(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat...

By KatleyMor

308K 9.4K 4.7K

*I have aged the charecters up for this story. * "In the world eighty percent of the population has access t... More

The Family - 1
Curious scent - 2
Let's do it! - 3
First steps! - 4
Let's begin! - 5
Saving a demon! -6
Brotherly love! - 7
Cheeky! - 8
My Hero! - 9
Safe! - 10
Family Cocoon!
The Opportunity!
First Day!
Test Part 1!
Test Part 2!
All Might!
First Kiss!
Hurt on both ends!
Night time Rendezvous!
Fight back!
Villains 0 Heroes 1
Ice cream
True Colours
Sexy and Sweet!
In sync
Eventful day!
Bakugou Family
Two become One!
Morning After!
Welcome to Japan Alex!
War of the Sports Festival!
Look out for Number 1.
Finalists decided!
Katsuki Vs (F/N)
Hero Names.
Saturday Night at the Movies!
Such a Romantic!
Make Love
What does she see in him?
That Scent?
Villains at the Expo!
Dirty Cat!
A Dance to Remember!
A day with Alex!
A sleepy cat!
The bus!
Your Quirks True Name!
Hot Springs!
Training Camp Begins!
Why your in U.A!
Heroes 1-Villains 1
What he always wanted!
We failed our friends!
Is it over!
The Forgotten!
Your Song!
Off your chest!
Your a hero!
Breaking Point!
Leo Snaps!
Your Mine!
The Call!
Make up in the shower!
Time to Go!
Don't worry because I am Here!
Out in the Open!
Your actions!
What's next?
The Cat with Eight Lives!


1K 46 4
By KatleyMor

Katsuki POV

'Did I drift off to sleep? I feel drowsy as hell' the ash-blonde thought "What the hell?" he heard Kaminari comment before he heard Momo call out "That was weird" he instantly panicked feeling the space next to him empty where you had been not long ago. Jumping up quickly looking around the bus "Where the hell is (f/n)?" he yelled before seeing you stood there in slight pain from your hair wrapped around the hand of the boy that took you from him previously.

The boy looked feral like he hadn't slept for at least a week whereas you looked terrified "They're alive now let's go!" the boy holding you tightened the grip in your hair when he said it as Katsuki watched your face twist in pain. Not thinking the ash-blonde started to storm down the bus "GET THE FUCK BACK WITH HER!" he was yelling in his head 'Please don't take her again' he was hurting from the thought of losing you again as his face held the rage of a monster.

"Tell him our deal?" the white-haired boy snapped at you pulling you with your hair as he watched your face contort with pain as you squealed in pain. He could see Midoryia was about to make a move as well as Todoroki, but he wanted to save you as he continued down the bus. "Katsuki stop!" he heard you yell out as he looked up to your eyes that were pleading with him making the whole bus stop moving.

"I made a deal!" you said as his heart sank that you had done something without him "Well I didn't fucking agree!" snapping at you he stalked down the aisle before stopping at the next words that left your lips and the look in your eyes. "I did, and I never go back on my word!" you snapped making the boys eyes widen "He was going to kill everyone as a poison was running in your veins." he hears the words you're saying to him you sound like a true hero "I said I wouldn't fight! If he let you all of you live now Leo, Sato and Aizawa still have poison in their bloodstream." he saw you walk in front of the white-haired boy as you stared at him he looked at your face for any clues as your hair was released.

'If she fights her brother could die. Fuck why is she always stronger than me' the boy thinks before he is snapped back "See Bakugou she wants me! Not a monster like you" the other boy's word was like dripping venom to the ash blonde and rage took over "The fuck you call me" he snapped before he saw your face pleading with him your eyes were desperate he couldn't bear it when he felt a hand on his shoulder knowing it would be Kirishima. Looking at your face he saw your lips mouth, but nothing came out however he knew you told him to trust you.

'Of course, I am fucking trusting you idiot' is what he thought as he glared between you and the white-haired boy. "Good monster. Now my kitty shall we go home!" the boy with green eyes is touching you and he can see you're uncomfortable 'If I snap now it's proving him right! Fuck sake (f/n)' he was internally screaming at you. Then as your body is in front of Hoshi he looks at your lips in a smirk confusing him until words came out your mouth.

"I'll keep every one of you in my heart please don't forget me!" before he noticed you placed a hand over where the tracker had been placed 'Clever fucking cat' he smirked internally but still had to look pissed on the outside as he heard the girl with the ponytail. "You'll always be in our hearts no matter where you may be!" he knew the rest of the class understood but the white-haired boy just laughed thinking he had won as the girl he loves grabs the boys hand walking off the bus, as you turn to look at everyone your mouth moving as you smile at them 'I'll see you soon' as he watched your smiling face leave he looked out the window.

