Becoming His

By MelanatedByNature

1M 44.6K 16.5K

Cover by: @Enny101 Christian DeLuca is a very successful businessman with little regard for anyone he doesn't... More

Chapter 1 - New Beginnings
Chapter 2 - Wrong Assumptions
Chapter 3 - Model Behavior
Chapter 4 - Good Enough
Chapter 5 - Get It. Got It. Good.
Chapter 6 - I Got You
Chapter 7 - Blended
Chapter 8 - Trust Me
Chapter 9 - Unmoving and Awkward
Chapter 10 - I Know
Chapter 11 - Meltdowns and Freakouts
Chapter 12 - The 1%
Chapter 13 - I'm Only Okay If You're Okay
Chapter 14 - Vasiliev's Army
Chapter 15 - Your World
Chapter 16 - Being Greater
Chapter 17 - Poor Dick Dunkirk
Chapter 18 - My Heart, My Life, Everything
Chapter 19 - Elephant In the Room
Chapter 20 - Ultimatums
Chapter 21 - Moving On & Passing Out
Chapter 22 - It's Stacey, Asshole
Chapter 23 - Ms Esther
Chapter 24 - Okay, Perfect
Chapter 25 - Too Perfect
Chapter 27 - White Boy
Chapter 28 - Three
Chapter 29 - Broken Birdie
Chapter 30 - Losing Everything
Epilogue - Friends Or Enemies

Chapter 26 - Why Are You Here?

20.7K 1.1K 187
By MelanatedByNature


"Sweetheart why don't you go home and take a shower? Maybe try eating something and get some sleep? You haven't eaten in days, you look so tired, and you still have.."

Grams' eyes travelled down to my chest causing me to look down at my dress shirt smeared with dried blood. Seeing the stained fabric made my pounding headache beat a little harder. She was probably right, I must look like shit especially given that I haven't slept the past 3 days. "I'm not leaving, I don't want her waking up here alone."

"She won't be alone. I'll be here til Danielle takes over later and then you can come back and spend the night. Christian, you won't be able to take care of her if you can't take care of yourself."

"Could you just ask Raf to bring something for me to change into and I'll take a shower here." She glanced at me pitifully, her eyes begging me to listen to her advice. Everyone who's come by to visit A has been sending me that same frustrating stare, as if this was her end and she was gone, but mostly because they probably blame me just as much as I do. "Grams, I appreciate what you're trying to do but just.. please."

"I'll make sure somebody gets you a change of clothes. Do you want something to drink or maybe I can order some of those tacos Alesha bought from that food truck? You loved those." I didn't give her an answer or move from my position, just waited for the talking to end. "I'll get some in case you change your mind."

I just wanted to be alone with A, so I was relieved when Grams' heels started making their way to the door. That's until I heard the commotion happening outside. I shot up and stepped in front of her heading toward the noise.

Opening the door, I watch as the tall, scrawny, disheveled man stood in front of Dominic demanding he move out of the way and allow him into the room.

I spoke out already annoyed at the idea of them disturbing Alesha in some way. "What's going on out here?"

"I don't know who any of you are, but the nurses told me the person I'm looking for is in this room and I'd be grateful if y'all would get the hell outta my way and mind your own business."

"Sir, I think you've got the wrong room. This is a private suite for one patient." His clothes hung off of his chalky brown skin which looked as if he had been constantly scratching at it. His pupils were dilated, casting a shade, making his eyes look almost entirely black.

"Devon?! What are you doing here?" As soon as Dani had rounded the corner her voice bellowed through the halls gaining everyone's attention. "Why are you here?!" She repeated the question with more force and disdain in her voice, letting me know this man wasn't a friend but a threat, one I wasn't risking.

I grabbed him by his arm and dragged him into the room, raising my gun to his head. "Dani, am I pulling the trigger or not?"

She didn't say anything, just looked on at the older man as if mentally weighing my question. After a moment of staring the man down, Dani finally spoke "Answer the question or leave. Don't do either and he will shoot you where you stand. Why are you here?"

"Girl don't talk to me like you grown. Y'all got caught up in all this mess running round here with these little boys playing house and look where she at now. Laid up in a hospital bed cause she followed yo fast ass. You probably the one got her into all this. Got some white boy pointing shit in my face like he know who I am." I pressed the gun harder against his temple desperate to get this over with. "She ain't changed her emergency contact since high school. They called, so we came."

"I don't know what type of game you're playing or what you're trying to get from her, but you need to leave. Now. Both of you."

"I ain't going nowhere. She gon need us when y'all get bored."

"Since when have you ever cared about anyone but yourself. If this is another one of your scams to guilt her into something, I will kill you myself. Chris I don't care what you do with him just don't have him in this room with her, especially not by himself."

"Dani who the fuck is this guy?"

"Devon Carter, the man I told you about. Ms Esther's dealer, the piece of shit A sold her necklace to pay."

"Hey now, that wasn't my fault. I gotta make my bread. Not like I tricked her out or nothin-"

I slipped the gun from his temple to his mouth. "Say one more fucking thing. I dare you."

A knock sounded at the door as Dominic opened it and told us a woman was trying to get by claiming she was Alesha's mom. Dani gave him a nod and before long the woman stepped into the room. Her dark unblemished skin was smooth, her eyes a shade of green lighter than my own and her frame small and frail.

"Danielle.. why am I not surprised? Seems like you're always right by her side when the bad shit is happening. Tell this white boy to step off my man."

"What do you want Esther? She isn't giving you any more money."

"I'm not here for no money, I'm here for my child. They called so I came, like any loving mother would. You always were a cold hearted little bitch, just like your mother."

"Hold up now." Grams put her purse down on the couch, stepping forward toward the other woman. "I'm gonna need for you to watch your mouth when you're talking to my kids. A big mouth won't get you far if you ain't got the hands to prove it."

Esther brought her focus back to Dani, a grimace etched on her face. "My daughter was in some mess most likely cause of knowing you. I'm here to strike some sense into her and get her right. I don't care what kinda new beginnings y'all think you had. It's over. I want you all out."

I swing my gun in her direction leaving it pointed in the middle of her head. "And who the fuck do you think you are?"

"According to the hospital and the law: her next of kin. That means what I say goes."

Before another breath was let out, the doors opened again, with hospital security barging in and ordering all non family members to leave the room.

The head of security walked over to me tentatively, explaining himself. "Mr Marino, I understand your position, but it's also hospital policy to adhere to the family's wishes." I dropped my hand, putting the gun back in my waistband and keeping my eyes locked on Esther's.

"That's fine. Alesha's family wishes for these two to be escorted from the premises and banned unless in need of medical aid."

With a nod, the security guard started steering Devon out of the room. He reached for Esther, but she pulled out ID shoving it in the guard's face. "He can't do that, I'm her mother! You can't do this!" She yelled looking to me.

"Next of kin gets to make the calls, isn't that what you said?" I questioned her with incredulous sarcasm.

"The staff here have already been informed that I'm Alesha's husband, Dani's her sister and Winnie is her grandmother. I'm sure they'll trust the word of a ward donor before they believe a couple smack-heads. You could always fight me on this, but is that the road you wanna go down? I haven't got a lot of patience these days and Grams always did say creativity influences idle hands; in my line of business that's not always a good thing."

JJ x

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