Just For A Laugh [FredXHarry]

Από Emrys68

200K 5.3K 4K

An unexpected relationship occurs after the Yule Ball, but how will the couple handle the Triwizard Tournamen... Περισσότερα

Don't you dare
Dress Robes
The Yule Ball
The Daily Prophet
The Second Task
Cries and Confusion
Rita Skeeter's Unearthing
The Third Task
Dementors Attack
The Hearing
The Dream
Back To Hogwarts
Dolores Umbridge
Ginny's Secret
Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
The Hog's Head

Time of Bonding

10.7K 283 211
Από Emrys68

I don't own Harry Potter. If I did, Fred would, most definitely, still be alive. Anyways, all of that belongs to JK Rowling. Onward...

"You two are gross!"
"No we are not!"
"Like you've never done it before!"
Fred, George and Harry were sat with Lee in the Sixth Year dormitory. Lee roared with laughter while George grinned at the couple. "Yes. You. Are. I can't believe you did it in the Prefect's bathroom!" Fred and Harry laughed. Lee nearly fell off his bed from rolling around. He wheezed out a laugh and wiped away tears. "I'm gonna... ha ha... go to the Library... got... ha ha ha... too much... ha ha... homework!" With that, he waved himself out, still laughing. Harry grinned and snuggled closer to Fred. It was a weekend, Ron and Hermione were in the Library, revising for exams that Fred and George couldn't be bothered with, and Harry was excused from them, being a Champion and all. The weather was nice, resulting in the Common Room being quiet, the corridors were practically empty as everyone was enjoying the sun. In short, it was one of the best weekends Harry had ever had. It was two in the afternoon, he was still in his pyjamas, and he was lounging around, talking and laughing with the twins. He felt relaxed, at peace and, for the first time since his name came out of the goblet in September, safe. Fred wrapped his arms around Harry and laid them in his stomach, waking the younger boy out of his reverie. "You have to go down to the Quidditch Pitch tonight, remember? Bagman needs to tell you about the Task." Fred said. Harry nodded, his relaxed feeling becoming slightly strained. "Yeah, I know. I'll go down around 7:30, he wants us there by eight." Fred nodded and leant forwards, resting his chin on Harry's forehead. Harry tilted his head up and pressed their lips together. "Would you two please not do that while we're alone? Makes me the third wheel!" Fred grinned, his teeth pressing into Harry's lips. Harry tried to ignore the slight tightness in his trousers and grinned back, nibbling on Fred's bottom lip. Fred's breath hitched and he lifted Harry up so they were facing each other.

Harry locked eyes with Fred, evil grins spreading on both their faces. As one, they leant in and their mouths collided. "Really? What have I just said like ten seconds ago?" He heard George shout, but there was a slight hint of amusement there. Harry opened his mouth slightly, allowing Fred entrance. Their tongues intertwined, battling for dominance. Harry won. He lightly bit Fred's bottom lip, earning himself a small groan that sent shivers down his spine. Unfortunately for them, George heard and threw a pillow at their heads, thus breaking them apart. "No way in hell are you two gonna start moaning and groaning over each other while I'm here! It's just-"
"Then leave."
Fred's voice silenced George instantly. It was all anger, no amusement. "W-what?" George said, looking slightly offended. Harry looked from one angry twin, to one shocked twin, and back again. He'd never, ever, seen or heard Fred and George seriously argue or get angry with each other. "Leave if you don't like it. Not our problem." Fred spat, no glint in his eye at all. Harry could feel Fred shaking, and his ears were starting to go red. George looked taken aback. "Fred... Fred I was... I was kidding. I wasn't being serious!" He said, now booking a bit scared. Fred shook his head, seeming to come to his senses and realise what he'd said. "Yeah- yeah, I know. I'm sorry, George. I really am." He said. George nodded and accepted his twin's apology. Then, he grinned. "You two can carry on now. I'll just ignore it if you two start... you know." Fred threw the pillow back at George, it hit him in the face. "You git! No way would we let you see that!" The three of them burst into laughter, all tension in the air gone. With that, Fred pulled Harry's head to face him and kissed him.

