Boys Boys and more Boys Harry...

By bbybunnyxxx

291K 5.4K 2K

Boys, Boys and more boys (Harry Potter fanfic) going to Hogwarts is going to be a journey full of adventure m... More

FIRST YEAR (Chapter 1)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chatper 7
Chapter 8
Merry/Happy Christmas
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
SECOND YEAR (Chapter 11)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
A/n Thank You!!!!!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chpater 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Shout out! To little_cxtie
Chapter 26 (Has abuse in it)
THIRD YEAR (Chapter 27)
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Just wanted to say Thanks!
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
FOURTH YEAR (Chapter 41)
Chapter 42
Well i did this...
Chapter 43
Chpater 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
⚠️ A/n Please Read ⚠️
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
A/n ( Your Decision)
Chapter 58
Quick A/n
Chapter 59
Chapter 60 (Yule Ball Part 1)
Chapter 61 (Yule Ball Part 2)
Chapter 63 (Yule Ball Part 3)
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
A/n about rude comments (ill update a chapter soon)
Chapter 66 (Im Back!!!!)
Oneshot Request 💘
Chapter 67
Im sorry for everything :/
New book ideas :)

Chapter 37

2.1K 55 2
By bbybunnyxxx

Whomping Willow

Y/Ns PoV
Professor Lupin led you into the Whomping Willow and through a twisted hallway soon you realised you weren't in the Whomping Willow anymore you where at the Shrieking Shack ?

Ahead you saw a door shut and familiar voices coming from inside the room

You where about to take one more step until Professor Lupin stopped you and whispered "Now Y/n I want you too stay here for a moment until it's appropriate."

You didn't bother to argue with him and just nodded slightly

Professor Lupin then took out his wand and rammed right into the door which flew open with a BANG!

"Expelliarmus!" Professor Lupin shouted at pointed his wand at something you couldn't see but you did hear a sound of something dropping too the ground.

"Well,Well Sirius. Looking rather ragged aren't we finally the flesh reflects the madness within"

"Well, You would know all about the madness within wouldn't you ? Remus"

Professor Lupin then lowered his wand and helped up Sirius giving him a hug afterward.

"I found him let's kill him" Sirius says happily


You noticed Sirius and Remus where glancing at each other anxiously.

"He's a Werewolf, That's why He's been missing classes!"

"How long have you known. Did Y/n tell you?"
He ask's glancing at me

"Since Professor Snape sent the essay and I figured it out all by myself"

Sirius then turns to you and says "Aren't you not a RavenClaw I thought you'd be the one to tell her."

"Yes I am but not a very good one as you can tell" I say moving forwards leaning against the door frame smiling.

Ron Hermione and Harry looked at you with the wisest eyes you've ever seen

"Y/n.....YOUR WITH THEM!" Harry yelled at you in shock but mostly in anger.

"So what if I am I'm doing this too protect you Harry" I say looking him dead in the eye you also noticed Ron seemed too be injured you wanted too go over and make sure he was alright but you knew he wouldn't let you near him until this is all over.


You snorted "Do you boys want to explain or shall I"

Sirius smiled at you and said "I'll do it thank you Y/n."

"Just wait-" Professor Lupin tried saying before being cut off by and angry Sirius


Remus then looked at Harry then back at Black until he grave a slow nod towards Sirius and stepped back a bit.

"Very well, Kill him. But wait one moment Harry has the right to know the why" Professor Lupin said handing over a wand too Sirius

"I know why, You betrayed my parents your the reason there dead."

"No Harry it wasn't him someone did betray your parents but it was somebody who I thought today was dead."


"Peter Pettigrew, And he's In this room right now. Come out come out Peter!" Sirius shouted but it want Peter that came out Oh No it was Professor Snape ?

"Expelliarmus!" Shouted Professor Snape making the wand that Sirius was holding go flying.

You where quite shocked that Professor Snape came you moved back closer too Professor Lupin too get away from him and too look like you weren't one their side.

"Revenge is sweet, How I've hoped I would be the one too catch you"

"Severus" Professor Lupin said trying too go near him but it only ended with his wand being inches away from him so he had too back down.

"I've already told Dumbledore that your here and that you let an old friend into the castle and now I have proof."

"Brilliant Snape, Now If you excuse us me and Remus have some unfinished business too attend."

