The Girl Next Block Over (Ben...

By Chishiru

97.2K 2.3K 4.7K

Okay, yes I know I'm late to the fandom. Like six years late but, I used to watch this show as a kid all the... More

Where It All Began
Lawn of the Undead
Three Cheers For Video Games
Friday Night Frights And Plights
Blue Moons and Cursed Best Friends
Blood Drives and Helping Friends
Vampire Hunters and Roleplaying
Guys And Dolls And Creeped Out High Schoolers
Perfume Isn't The Way To A Girl's Heart Or Is It?
Plants and Closets
Zombies and Ugh, Feelings
Dates and Ouija Boards

Jilly Putty and Evil Twins

4.5K 131 280
By Chishiru

~It wasn't me! It was my evil twin!~ -Anonymous.

"Want me to take 'em out? Maybe eat their families?" Rory was talking to Ethan when you sauntered up to them.

"Whose families are we eating?" Ethan shot you an incredulous look.

"We are not eating anyone's families!" Rory laughed whilst you let out a tiny giggle.

"Just kidding, man! You looked all, 'Oh, no, Rory's a maniac!' That was great." You high-fived Rory.

"Don't joke about that, okay? Sometimes I wonder what you do at night." You and Rory shared a knowing look.

"Oh, it's pretty nuts. The less you know, the better." Rory looked as if he were reliving some of the best moments of his life. 

"So, how'd the yearbook meeting go?" Ethan looked dejected as he slumped his shoulders.

"Hannah Price wants to use some lame old camera. For the photos. She probably doesn't even know she has to develop the old film." You saw Hannah walking up behind Ethan and felt the second-hand embarrassment crawling up your neck. "She's probably still staring at the back of the camera right now, wondering why the screen isn't working." You pointed behind him and he nervously smiled. "She's standing right behind me now, isn't she?"

"Yeah..... good luck with that, buddy." You pulled Rory away from the scene but stayed within earshot of their conversation. Ethan is the worst conversationalist you've ever heard. He disappeared, leaving Hannah very confused.

"Don't worry about him." You said as you reappeared before her. She was looking very nervous and antsy. "He's a nerd. Did you need help with something?"

"Yeah, um.... you're friends with them, right?" You nodded and she took a deep breath. "Well, I think that camera that Benny sold me is cursed?" You blinked in confusion.

"What camera?" She glanced around her as if she were looking or someone. 

"Come with me." You shrugged but followed her to the yearbook room. You immediately recognized the camera. "I took a photo to test it out before the class photos. And I think something really bad happened."

"You said you got this camera from Benny?" She nodded.

"Yeah, at his yard sale last Saturday?" You blinked again.

"He had a yard sale without me? Rude." You shook your head. "Okay, listen, this camera is a very bad thing. That's why it was locked away in his basement. How much did you pay for it?"

"Ten bucks." You took out your wallet and gave her a ten.

"Okay, I'll have someone handle this. Don't take any more pictures with it, okay?" She nodded and thanked you. You left the camera with a sheet over it and the words 'DO NOT TOUCH' written on a sticky note. Then you were off to find Benny.


"Ethan!" You called out to your friend when you saw him exiting the cafeteria. He looked scared.

"Yeah?" He was twitching his fingers like he always does when he's nervous.

"Have you seen the idiot?" Ethan blinked a couple of times. "Benny. I'm talking about Benny."

"Oh, he just left to go clean his shirt after Hannah dumped his lunch all over him." You tilted your head. 

"What do you mean? Hannah would never...... Oh. Ethan, come with me. I'll catch you up." You briefly explained to Ethan what the camera was and why Hannah had been different each time he saw her.

"Well, that explains my vision." You stopped him.

"You had a vision?" He told you about the encounter he had had just before you had shown up. 

"Well, at least I'm right about the camera. Listen, we have to find Benny. Divide and conquer."

You spent the better part of the day looking for Benny and you still hadn't seen him. Which was weird. You saw each other every day. You took out your phone to call him. Before you could dial his number, Ethan's contact popped up. You answered the call.

"Hey, E. What's up?" You skirted around a jock fight and made your way to the red room to gather the camera.

"Hey, what's the most trouble that Hannah, or evil Hannah, could get into before tomorrow?" You rolled your eyes.

"Well, Ethan she could take that camera and make herself a whole bunch of evil friends and turn the town inside out and possibly kill all the original people. Why? Benny convince you to play video games and push the problem away?" He nervously chuckled and you figured you were on speaker phone since you could hear them arguing over something.

"Tell Benny that I'm calling his grandma." There was a shout from Ethan and suddenly you heard your other friend.

"NO! Don't! I'll get in so much trouble." You sighed.

"Benny, maybe you should start asking before selling other's belongings. Especially when they're locked in a double chest." You walked into the red room as you hung up the phone. You know that it's rude but you had a problem to deal with. Benny and two Hannah's were staring at you.

"Hey..... I'm here for the party." You nervously chuckled. Evil Benny flashed a photo of you and while you were blinded by the light, Evil Hannah knocked you out.


Third POV

Ethan stumbled into Benny's garden out of breath.