Harry wove his fingers through Fred's flaming hair, tugging it slightly and ruffling it. Fred's hands were working their way all over Harry's body, trying to touch every inch of him. From his shoulders, to his back, to his ribs, to his... hold up. Harry gasped and grabbed Fred's hand. He glanced over at George. The other Weasley twin was reading a comic book, seemingly oblivious to the events. "He cast a silencing charm. Heard him do it." Fred said, panting slightly. Harry was also gasping for breath. "Where were we?" He said, once again crushing his lips against Fred's.

"You seriously need to learn to control yourselves." George said, as Fred removed the protective enchantments an hour later. "You didn't want to see, so we made sure you couldn't." George groaned. "I could hear you though. You broke through my silencing charm." He whined. Harry and Fred both blushed. "Oh, jeez. Ah well, it's all natural." Fred grinned. Harry smiled slightly, face still a slight pink. "Still, you really need to quieten down when I'm in the room." George said, still grinning. Fred checked his watch. "Blimey! Dinner's in five minutes! We best go!" The three of them jumped up and ran out of the dormitory, nearly trampling a First Year as they did so.

"WHAT?" Ron roared. Harry, Fred and George roared with laughter. Hermione opened and closed her mouth, resembling a goldfish. "You should be glad Percy's not here anymore, Fred. If he heard, he'd kill you. Then tell Mum, and she'd kill you." Ron said, now smiling slightly. Harry and the twins' laughter gradually reduced to chuckles. "Ah, I can't wait 'til you win, Harry. It's gonna be amazing." George said. Fred nodded and hummed in agreement. "Yeah, it will me." He said, and kissed Harry. Harry melted into his embrace and ate one of Fred's chips. "You little git, get your own." Fred laughed, playfully slapping Harry's hand away. Harry grinned and stole another chip. "So, when's the Third Task, Harry?" George asked. Harry shrugged as his stomach gave a jolt of fear. "24th June, s'far as I'm aware." He replied. George nodded and Fred tightened his hug, as though sensing the spark of fear Harry had just felt. "You'll do great, Harry. I seriously, honestly think you're gonna win. I mean, it's you and Diggory in first place, right?" Harry nodded. "Exactly. So really, you only have to beat him. I'm telling you, you'll win. Calling it here and now." Fred said, slapping the table, an obvious tone of finality in his voice. "I have to go." Harry said, checking his watch. "Gotta meet Bagman at the pitch in ten." He said. Fred released him and kissed his forehead. "Good luck. See you soon." He said. Ron and Hermione both wished him luck, then George clapped his shoulder. "Yeah, 'cinna bit!" He called as Harry walked away, joining Cedric at the entrance to the Great Hall.

