Levi x African-American!Reade...

By NissanSafari

24K 568 300

Alright look, I ain't tryna offend NOBODY who got lighter skin. It's just that... Imagine Levi with a black w... More

Foot Note
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Foot Note
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No Sex Game

2.6K 60 22
By NissanSafari

(Y/N) had invited her co-workers over to have a little get together and in the midst of partying, her boyfriend, Levi had come over to 'introduce' himself. More like interrogate any guy co-worker that had looked at you. Especially since you wore his favorite dress. It was beautiful yes but, to Levi, it was too revealing. It was a sleeveless spring dress. The base color was beige and beautiful red flowers littered the bottom and middle. To top it all off, a slit was made to reach all the way up to your waist, revealing your slender brown leg. That dress was a no-no to wear in public. But who listens? You don't. You could feel his eyes on you, undressing you with his eyes.
You ignored him and continued to welcome new guests. Eventually, (B/F), Jackson, Chris, Hanji and Erwin had come too. You were happy that everyone had come by! Classical music, wine and little snacks were perfect for a get together! Well, other than your boyfriend sizing you up from across the room. Man, why was he so hot? It was just a simple dress and it had a professional look to it. Anyways, you took a fork and lightly tapped it against your glass cup of red wine. Everyone turned their heads towards you and smiled. You smiled back, proud of a good get together this was,

"I just want to say thank you all so much for coming to this get together. I know we can be a little bit on the dickish side when it comes to marketing but I felt it deep inside that we were more than just co-workers. We family!"

(Y/N) raised her glass and everyone else followed. Everyone, except Levi of course. He was still giving death glares to the men who were ahem... 'Eyeing' you. Annoyed and slightly aroused by staring at your figure as if it was his next meal. He finally made his way towards you and wrapped an arm around your waist, sliding his hand up and down your hip. He guided you to your bedroom, giving small smiles and nods to anyone who looked in his direction. You knew what he was trying to do, but you wanted to keep entertaining your guests. Once you got to the hallway leading to your bedroom, you turned to face him and hugged him. But, you were really trying to scold him, talking so only he could hear you,

"Ima need you to keep it in your pants until everyone leaves."

"It's not my fault you didn't listen to me is it, princess?"

"Well, my boss is here so I can't do anything anyways."

"He won't notice 10 minutes pass by."

"I don't believe you."

"You know you're not supposed to wear this dress anyways don't you?"

You nodded.

"And you know, that you'd have to be punished right?"

You nodded again.

"That's what I thought. Now Get. In. The. Room."

Arousal obvious in your ragged breath and half-lidded eyes, you ran to tell your boss that you had to take care of your boyfriend because he wasn't 'feeling well' and that you'd need to 'take care' of him. You both ran to the back room to fulfill your dirtiest desires.

You both walked out of the backroom feeling refreshed and stretched. The first thing you noticed was that everyone had left, except Jackson, Chris and a very annoyed looking (B/F). Her arms were crossed and she was tapping her foot. The place was clean at least, which made Levi calm down the slightest after coming out with you,

"Y'all are nasty. You two need to learn some restraint for once!"

"(B/F), we're a couple. We are in love!"

"No, no, no that wasn't love. That was sex! There's a difference."

Levi butted in with his own retort.

"There's also a difference between actual clean and half-assed clean. But I guess you wouldn't know that, would you?"

(B/N) glared at you both, but then it was replaced with a smirk,

"I bet, that you two couldn't last a week with no sex."

(Y/N) paled. No sex? Not even teasing? (Y/N) was gonna spill, until Levi spoke first,

"Tch, we could go three weeks."

"W-We could...?"

"Don't you want to prove her wrong?"

"Of course I do! But... 3 weeks?! That's fuckin' long!"

"We can do it. Besides, we can still masturbate-"

(B/F) cut him off,

"Oh no no no no no, there will be no sexual acts of pleasure. No teasing. No foreplay and especially, no masturbation."

