Time of Bonding

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I don't own Harry Potter. If I did, Fred would, most definitely, still be alive. Anyways, all of that belongs to JK Rowling. Onward...

"You two are gross!"
"No we are not!"
"Like you've never done it before!"
Fred, George and Harry were sat with Lee in the Sixth Year dormitory. Lee roared with laughter while George grinned at the couple. "Yes. You. Are. I can't believe you did it in the Prefect's bathroom!" Fred and Harry laughed. Lee nearly fell off his bed from rolling around. He wheezed out a laugh and wiped away tears. "I'm gonna... ha ha... go to the Library... got... ha ha ha... too much... ha ha... homework!" With that, he waved himself out, still laughing. Harry grinned and snuggled closer to Fred. It was a weekend, Ron and Hermione were in the Library, revising for exams that Fred and George couldn't be bothered with, and Harry was excused from them, being a Champion and all. The weather was nice, resulting in the Common Room being quiet, the corridors were practically empty as everyone was enjoying the sun. In short, it was one of the best weekends Harry had ever had. It was two in the afternoon, he was still in his pyjamas, and he was lounging around, talking and laughing with the twins. He felt relaxed, at peace and, for the first time since his name came out of the goblet in September, safe. Fred wrapped his arms around Harry and laid them in his stomach, waking the younger boy out of his reverie. "You have to go down to the Quidditch Pitch tonight, remember? Bagman needs to tell you about the Task." Fred said. Harry nodded, his relaxed feeling becoming slightly strained. "Yeah, I know. I'll go down around 7:30, he wants us there by eight." Fred nodded and leant forwards, resting his chin on Harry's forehead. Harry tilted his head up and pressed their lips together. "Would you two please not do that while we're alone? Makes me the third wheel!" Fred grinned, his teeth pressing into Harry's lips. Harry tried to ignore the slight tightness in his trousers and grinned back, nibbling on Fred's bottom lip. Fred's breath hitched and he lifted Harry up so they were facing each other.

Harry locked eyes with Fred, evil grins spreading on both their faces. As one, they leant in and their mouths collided. "Really? What have I just said like ten seconds ago?" He heard George shout, but there was a slight hint of amusement there. Harry opened his mouth slightly, allowing Fred entrance. Their tongues intertwined, battling for dominance. Harry won. He lightly bit Fred's bottom lip, earning himself a small groan that sent shivers down his spine. Unfortunately for them, George heard and threw a pillow at their heads, thus breaking them apart. "No way in hell are you two gonna start moaning and groaning over each other while I'm here! It's just-"
"Then leave."
Fred's voice silenced George instantly. It was all anger, no amusement. "W-what?" George said, looking slightly offended. Harry looked from one angry twin, to one shocked twin, and back again. He'd never, ever, seen or heard Fred and George seriously argue or get angry with each other. "Leave if you don't like it. Not our problem." Fred spat, no glint in his eye at all. Harry could feel Fred shaking, and his ears were starting to go red. George looked taken aback. "Fred... Fred I was... I was kidding. I wasn't being serious!" He said, now booking a bit scared. Fred shook his head, seeming to come to his senses and realise what he'd said. "Yeah- yeah, I know. I'm sorry, George. I really am." He said. George nodded and accepted his twin's apology. Then, he grinned. "You two can carry on now. I'll just ignore it if you two start... you know." Fred threw the pillow back at George, it hit him in the face. "You git! No way would we let you see that!" The three of them burst into laughter, all tension in the air gone. With that, Fred pulled Harry's head to face him and kissed him.

Harry wove his fingers through Fred's flaming hair, tugging it slightly and ruffling it. Fred's hands were working their way all over Harry's body, trying to touch every inch of him. From his shoulders, to his back, to his ribs, to his... hold up. Harry gasped and grabbed Fred's hand. He glanced over at George. The other Weasley twin was reading a comic book, seemingly oblivious to the events. "He cast a silencing charm. Heard him do it." Fred said, panting slightly. Harry was also gasping for breath. "Where were we?" He said, once again crushing his lips against Fred's.

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