Love Bites & Bullet Holes

By NaughtyPlease

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It was supposed to be a simple hit. In and out, kill everything that moves, and leave no survivors. A quiet... More

The Beginning of The End
Drowning in Sorrow
21 Questions and Counting
One Step Forward...
...Two Steps Back
House Call
Midnight Snack
Feverish Memories
Plans In Motion
Runaway Mouse
Out of the Frying Pan
Into the Fire
Authors Note
The Devil You Know...
Author's Note
Dark Side of the Sun

The Devil You Don't

265 26 8
By NaughtyPlease

He went flying back. Harder than I thought he would, and collided with a standing tray before tumbling to the ground. I knew my odds were slim and that I probably just earned myself a bullet to the head, but I didn't wait around to prove myself right. I bolted. Shot right out of the room like a bat outta hell and took off in the opposite direction we came. I didn't know if the last group and remaining henchmen were still there and so my best bet was to try and lose them in the warehouse and hopefully find a back way out. I didn't get very far. The henchman I'd kicked down latched onto my upper arm and yanked me back so hard, I momentarily lost my breath. His other arm was raised, gun in hand, ready to bring the butt of it down on me. My eyes squeezed shut and I flinched away, but the impact I was expecting never came. Instead, more angry Japanese was shouted by another individual and then by the man holding me.

I braved a peek and then my eyes widened as I saw what was happening. The henchman's wrist was being held back by the man in charge and a heated exchange of words was going on between them. Suddenly, the man's backhand came down hard against the henchman's face and I was released as he staggered back from the blow. I automatically lifted a hand to rub at my arm, only for my body to freeze as the man's eyes were now narrowed on me instead of his henchman. In two quick steps, he had my arm recaptured and began dragging me back to the examination room. He looked at the doctor and waved his hand harshly towards the entryway. "Hanareru! Yakunitatanai baka! (Leave! Useless fool!)" The doctor quickly gave a small bow of his head and rushed past with a lowly murmured, "Hai, Nakayama-san. Gomen-nasai.(Yes, Mr.Nakayama. My apologies.)"

Chills constantly trickled down my spine as I searched my mind for something to say or do to get this man to spare my life. Gulping, I looked up at him and let my mouth part, ready to spew what I knew would be a shitty excuse. "I-" my words were instantly cut off as he tugged me in front of him and let go, his hand coming into contact with my face. The slap echoed in the small space, stunning me almost as much as the sting in my cheek. The feel and taste of blood running over my tongue made me instantly grimace and shot a glare at him. Anger temporarily overshadowing my fear. I've had enough. I was fucking fed up of being tossed around, slapped, and just generally treated like filth by men who deluded themselves into thinking they had a claim on me. If this was how I died, then fine. But I was done cowering and letting them do as they pleased. Squaring my shoulders, I stared up at him and did probably the most ballsy thing so far. I spat the blood that had gathered in my mouth, all over his chest. Shock took over his features but I wasn't done with my defiance. I reached up and harshly yanked out his light blue pocket square, wiping my mouth with it while holding his gaze with the fiercest glare I could muster.

"They're called words! Fucking use them!" I shouted, then raised my hand and tossed the soiled handkerchief right in his face. I wholeheartedly expected to be shot now. I was braced for it and mentally making my peace. But as was the theme of this new life I stumbled upon, he did the unexpected. He laughed. Actually threw his head back and laughed. All I could do was stand there stunned. My mouth hanging open, welcoming any nearby fly to come on in. Was I hallucinating? Did my mind finally break on me? "Um..." I was about to question his sanity but didn't get the chance when his hand once again made it's way to my face. This time squeezing my cheeks together painfully. "Are you truly as dumb as you look, shojo (little girl)? Or perhaps this is some half cocked attempt to piss me off enough in hopes I'll either kill you now or let you go?" He released my face with a shove and a little chuckle, shaking his head. "What ever it is, I suggest you stop. You won't like how I retaliate."

A part of me wanted to lash out again, but the look in his eyes told me I didn't want to find out what a punishment from him would entail. So I swallowed the small amount of pride I had remaining and gave a stiff nod. My gaze falling to the floor. "Good." Approval laced his tone and my hand clenched at my sides. Pathetic. That's what I was right now. A minute ago I was ready to fight, and most likely die, to defend myself. Now I was back to submitting to this psycho's whim like a fucking lap dog. Self preservation was such a loathsome thing...

* * *

About thirty minutes later I was hauled back out of the make shift room, feeling violated and exposed after the very thorough examination I'd just received. He'd preformed it himself and the embarrassment I felt was monumental. He led me towards the other nine girls that had been grouped together with me and I harshly tugged my arm out of his grip, moving to stand by them. They looked just as shaken as I probably did, but had no other visible signs of harm. He gave me what I could only assume was a warning look at my actions, before turning towards his men and rattling off orders in Japanese. I hated this. Hated that someone else had full control of my life and I just had to stand here and let it happen. Surely there was a way out of this? My gaze started wondering around the warehouse, once again uselessly searching for anything that could help me escape. My eyes landed back on the group of girls standing by me, a crazy idea filling my mind. What if I could convince them to try escaping with me? If it were a group effort, maybe we'd stand half a chance. I mean, at this point wasn't it worth the risk? We had no idea what these men had in store for us but one thing I did know, was that it wouldn't be good.

