BTS Relationship Imagines: VH...

By worship_ateez

62.8K 1.5K 465

As you read, these are imagines of BTS ONLY! They are relationship imagines about you favorite BTS pair. Enjo... More

Boy In Luv (Namjin BTS)
I Like It (VKook)
[Namseok, Taekook, Yoonmin] High School
[Seokjin, Hoseok] Confidence Managed
I Like It (VHope)
Your My.....YoonMin (Suga & Jimin)
Happy Birthday (VHOPE)
No Regrets (YoonMin) Jimin & Suga
24/7 Heaven (KookieMonster)
Let Me Know (JiKook)
Will You Marry Me? (KookieMonster)
Love! Love! Love! {YoonMin}
I Like You (NamJin)
Please Notice Me (JiKook)
Baby I Want It (YoonMin)
Can't You See
Can I Sleep? (VHope)

Jealously (NAMJIN)

4.4K 94 13
By worship_ateez

Namjoon hated that seokjin was touchy with the other members in BTS. He didn't like the way that they would just normally go up to him and hug him. He also didn't like the fact that seokjin smiled like it didn't mean much. He hated it more when seokjin was the one to initiate the touch first. It always made Namjoon want to go and separate them. It always made him feel a sudden eruption of anger and want to yell at them. 

He also hated it when the members all tried to get seokjin's attention. The thing he hated even more was that seokjin would easily give in to them. He would laugh at their jokes, join them in their activities, and coo at their cuteness. All the while ignoring him in the process as he growled at the other. He didn't like being ignored and it occurred to him that the other didn't care much about him. 

The one absolute thing that he hated the most about seokjin was that he happened to be his muse, his boyfriend and his problem. He didn't like feeling jealous of his boyfriend when he knew it was wrong. The feeling of guilt always came after he had glared at s wishing they'd be annihilated. Though, he disliked the sudden anger it also occured to him that  the members did it on purpose at times. Then he'd start talking like it was none of his business and ignore the others.  Like whatever happened didn't matter and that seokjin wasn't of much importance in his life. That was what he was doing at the moment and he was pretty pissed of. The others thought it would be funny to see how he would react if he saw his ex-girlfriend hugging seokjin and his lover complying with a smile. The thing that was really annoying was that it was posted online and it became a huge scandal and now the fans were saying stupid nonsense. He also hated that they fought because of this reason and now he was mad at seokjin for not noticing his fault in this problem.

He hated his group members, his ex-girlfriend that he never liked and especially seokjin. 

"Hyung, we are sorry please stop ignoring us and acting like nothing has happened! We are sorry for pulling this prank and promise to not do it again." Jungkook bellowed desperately to him with the rest of the group. Seokjin wasn't there this time and he didn't care. "It was all our fault, Jin hyung wasn't a part of it at all." 

Namjoon gave them a broad smile, "it doesn't really matter to me if seokjin was in it or not. I don't even know what your talking about!" He said and went back to playing on his phone. He ignored the apologies he was getting from his group and decided to put his headphones on. 

Finally, the others had given up in apologizing and being forgiven by Namjoon and decided to leave him alone. After they were gone Namjoon took off his headphones and sighed out loud. He got comfortable on the couch that he was resting on and turned on the T.V. 

His phone buzzed at the same time and he reached for it. The screen had "jinnie-ah❤" written across. It was a text message from seokjin but he decided to ignore it.  Then he started to flip through the channels but his phone buzzed again. He ignored the numerous text messages and turned off his vibration and sound on his phone and went back to his T.V. 

Again he flipped through the channels and finding nothing good he stopped at a movie that at least seemed to intrigue his interest. It was about a couple that were really close to each other. They were best friends that turned into lovers during their late teen and early 20's year. The couple had very childish friends that seemed to really like pulling pranks on each other. So one day they decided to play a silly harmless prank on the couple. The girl was introduced to a friend of one of the friends and he was a star. Their friends then had pranked the boy by saying that his girlfriend was cheating on him. In the end when he was about to punch the guy his friends had said it was a joke and laughed at him for being so serious. Though this prank had only stirred some kind of emotion inside of him as he saw the girl with the other guy. The two had become instant friend that were like brothers and sisters. However, this didn't sit well with the boyfriend of the girl and he became extremely jealous. He tried to tell her that he didn't like this friend of hers. Really tried hard to tell her, show her but she just thought that he was being too much. Then one day he was given an article by one of the couples prankster friends. It was about his girlfriend and the guy being seen as a couple and shopping for rings together. This upset the boy really badly and he had a quarrel with her. In the end he ignored his friends including his girlfriend and decided to leave the place for a while. 

Namjoon looked at the girl in disgust and had sympathy for the guy. He was really into the movie that he didn't notice all the text messages or missed call on his phone. Nor the time. 

