Bởi kristelFanatic

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It was written that the Evil Queen is meant to fall in love with a thief, an Outlaw. If the pixie dust is rig... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1 - Nothing is really lost
Chapter 2 - It's all about timing
Chapter 3 - When does one become a villain?
Chapter 4 - Love that is so unlikely
Chapter 5 - Every second counts
Chapter 6 - The Queen and the Outlaw
Chapter 7 - One just can't get enough of surprises
Chapter 8 - There's no turning back
Chapter 9 - Damsel in distress
Chapter 10 - The first encounter
Chapter 11 - Pixie dust doesn't lie... or does it?
Chapter 12 - Whose life actually was ruined?
Chapter 13 - Wicked is back
Chapter 14 - Say my name
Chapter 15 - Resolution formation
Chapter 16 - Allies
Chapter 17 - Frozen is coming
Chapter 18 - The Evil Queen
Chapter 19 - Extreme temperatures
Chapter 20 - Let her go

Chapter 21 - Villains don't get happy endings

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Bởi kristelFanatic

Author’s Note: This too, shall come to an end.


                The snow almost covered the entire town, everyone was cold. The forest have seen so much for the day and it was bound to see some more. The Outlaw first met the Evil Queen in the woods when he helped her from the Wicked Witch’s flying monkey. He smelled like forest but little did she know, she eventually wouldn’t care about it. And then they were there again, in the woods, only now, the Queen isn’t as sassy as she used to.

Robin held Regina closely to his chest as he pressed his lips against hers, again, but her eyes were shut still. He laid her head on his lap, waiting for her to wake up. “Milady, wake up,” he whispered to her ears as his tears went streaming down his face, finding escape for another time. But she remained motionless and unconscious on his arms. “Help her,” he begged looking up on the persons with magic around him.

The most knowledgeable of them leaned closer to them placing the palm of his hand few inches away from Regina’s face. As Rumplestiltskin seemed to scan her head with magic trying to find out what’s wrong, he shook his head and doubted, “It isn’t sorcery.”

“Then what is it?!!” Robin yelled out of anger and desolation. Gold and Zelena just looked at him not having any further explanation.

“Hospital,” someone finally suggested. Of all the people in the group, Emma knows best that hospital could help anyone who had lost their consciousness regain it. No matter how evil Regina was, she was every bit of a human, only, magical and regal. Emma closed her eyes trying to concentrate and use magic to bring them to the town’s infirmary, but couple of seconds passed, nothing happened. She was failing.

“Oh snap!” Zelena blabbered. “Just think of the place!” She commanded Emma, feeling terribly worried of losing her sister, her only true ally in Storybrooke and in all the realms. She touched Emma’s shoulders and in an instant, they all disappeared from the forest, leaving no trails other than ashes of the trees and the melted snow.

They emerged from green smoke and found themselves inside Storybrooke’s only hospital. Zelena grabbed Elsa by her arm making sure that she’s close to her while Robin was carrying Regina, still unawake in his arms. “Whale!” David called on the doctor. The nurses went to get him and in few seconds, he was with them.

“What happened?” Whale inquired, feeling important that the powerful people and the royalties went to seek his help.

Robin laid Regina’s body on the stretcher as Emma spoke, “She was hit by Elsa then she fell unconscious, twice.”

“And you need science for this?” He asked dubiously.

“It’s not a result of magic,” Zelena glowered. “Just get her to wake up!” Damn it! Zelena thought angrily. I’m not gonna lose my sister now. Not now, not ever!

Whale pushed the wheeled bed towards a private room as he and his medical team started hooking Regina up to tubes of fluids and oxygen. Robin observed from outside the room, his hands slightly pressed on the clear glass just watching Regina and Dr. Whale and his staff. After few seconds, the frames closed prohibiting Robin to see even the least of Regina from outside the room. He doesn’t understand anything but he could only wish for the best – that Regina would soon wake up. Emma stayed by his side looking every bit of worry as well, she constantly tried to check what’s happening inside to no success. Although Whale reassured them that they will do everything they could, the Outlaw never left his Queen, even from a far, he was watching and loving her.


                On the other hand, Elsa was brought to the Sheriff’s office escorted by Gold and Hook. They were to look after her for the rest of that day to make sure she won’t be able to do anything imprudent and greedy. Although there’s not a chance that the Snow Queen has remaining power, everybody agreed to still guard her at the prison cell. Besides, the winter hasn’t stopped just yet, however light the snow falls, it was supposedly still summer. They can’t let the Snow Queen take an advantage of that. Her sister Anna stayed at the station looking after her. She was after all, her sister, her only family left in town. Kristoff was also present and he was finally relieved for the first time having Anna and Elsa in the same room, knowing that the Snow Queen is in fact, powerless.

