Stray Kids one-shots

By minnicheol

95.6K 1.5K 1.1K

A bunch of Stray Kids because there's totally not enough of those out there :) More

Let us
Minho x Jeongin
Jisung x Felix
Seungmin x Changbin
Jeongin x Felix
Hyunjin x Chan
Hyunjin x Jisung
Felix x Hyunjin x Minho
Chan x ????
Jisung x Seungmin
Everyone Knows Minho Loves His Cats

Jisung x Changbin

4.8K 92 26
By minnicheol

Jisung is a singer at a bar, trying to keep his life together. Changbin is a rich man who stumbles across Jisung's beautiful voice and becomes addicted.

Jisung hated his job. Mainly because he worked at a bar. He hated alcohol and its effect on people. He wasn't a bartender (thankfully) but was a singer there. He was usually very insecure about his voice, but desperate times called for desperate measures. He would go the bar, sing almost five songs, hang as if he wanted to be there (truth: he didn't want to be there) and then leave after getting his pay. 

But it wasn't only that, Jisung also worked in two other places. In the morning, from 5:30 to 10:30 he worked at the public library, then from 11:00 to 3:00 he helped kids at a cooking class. Then from 3:15 to 9:00 he attended his evening classes before rushing to the bar and eventually reaching home at 12:00. It was exhausting and he could feel himself losing strength every day.

But it was the only way he could live. So he had to do it.

Like usual, he slipped into a pair of skin-tight jeans and a silk shirt before walking onto the small stage. The bar he worked in was classy, and it was where the majority of deals between businessmen happened.

He adjusted the mic and nodded to the man in the wings to start the accompaniment. He usually sang sad songs, because it fit the mood and wouldn't disturb the people who were handling important deals.

Jisung often lost himself in the moments he sang songs. It was the one time that people didn't know him as Han Jisung but as 'the singer from the bar'. And he liked that. He didn't want to be someone that could be recognized, he wanted to be someone that they wouldn't bat an eyelash at.

As usual, he rushed home at around 11:30, collapsing onto his bed once he reached. His bones ached from running around and he hated the amount of responsibility he had to take despite being so young. With a sigh, he sat up and pulled an old photograph from the box next to his bed. He ran his thumb over it gently, as if he was caressing his cheek. Tears filled his eyes as he stared at him, with his beautiful brown hair that was tousled by the wind and deep brown eyes that were sparkling with mirth.

"Oh hyung...I miss you," he whispered, trying to stifle his sobs. 

Lee Minho. The boy in the picture. Jisung's best friend. He had vanished two years ago, leaving him alone, to fend for himself. But Jisung could never bring himself to hate the older. They were so close, Minho treated him like a younger brother. They bickered but at the end of the day ended up cuddling.

"Why did you leave?"


Changbin rolled his eyes as the man in front tried to argue with him.

"Sir, this is my offer. Take it or leave it. If you choose not to accept it, negotiations will break down and Seo Corporation will no longer be a business partner." he said, firmly.

The boy wasn't one to get angry but he had been sitting for almost an hour and a half trying to negotiate with the man. The man huffed but nodded, quite reluctantly.

"Great. The CEO will get back to you with all the details and formalities. You can expect them by tomorrow afternoon. We'll give you a week to send the confirmations back. It was good doing business with you, Mr. Choi."

The man, Choi Seungcheol, smiled tiredly and shook the younger's outstretched hand. "Isn't it tough, Changbin? At such a young age?"

Changbin sighed. "I'm doing my best, sir. Don't want to be a disappointment," he said, his smile turning bitter. 

Seungcheol easily identified the regretful undertone and underlying sharp meaning. "Good luck, kiddo.'s better to leave and make yourself happy, then stay and make everyone else happy, ya know." With one last smile, he walked out of the bar leaving Changbin in his thoughts.

"Would you like anything?"

Changbin sighed, closing his eyes for a second. "I'll have a whiskey on the rocks, please," he said, smiling tiredly at the lady. She nodded and disappeared to tell the bartender.