Now Levi looked pale. Of course, having the occupation he had, there was never enough time for just full on hardcore sex. So, he resorted to masturbation. Yes, he did tease himself and applied orgasm denial into his range of foreplay but never did he just stop masturbating when he starts. That's just plain torture right there. (B/F), all fired up and excited brought everyone back to reality,

"Fine, let's make a bet. You two go 3 weeks without sex and I'll... Buy you the new Jordans coming out and Levi... You can call me any insulting name you want and I won't retort! A-And I'll clean your apartment until it's spotless"

"Tch, as if I don't already Ms. Medusa. You're on."

"Anyways, if I win, (Y/N), you have to help me with this blind date. Meaning you have to do my hair, pick out my outfit and do my eyelashes."

"Girl, that's like a 5 hour process! What the hell?!"

"Take it and prove your self-control or back out and beautify me."

(B/N) held out both her hands. (Y/N) gulped, Levi still had his expressionless face. Eventually, they both came to and shook her hand. (B/F) smirked and slowly shook their hands.

"Let the games begin."

"Wait. Tomorrow's the first of the month. We should start tomorrow."

"Okay then."

Then room got quiet. Suddenly, Levi and (Y/N) started to rush everyone out of the apartment. After everyone was out, they ran to the bedroom to make as much love as they could.

Week One: Weeknights

The air was tense, it had been exactly 7 days since the last time and honestly, it was stressful as hell. Normally, he'd be spooning you and you'd be rubbing your bum on his anaconda. But instead, you both had your backs facing each other, staring at the opposite walls. The urge to just look at each other was strong. You wanted those shoes. Badly, and if it meant not even peeking at your boyfriend, so be it. You only slept with a sports bra and joggers, while Levi slept shirtless with joggers as well, making this all the more difficult. Not only was this a battle with (B/F), it was a battle with yourself and how much self-control you had. Besides, what if you become single again? You wouldn't want to just go out and not be able to resist your urges. That's what we call one-night-stands, kids. Anyways, you felt a tug and felt the rise and fall of a blanket, meaning Levi had resituated the blanket... Again,

"Would you cut that out!"

"I can't get comfortable if you keep squirming."




Suddenly, (Y/N) had scooched her bum all the way over to Levi's hip, who was now laying on his back. It took everything in his power not to pounce on her right there. But no, his self-control did diminish once you two started dating. He needed to regain all of it back. With all the self-restraint he had, he spoke,



"Move your ass."

"Oh, my bad."

(Y/N) then scooted to her side of the bed again, still having her back towards him. Next, Levi stretched his arm out, making a type of pillow for (Y/N) it seemed but that's not what he was aiming for. His hand slowly went down to find hers and, although he did find and hold her hand, his intertwined hand had finally stopped at her inner thigh. Her shaky breathing had informed him that it was working. He could even hear the quiet whimpers creeping out of her mouth,

"Y'know (Y/N), I only get 2-3 hours of sleep per day."


"What do you think I should do to fix it?"

"... You should take some sleeping pills."


There was no way in hell he'd take those dangerous things. He already had enough on his place enough,

"I'm not eating shit. Now give me some blanket. It's cold."

"Hey! Stop snatchin' shit!"

"Well maybe if you hand over the damned blanke-"

Levi pulled back the blanket to reveal a small little ball of ice in between her legs,

"Heh, why am I not surprised?"

"Hey! I gotta get rid of this somehow!"


Levi snatched the entire blanket and went into her living room, setting up shop on her couch. (Y/N) pouted and went to sleep, ice in crotch and all.

Week Two: Weekdays

(Y/N) was pacing around in (B/F)'s house, trying to calm her aching needs. She was frantic, antsy, some may even call it desperate. No. You were hungry. You wanted to rake his back with your nails, you wanted to make him moan your name, you wanted him. (B/F) tried to console you as best as she could,

"Look at it this way, (Y/N), you're showing plenty of self-control! Erwin and Hanji would be proud!"

"Erwin and Hanji get to fuck as much as they want. But not Levi and I. Oh, no no no. We cain't fuck because if we do, I ain't gettin' my damn Jordans, and the new ones look so well with my True Religion outfit."

"Yes they do. But that's not the point, (Y/N). Well... it is but, think about it! You're not giving in to your desires! You're stronger than him! He's probably begging YOU to beg HIM to fuck you!"

