Addiction - Tate Langdon

By Doggies2004

6.9K 163 33

Rosalyn Harmon and her family move all the way to LA for a fresh start and to repair her parents failing marr... More



1.3K 40 13
By Doggies2004

Something you should know about Rosalyn Harmon is that she hates school and she hates waking up and just mornings in general. So imagine how much she hates waking up in the morning to go to her person Hell. The blonde loathes school, she hates the curriculum, the teachers who think they're so important and smart, the fake, stuck up stereotypical students who are all going to end up like their stupid parents with annoying children and stuck in a miserable marriage and she especially hates having to get up and get out of her comfortable bed to go to the pointless shithole.

After her best friend died she just didn't see the point in going anymore and now that Rosalyn was starting a completely new school she especially didn't see the point. She wasn't going to go anywhere in life and she's never going to use half the stuff they teach her, the only reason she used to go to school was because of her friend Logan and the only reason she's going now is because it's the stupid law and her parents force her to. The family had been living in the old house for over a week now and had unpacked most of their belongings so her parents decided it was time for her to begin school again.

"I hate morning people, what sane person can wake up in the morning, the morning with a smile? Not me, that's for sure" Rosalyn grumbled to herself with Bear by her side as she walked past her mother who sent her daughter a wide smile, fully dressed and a cup of herbal tea in her hands. Obviously Vivien was the complete opposite of her daughter, she was a morning person and was able to wake up and smile and had a perfectly structured morning routine. Vivien smiled at her daughter, laughing lightly as she told the blonde "Oh come on, Rosie. Be more excited, you're starting your new school today. That's exciting, right?" "Oh yay, lets go get picked on by mean, rich, bitchy girls and be judged by a load of stuck up jerks and learn trigonometry and lots of other things I'll never need in life" Rosalyn said in a monotone as she rolled her bluish-green eyes, pouring herself some coffee to help her get through this day.

Vivien walked up to her daughter, placing her hands on her leather clad arms, pleading "Rosalyn, it's a fresh start for everyone. This is a chance for you to focus back on your grades and get control of your life and make new friends. Please just give this school a chance, it may surprise you and be amazing and you might make a great friend straight away". The desperation and sadness in Vivien blue eyes made Rosalyn sigh and nod, she knew this move wasn't just hard for her, her mother has been going through some stuff as well. "You better hurry up, your fathers going to be taking you in about ten minutes" Vivien told her daughter, dropping her arms. "Are you feeding the dogs or am I?" Rosalyn asked drinking her black coffee. "I am, you've got tonight's feeding and walks" Vivien told her daughter who nodded as she stroked Bear.


Rosalyn walked through the halls of Westfield High School, her stupid new school which WAS full of rude, wealthy, bitchy girls and a load of stuck up jerks with egos higher then their IQs. Wearing her usual leather jacket, a cropped black camis and ripped skinny blue jeans with her black brace over it on her right leg to help her walk as everything under her knee basically didn't work, each time she passed anyone they keep instantly looking right at her bad leg with either a judgemental or sympathetic gaze which was agitating her. Her blonde hair was in its usual curls and in her hands a lit cigarette, which she raised to her lips to take a drag from. Rosalyn had already done five tiring periods and was ready for the day to be over the moment she walked in but unfortunately she had two more periods to do after lunch.

Rosalyn always adored smoking, it always felt like she was dancing with Death itself as she held it between her teeth, almost daring Death to cut her young life short. Rosalyn had heard the constant warnings of 'it'll kill you', 'it will cause lung cancer', etc but she truly could care less about the effects, she was already destroying her body with drugs and alcohol so she didn't care what it did to her. After Logan died any care for her health went out the window, her only care was getting through the day without him and she found her drugs, alcohol and cigarettes did that and if she was going sober on the other things then there was no way in hell she'll quit smoking. She needed something.

Rosalyn blew the smoke out of her mouth as she turned around the hall, hearing some of the stuck up kids talk about the most weirdest things. A group of three girls who stood talking about how the one in the middle let a guy do cocaine off her breasts gaped at her as she walked by. Cocaine girl stalked up to Rosalyn with her 'followers' behind her "Hey! Student council passed a rule about smoking in public spaces". "Second hand smoking kills" One of her friends added. "Sorry, I'm new. I didn't know" Rosalyn sighed, dropping her cigarette on the floor, putting it out with her boot. Cocaine girl gasped and looked at the blonde as if she just tried to run her over with her car, before she bent down and picked the cigarette back up "What the hell is wrong with you?! People sit and eat here!". Rosalyn rolled her eyes at the older girl as she snapped back "Good for them. Why do you even care so much?" "Leah's grandmother died of lung cancer. She takes this stuff pretty seriously." The same friend of the Cocaine bitch informed the blonde.