The boy couldn't help but ponder on what Seungcheol had told him. "Leave and make myself happy, huh?" he murmured. "I wish."

Seo Changbin had harbored a liking to music since he was a child. Having been born into a well off family, he was allowed to explore all he could in music, even venturing into music production and lyric writing. Unbeknownst to his parents, he had even released a decent number of songs on SoundCloud under the name Spear B. There were a decent number of views but he knew it would never be enough to convince his father. 

A glass was placed in front of him. He nodded and grabbed the glass, downing the contents in one go. Placing the glass back down, he frowned when soft piano music filled the room. His eyes snapped to a boy, standing under the spotlight, hands clutching the mic and its stand.

Some days, things just take way too much of my energy
I look up and the whole room's spinning
You take my cares away
I can so overcomplicate, people tell me to medicate
Feel my blood runnin', swear the sky's fallin'
How do I know if this shit's fabricated?
Time goes by and I can't control my mind
Don't know what else to try, but you tell me every time
Just keep breathin' and breathin' and breathin' and breathin'
And oh, I gotta keep, keep on breathin'
Just keep breathin' and breathin' and breathin' and breathin'
And oh, I gotta keep, keep on breathin'...

Changbin watched transfixed as the boy sang softly, his voice raw with emotion. His eyes were shut tightly, and his body swayed slightly as if he was lost in the music completely. His blonde fluffy hair and chubby cheeks made him look adorable. But at the same time, he had a thin waist and slender legs. In simple words, he was beautiful.

The boy immediately called over the waitress. 


"Who is that?" he asked quickly, eyes not leaving the singer.

The waitress raised an eyebrow. "The singer, sir?"

"Yes, the singer," he said, slightly impatiently.

She smirked. "I'm sorry, sir. I can't reveal that. Employee discretion."

Changbin huffed, glaring at her. "Well, I call that bull."

"Sorry, sir. In order to protect each employee's privacy, we avoid sharing any private information. However, there is no rule that prevents you from coming here frequently to see him and eventually gathering enough courage to talk to him and ask him his name."

He rolled his eyes. "I can't believe you, Jeongyeon."

"Jeongyeon-noona, to you, mister."

"Well, Jeongyeon-noona." he sighed. "Looks like that's exactly what I'll be doing."

"Good. I'm not gonna help you this time, Binnie. Everything you do should be your decision."

"I know, I know." he murmured, looking back to the singer. "He's beautiful."

"You might wanna be careful with this one, Bin. He's got a load of problems and doesn't need another."

"What happened to 'protecting employees' privacy'?"

"He's clearly hurt. Something happened and he can't move on. Be careful. He's fragile. From what I know, singer boy, is a university student, with three jobs including this one."


"Yeah. That's why I'm saying be careful. He might think you're gonna make him work for you or something."

Changbin's brain was already racing. With this, he clearly couldn't introduce himself to the boy as "Seo Changbin, son of the CEO of Seo Corporation". Instead, he would have to meet him as "Changbin, 20-year old with the dream of pursuing music"."

"Alright, noona. I'd better get going before the CEO gets angry."

She frowned. "You mean your father?"

He gave her a look. "You know he stopped being that for me, years ago."


To be honest, Jisung had noticed, a boy who looked older than him would always come and sit in the same spot, wearing mildly casual clothes and just listen to him. Then after he finished his shift, the mysterious boy would smile at him, and leave.

Jisung felt strangely comforted by the stranger's presence. His smile was kinda cute, too. But another part of Jisung was cautious too. After all, the guy was a stranger. Jisung had no idea what his intent was, so he was careful.

One night, the mystery boy approached him, wearing a grey hoodie and skinny jeans.

"Hi, my name is Seo Changbin," he said, smiling nervously.

Jisung smiled warily. "Uh, hello."

"Um, I don't know how to say this without sounding weird..."

"You're the guy that sits in the corner table right? The one that leaves right after my shift."

Changbin turned pink. "Uhm...yeah."

Jisung giggled, seeing the pink blush dusting his cheeks. "I have a question, though?"