“You don’t get to choose your family,” Anna said as she held the prison bars which hold her sister captive. “But even if I could, I’d still choose you,” her declaration of unconditional love towards her sister made the Snow Queen’s eyes well up with tears.

Elsa walked towards her and for the first time in what seems to be forever, she held her sister with her bare hands without gloves, without the fear of the possibility that she could get Anna hurt again. She didn’t get her frozen or harmed, her touch was actually warm. Elsa doesn’t even remember how the hint of human felt on her skin but when she finally was able to feel the warmth, Elsa felt a sudden flush on her heart. The Snow Queen was slowly able to melt the voracity for control that consumed her. “I’m sorry,” Elsa apologized and on such a rare time, the Snow Queen sobbed. “I will try and do my best to be better, for you – for us,” she promised Anna. “I’m really, really sorry,” she repeated over and over as she continued wailing inside the prison cell. With the steel bars between them, they managed to pull each other to an embrace, and just like that, the eternal winter finally ended. When the last snowflake fell, the sun exposed itself from the shady clouds before beginning to set into a beautiful sundown. It was the warmest afternoon the town ever had in the past couple of weeks and the people rejoiced, finally able to set foot on the streets.


Back at the hospital, Robin Hood incessantly paced on the hallway right in front of Regina’s room. It has been minutes but they still haven’t heard a word from the medical team in charge of Regina. Emma was just following Robin through her gaze, her head spinning from the unceasing walks of the Outlaw opposite her. The footfalls of Robin finally stopped when he dropped himself into the solid floor exactly anterior to the door where Regina was kept and being taken care of. He cupped his hands and covered his face, hiding his eyes that already ran dry, he was no longer crying.

“Everything will be okay,” Emma said as she approached him, patting his back as she tried to console him.

Robin just nodded but he kept his head down, until he heard the door opened. He immediately looked up and saw Whale coming out of the room. David and Zelena joined them in an instant. Robin stood and brushed his eyes with the dorsum of his fists and took a deep breath. This was almost what he waited for. Tell me she’s fine, tell me she’s awake, he desperately pleaded within himself.

“She’s out of danger,” Whale began directing his words to Emma. “But she’s still unconscious as of now,” he said facing David and Zelena. He completely ignored the existence of Robin Hood who is most certainly the person in the entire world who could feel the gravity of his every statement about Regina’s condition.

The Outlaw let out a sigh of relief as he heard the news. “Can we see her now?” He asked, already looking past through the entrance of the room, trying to check the woman he loves the most with his own eyes.

“Yes, but remain as quiet as possible. She needs all the rest she could have,” the doctor replied.

Robin bolted through the door and there he saw, Regina, flat on bed, still asleep. A nasal cannula attached, supplying her oxygen and supporting her breathing and another transparent tube on her left hand hooked into an intravenous fluid. He went towards her and grabbed her right hand gently, holding it in between his palms. The rest followed him silently.

“We’ve ran some tests,” Whale added, finally recognizing the presence of Robin Hood. “I just checked all the results and I’ve found the cause of the trouble Regina got herself into,” he started explaining further looking at Emma, David, Zelena, then back at Robin. “It seems that she had gone into so much stress lately, physically, I mean. Emotionally, I –ah, I have no idea since we haven’t interviewed her,” his face straight, trying to keep his words objective and non-judgmental. Everyone was listening attentively on what he has to say and Whale enjoyed every bit of that attention. “Laboratory exams revealed that there has been decreased blood flow to her body, her brain included, that caused her to faint and lose consciousness, twice as you’ve mentioned,” he said to Emma. “But, there’s also another test that explains this incident,” he paused and looked at Robin Hood. “Regina,” Whale uttered as he looked at the woman laid on the bed. “The Queen… she’s pregnant.”

Everyone who heard Whale’s clarification had their mouths hanging opened, they clearly didn’t see that one coming. Robin on the other hand, although shocked as well, had a wide and bright smile from his left ear to the right. He immediately kissed Regina’s forehead causing her to stir up. He had no regrets. “Milady,” he greeted her.

“Regina’s pregnant?” Zelena murmured a bit loudly in the background.

I’m pregnant? Regina asked herself and her sister’s words were already stuck in her head. I’m pregnant, she believed happily. Her eyelids fluttered and she flashed a weak smile, “You smell like forest,” she mumbled as she saw her Outlaw right on her bedside.

“I know,” he said. “I know.”

“And I like it,” Regina responded with another faint smile.

“And I love you,” Robin replied, giving her a quick peck on her lips.  The Savior, the Wicked Witch and Prince Charming stood there and watched the Outlaw and the Queen.

Regina raised her right hand to Robin’s face, outlining every curve of his face. She closed her eyes and yet, she could still see him, her soulmate. She opened her eyes again and dragged the collar of his jacket bringing his face inches from hers and she uttered, “I love you too.” She pulled him closer until her lips finally pressed against his, and for the next seconds, they remained kissing.