'Leah' commanded as she held up the cigarette close to Rosalyn's face "Eat it. Eat it or I'm gonna kick the shit out of you." "No way! You really should do some soul-searching. Maybe you'll find one or maybe even a personality beside being a bitch." Rosalyn told the popular mean girl, steeping back with a fierce glare, annoyance clearly lacing her tone. "Come on, Leah. That's enough, look at her leg. Let's just leave her alone." Leah's other friend who had been quiet the whole time tried to stop Leah, knowing that her friend was going too far and she felt sympathy for the blonde who was putting all her weight on her good leg as she stepped back again.

"No, no, no. I want to see her eat it" Leah shook her head stepping closer to Rosalyn. "Eat it!" Leah then grabbed Rosalyn by the back of her head, gripping her curls and shoved the cigarette to her face. "Get the hell away from me, you psycho" Rosalyn harshly shoved Leah away from her, raising her fist to punch Leah across the face. Gasps could be heard from around and small hushed comments. "You are so dead!" Leah screeched holding the left side of her face, her and her posse then ganged up on Rosalyn. Then the next thing Rosalyn knew, she was sitting in the principals office with a tissue held to her nose by her bruised hand, with split knuckles, a developing bruise on her aching cheek and ribs, a gash on her left cheek from one of the girls rings and a split lip. Rage was pumping through her veins still, she knew her new school was going to have assholes like Leah but she didn't expect to get in a fight with three of them on her first day for just freaking smoking even after she put it out.

Principal Edward Parrish sat at his mahogany desk staring down Rosalyn from his large leather chair that he sat on as if it was a grand throne, as he said to the bruised girl "Miss Harmon it's your first day-" "I didn't even start the fight, it wasn't my fault!" Rosalyn cut him off as she glared at him, annoyance lacing her tone. "Although that may be true, you threw the first punch and that means you're automatically excluded for five days" The principal told the blonde making her shoot up from her seat, defending herself "I only did that because she forcefully tried to make me eat a cigarette! This is so stupid, screw you asshole" Rosalyn then grabbed her bag and stormed out- well the best she could with a permanent limp. "Miss Harmon! Get back here-" The Principal tried to call after her but Rosalyn was long gone, flipping him off over her shoulder before she slammed the door as hard as she could behind her, not caring if she damaged it or not. The rage rising as she slammed the school doors opened and stormed out.


Rosalyn sighed as she arrived to her new home. This move was supposed to be a new start, bring the family back together again, allow Rosalyn get back to normal and make new friends. What family? Her family and parents married is beyond the point of fixing. How is she supposed to get back to normal when she's been excluded and girls are even bitchier here? This move was such a joke. Rosalyn hates this place. She hates how sunny it is all the time, the school, the people and especially how her parents are trying to convince her that this place will resolve all of theres million issues.

The blonde sighed as she shoved the door open, stepping into the Victorian home and dumping her school bag by the door as she clutched her ribs in pain. "Rosie?" Vivien called out walking into the hall as the blonde slammed the front door shut. "Why are you back early- Rosalyn, what happened?!" Vivien asked the blonde, with a gasp and concern lacing her voice as she looked at the blood and bruises on her daughters pale face. "I fell" Rosalyn lied, walking past her mother and into the kitchen with a worse limp than usual as she had to walk a long distance which caused her a lot of pain and exhausted her. Vivien question, following her daughter with frowned eyebrows "Into a fist?". "Try three" Rosalyn lightly shrugged, walking over to the freezer to grab two bags of frozen vegetables. "Hey Bear" Rosalyn greeted her dog who walked up to her with his tail waggling, happy to see his owner and friend. Rosalyn petted him quickly before grabbing the frozen bags and shutting the freezer.

"What happened?" Vivien questioned with a worried tone, walking to the counter to grab the first aid kit from it that she recently placed there. "Don't worry about it, it's over now." Rosalyn shook her head as she pressed one of the bags to her aching cheek, not really in the mood for a scolding or lecture or to really talk right now. Truthfully she just wanted to go to her bedroom with Bear and sleep or take a relaxing bath to ease the pain in her leg, she was just so tired of everything and everyone. "Sit down" Vivien gestured to the seats at the island, opening the first aid kit. "I'm fine-" Vivien cut off her daughter as she spoke in a stern voice "Rosalyn, sit down. Now". The teen complied with a huff and an eye roll, carefully sliding onto the seat.