"Pfft! Levi? My stubborn, blunt and sexy Asian man? Listen here: Levi doesn't beg. He either gets it or he doesn't and just like Ariana Grande said in her song, 7 Rings, 'I see it, I like it, I want it, I got it.' What Levi wants, Levi gets. But... I do have an idea."

"I'm worried."

"Shut up. I'm finna go buy a few things."

(B/F) suddenly ran towards you and grabbed your arm, yanking you back and spoke to you with worry,

"No, (Y/N)! Don't tell me you givin' in?!"

"I never said I was givin' in. Ima make him give in."

And with that, you rushed out of the apartment, leaving (B/F) confused as a dog looking at itself in the mirror.

As she went to her car, she dialed a few good friends,

"Hey Hanji, I'm gonna need some cash. Help a sista' out?"

Levi wasn't doing any better than how (Y/N) was. He sat on his couch, hands folded, resting his forehead on his folded hands. His face was scrunched up, signaling that he was either deep in thought, focusing, or highly upset. He tapped his foot repetitively. He was so secretive that even clues themselves wouldn't be able to tell his emotion at the moment. Hell, even Blue's Clues couldn't tell what he was feeling. Everyone else was at work, except Jackson and Chris, the two infamous idiots who get Levi into some type of mess every time. Consoling him was even harder than consoling (Y/N),

"Ay Levi, why don't we just go to Erwin's and we coul-"

"Shut the fuck up."

"Ay, Ay, Ay Levi! He's just tryna help, man."

"Well, why don't you help me by figuring out how to stop the numbness that's forming in my crotch, you bastards?"

"For the record, I had my daddy in my life. But you know what you really could do? You could get her back, man!"

"I'm not into revenge."

"No, I mean, why don't you persuade her into giving in! It's perfect! You'll show her why this was a stupid idea in the first place cause uh... You a lil angry there bruh."

Chris butted in after Jackson,

"Ye, ye, ye and you could get her to do ANYTHING 'cause she been waitin' on you to make the first move!"

"For once you dumbasses have something smart to say-"

Levi stood up and walked to his door, unlocking it and pointing into the hallway,

"But, you still gotta get the hell out."

Final Week: The Competition

Sunday night. The battle of self-control between you and Levi. You were coming over to his apartment. He lit some candles and turned off his lights. He wore a shirt that was unbuttoned half way, exposing his chiseled chest. He put on some cologne, your favorite by the way. He made dinner, but that was for later. Soon, he heard a knock on his door. You were here! Perfect, soon you'd be on him like how cheese be on macaroni. Sorry, but that's the best way to explain it. He'd break you down, piece by piece until you were beggin' him to break you to the bone, which he'd do anyway. He'd grown tired of the aching pain in his nether regions. Of course, he can just flex his arm and it'd go away, but he'd rather have his love fix it for him. Not using a stupid second option. Anyways, he opened the door without hesitation and his face remained neutral, but you could tell through the flash in his eyes that'd it be a tough competition AND you had the same idea as he.

You wore the same dress from the beginning except, it was black, skin tight, had a slit exposing your thigh and golden hoop chain wrapped around your waist. Your heels were black with golden spikes protruding from it, showing a lil bit of that punk nature. Your braids were wrapped into a bun placed perfectly on top of your head, golden accessories hanging from the bun. Your make-up was superb with your perfectly blended in foundation, your black wings and eye-shadow made your eyes pop-out and of course, let's not forget about your lips. Screw that lipstick shit, ya girl had the CLEAR lip gloss, making your natural pinkish brown lips shine. You had one hand on the door frame and you put all of your weight on your hip, making you seem all the more sexy,

"Hey babe."


"You okay? You look... Pale."

You went to touch his face, but he quickly grabbed your wrist and gently pulled you inside. That thick tension was in the air again. He brought you towards the couch where you both stood and stared. You gasped at how well thought out Levi had been when it came to this plan. Then, you looked at his chest and a non-visible blush dusted your cheeks. Finally, you smelt his cologne and your body grew stiff. Again, it was your favorite. Two can play that game. You pretended to look into your purse and forcefully pushed your little pouch out of your bag, making it fall on the floor. You smirked as you bent over. Slowly, veeeery slowly did you bend over to pick up your pouch, sticking your behind up and in the air, swaying your hips from side to side,

"Oops! Lemme just pick this u- Oh! There's more stuff down here, you don't mind if I pick these up do you?"