"Why do you always come when I sing? come a few minutes before I go on and leave after I'm done so..."

"I hope you don't think I'm weird!" panicked Changbin. "I just voice......" his voice became quiet closer to the end.

Now it was Jisung who was blushing. "Oh. I don't think you're weird. Thank you..." he murmured, pulling the sleeves of his hoodie over his hands to hide how they were shaking.

The older smiled brightly. "Well, see you tomorrow, ballad boy."

Jisung watched shocked as he walked away. Ballad he had noticed.

The boy walked back home, the boy named Changbin stuck in his mind. He was curious, how long would the older keep it up?


It became a routine for Changbin and Jisung to stand outside the bar and talk for a few minutes before the older wished him a good night and walked off. Jisung had grown to like it. He admired Changbin for sticking around for so long. He still didn't know the younger's name but didn't get discouraged. Every day he greeted him with a soft smile.

"Hey, ballad boy."

"Hi, Bin-hyung."

"You always sing Breathin', right?"

Jisung sighed. "I do."

"Sentimental value?"

"A lot."

However, he didn't pry further, much to Jisung's surprise.

"You're not gonna ask questions?"

Changbin sighed. He turned to look straight into the younger's eyes. "Ballad boy, have you seen your face when you mentioned it. It's nothing but pain and heartbreak. I'm not insensitive enough to ask you about something that has scarred you so badly." he said softly.


"You don't have to. It still pains you so much. So don't worry, ballad boy-"

"Jisung. Han Jisung."

Changbin's eyes widened. "Jisung," he whispered, testing the way the name rolled of his tongue. He smiled brightly at the younger. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"Trusting me."

That's how the two became closer. Talks outside the bar moved inside and extended from a few minutes to almost too long. But Jisung never felt tired around Changbin. He felt alive again. Changbin was ecstatic. He fell harder than he thought, and it was driving him crazy. But he knew better than to move so fast, he didn't want to lose Jisung's trust in him.

Problems started when Jisung didn't appear to work one day. Changbin grew slightly worried, it wasn't like Jisung to miss work. But he shrugged it off. Perhaps Jisung had fallen sick. Or he had work from university. It worried the black-haired male but he didn't want to jump to conclusions so he decided to wait it out. 

However, when three days had passed, Changbin grew more and more worried until he finally begged Jeongyeon to tell him where Jisung lived. She too had grown worried, so she gave him the address and he sprinted there. 

He came to a stop in front of a shabby apartment. Was Jisung really living here? Climbing the stairs he checked the paper Jeongyeon had given him and sure enough, he was in front of the right door, 4419.

He knocked on the door, stepping back a bit, waiting for someone to open the door. The door swung open slowly. Changbin's eyes burned as a familiar boy came into view.


"J-Jisung." sniffled the older.

Jisung stared wide-eyed at the short male. Changbin was here? Why...?

Before he could react, the other had pulled him into a tight hug. He felt his shirt become slightly damp.

"I was so worried, you idiot."

"I'm sorry, hyung....."

"Are you okay?!" he asked, pulling away. He held Jisung's face, inspecting every spot before moving to his arms.

Jisung gently pulled his arms out of his grasp. "I'm fine, hyung. Don't worry."

"How could I not worry, Jisung? Not coming to work for three days, you hate skipping work! I thought something happened to you! You could've been dead in a ditch or bleeding on a street or tied to a chair in some basement-"

"Hyung." interrupted the younger. "That won't happen. It's okay," he said softly.

Changbin sniffled, wiping his tears with the heel of his hand. "As long as you're okay."

Jisung smiled. "I'm okay."

"But why were you not coming in?"

The smile on his face immediately vanished. "Uh..."

"Sensitive stuff, huh?" whispered the older, with a smile.


"Take care of yourself, Jisung. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Ah, hyung! Wait!"

Changbin turned around to see the boy shuffling on his feet nervously. "Yeah?"

"Do you think I could have your number? Uh, so next time I can text you if something happens so you won't panic."

