Demons (Fairy Tail X Seven De...

By Psycho_Emz

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What happens When Team Natsu and their exceeds gets thrown into another world? What secrets will be revealed... More

Ch. 1 - Another World
Ch. 2 - Meeting the Tavern Owner
Ch. 3 - Sir Twigo
Ch. 4 - The Dragon Sin
Ch. 5 - Helping At The Tavern
Ch. 6 - The Necropolis Part 1
Ch. 7 - The Necropolis Part 2
Ch. 8 - The Necropolis Part 3
Ch. 9 - Out of the Necropolis
Ch. 10 - Vaizel Fighting Festival
Chp. 11 - Veronica and Attack on Vaizel
Ch. 13 - More Fairys?
Ch. 14 - Hendrickson
Ch. 15 - Mavis!?
Ch. 16 - Death Trap Fighting Festival! Pt. 1
Ch. 17 - Death Trap Fighting Festival! Pt. 2
Ch. 18 - Death Trap Fighting Festival! Pt. 3
Ch. 19 - A Fight of Demons

Ch. 12 - Demons?

2.2K 42 34
By Psycho_Emz

Wendy: "Natsu-San? Lucy-San? What'd you do to them!?" She asked tears in her eyes because here parental figures were gone

Erza: "What did you do to them!?" She asked pointing her sword at Veronica

Hawk: "They got sucked up inside that Rock!"

Veronica: "Heh, Hah, hahaha! Meliodas really was some wicked monster after all! This stone only affects those who are Evil, trapping them inside!" She said holding the amber up, ignoring the fact that Natsu and Lucy got sucked into it too.

Veronica then held the stone towards Elizabeth: "Proof enough? Will this open your eyes?" she said smugly

Elizabeth then took Meli's sword and ripped the Amber out of Veronica's hand.

Elizabeth: "I want you to bring them back this instant!" She said pointing the broken sword at Veronica

Erza: "I demand the same!" She said pointing her own whole sword.

Veronica: "Sorry. I have no idea how to do that." She said with a monotone.


Elizabeth: "I hate you for this Veronica! You don't know Sir Meliodas! Not a single thing about him! Nor do you about Natsu-san and Lucy-san! None of them should've been sucking into this thing!"

Veronica: "Griamore!"

Griamore: "As You Wish." He then drew his sword and pointed it at the Girls, Trapping Elizabeth in her own and Erza and Wendy in their's

Griamore: "Perfect Shell. You leave us no choice. Now we'll bring you back this way. And those two too so they can be put in prison"

Hawk then ran over to Elizabeth's bubble: "This is nothing! I bet my trusty totters can break through your dumb Shell with no problem at all!"

Elizabeth: "Hawk wait!"

Griamore: "Not even a meteorite that falls down to earth are able to break through my wall."

Ban: "If that's true, then I guess I'll break it with one arm. On second thought, maybe just one finger can slice through it" He said holding Veronica by the side of her head and holding 1 finger towards her neck

Griamore: "You dog! Remover your filthy hands from the Princess"

Hawk: "That's pretty low using a woman as a hostage- I mean good job turning with tables Ban!"

Ban: "Do as I say and nothing will happen to her, okay? Now listen up, Bring the Captain, Pinky, and Blondie back and let the Princess outta that Bubble. So that and you'll get your woman back-" 


Ban: "Arg! You Bitch, Jericurl!"

He said falling over with Veronica getting caught by Griamore.

Griamore: "Are you all right, Princess?"

Jericho is standing with one foot on Ban's back, holding him down and seathing her sword

Jericho: "That's Jericho"

Hawk then tried attacking but was blown away as a roasted piggy by Guila Snapping her fingers.

Elizabeth: "Hawk no!"


Elizabeth was let out of her Bubble and fell to the ground.

Guila crouched down to Elizabeth: "Come, give me your hand."

Veronica pushed her hand away: "Hold it."