Namjoon felt that he should have left the dorm like the guy too. The boy had left to go to his hometown for a week to cool down. However, he had come back to their shared apartment with the intention of breakup. He hadn't checked his phone filled with all the missed calls or text messages. He right out ignored all of his friends and hers by keeping busy and helping his parents or watching a movie. When he returned to the apartment no one was home. The girl wasn't there and it seemed like no one had been living here for a week. He went to their shared bedroom to see the bed was messy. The washroom was dirty and the dishes from the night he had left hadn't been washed at all. He starting assuming that she had left him to go to that guys house. He was enraged after that thought and without thinking called a friend to confirm this theory. Though his friend told him the opposite of what he had thought. His friend told him that she was at the hospital for not eating, drinking, or sleeping because she kept on calling him. Then on the second day after he had gone they had found her collapsed on the floor cold and unmoving. The boy was petrified at the news he heard. Hurriedly he got the hospital name and the room and left to go to her. He didn't have a car so he took the taxi and in the way checked his phone. There were several text messages apologizing to him and saying that it was all a misunderstanding. That the ring was for the two of them and that she had only been helped by the star friend.
The missed calls that repeatedly told him "I am sorry" and "I love you". When  he got to the hospital and to her room  he was a big mess. As he neared her there were tears in his eyes as he looked at what he had done to his beloved. When she opened her eyes to look at him she smiled. He held her hand tightly and hugged her weak petite body. He explained to her that he was jealous and he 
 like it. The thought of losing her to a good looking person like her frend was possible and he had thought so too. In the end feeling insecure he had ignored the girl and left. Then the movie ended with the girl smiling at his reason and telling him "I love you". 

Namjoon stared at the credits and his thoughts were also mismatched. There were many questions going around his head that he couldn't find an answer to. Like: why the heck did the guy cry in the end? Why did the girl smile and say 'I love you'? Why didn't the girl eat properly after the guy left? Why was the guy stupid enough to not answer the calls? Why did he get so frustrated and jealous easily if he knew that his girlfriend wouldn't do anything behind his back? Why did he leave her for a week and go to his hometown? Why? Why? Why?! 

Deciding that he wouldn't be able to answer to that he reached for his laptop and typed in the questions he had about the movie. Internet always seemed to have websites that answered unanswerable questions. He went through some websites and read some of the comments. 

By xoxopparndn:

"I love this movie! It shows that sometimes boys can be thick headed when it comes to love. Like seriously the girl in the movie seemed to act close with all of their other friends and suddenly he get jealous of just that one. Though, ignoring her for a stupid reason the guy really must my have a brain. When you have a fight you should always talk about it. Otherwise it could lead to other damn problems!!! Still love the movie!!!!!"

By 18377opppaaarrr:

"I dated a boy that was like this. So stupid getting jealous over everything. So, when he got mad at me for hugging someone that was close with him and personally acquaintance to me he decided to ignore me. So I dumped his sorry and left to find a better man!" 

Reply to 18377opppaaarrr from lloveisllove:

"You go girl! No one should be dating thick headed boys like him. Though sometimes when you love someone truly you tend to do stupid stuff like the girl in the movie did...." 

Namjoon frowned at the comments. Who would be stupid enough to ignore text from their boy/girlfriend. Even if you were fighting you would still take a glance just incase the other apologized. Then he remembered that he had ignored his phone as well. 

Quickly shoving the laptop aside he reached for his phone and opened it. He then looked at the text messaged he got from Seokjin and read them. It was all messages apologizing to him and explaining that he really had no idea that the girl was his ex. He thought she was youngi's sister because he was told so. There was no way he knew that she was Namjoon's ex-girlfriend. 

Namjoon felt extremely stupid and was now angry at himself for not giving seokjin the opportunity to explain himself. He then looked at all the missed calls an listen to seokjin's voiced calls. At first it was seokjin telling him 'I am sorry' and 'I love you'. Explains about the whole misunderstanding. Then it turned to sighs and uncontrollable sobs with little curses towards Namjoon himself. 

Listening to this troubled Namjoon right away. What if Seokjin was like the girl in the movie and did something stupid because of him? No, he wasn't like that, right? Doubting himself Namjoon raced towards Seokjin's room and knocked on it. He didn't get any answers after the millionth knock so he opened it to find it empty. He looked for the other members and found Jimin eating in the kitchen. 

"Yah, Jimin have you seen Seokjin hyung!" He asked franticall that earned him a strange look. 

"Nope, I think he ran out somewhere. Taekhyun-hyung was saying that he saw jin-hyung crying. Or was it Hoseok hyung who said Jin-hyung smelled like alcohol? No maybe it was Yoongi hyung," Shrugging his shoulder the younger answered. 