"Hey, Ethan. Grandma was just yelling at me for selling her camera. Guess (Y/N) made good on her threat."

"Benny, you have an evil twin too. He just trashed my phone and took off." Grandma Weir was looking more and more exasperated as the conversation drug on.

"Did you take a photo of yourself with my camera?" Benny shrugged helplessly.

"Yeah, but just of my butt. And only for revenge."

"Here's the short version. There have been cultures in history that believe a photo can steal the soul. That camera can. Or at least it makes a negative copy of your soul. When the photo gets developed, out pops an evil you. Where's (Y/n)? She should have told you all of this after she called me this morning."

"She told me. But I haven't gotten a chance to tell Benny yet." Ethan said still out of breath.

"Well, where is she now? Normally she would be chewing me out for being so stupid." Grandma Weir looked worried as well.

"You had better get that camera back. And most importantly destroy all of the negative copies that she has. That's the only way to get rid of the twins. And find (Y/n). She can help you." 

"All right. Now that we have a plan, can we all forgive original Benny?"



Evil (Y/n) was tip-toeing down the hallway. She had dyed a strip of her hair (Fav color) and was wearing punk heels with fake belts hanging off her waist. The guys in the halls all stopped to stare at her. 

"Hey, (Y/n)?" Sarah walked up to her with confusion in her eyes. "Have you talked to Benny today? He's acting extra weird." Evil (Y/n) stopped and turned to Sarah with a smile.

"Sarah! Don't you just look gorgeous today!" She walked right up close to her and with her heels, she could make excellent eye contact. 

"Um, thanks. But-" Evil (Y/n) twirled a piece of Sarah's hair around her finger. Her other hand cupping Sarah's chin.

"It's too bad that Ethan called dibs. Well, he didn't really call it. He just kind of stares helplessly at you." Sarah was very confused.

"Did you and Benny eat too much sugar again?" Evil (Y/n) just smirked at her and pressed her lips against Sarah's. A couple of gasps rang out from the hallway and a couple of people took photos. Sarah pulled away violently, smacking her with a textbook.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH EVERYONE TODAY!" Sarah stormed off while Evil (Y/n) just cackled. She continued on her way after flashing a nearby group of jocks a flirty smile.


Ethan and Benny spotted Sarah and made their way over to her. Sarah spotted Benny and grabbed him by the arms.

"If you hit on me again, I'm gonna hit on you! But not in the way you think." SHe growled and dug her fingernails into his flesh.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey. If you're gonna punch me, don't I get to have fun annoying you in the first place?" Ethan broke them apart.

"Woah, okay. Sarah, let me guess: you saw Benny today and he was a complete jerk." She stared at Ethan incredulously.

"Yeah! But even more so than usual. And (Y/n) kissed me in front of half the school. And-" Benny squeaked.

"(Y/n) kissed you! How? When?" Ethan hit him to get him to shut up.

"No time to explain. Magic camera, Hannah invented evil twins, we gotta destroy the negatives before more evil twins-ugh! I stop Hannah. You guys find Benny." Ethan ran off.

"So, was she a good kisser?" Sarah rolled her eyes and walked away. Benny ran after her.


Second POV

When you woke up surrounded by red light and a pounding head, your first thought was how Benny was going to suffer. Then you saw Hannah sitting across from you.

"Are you okay?" She asked. You gently lifted your head, wincing as your neck adjusted. 

"I'll be okay. How many of them are there?" Hannah shrugged.

"Three, I think. But, they're planning to make more." You nodded and started looking for anything near you that could help get the ropes off. Just then Ethan barged into the room.

"Ethan!" Hannah cried. He ran over to her and undid the ropes.

"Oh, hey, E. So glad you noticed my existence." He hurriedly looked in your direction.

"(Y/n)? This is where you've been?" You scoffed and rolled your eyes. 

"Sorry, Ethan. My number one priority should always be cleaning up after your guys' messes. How can I ever forgive myself for getting kidnapped and locked away?" Ethan fake laughed at your comment. 

Before he could finish untying Hannah, her evil twin walked in.

"Ethan! Don't untie her! She's evil!" The real Hannah looked scared.

"She's lying! I'm Hannah!"

"I can end this. The one in the chair is the real Hannah." You scooted your chair across the floor.

"The negatives are in that case!" Erica busted into the room looking extremely pissed off.

"Hannah." She said faking sweetness. "This is for ruining my yearbook photo." SHe punched her across the face, starting a fight. Ethan untied you and ran towards the photos. You slid over to the real Hannah and finished undoing the ropes.

There was a flash and suddenly there was only a single Hannah left in the room. Erica was out of breath and Ethan looked relieved.  

"How did you know that one was the evil twin?" Erica shook her head.

"Evil twin? Really?" She straightened her back. "I just came in here to eat- uh, slap her around a bit." With a flourish, she pivoted out of the room, leaving behind three very confused people.

"Are you guys okay?" Ethan asked. Hannah nodded.

"We're fine, E. Thanks."

"What's happening?" Ethan was rubbing his sweaty palms against his pants, something he does when talking to girls.