"Wonder what it'll be?" Cedric said, and he and Harry made their way towards the Quidditch Pitch. "Dunno. Probably gonna be more dangerous than the other two tasks, though." Harry said, his stomach giving another jolt. If this final task was indeed going to be harder and more dangerous than the others, he would surely fail. He had almost failed the last one, if Neville hadn't thought of Gillyweed, Harry would've surely perished in dark depths of the Black Lake, surrounded by Merpeople and Grindylows. The dragon had been a lucky one, Harry will be ever thankful for Hagrid showing him beforehand. Again, if Hagrid hadn't though to show him, Harry would've perished in the First Task easily. "You alive in there?" Harry blinked, and saw Cedric grinning at him. "Y-yeah. Yeah, I'm good. Just thinking about the Task." He lied. Cedric hummed and sighed, shrugging his shoulders. "Yeah, me too. Like I said, I'll have a good go. If all else fails, I'll back out. Simple. Don't really want to back out, though. That's only a last resort." Harry nodded. He agreed with Cedric. He was just going to wing it, if he knows he's going to perish, he'll back out. Soon after Cedric's last statement, they reached the Quidditch Pitch. Fleur and Krum were already stood on either side of Ludo Bagman when they reached him. "Ah, the final champions! Good of you to join us!" Bagman exclaimed, beaming his boyish grin at the two Hogwarts champions. Harry and Cedric, however, didn't reply. They came to a sudden halt and gawped at the Quidditch Pitch, jaws practically sitting on the floor. The Quidditch Pitch had been turned into what looked like a massive hedge. "Hedges. They're... hedges." Cedric muttered, barely audibly. Their Quidditch Pitch, their Quidditch Pitch, was covered in three feet tall hedges. Cedric and Harry, waking from their reveries, climbed over the hedges towards the other Champions and Bagman. "Don't worry, you'll get your Quidditch Pitch back once the Third Task is over." Bagman said, noticing the appalled looks on both Harry and Cedric's faces. "By the time the Task comes around, Hagrid should have these twenty feet tall!" This didn't help, Harry felt himself go pale slightly. His Quidditch Pitch was going to have twenty foot high hedges on them? "Does anybody know what these hedges are meant to be?" Bagman asked. Harry was too appalled to reply. Nobody said anything, until there was a grunt from Bagman's left. "Maze." Krum grunted. "Excellent! Now, the Third Task is simple." Bagman said. Harry noticed Krum's face. He was glancing around the Pitch, a weird look on his face. Of course, he's a Quidditch player, too! Harry thought. Krum was the only one who knew how he felt, however minutely. Besides Cedric, of course. Bagman continued on with the instructions. "The Triwizard Cup will be places in the centre of the Maze. All you have to do, is retrieve it. The first champion to touch the Cup, will win the Tournament." Harry relaxed slightly. He only had to find his way through a maze. That's it. Just a maze. He shook himself mentally. Four years in the magical world told Harry that a maze would never be just a maze. Turns out, he was right. "Hagrid will be getting together of a number of magical creatures, which will be placed at random throughout the Maze, serving as obstacles. Professor Moody will be retrieving some other forms of magical obstacles to place in the Maze, as well, thus making the Maze even more challenging!" Bagman said, practically jumping with excitement. Harry's stomach gave another jolt. He hadn't forgotten about the Blast-Ended Skrewts Hagrid has made them raise. Only Merlin knows what kind of creatures Hagrid would get for a Triwizard Tournament. Harry's stomach wasn't going to survive much longer at the thought of Hagrid and his idea of 'tame animals'. Hagrid, after all, was the one who kept dragons and giant spiders as pets. "If you wish to leave the Maze," Bagman continued, "you need only send up red sparks. There will be staff members placed around the edges of the maze, should you need to do so. Again, all you need to do is touch the Cup. Then, you've won." Bagman finished with yet another broad grin at each of the Champions. After assuring no-one had any questions, Bagman dismissed them. Harry made to walk back to the castle with Cedric, but Bagman grabbed his shoulder. "Harry! How are you? Nervous?" Harry did get chance to reply. "Listen, Harry, if you ever need any help with the Tournament, or anything, really, I'll always help. Do you need any assistance now? With the Third Task?" Harry shook his head and spoke firmly. "No, Mr Bagman, but thanks." It took a whole two minutes to shake off Bagman. However, as soon as he did, another hand lay on his shoulder. "Potter? Could I haf a vord?" Harry turned around. Krum was there. "Erm, I mean, y-"
"Harry! Hey, Harry, over here!" Fred and George were sprinting towards him. Harry grinned as they approached. Seconds later, he was enveloped in a tight hug by Fred. "Tell us when we get to the dormitory." He whispered in Harry's ear. Harry nodded as Fred let go of him and grabbed hold of Harry's hand, interlocking their fingers. "What's up, Krum?" George asked, turning to Viktor. His grin became slightly forced. "I vas vondering if I could haf a vord vith Potter?" Krum said, looking the twins dead in the eye. Both twins, however, were half a foot taller than the Bulgarian Seeker, and towered over him. Harry had to admit, despite their kind features, Fred and George looked quite intimidating. "Not right now. We need to get back to the castle." Fred said, gripping Harry's hand tighter. Harry squeezed back slightly. Krum frowned even further. "It's important." He grunted, anger evident in his voice. "If it's so important, say it now. Harry'll tell us anyway." George said, laying a hand firmly, and a little protectively, on Harry's shoulder. "No. Only Potter." Krum said, clearly getting angrier by the minute. "Tatty-ho, then!" The twins said in unison, steering Harry towards the castle, leaving Krum stood there, round-shouldered and grumpy.