Namjoon's eyes widened at the answer as possible scenarios played in his head because he only heard Seokjin's name. Things like Seokjin being drunk and jumping off a Cliff, roof, building or being drunk enough to be having with some stranger. Even worse doing that on purpose because he is sad. Then there was the other possibility he could be kidnapped by a fanboy or a fan girl of his. He wouldn't do these kind of things right? Seokjin wasn't stupid enough to do this kind of thing. He wouldn't, right? 

Then he ran outside like crazy forgetting to put on his shoes and not caring about Jimin yelling at him. He looked all over the neighborhood. At places that Seokjin liked to buy food, the park and even called his house but it was of no avail. He sat down at the swings in the park taking a note to himself that it was creepy as heck. He scrolled through the images in his phone consisting mostly of him and seokjin. There were pictures of them for their album, music shows, home, date, and even the place where he had confessed to Seokjin accidentally. The whole of BTS were playing a simple game in the roof because they were feeling stuffy. Then they played some games and exercised and the kids decided to get food and drinks. It was only Seokjin and him that were left and he was feeling very nervous. Then without thinking because of the heat and pressure he had confessed. Seokjin had laughed and told him, "took you long enough, pabo!" Before they had shared a sweet kiss. That was interrupted  by the others. The roof of their dorm had always been special to the both. 

Namjoon stood up suddenly after realization hit him and yelled, "THE ROOF!" and started running back to their dorm. He took the elevator to the top floor, then two flights of stairs right up to the roof. He opened the door and looked all around the open Terence until he spotted a familiar silhouette. All his wheezing and huffing stopped as he neared the figure.

"Seokjin...," he whispered as he stood behind the figure. "Jinnie?" 

The figure turned around to face Namjoon with tears flowing down his face. He still somehow managed to look very handsome to Namjoon for some reason. Namjoon smiled at the other and felt relief after finding his boyfriend. However, it was the opposite for Seokjin as he cried harder and started punching Namjoon really hard. 

"Yah! Ow, OW,OW, OW! Hyung!!!" Namjoon yelled as felt the strong punches from Seokjin. "Here I went all around the neighborhood trying to find you and all I get is punches!" 

Seokjin didn't stop hitting Namjoon rather he hit the lather even harder, "you idiot, rascal, why didn't you text me back or pick up my calls! I felt like a freaking needy girlfriend which I am not because I am a guy!!! It's all because of you I feel so pathetic since I cried thinking we'd breakup. Why the heck didn't you just call me to ask where I was!!!!!" 

"Sorry, sorry hyung! Now stop hitting me because I acted like an idiot!" Namjoon said as he held onto Seokjin's hands and pulled him for a hug. Wrapping his arms around Seokjin's back he rested his head on te others shoulder, "I thought you might do something stupid because of my stupidity. So, I ran like a crazy drunk zombie to find you." 

The other stopped crying and rested his head on the others shoulder. "You are an absolute crazy bastard and your not even wearing you shoes!" Seokjin said as he looked at the other properly. 

Namjoon also looked at his feet only to find his socks on and laughed as he scrunched his nose. "You were more important to me than shoes. So you better feel special jinnie-ah!"

Seokjin smiled as he hugged Namjoon with his hands wrapped around the other. He closed his eyes before he spoke, "I really am sorry that you had to see me hugging a random girl that apparently happened to be your ex. Trust me, I thought that was Taehyung's sister or something because the others kept on insisting," then he looked at Namjoon's face, "but why do you have to be such a thick skinned knucklehead that you'd get jealous over such a stupid thing!" 

Namjoon frowned at the others choice of words but nevertheless replied, "It's because I thought you might actually be cheating behind my back since your too handsome to be stuck to someone like me. I guess I was a little insecure and well I really, really love you hyung!" 

Seokin stepped back letting go of Namjoon and hit him in the head albeit hard, "You idiot! If this was the problem then you should have talked to me about it. For sakes I am the one that goes crazy thinking you'd be taken because of the stupid way you seem to be comfortable with everyone!" He yelled at Namjoon that was groaning in pain. 

"I know hyung that's why I came to talk to you," Namjoon retaliated as he rubbed his head. "Now that we talked are we clear of negative thinking about our relationship?" 

Seokjin hit Namjoon once more and then with a bright smile answered, "yes we are! Now we can go back to being the lovey-dovey shadow couple. You can go back to being the tall handsome dork that smiles every chance he gets and I can go back to being your ever so handsome and amazing boyfriend!" and struck a pose winking at Namjoon. 

Namjoon smiled widely at Seokjin and held one of his hands and walked towards him, "I can take that!" He said and leaned in taking a  needed kiss from his beloved muse, lover, and boyfriend. 

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