Snape then put his wand against Sirius's throat and started slowly walking forward

"Give me a reason I beg you-"

"Severus don't be a fool"

"He can't help it"

"Sirius be quite!"

"Shut yourself Remus!!"

"Oh look at you two bickering like an old married couple"

"Why don't you ran along and play with your chemistry set" Sirius teased

"I could do it you know, But why deny it the Dementors there so longing too see you do I detect a flicker of fear oh yes the Dementors kiss I can only imagine what that's like to injure it's to be nearly terrible too witness but I'll do my best."

"Severus please!" Professor Lupin begged

"After you"

You where not going too let this happen you where just about too take out your wand whenHarry stepped forward taking Hermione wand and pointed it at Professor Snape and said "Expelliarmus!"

Snape went flying crashing into the bed making the roof part of it collapse

"Harry What did you just do!" Ron screeched

"You just attacked a teacher!" Hermione Yelled after Ron

You giggled and said "Well I'm glad you did it he was going too ruin all the fun"

Sirius laughed at what you did and Lupin smiled at you brought while Ron and Hermione looked upset and betrayed.

Harry on the other hand was not looking at you and kept a straight face his wand was still up pointing now at Sirius and Lupin "Tell me about Peter Pettigrew" He ask's.

"He went too school with us we thought he was our friend" Professor Lupin explained

"No he's dead, You killed him" he then said pointing it more too Sirius.

"No, I thought so too until you mentioned him seeing Pettigrew on the map" Lupin said getting in front  of Sirius

"The Map was lying then" Harry says

"The Map, Never Lies!" Sirius said

"Pettigrew's alive and he's right there" Sirius added on pointing too Ron's rat.

"Me that's mental!" Ron screeched

"Not you Ronald your Rat!" I yell at him

"Scabbers has been in my family for-"

"TWELVE YEARS! A curious long life for a common garden rat he's missing a toe isn't he."

"A Toe What?!?!?!" Ron said confused

"All they could find was his-" Harry tried saying but was cut off by Sirius

"FINGER!"  Sirius yelled walking in front of Ron

"He transformed into a rat" Sirius said looking at Harry

"Show Me" Harry says

Sirius snatched the rat off of Ron which he then retaliated by screaming "SCABBERS WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO TO HIM!"

You walked over with your wand out with Professor Lupin Sirius then let go of the rat making it go runner trying to escape by running through a wall put you managed to get him before he could leave.

Lupin and Sirius pulled Peter Pettigrew out of the wall and pointed their wands at him

"Sirius Remus my old friends!" He said then tried making a dash for the door but Sirius and Remus got him before he could make it out of the room.

"Harry look at you, You look so much like your father like James But-"

He kept getting closer too Harry but before he could touch him you took Harry's hand and moved him behind you with your wand pointed at Pettigrew.

Sirius ran up to him and said "How Dare You, Talk go Harry."

Pettigrew then ran behind the piano "How Dare You speak about James."

Lupin game Sirius then went to both sides of the piano and Lupin ask's "You sold James and Lily too the dark lord didn't you?"

"I didn't mean too" He wailed

"The dark lord you have no idea the weapon he has possess" He then turns too Sirius and says "What would you have done, Sirius What Would You Have Done!"

"I WOULD HAVE DIED INSTEAD OF BETRAYING MY BEST FRIEND!" Sirius Yelled While Pettigrew tan under the piano

Harry let go of your hand to and ran in front of the door and Pettigrew ran up to him held him "Harry, James wouldn't have wanted me killed your dad would have shown me mercy!"

Pettigrew was the shoved away from Harry by Sirius and Lupin and was pushed too the ground

"You should have realised Peter if Voldemort didn't kill you we would!" Sirius said until Harry Yelled "No!"

"Harry, His man is-"

"I know what he is but we'll take him too the castle" Harry says moving closer

"Bless you Boy!" He says trying to hold onto Harry

"Get off, I said we would take you too the castle after that the dementors can have you."

"Sorry about the bite I reckon that twinges a bit" Sirius said apologetically too Ron helping him with Harry down a stairway part

"A bit, A BIT!!! You almost tore my leg off!" Ron Yelled

"Ah, Well I was going for the rat normally I have a very sweet disposition as a dog in fact more than once James suggested that I make the change permanent the tail I could live with but the flies their murder."

You just giggled at what Sirius said

Word count 1,525

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