The older smiled, handing the blushing boy his phone. "Sure, Sungie."

So it was safe to say, Jisung completely trusted Changbin now.


It was foolish of Changbin to think things would be okay.

"Who's this?"

Changbin stared in shock as a picture of him and Jisung was shown.  He recognized it as the night before, Changbin had complimented the younger a lot, leaving him a blushing mess.

"No one."

"Cut the bullshit. Who is this boy?"

"Han Jisung."

"How do you know each other?"

"He's......he's a singer at the bar."

"Basically he's not of good social standing."

Changbin glared at the man. "He's amazing. I don't give a shit about social standing."

"Tell me Changbin. Do you love him?"

The boy hesitated. He stared at the picture, remembering the way Jisung's cheeks were dusted with a deep red and how his eyes sparkled.

"Yes. I love him," he said softly.

His father stayed quiet, making his heart sink.

"I will allow this one thing. Everything else you must listen to me. I will just allow you to be with this boy."

Changbin's head snapped up. He teared up, throwing himself at the elder.

"Thank you so much, dad! I love you!" he cried, hugging his father tightly.

The man sighed, returning the hug. "I love you too, Bin."

Changbin pulled away, a grin on his face. Mr. Seo watched as his eyes sparkled with happiness. Perhaps he really had made the right decision.

"I'm going to see Jisung now! I'll see you later!" he said, rushing out.

Changbin raced to Jisung's house, hoping the younger was home. He rushed up the stairs, ignoring the burn in his lungs and hurting legs. He calmed himself and knocked, trying to wipe the grin off of his face but failing miserably.


Changbin hugged Jisung tightly, burying his face into the younger's shoulder.

"Changbin-hyung? Are you okay?"

The older pulled away giggling.

Jisung swore he felt like the world was moving in slow motion. He watched in awe as Changbin grinned brightly, the corners of his eyes crinkling in happiness. He felt like his breath had been knocked out of him. Seeing the boy's wide smile and sparkling eyes. Oh god, Jisung had never been a big believer of love and Cupid, but damn he felt like he'd just been shot with an arrow of love.

"Oh Jisung I'm just so happy." sighed the older, the ecstatic look not leaving his face. They decided to stop standing at the doorway and walked in, closing the door behind themselves.

"I was just about to make some pancakes." said the younger, smiling. 

Changbin's eyes lit up. "I can help."

The two decided to make the pancakes together (the kitchen ended up being a mess in the end and they had to clean it all up). They ate it while watching reruns of some American show (though to be honest they weren't really paying attention to the screen but were sneaking glances at one another when the other wasn't looking).

Jisung's phone interrupted their argument about Super Smash Bros Brawl, making them huff.

"Oh? Jeongyeon-noona?" greeted Jisung, answering the call.

"Jisung! We got a message from the Park Founders, they're holding a party at our bar. You don't have to do the usual songs. They want peppy and upbeat ones. Of course, we'll have the DJ but dad wants you to sing too."

Jisung gasped, eyes widening. "Uhm, alright noona!" he said, before ending the call. He started pacing around the room, muttering himself.


The boy didn't answer him.

" 'Sungie. What's wrong?"

Jisung looked at him, stepping back a bit when he noticed how close they were. "Uhm, it's nothing, hyung."

"What did Jeongyeon-noona say?"

"Apparently there's a party at the bar. And noona and the boss want upbeat songs. I have no idea what to sing!"

"Hey, it's okay. It's tonight, right? You still have a few hours. You have a lot of time to decide." said Changbin, patting his shoulder comfortingly.

"Okay...I'll look through my playlists," he said, grabbing his phone and falling onto the couch. Changbin followed suit, looking over the younger's shoulder, occasionally offering his own input.

"Ooh!" he exclaimed suddenly, making the singer jump. "I know that song!"

"Dream Fanfare? It's a Japanese song."

Changbin nodded excitedly, grinning. "You should sing it!"

Jisung found himself smiling fondly at the child-like adult. "Just for you, hyung," he said teasing, not noticing the older become red.