Once they were quite a distance away from Krum, George let go of Harry's shoulder. "Git. Bet he was tryna lure you away and stun you or something." He said.
"Yeah. I mean, he's from Durmstrang. He could've been tryna Imperio you, Harry. Gotta be careful around them Durmstrang lot." Fred agreed, keeping a tight hold of Harry's hand. "I don't know, guys. Hermione says he's a decent guy, and he hasn't tried to do anything drastic yet. I just... I dunno, he just doesn't seem the type of person to Imperio anyone." Harry stated, squeezing Fred's hand in reassurance. Both Fred and George grunted in disagreement, but didn't say anything else. "FRED WEASLEY, PUT ME DOWN THIS SECOND!" Harry roared, as Fred scooped Harry up and lifted him onto his shoulders. "Hahaha, absolutely not, Harrykins." Fred said, while George roared with laughter, clutching his stomach at the pout on Harry's face. "You big GIT! PUT ME DOWN!" Harry shouted, but he couldn't fight the smile. The trio laughed all the way back to the castle and up to Gryffindor Tower. Once they reached the portrait hole, Harry had to climb down, off of Fred's shoulders, in order to fit through the entrance to the Common Room. Fred, George and Harry went straight through the Common Room and up to the Sixth Year dormitory, Ron and Hermione following in their wake. "So. What's the Task, Harry?" Ron asked, once everyone was settled. Hermione and George on George's bed, Harry and Fred on Fred's bed, and Ron sat in the wooden chair between the two occupied beds. Harry explained everything, what Bagman had said, what he had seen at the Quidditch Pitch, and the encounter with Viktor. When Fred and George raised their suspicions about the Durmstrang student, Hermione shook her head. "No, he wouldn't Imperio Harry. Viktor quite likes him, thinks he's tougher than he looks. Which, no doubt, he is." Hermione said, with a pointed look at Harry. "Yes, Viktor wants to win. But, to be fair, all the champions do. But no, I don't think Viktor would go so far so as to put Harry under the Imperius Curse." She stated. Ron huffed, Fred jostled a little, and George still looked unsure. Harry didn't know what to believe. He didn't dislike Viktor, but they weren't exactly friends. He and Viktor were sort of... civil. Harry had barely spoken to him, tonight only being the second time. So Harry just shrugged and grabbed a sweet from the bedside table. "What's this?" He asked George, who smiled slightly. "It's one of our products. It's a work in progress, but we think we got the right batch this time. That reminds me. Fred, you were going to try that, weren't you?" He said to his twin, who let out a short laugh. "Oh yeah! Harry, pass that here." Harry handed the bright orange and green sweet over to Fred, who unwrapped it and stood up. "George, you ready?" Harry, Ron and Hermione watched as George moved to stand next to Fred, ready to catch him. "Ready, Fred." He said, holding out his arms, one either side of his twin. Fred took a deep breath and glanced at Harry. Harry was quite nervous, particularly after his own reaction to one of the twins' products. Still, they were confident they had the right batch so, with an encouraging smile, he nodded at his boyfriend. Fred nodded back, blinked, and put the orange end of the sweet in his mouth.

