tomorrow. I know that you badly need it to shut those loan sharks up for now."

Rosie didn't wait any command for her to leave. She immediately opened the door and walk out of the study feeling cross. She didn't even return Kyungsoo's warm greeting when they met each other at the the stairs. She just walked past him as if he was just a speck of dust on a motionless painting that was hung on the wall, not quite important to be regarded. Of course, Kyungsoo wasn't quick to feel offended. He realized where Rosie was coming from or who she was meeting. Something very disagreeable must've happened, he thought.

"What did you say to her?" Kyungsoo asked after he closed the door behind him.

Chanyeol was standing in front of the window. His eyes observed the gardeners who were busy trimming the bushes that were overgrown. "I should be the one who ask that question."

"I don't understand."

"Does she know?"


"She musn't know. No one must."

"Why did Yoojung lock herself in her room again?"

"The tutor accidentally read her journal and she found out."

Kyungsoo let out a heavy sigh. "Did she mention what was written inside?"

"She concluded that I fought a lot with Sooyoung."

"Well, isn't that what happened?"

Chanyeol turned around reluctantly. "Why did you come here?"

"The school committee wants to see you. They want to discuss about Yoojung."

"Is there even anything left to discuss?"

"You need to realize that bribing them with a lot of money won't solve the problem. You can make her stay in that school forever, but you know sooner or later they will have enough of her behavior. She doesn't even make any effort."

"Oh, please. She's just a child."

"For how long? She's twelve. She's mature enough to realize her own actions."

"What do you expect me to do then? Home school her and lock her up inside the house until she stops acting like that?"

Kyungsoo shook his head slowly. "You just don't understand, do you?"

"If you care that much about her, why don't you just adopt her and take care of her? Make her your own child, so I have one less burden in my life. Spare me from all of this."

"You're a piece of shit, Chanyeol. You don't deserve to be a father."

"I never intended to be one either. You know that very well."

Kyungsoo widened his eyes in disbelief. What Chanyeol said was true but he never expected him to state it out loud like that. He was pretty certain that Chanyeol had either lost his mind, or that his heart was merely crafted from stone. A father should've never said such thing about his own blood, regardless the situation he was under. At that moment, Kyungsoo suddenly felt this tremendous urge to hit Chanyeol's head with the ashtray he saw on the desk just to knock some sense into him. Unfortunately, Kyungsoo immediately remembered that prison life seemed too unbearable for him.

"Are you still meeting the committee or not?", Kyungsoo finally said after a short moment of silence.

"Fine. I'll come see them," Chanyeol said reproachfully. "Tell Tutor Park to come with me."

"Are you insane? She's an outsider. She's not familiar with Yoojung's situation. What do you want her to do?"

"Moral support."

"I'm not letting her come with you."

"She said earlier that she wanted to understand Yoojung's background more, so this is a chance for her to do so. I'm granting her wish."

Kyungsoo couldn't continue the debate with the tall man in front of him. He knew it'd be useless and just time wasting. "I'll go ask her."

Chanyeol smiled in satisfaction. "Thank you. You may leave now."

It took seconds for irritated Kyungsoo to leave the study. He couldn't bear having to be in that room for one more minute. His relationship with Chanyeol had always been the hate and love one. The only difference was that there was never a love moment, because they always disagreed in so many things to the point that both of them needed to recall how on earth they ended up as friends. Anyone could say that Sooyoung was the glue to their friendship, but these guys had already known each other long before Chanyeol was introduced to Sooyoung. So, there was never really a certain answer on why they were friends.

When Kyungsoo walked down the stairs and was about to go to Rosie's room, the said girl suddenly appeared in front of him with a guilty expression.

"I'm sorry for my behavior earlier. I was just, upset," Rosie spoke slowly.

"It's okay. I understand," Kyungsoo smiled. "I have some news for you. Mr. Park wanted you to accompany him to a meeting with school committee."

"M-me? Why me?"

Kyungsoo took a deep breath because he didn't know the answer either. "You're Yoojung's tutor. I think that's why."

Rosie just nodded in understanding.

"I badly need some fresh air right now. Would you like to come for a walk with me, Rosie?"

Kyungsoo and Rosie then took a stroll around the complex. They didn't go that further from the mansion, but still far enough to be able to see anything other than what they always saw at the mansion area. The leaves were falling from the trees that day. The fallen leaves were scattered around the road, making some kind of mess that somehow looked pretty with its color. Rosie admired every bit of the scene that she was witnessing. She never got to saw nature this close when she was still at her own place.

"I heard that Yoojung locked herself up again. Mind telling me what happened?" Kyungsoo opened the conversation after they'd walked for some time.

"Oh, that... I accidentally read her journal. I didn't mean it! I just thought it was other journal to write down anything from the tutoring session," Rosie answered sheepishly.

"You know, I never got to know what's inside that little notebook. Did she write anything bad about me?"

"No. Not at all. I only read one page and it wasn't even finished. You seem like a protagonist in her stories."

Kyungsoo chuckled in response. "Really? I'm glad."

"Yeah, but there's one problem. She kind of described her parents' fight, and it looks like it didn't happen once. Do you know anything about it?"

"Hmm. I wish I did, but I don't."

Rosie suddenly stopped at her track. "She said that you took her for a lunch when they were fighting. To me you were trying to take her away from the mess for a while. You knew what you were doing."

"It's normal for married couples to fight."

"Then why did Yoojung feel glad when she didn't see her father around the house?"

"Maybe she just felt glad because she wouldn't be hearing any shouting in the meantime."

"Kyungsoo, you know something. Please tell me. I want to help. I want to help Yoojung."

Kyungsoo contemplated the look on Rosie's face for a while. He took a step forward to get closer to the questioning girl in front of him. His gaze was very intent that it brought some warmth to Rosie's cheeks. When Rosie tried to open her mouth to speak up, Kyungsoo quickly pinched down a few strains of her hair—as if he was brushing it carefully with his fingers. 

"A raindrop fell onto your hair. It's about to rain. We must return now," Kyungsoo said walking away, leaving Rosie puzzled.

"Is it? Really?" Rosie asked as she hastened her way to catch up with Kyungsoo who already walked far in front of her, almost leaving her behind. 

Kyungsoo just secretly smiled. He didn't want to lie, but he didn't want to confess anything to Rosie either. He thought that it'd be better to leave everything the way it was for some time. Also, Rosie was still considered a stranger to the Park family. Although Kyungsoo perceived very well that Rosie was harmless and reliable, he just didn't think it was the right time to say anything to her.

What would be the consequences of telling your own secret to a stranger, anyway?


Hello! Sorry for the very delayed update. I was having final exams and I forgot to make the announcement in chapter #4 (hehe...). I thought I could steal some time to do updates between the hectic schedule, but as expected: I couldn't. So I just got time to do it now, where all my finals are finally over and I'm currently on a long semester break (yay!). Thank you for understanding. I'm looking forward to your thoughts on this story, really. See you on the next chapter!


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