The doctor pretended to check Regina’s patient records and scribbled something in it; Emma turned her back and looked away; David sat on a chair few steps away from them, staring at the ceiling; and Zelena, the Wicked Witch snapped her hands across her face and she disappeared into the green smoke.

When Regina finally needed to catch her breath, she giggled as she lightly pushed Robin away. Thief, she mouthed, winking on him causing him to chuckle. She bit her lower lip, teasing him more and laughed as he joined her with loud guffaws.

Awkward, awkward, Emma thought but she didn’t leave just yet. She made a promise to her son, she will bring Regina back to Henry. “Ehem!” She coughed pretentiously, getting everyone’s attention.

“Ms. Swan,” the mayor swallowed and acknowledged her. “I am not so sure what happened entirely, but… thank you.” Regina added a smile while genuinely expressing gratitude towards her. “But if I could ask another favor?” She requested with which Emma nodded. “Henry,” she said. “I want to see my son.”

“I’ll get him,” Emma agreed, thankful that she could escape the room and will no longer see what she’s not supposed to see.

“And Ms. Swan,” Regina called her again. “Roland too, please,” she added beamingly as her Outlaw still sitting beside her, holding her hand.

Emma nodded and left the room. Whale and David followed her towards the exit and left Robin and Regina alone.

“Just so you haven’t heard, we’re having a baby,” Robin confirmed with a smile as he placed his hand on Regina’s belly. “She will be beautiful, just like her mother,” he said rubbing the almost unnoticeable bump on Regina’s abdomen.

“She? Her?” Regina asked, raising an eyebrow as she tried to fight the giggles. “What made you so sure?”

“Well, for once, I dreamt that we’re having a daughter,” he confessed. “Plus, I would love to see a little Regina running around,” he raised Regina’s hand and kissed it in between his smiles.

“So, you dreamt of having a child… with me?” Regina probed playfully.

“It was the sweetest dream I could ever hope for,” he admitted proudly.

She was just left with no words to say, she had never really thought she could have this – a soulmate, two sons and a baby coming. She pulled him again for another kiss, as her lips met his, she felt stronger. If it was because of magic, she’s no longer sure about it.

“Mom?!” Henry called surprised seeing her mother kissed the man again. Regina pretended to push Robin away, licking her lips on the process as she blushed. Robin chuckled as he stood upright from Regina’s bedside. “I’m going to pretend I didn’t see that,” he said as he approached towards Regina and gave her a tight hug. “I’m so glad that you’re fine,” he said.

“Me too,” she replied honestly. “I missed you,” Regina added as she kissed the side of Henry’s head.

“Mama Gina!” Roland came running to the side of her bed, but he couldn’t reach her. He didn’t even bother to come to his father. The boy really missed his mama. “Emma used magic and brought us here,” he said extending his arms towards his mother to no success. 

Regina chuckled, “Hey, pumpkin,” she greeted the little boy as she tried to sit upright. Robin stopped her and instead, he lifted his son and brought him closer to Regina so she could give him a peck on his adorable face. “I miss you, sweetie,” she smiled.

“Me miss you more,” the lad giggled as Robin put him down.

“You can’t be too noisy and form a riot in here boys. Your mom needs to rest,” Robin announced.

“Play! Play!” Roland proclaimed. “With mama!” He said, pulling Regina’s fingers.

“What did I just say?” Robin asked the adorable boy as he lifted him up to his chest. The boy’s eyebrows narrowed and just looked at him with his twinkling eyes, his lips pouting and his dimples still were showing on both sides of his cheeks. “We’ve got to let your mama rest for a few hundreds of days,” he explained turning his head to Henry. He went towards the young man and placed his hand on his shoulder, “Then we will have a baby to play with,” he said hoping to see a smile on Henry’s face.

“I will have another brother again? Cool!” Henry exclaimed favorably.

“Sister,” Robin Hood corrected him.

“A baby? Yes! I want sister too!” Roland accepted positively.

Regina burst into laughter hearing how confident her soulmate is about their unborn child. “You, my princes will have a sibling soon, a little princess,” she confirmed. Henry smiled, looking all excited while Roland clapped his hands continuously in celebration. “A little Regina,” the Queen said looking at her Outlaw. He leaned towards her and gave her a quick peck on the lips and smiled before he pulled away. She smirked in return and uttered, “Don’t tell me you weren’t warned.”


        – THE END –


Maybe all we need

Is just a little faith

‘Cause baby I believe

That love will find a way

Destiny, Jim Brickman


P.S. So this is where it ends, I hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I did enjoy writing this. Please tell me what you think about it, maybe I could use your feedback if I decided to write another story :) THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING and enjoy Once Upon a Time season 4’s return! BE STRONG AND KEEP THE OUTLAW QUEEN FAITH! Love ya all! Mwah!

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