"Go ahead. I wanted to clean up with you anyways."

You couldn't see it, but Levi's face as dark. It was taking EVERYTHING not to pounce you right then and there. His calm demeanor was still there on the outside, but his sadistic, uncontrollable and downright dirty thoughts were swallowing him whole on the inside. Part of you wanted to stop teasing, but the other sadistic side of you was starting to come out. Finally, you stood back up and turned around to face him. He was leaned up against the wall, arms crossed, eyes lidded half way and a boring look on his face. He got off the wall and walked past you. You threw a mini-fit behind him, but kept your compose as you tried to start up conversation,

"So Levi, what have you been up to?"

"Nothing. I've just been at the gym since you weren't here. Here, look-"

Suddenly, his shirt was off and he was flexing his back muscles. You couldn't explain how badly you wanted to touch them. He turned around to face you and flexed his muscles. You feigned ignorance and raised an eyebrow. You were fake when he was facing you but when he turned around, you were dragging yourself up and downward while you were standing. He turned back around to face you again, still shirtless, and began to talk again,


"Oh, they a'ight..."


You walked passed him as you heard him curse to himself,

"Oh Levi, darling, can you help me with something...?"

"What is it?"

"Can you lotion my leg for me?"

You lifted your exposed leg and set it on the coffee table, showing the slightest bit of your racy lingerie. He swallowed an invisible ball and walked towards you, getting down on his knees, and the rarity of it all is shocking you to the extreme. He took the lotion out of your pouch and opened it. He took a sniff at it, cocoa butter always did smell good to him. Not too strong and not to faint, but just right. He squeezed just enough out and put it back in the pouch with his other hand of course. You sighed with content as he slowly rubbed your ankles, next your calf and then your thigh. You inhaled sharply as he neared your heat. You wanted him to touch you there, but were you gonna ask him? Hell no. Were you gonna beg him? Fuck no. You ripped your leg out of his grasp and went to sit down on his couch and looked up expectantly at him,


"Uhh don't you think I need something?"


"I ain't doin' shit until I eat."

"Tch. Typical."

He walked to the kitchen and came back out with two plates covered with metal tops. He brought them to where the couch and coffee table, setting them down gently. He lifted his to reveal beef wellington with smothered potatoes and roasted grape tomatoes. Next he took off the lid to your plate and you gasped. It was mac and cheese with greens, sweet potatoes and two biscuits. God, he knew that after eating this, normally, you'd give him the fucking of a lifetime. But, not now. No. You both ate in silence, tension slowly dying down. Once you finished you laid back into the couch and looked at Levi... Wow he looked good right now. What if you just... Nope. Nope. Nope. This was his plan! But holy fuck it was working. Suddenly, his hand was on your thigh, rubbing it sensually and softly. He was always the sweetest after he cooked for you. But this wasn't love, this was lust. Never could your shot down senses see it though. You looked at him and smiled. He gave you a small smile, but went back to his stoic face. You both leaned in, closer... And closer... And closer until you both smacked into each other. Teeth clanking and hair pulling. He got on top of you, attacking your neck with bites and kisses. Then... You pushed him off of you and you both fell off of the couch. Levi, sexually frustrated and pissed, exploded,

"What the hell are you doing?"

"No, Levi! No!"

"Don't you know what this means?! It means (B/F) was right! It means our relationship is just about sex!"

"(Y/N)! Don't you hear what's coming out or your mouth, you brat?!" Get this through your head: We. Fuck. When. We. Want! We love each other! Think of all the stuff we have in common!"

"W-We like to eat healthy!"

"Yeah! And we like to watch movies together."


"A-And we like opera!"

"Sing it for me."

You didn't even realize it but you and Levi were in front of his bedroom door, opened and calling for them, your legs wrapped around his waist as he walked. Once he urged you to sing for him, you hit an operatic note as he rushed you both into the bedroom.

Foot Note: Fun Fact: The flexing to get rid of the boner thing is actually real n,n! Word Count: 3277. Enjoy this shit because it took WAAAAY too long uwu

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