He saw the two boys start to wake but not the teacher before he looked over to the edge of the forest at you arguing with the white-haired boy. "That idiot" he mutters as he clenches his fist before the teacher starts to wake up as your body vanishes in the tree line and huge thorn wall appears at the edge of the forest before you go out of sight. As soon as you vanish "FUCK SAKE" he punches the seat and storms off the bus Kirishima trying to calm him down. "He took her again. She just walked away, and we let them!" he pushed the red-haired boy as he ran to the forest about to explode the wall when Aizawa erased his quirk.

"Bakugou if you go now you'll be putting her in more danger did you not learn anything today!" Aizawa snapped at the boy who turned to the tired-looking man. "But..." he shut up remembering what you whispered, 'trust me' and 'I'll see you soon' taking a deep breath he turned to the class as they were trying to get Leo and Sato from under the bus as it had been dropped on them when they collapsed.

He knew if he didn't help your brother out then you would be pissed at him even more. Momo created a massive car jack that they placed under and as the bus was lifted, Midoryia, Katsuki, Shoto, Shoji, Ojiro and Kirishima pulled the boys out. Instantly Momo started to wrap their wounds which luckily weren't too serious.

Aizawa was on the phone to the school before coming off "Right we're going to do this as a class. Training, however, Bakugou and Todoroki you can come but you aren't permitted to use your quirks since you didn't pass but I know you want to be there." he turned to the rest of the class. "We don't know what type of traps he may have set up and we also don't know if it's just him or the league are there. If I sense it going south, we fall back and wait for reinforcements understood?" the teacher turns to the students who he is extremely proud of even the boys that failed.

"Yes sir" the students called as they all stood together "Right Jiro, Shoji, Koda you need to be our scouts. Yaoyorozu you have the tracking device as well. The rest of you will be a defence against anything that may attack us. When we get closer to where ever it is that he has taken her Hagakure when we get to close to where the tracking is taking us we need you to go ahead and scout." he turned to the students.

"Leo and Sato stay here. I know it's your sister Leo but you're injured. Tokoyami, Aoyama, Mineta, Ojiro and Asui stay with them just in case this is an ambush. Yaoyorozu can you make communication device?" the teacher looked at the girl with the ponytail "Yes sir!" she commented before creating devices and passing one to all the student. "Leo back up is on the way and I promise your sister will be coming home with us or when back up gets here."

'I guess this is what it takes to be a pro' Katsuki thinks as he listens to the older man making plans with the class. 'I need to confront my demons with fucking Deku when this over and showing him, I can beat him. I want to know why the fuck All Might has all this faith in him I'm not good enough. I couldn't stop her from being fucking taken' he snapped out of it by someone saying his name.

"Bakugou you with us. As soon as you see (l/n) take her and retreat." Aizawa commanded the boy as he had a sulky look on his face thinking about he wanted to fight. "Use your quirks to defend yourselves not for anything more those who passed your exam. Also, we want Hoshi alive we need to prove we're heroes not villains." Aizawa looked at the boy with ash blonde hair who held a fire in his red eyes. "He won't have hurt her! Remember to this boy he loves her and wants to be with her. You will be the main targets especially you Bakugou as soon as you can you need to retreat with (l/n) do you understand." the man barked the order at Katsuki who nodded with attitude, but he knew the man was right.

All he could think about was getting you away from the psycho who couldn't take no for an answer. 'Why the hell does that stupid cat want to save him after the things he has done to her to us.' he zoned out not listening to the other orders given to the rest of the class when he felt someone place a hand on his shoulder. "Bakugou please bring my sister back" Leo pleaded with the boy who just glared at him not being able to look at the purple and gold eyes.

"Of course, I fucking will" he snapped walking off as your brother stood there in shock from you being taken from under his feet again as he doubts whether he should even call himself a wannabe hero. After the plan was set back up was only about ten minutes away but they had already left it long enough since at least an hour and a half had passed. Looking at the tracker though you had stopped only about half an hour away which meant at this moment he could be doing anything to you. 'What if controls her again or cuts her and we're just fucking standing here planning.' the boy was pacing as his friends watched.

"Dude, you need to chill?" Kaminari walked over with Kirishima, Mina and Sero. "You know it was the right choice" Mina added making him glare at her as Kirishima stepped forward putting a hand on the boy he considered his best friends' chest. "You know you did the manly thing. When you turn up to save her working as a team she will be proud of you" he sighed as his friend's red eyes burned holes into his own red eyes. "What if he is hurting her? Or she forgets me again?" he whispered under his breath.

"She won't not this time. She loves you, man! I know that (f/n) knows you'll be coming for and she will be buying her time for you to swoop in and save the girl" Kirishima smiled his sharp teeth fully. "You really do have hair for brains" the ash-blonde grunted before listening to Aizawa finish up as he led the way towards the forest followed by Katsuki, Midoryia, Ochacho, Momo, Toru, Shoto, Jiro, Koda, Iida, Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina and Sero, whilst the other students stayed behind with Leo and Sato who were injured.