"How many days are you excluded for?" Vivien questioned standing in front of her daughter with a bottle of antiseptic wipes. "Five" Rosalyn mumbled, using her left hand to hold the bag of frozen vegetables to her bruised ribs and resting the other cold bag on her right hand on the counter that she knew would also need cleaning as her knuckles were badly split and sore. "... Did you start it?" Vivien asked, as she raised an antiseptic wipe to Rosalyn's left cheek that held a gash. "No- shit ow- no I didn't. I only sent the first punch in self defence" Rosalyn winced, biting her lip to prevent her from verbalising her pain further which caused a metallic taste to appear in her mouth once again and make her hiss slightly, making her remember her split lip.

"Do I need to talk to the school?" Vivien questioned, focusing on cleaning Rosalyn's many wounds to prevent any of them getting infected as she knew her daughter certainly wouldn't take care of them and would just leave them. "I'm not eight, I can deal with things myself" Rosalyn mumbled, rolling her eyes at her mother, hating how she always babies her and treats her as if she's a child still. "If this is you dealing with it then it's not a very good solution" Vivien commented as she placed a small sterile wound dressing over the wound on the blondes cheek. "Thanks for the tip, I'll take it in consideration next time the people at school are giving me a hard time" Rosalyn sarcastically responded as her mother then moved onto cleaning the dried blood from her nose.

Vivien changed the subject, wanting to distract Rosalyn from her pain and also not argue with ger "I met our new neighbours today, Constance and her daughter Adelaide". Rosalyn's eyebrows frowned, questioning "Why?" as she never understood why people wanted to socialise with others, she hated seeing and talking to people personally. Vivien told her daughter, grabbing a new antiseptic wipe before moving to lightly dab her daughters split lip with which cause her to hiss in pain and lightly wrinkle her nose "They just walked in through the back door whilst I was taking the wallpaper off". Rosalyn mumbled, pulling a face "That's reassuring and not creepy at all".

Vivien told the blonde once she had finished cleaning her lip "Let me look at your hand" making Rosalyn remove the frozen vegetables and show her mother the purple bruises and split, bloody knuckles that Vivien instantly started to clean delicately, telling her "We're definitely going to have to wrap this so it doesn't get infected". Vivien then informed Rosalyn who's face was scrunched up in pain "They brought us some sage". Rosalyn grunted out with frowned brows "That straw, smelly stuff?". Vivien nodded "Yeah, Constance said it would get rid of some bad juju". Rosalyn scoffed, raising a brow at her mother who was focusing on her hand as she asked "You do know this place is not actually haunted, right? All that stuffs a load of crap". Vivien nodded, informing her daughter "Sage is meant to be improve air quality and I thought it might be good since no ones lived here for such a while". Rosalyn shrugged lightly, not really caring much what her mother does with the gift "Yeah, I guess".

The girls mother asked, picking up a bandage from the first aid kit "... You gonna tell your father about what happened at school?". Rosalyn sighed, watching her mother carefully wrap her hand, she knew her father was going to get mad at her for what happened and give her a long lecture about how violence is never the answer and use his stupid psychiatrist voice "I don't want to but I'm excluded for five days and I'm injured so I don't think I can really hide what happened, the exclusion may be extended a little though". Vivien looked up at her daughter with a worried, stern look "What did you do?", knowing that her daughter can have a bad temper at times. Rosalyn looked away from her mothers gaze as she mumbled "I got mad because the girls that did it weren't even getting in trouble even though they caused the whole thing and I was getting excluded so I told him what I thought and walked out". Vivien sighed, running a stressed hand through her hair after she made sure the bandage was secure "Am I going to get a letter home?". Rosalyn shrugged, unsure as she stormed out the Principals office before he could really tell her anything "Probably". Vivien told her daughter, placing the ice back in her bandages hand "Your fathers going to go crazy you do realise, right?". "Yeah" Rosalyn sighed, nodding her head.


Later that night whilst Rosalyn was in her room listening to rock on her record player and drawing in her sketchbook, after being sent to her room after her and her fathers loud argument and his long lecture about fighting and violence, the sound of her mothers scream echoed through the large house. Bear let out a scared bark at the noise, jumping up from his seat on the blondes bed as Rosalyn rushed to put on her leg brace that she took off to relax as she would not be able to walk without it, before  getting up from her seat and limped out into the hallway, with her dog following close behind.

Rosalyn spotted the attic door pulled open and the ladder for it pulled down and the light on up there, so she approached it. "Mom? What happened? You ok?" Rosalyn called up, unable to climb ladders with her leg and find out what happened or what cause her mother's reaction. "We're ok honey, you mother just got surprised by a leather suit up here" Ben walked over to the door to the attic and called down to his daughter, his voice a lot more calmer and gentler than the one he used to speak to her earlier. "Just get rid of it, please" Vivien instructed her husband before climbing down the ladder to her daughter and Bear.

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