"It's fine. I destroyed all the negatives." The door once again slammed open and Benny walked in.

"Not quite. You missed one. Or two." He grabbed the camera. So, this was Evil Benny. You grabbed a pair of scissors behind you. "I think Evil Benny needs a worst friend." He flashed a photo of Ethan and you threw the scissors at him. They embedded in the door as he locked it behind him.

"Well, that's just great, isn't it?"


Third POV

"Hey Benny." Normal Benny walked into the guys bathroom. "Or should I call you Evil Benny?" Evil Benny just looked annoyed.

"How do you know I'm the evil one? Maybe I'm normal and you're just a goody-goody." Benny thought about it for a second before shaking his head.

"Yeah, I don't think either of us is smart enough to make any sense of that. But only one of us is leaving this washroom." Evil Benny smirked.

"What if I cook ya? Use the magic you never had the stomach to use, huh?" Benny felt a tiny bit of fear flow through his veins. He laughed it off.

"Right. I bet you're no better at magic than I am. Nice jacket though. Looks so real- pleather." Evil Benny jumped at him, slamming his back into a stall. He was going to feel that in the morning. 

He didn't think the sound of a toilet flushing could be that relieving. He leaned against the stall to catch his breath. 

"Doing some heavy work-outs in here?" He sighed at the sound of (Y/n)'s voice.

"What are doing? This is the guys'-" He cut himself off when he opened his eyes. The (Y/n) he was looking at wasn't his best friend. 

"Cat got your tongue?" She sashayed over to him. "Like what you see?" He felt his mouth drop open a bit.

"You must be Evil (Y/n)." She giggled.

"Nice to meet ya. What do say? Should we have a little fun?" She ran a hand up his chest.

"Like what you did with Sarah this morning? No thanks." She pouted and Benny had to look away.

"Why not? I know you're dying to with Original Me. Why am I any different?" Benny tried to scoot away from her, but he was trapped in a corner.

"You're evil. Plus, I'm not dying to kiss one of my best friends." She let a grin creep onto her face. Her breath tickled his cheek and smelled fruity.

"Let's test that theory, ya?" Before Benny could react, he had his mouth full of evil twin. He grabbed her waist to try and pull her away, but his resolve was slipping. Her hands were tugging at his hair and it felt so good. He was tempted to let this continue, seeing as how he'd only ever kissed one girl before. But, he knew that the real (Y/n) would be hurt if she found out that he had enjoyed making out with her evil twin.

 It's a good thing her knew (Y/n) like the back of his hand. He slid his hand into her back pocket, making Evil (Y/n) smile, her lips tugging his. He almost forgot why he had put his hand there in the first place. A bright light engulfed her and she disappeared. 

In his hands, he held two pieces of a ripped photo. He sighed as he rested his head against the wall, hoping his face would cool off. His blood was rushing and his lips tingled. His legs felt like they would give out. And he couldn't keep his head from wandering back in time.

Sarah rushed in at that moment. She looked around confused.

"Did you get them?" He nodded and threw the photo scraps in the trash.


Second POV

"Sorry, Ethan. Maybe next time." You told your friend as he watched Hannah walk away.

"Boyfriend? That rots, dude." You smiled at Benny but he didn't notice. He was too busy trying to avoid eye contact. "At least I got my camera back! That means grandma won't spank me. With lightning." He made a disturbing face and walked away.

"Hey, Weir!" He jolted and turned around at the sound of your voice, his face pale. "You owe me ten bucks!" He nodded and continued walking away.

"Is he okay?" Ethan shrugged. "Also, you can't tell if a girl likes you based on how nice or mean she is. You should pay attention to her eyes when she speaks. They give away everything." Benny ran back up to your group.

"Ethan! Evil Benny rented a go-cart. Come on!" You gave Benny a weird look.

"Am I invited?" He looked sheepish.

"There are only two seats?" You shrugged and motioned for them to leave.

"I'm over it. Later." Ethan told Sarah just before dashing off.

"You're welcome!" She shouted after them. You turned to her.

"Did evil me do something wrong?" Sarah looked at you with a smirk on her face.

"Well, she kissed me." You looked mortified.

"I'm so sorry! How many people saw?" You hunched into yourself.

"The entire hallway." Your face turned red and you were ready to cry.

"Sarah, I haven't told anyone yet. I'm so sorry." She gave you a sad look.

"Hey, if anyone bothers you, I'll beat them up, okay?" You nodded.

"But, just so we're clear," you continued through the tears, "I'm not entirely gay. I'm (Bi/pan. Whichever you identify with. Straight people can ignore this part.)." Sarah nodded.

"Don't worry. I won't tell anyone. But that explains why you have better-flirting skills than Benny." You laughed.

"Thanks, Sarah."

"No problem. Let's go get some coffee." You began walking with her downtown.

"While we're at it, I have one more secret to tell you."


A/n Hey guys! Sorry it's been a whole hecking year since I last updated. I was so inspired by all of your comments and messages to continue this, that I felt bad not continueing. PLus, I forgot just how much I love this show. I'm going to work on another chapter soon. So, for now, I hope you enjoyed this update!

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