Guila looked at her confused

Veronica: "I appreciate the help. But I'll be the one to bring Ellie back home. You objectives... Or more accurately Hendrickson's, were only Meliodas and that Sword wasn't they? And what about those other two who got sucked into the amber, are they part of your plan too?"

Guila then pointed her lance at Veronica's neck

Griamore: "What are you doing?"

Guila: "Now I ask that you hand over Princess Elizabeth over quietly. If you refuse-"

Both her and Jericho were trapped in a bubble together.

Griamore: "I won't allow you to speak to Princess Veronica that way."

Veronica: "Nicely done. I don't know what you plan to do. But both you and Hendrickson need to be brought up in charges that are court-martialed!"

Elizabeth suddenly ran away together with Wendy and Erza that Griamore let out without notice.

Veronica: "Wait, Ellie! Ellie!"


(Psycho: Both Wendy and Veronica were hit by the explosion. But Wendy wasn't hit that hard. She's only unconscious with some minor injuries)

Guila: "Now, Princess Elizabeth, let's be on our way home, I ask that you Corporate. and not offer any pointless resistance."

Elizabeth: "Veronica! Don't leave me, Veronica! Please!!"

Erza: "Wendy! Wendy! Some one Wendy! Wake up!"

Gray, Juvia, Happy and Carla came running over because of the Explosion

Gray: "Wendy!? What happened!?"

Erza: "She was hit by an Explosion."

Juvia: "Oh no..." she put her hand over her mouth

Happy: "Wendy..." He said with tears in with eyes

Carla just looked down sadly

Guila: "And let's not forget the people who worked together with the Sins. We ask you too, to come with us without resistance. So that you can be put in Prison."

Elizabeth: "Help me! Please, Sir Meliodas!"

Guila: "Shout all you want, your hero can't rescue you from within that stone. Come"

Elizabeth: "Meliodas!"

The amber began glowing and suddenly Meliodas was standing there, in his Demon form. But only him. Natsu and Lucy were still trapped inside the Amber. The amber fell to the ground as the chain broke but the amber did not.


Gray: "Hey... Anyone know what happened to Flame Brain and Lucy."

Erza: "Yeah, I never saw them come out of that goddess amber"

Wendy: "You think... Do you think that they're still stuck in it? But that green haired guy took it with him! That means they have Natsu and Lucy!"

Meli: "Yeah... But why where they even sucked into it?"

Erza: "I don't know. As long as I've known them. They've never done anything wrong other than Natsu starting some guild brawls."

(Psycho: In this story, Natsu and Lucy came into the Guild at the same time after Traveling together every since they were 9.)

Meli: "I wonder... For how long have you known them?"

Erza: "For about 7 years isn't it"

Meli: "Maybe they could've done something before you met them?"

Wendy: "Natsu-otou-San and Lucy-okaa-san could never be Evil! They... They just couldn't!

Erza: "Wendy... Did... Did you just call Natsu and Lucy Dad and Mom?"

Wendy: "Yeah, so what. They've been like my parents ever since Grandine left. I don't want to believe that they're Evil!" she yelled and fell to her knees crying trying to wipe her tears

Erza: "Oh Wendy..." 

Then Erza, Gray, Juvia, Happy and Carla all came over and hugged Wendy.

Happy: "Wendy, I know how you feel. Natzu and Lushie are like my parents too."

Erza: "Wendy, Natsu, and Lucy mean so much to all of us. To the whole Guild. They're like the light of the Guild. Without them, I don't think that the Guild would be the same."

???: "Aaaaahhhhh!!!"

Then suddenly from above, they hear screaming and look up only to see-

A Cliffhanger!

Can you guess who is screaming?


Hey Guys! I hope that you like this Chappie too!! I'm proud to be uploading 2 chapters in 1 day! Yay!
 I'm a bit conflicted about something. Later in the story, I have two different tracks that the Story can take but I can't decide!

Well, See Ya, Next Chappie!!

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