"Hey". I called out as softly as I could, trying to grab the attention of the girl next to me. She was a tall slender brunette, with sultry light brown eyes and sun kissed skin. She looked like the type of girls you see in magazines. All long limbs and effortless beauty. In fact, all of the girls in the group, though each uniquely different, held the same beautiful quality. The kind that stood out from the everyday appearance. She glanced my way ever so briefly before looking forward once again. I shifted a little closer, keeping my movements slow and unhurried as to not draw any unnecessary attention and tried again. "Hey". Her eyes shifted down to the floor before finally lifting to look at me again.

"...I don't think we should be talking." she whispered, casting a nervous glance at the man in the suit. I could tell she was scared, we all were, but I couldn't just be led to the slaughter like a clueless lamb. "Listen. I know you're scared...but we have to try and escape." I retorted in a low hushed tone. Her expression grew alarmed at my suggestion and she shook her head. Turning her gaze from me once again and looking ahead. "Look," I pressed, "These are clearly bad men. It's only going to get worse for us from here on out. But if we work together, we at least stand a chance of-"


I jerked at the sudden aggressive male voice, and straightened away from her. My body tensing up and my eyes going towards the man approaching us. "What do you think this is? A meet and greet? Keep your mouths shut unless we say otherwise. Got it?" I was surprised by the English, even though it was a bit muddled by his accent. I had assumed all the men working for the suited up bastard spoke strictly Japanese, save for the few lines they'd asked us earlier, but clearly I was wrong. I nodded, forcing myself to keep still when he gave me a once over followed by a smirk that made my skin crawl. He walked back towards the other men that were still talking to the man in charge and I breathed a sigh of relief.

I glanced over at the girl to see her fidgeting, her eyes a little damp from tears she was clearly holding back. She probably thought we were about to die when that man came over. Gun cocked and aggression blanketing him. Damn it! It would be no use to try talking to her again so soon. A sigh left my lips and my shoulders slumped a bit in disappointment. I wasn't giving up on my plan, but I knew I needed to wait before approaching any of them about it again. I just hoped that whatever they had planned for us next wouldn't be too horrible, and that it wouldn't be too late to save ourselves.

* * *

Hopelessness. That was what I was feeling over the last few hours as we moved from location to location. At first, when it became clear we'd be leaving the warehouse, a spark of hope blossomed in my chest and my mind started conjuring up multiple ways I might be able to escape. Perhaps if my plans were solid enough I could convince the other girls to work with me. But then the spark flickered when they blindfolded us and once again tied our hands behind our backs. We switched vehicles twice, and despite my now limited senses, I was able to figure out that the first one was a truck. I could tell instantly from the hollow feel and the lack of seats. Leaving us to sit on the cold hard floor and jostled around harshly by every movement it made. Often toppling over or bumping into each other when a particularly sharp turn sent us skidding across the open space. At one point I tried to say something to the other girls, only to have a rough male voice bark me back into stunned silence. Causing my heart to pound like crazy as I was unaware any of the henchmen were in here with us. Something I should have expected.

The second vehicle was much smaller and I was positive it was a van. I had to both climb up and duck down to get inside and I was met by seats. I was forced down onto one and then aggressively buckled in, the other girls forced to do the same. Various sounds of either anger, fear, or distress left the girls from the rough manhandling and I realized with a frown that only four of the other girls were with me. It was funny but, even though I didn't know them, they shared in my predicament and that only grew concern for them inside me. These girls were just like me. Hurt, scared, and confused. And now more than ever we all needed each other. One of the men climbed into the front seat and another into the seat beside me. Rapid Japanese was fired off between them and the driver, and then the van jerked to a start.

"Wait!" I cried out. My body strained forward, trying to get as close to the driver as I could. "Where are the other girls?" I asked anxiously. When no one answered me I grew more determined for a response. It might be stupid or maybe even an act of insanity, but I needed to know. Were they dead? Or have they yet again sectioned us off into two groups like back at the warehouse? All these thoughts swirled around my mind demanding clarity. "I said hey! I know you can understand me! Where are they!! Answer me damn it! Answer m-" A yelp left me and I fell against the window as the man next to me slapped me across the face. Breathing hard in both shock and anger, I wrestled with both the urge to stay down and take this as a sign they had no intentions of telling me anything, or to continue asking until maybe I'd annoy them into a proper response. The former won out and a long shaky exhale of frustration left me as I struggled to readjust my body from it's currently slumped position. Something that was challenging when your hands were bound.

"It's okay...they only split us up so they can take vans to where we're going next, instead of the truck...Something about avoiding suspicion." The softly whispered voice surprised me and I barely stopped myself from turning around. Having to keep in mind that I couldn't see her even if I did, and from the henchmen's reaction earlier at the warehouse, I figure they wouldn't appreciate us talking. Turning my face toward the window and away from the impatient gun wielder beside me, I lowered by voice to a whisper and asked the most pressing question on my mind. "You can understand them?" She didn't answer right away, and I wondered if maybe I'd spoken far too quietly and she hadn't heard. "A bit, yes...not enough to know much but...enough to pick up on a conversation or please, just stay quiet."

I digested her words and did as she asked, pressing my lips together and keeping quiet for the rest of the ride. Maybe, just maybe, I'd found my first ally.

- - - - - -


Ahhh! I am so excited to be posting again! It's been such a long time and I can't tell you guys enough how much I missed this. :D I hope you guys were as excited as I am and that you enjoyed this chapter! 

If you did, leave me a comment or drop me a vote! 


- Naughty

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