100% Marinette

By marichat-fur-life

4.8K 104 30

Marinette is a model and she 100% in love with Adrien, but she is to scared to tell him. One day she finds ou... More

Kiss list
Sleep over
A guest at the table
10 reasons
A for adrien

Surprise !

490 8 0
By marichat-fur-life

Marinette trows her back pack on the table and takes an apple from the fruit basket. She cleans the Apple and takes a big bite. What a bad day! She hears her mom going down the stairs. "Hey mom"
"Hey honey, how was your day?" Her mother says while making a cup of thee.
"Normal I guess. We had a test for biology"
"Did it go well?"
"It was okay" Marinette sits down on a chair and takes another bite from her apple. "There is mail for you from the model agency" her mother picks up a big envelope from the table. "Open it fast, I think your set cards are in there" Marinette takes the envelope out of her mothers hands and opens it quickly. She pulls out a big pile of cards with photos on them. On the front is a picture of Marinette in a white tank top. Her hair is in a slick bun. Her teeth white as snow and her skin looks like porcelain. Right below the picture is her name, written in big letters: MARINETTE. "Wow!" Yells her mother. "And the other photo's ?" She turns the picture around. There were four other pictures. Marinette looks at the picture with the pink dress. She's staring at the picture with her mouth open. "Marinette, you look beautiful! The picture with the pink dress is stunning. Your picture should be on the  cover for GLAMOUR!" 
"It's not normal, I look 17"
"You should keep eye on your phone the up coming weeks"
"You really think so?" Marinette stammers. "We will see. It's fun too have a few beautiful photo's of yourself right? Maybe you'll get a fun photo shoot. Can I have a picture?" Marinette takes a picture from the stack and gives it too her mother.

"someone is walking towards the bakery" Marinette looks into the bakery and sees Adrien standing there. "I'm not home"
"What is this nonsense?" Her mother laughs. "I'm out buying groceries or at Alya's. Make something up" Marinette hears the chimney and a few seconds later a bell. "He has my dictionary, but please don't tell him I'm home" Marinette pleads. "Oke then, I'll save you" and with that said she walks towards the bakery.

Marinette sees her mother legs from under the table. "I he gone?" Marinette asks. "Stay low for a few seconds he just walked out the bakery" Marinette climbs from under the table. And sees her mother waiving at him. "What did he say?" "That you needed you dictionary. And he asked if you were home. He is a nice guys, wasn't he in your class back in primary school? I never noticed how handsome he is and quit charming too." Marinette signed "Why didn't you want too see him?" Her mother asks. "He talks too much and I need to do homework" Marinette said. "I find him quit shy"
"Well he isn't" shy guys don't kiss with nine girl. "When is his birthday?"
"Somewhere in june?"
June 11th, but she's not gonna say that.
Her mother takes a book from the bookcase and looks trough it "He's a twin, two faced. Shy and outgoing. Makes sense" Marinette looks up. "What else do you know?"
Her mother looks through the book again. "Here, they are cheerful and irresistible. They like surprises."
"Surprises?" Marinette asks.
"Twins get bored pretty fast, too keep a twin you have to surprise him every time" Marinette twists her hair.
"Wait, You like him!"
"No, I don't like him! We are just friends" Marinette says and takes a bite from her Apple. "Well me and your father were friend too and now we're married" Marinette blushed and quickly runs upstairs.

Marinette puts the set card on her mirror and puts the radio on. She studies her face carefully. She still can't believe she is a model. Models are always beautiful and her face is boring. She looks trough her drawers and finds her eyeliner. After a few minutes of trying she gives up. I'll leave it to the make up artist, She thought.
She looks at her body in the mirror, why isn't she 10 cm taller. Then her eyes land on her 9th grade class photo. Adrien is sitting next to her. His hair was short and his eyes were so shiny. I wish it was still last year, then no one except me would like him. Now even her mother sees how nice he is. She looks at her reflection. How tall is Adrien? Taller then her that's for sure.

She takes of her shoes and thinks about what her mother said. Twins like surprises. She has to think of something. How do I surpise him? Her eyes land on a postcard she got from her grandma. Should she send him a card? No, wat too scary. Maybe a mysterious card with no name on it. She looks through a few cards and finds the perfect one. She cuts out a picture of A cat with a bow and puts it in the card, it looks exactly like tikki. With a marker she tries a few different handwriting, and now she can write him a card.

Dear Adrien!
There is someone who really likes you... but she's to scared too tell... you want too know who?
Look under the planter in the great hall next too the timetable around 1:30 pm. Don't be late.
Love minou Xx

What will she do next?
And what will he think of the mysterious card?
See you next time.

- meike 🐱🐞


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