Fred sucked on it for about a second. Then, his eyes rolled back, his head lolled backwards, and he collapsed into George's arms. Harry felt a pang of fear, and made to move off the bed. Ron did the same, and Hermione squeaked, clapping her hands over her face. George, however, lowered Fred down onto the floor and stood back. "Brilliant!" George said, grabbing a piece of parchment and making notes of Fred's condition and reaction. Harry and Ron relaxed, sitting back in there original positions. "That is not brilliant! What if something would've gone wrong?" Hermione exclaimed, outraged. Harry and Ron, after realising that Fred was ok, grinned at Hermione. "But it didn't, did it? Besides, I doubt they'd try it if they didn't have a remedy just in case." Ron said. On cue, George pulled a small vial with a deep blue coloured liquid inside it, not looking up from his clipboard. "It worked every time we failed." He said, grinning and giving the vial a small shake before putting it back in his pocket and continuing writing. Once he'd made all his notes, George popped the green end of the sweet into Fred's mouth, which was slightly ajar. Nothing happened. "Hold on..." George said, kneeling down next to Fred and poking the sweet further into his twin's mouth. "Uh-oh." He said, paling slightly. "What? What's happening?" Ron said, looking slightly scared. Harry's stomach gave at jolt, and he knelt next to George. "George... what's happening?" George gulped and took a deep breath. "That green end is supposed to wake him up instantly." He said. Harry felt his face go pale. George took the blue liquid out of his pocket, tilted Fred's head up to face the ceiling, and poured the liquid down his throat. Fred immediately sat up and started coughing violently. Harry and George jumped back, but they were relieved. "I take it... the green bit... didn't work then?" Fred said, through gasps of breath. "Nope. Back to planning, bro." George said, helping Fred stand. The three of them resumed their previous positions. "Exploding Snap, anyone?" George said, holding up a pack. Everyone gathered on the floor to play, Harry resting his head on Fred's shoulder. It had only been a slight scare when Fred didn't wake up, but it made him appreciate the redhead even more.

Three hours later, Ron and Hermione departed for their dorms. Fred and George got changed while Harry showered. Climbing into their respective beds, the twins glanced at each other as Harry entered the room in scarlet pyjamas. Harry saw George mouth something to his twin. Fred shrugged. "Harry, turn around." George said. Harry did so, so his back was facing the Sixth Years. "Yeah, they are." George said aloud. "Huh?" Harry asked. "They're my pyjamas, not Fred's." George said, grinning. Harry blushed. "Crap, sorry George." Harry said, running back into the bathroom to change, returning with the same pyjamas on, except the initials F.W were on the back. Harry hadn't even noticed them before. Climbing into bed with Fred, he groaned. He was exhausted. "You know, Harrykins, you are probably the most important person in my life." Fred murmured in his ear. Harry blushed. "OI! What about me?" They heard George yell from the other bed. Both Harry and Fred snickered. "Besides George, of course." Fred muttered, still in Harry's ear. They heard George say "that's better" in a low voice. Harry snuggled closer to Fred. "What's it like, being a twin?" Harry asked. Fred shrugged. "Pretty cool. It comes to our advantage, given we're identical. It gets annoying sometimes, particularly when we want people to tell us apart. That doesn't happen very often, though. It's usually amazing." Fred said. Harry could practically feel the smile radiating off of Fred, and Harry grinned. "What's it like being the Boy-Who-Lived?" Fred asked, somewhat cautiously. Harry shrugged. "It sucks. People stare at my scar, they whisper about me, nothing in my life is private, someone tries to kill me every year, they think I'm some sort of hero. It was my mother, Fred. Not me. My mother's love and sacrifice made the curse rebound. I was a baby. I didn't have extraordinary powers or proficient magical ability. I was just the average one-year-old wizard. I didn't do anything except cry." Harry finished. Fred held him tighter. "That's fair enough. You know, the moment I saw you, I knew you weren't anything like what the books had told us. Cherished hero, ultra-powerful, dragon-slayer. No, I knew you were just another wizard. That's partly the reason I like you so much. Despite everything, the Dursley's, Quirrell, the Dementors, Basilisk, everything, you still stay true, and loyal. You're gonna grow up to be a great man, Harry. And a great wizard, too, I dare say." Fred said, planting a kiss on Harry's forehead. "I sure hope so." Harry said. "I think you are too, Fred. Merlin, I hope we get to spend the rest of our lives with each other." Harry sighed, kissing Fred, his fingers tangling in the flaming hair. "As do I, Harry. As do I." Fred said tiredly.

I am so sorry for delays. The next chapter will probably be the Third Task. I was just wondering, do you want me to carry it on into the Fifth Year, or leave it at the end of Fourth? Thanks for reading. Reviews and requests open as always. Cheers, Isaac

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