Walking up to the massive bramble thorn wall Aizawa sighed as he heard Momo commented "It's like going to wake up sleeping beauty!" she said in a matter of voice "That's cute! It's like Bakugou is prince charming!" Ochacho commented, "No more like a dragon rider prince if anything!" Kirishima commented as the boy smirked "I don't just kiss the princess either I wou..." he was cut off by Aizawa sounding annoyed "Todoroki I know I told you not to use your quirk, but we would waste time if you didn't right this second. Freeze it then Kirishima, Bakugou and Midoryia smash it" he smirked testing the students even though in the middle of a rescue.

He was intrigued to see how they handled this but was worried for the ash-blonde sanity will hold up if anything had happened to you. He watched as the students smashed the first barrier as the scouts Jiro, Koda and Shoji used their quirks to determine any possible attacks that may come this way. "I can't sense anyone!" Jiro commented "Coast is clear" Shoji commented "They went this way at a sprint. He was carrying her, and she was conscience" Koda added from the information the animals of the forest had provided.

With that, they headed into the forest all the time Katsuki stayed near the redhead as it was common for them to fight back to back as a team. Just like you, he had previously at the USJ with Kirishima to him you and the red-haired boy were the only people were worth his time. Not that he would ever tell Kirishima that. 'She best be fucking using her brain' he thought as they ran through the forest. Stopping from time for the three to check the area was clear before following the tracker that Momo was holding.

"Kachaan. I know you're mad, but we will get her back" Midoryia said to his childhood friend who he looked up and wanted to be strong like him. The ash-blonde just glared at the boy "tch" was all the green-haired boy got. 'I'll deal with fucking Deku once she is safe and show him I am fucking better than him' he thought as they continued through the forest. Suddenly, the group stopped into what appeared to be a dead-end "What the fuck?" he commented. "Why have you brought us to a dead end?" he snapped at no one in particular.

Everyone started to look around as it was covered in ivy that was extremely thick as Hoshi had moved it back to cover the hole. "I'll go through it with my fucking fists!" Katsuki snapped as he went to punch the wall, but it was the cave and he toppled straight through it landing face flat and extremely surprised. It was funny and even Aizawa had to stifle a laugh that was on the boy's face as he fell through the gap.

"Well, that's one way of finding a secret passage!" Iida commented in all seriousness "Shut it you shit nerd" they heard snap from the other side of the Ivy wall. Ochacho ended up breaking into laughter as Aizawa told her to get a grip before they continued down the cave passage being careful and checking for any intruders. "It's too quiet!" Todoroki commented.

"I agree!" Aizawa commented as they continued down the cave pass. However, they were expecting the worse when of course to Hoshi no one, not even the league knew where his secret garden was. He didn't want anyone to disturb what he wanted to be his peaceful family home where you would be growing old together. "Maybe he didn't think we would find her?" Momo commented. "It's possible that this is only known to by him" Aizawa commented.

"(l/n) mentioned that he had a garden he wanted to show her?" Aizawa looked back at the class "Yeh the dick was obsessed with it I think" Katsuki snapped remembering how you would tell him about all the things you and Hoshi spoke about. After another five minutes the cave tunnel opened into a clearing full of beautiful flowers, trees, there was even hot spring with steam coming off it. The area was beautiful as they all stood there taking in all the sounds and scents before their eyes landed on a beautiful cottage in the middle of it.

It wasn't massive but appeared to be two stories as there were lights on in a few rooms and smoke coming out of the chimney. "I know he maybe twisted but this is beautiful" Toru commented. "You think he made this place just for (f/n)?" Ochacho commented as the ash-blonde was about to explode Aizawa wrapped his scarves around the boy.

"Remember this is stealth. I don't think the league is here, but we don't know exactly what quirks this boy has. We only know about the plant one similar but stronger than (l/n)'s. Also, he is All for One's son, so we can only assume he will have more than one quirk. Hagakure go down quickly and then come back whilst we hide out up here. Be careful he may have set traps" Aizawa commented as the invisible girl stripped off.

"You can count on me sir!" she whispered before she ran towards the house not seeing any traps on the way down but there were some extremely large flowers the closer she got to the house. Looking into the rooms with lights on first she noticed you sat at a dining room table in a beautiful silk dress your hair been put up. To say you had been kidnapped you looked stunning as you were eating what appeared to be a caramel tart. 'She loves caramel because of Bakugou' the invisible girl thought as she looked around the room taking all exit and entrances.

Then looking about at you she could see that you kept glancing at the windows 'She knows we're coming' the girl thought looking at the perfect dining room with the table set with purple and gold flowers in a vase, the room lit by candles and dim lights. Looking at the table she saw you raise a glass of what looked like red to your lips that's when she noticed your hands hand bandages on for some reason a little red from the cuts.

'Shit! She's hurt this isn't going to go down well but this is the best time to get her since he is to entranced by (f/n)' she thought looking at the white-haired boy who was also dressed smartly a green tie matching your dress. Thinking that's all the Intel she could get the girl sprinted back up to the rest of the class waiting, she was out of breath and taking in deep breaths as they are waiting for the information on what was happening.

****Thank you for reading****

****I don't own BNHA or the picture****

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