It was only an hour before they were supposed to leave that Jisung rose with an anguished cry. "What am I gonna wear?!" he cried.

Changbin shook his head, a smirk on his lips. "You think I haven't already figured that out?"


The doorbell rang making the younger jump. "Who...?"

Changbin opened the door, thanking the man on the other side. Then he closed the door and walked back to the confused male, shoving a paper bag into his arms. "Change into this."

The boy wordlessly walked into the bathroom, while Changbin waited for him.

"Uhm, this right?" he asked nervously, coming out of the room.

Changbin's eyes widened. 

The boy had been given an emerald green loose shirt, half tucked into his skin-tight leather jeans. He wore a black choker that had a small green gem in the center. Silver earrings dangled from his ears. 

"You look great." breathed out the older, in awe.

Jisung blushed, scratching his neck, slightly embarrassed. "Why don't you go change?"

Changbin walked past him quickly, in an attempt to hide the furious blush that had spread on his cheeks. He closed the door, resting his forehead against the surface. "Fuck, he's so cute yet hot at the same time," he whined quietly, pulling his shirt off. 

He took a look into the bag and groaned. "I swear Hyunjin..." he muttered, cursing the designer that had given him the clothes. 

Jisung was scrolling through his phone when he heard the sound of the door being opened. He looked up and froze. 

Changbin walked out a red choker around his neck, an earring with a red gem hanging from one of his ears. He was wearing a red silk shirt that was a bit wide-collared, skin-tight black jeans similar to Jisung's.

"How do I look?" he asked, raising his arms awkwardly.

Jisung bit his lip, eyes not leaving the boy in front of him. "Amazing. I--uh--y--you look great," he said.

Changbin smiled. "Great, let's get going."

They walked to the bar, glad that they had decided to bring their coats because it was terribly cold. They talked about everything and nothing, topics that they didn't know about each other.

"You never did tell me what your family does." reminds Jisung.

Changbin's smile dropped. They still had ten minutes so he couldn't cut it off. But some part of him wanted to stop lying to Jisung.

"Promise you won't hate me," he whispered.

Jisung's eyebrows shot up. "Hyung, I could never hate you. After all, you've done for me..."

The older sucked in a breath.

"Seo Corporations," he said.

"Seo Corporations? Your dad works for Seo Corporations?"

"Jisung, my last name is?"



"Your dad..."

"CEO of Seo Corporations."


"I'm sorry I hid it, I just didn't want you to see me as some stupid rich kid, I wanted you to give me a chance to talk to you and-"

"I'm not angry..." interrupted Jisung. "I'm just a bit surprised."

There was a moment of silence before Jisung broke it. "So do you have chefs that make you exotic dishes or do you always stick with convenience ramen?"


"What? I'm just asking!"

They reached the bar, able to hear the loud music from outside. Jisung gulped nervously. He had never performed in front of so many people. What if he messed up? 

"Don't get nervous. You're going to be great," whispered Changbin, intertwining their fingers.

Warmth blossomed in Jisung's chest and he felt butterflies flutter in his stomach. Was this love? He didn't know, but he did know one thing. He never wanted to let Changbin go.

They slipped inside and made their way backstage. Jisung's nerves had slightly disappeared, all thanks to Changbin. He gave him a bright smile.

"Wish me luck," he said.

Changbin stared at the boy and knew he would regret it if he didn't do something that night. So he surged forward and pressed his lips to the younger's.

Jisung stiffened, eyes widening in surprise. The feeling was so foreign to him. But when the older was about to pull away, he held him in place, closing his eyes and relaxing into the kiss.

What was that feeling? Not even fireworks could begin to describe it. It was like his body was on fire yet at the same time it was like he had been plunged into ice water.

They parted, breathing heavily, foreheads pressed together and eyes closed.

"I'm so glad I did that." murmured the older, gazing at Jisung fondly.

"I'm glad you did that too." the singer whispered. 

"Good luck, Jisung."

Jisung smiled, nodding before slipping onto the stage. Changbin collapsed onto the plastic chair near him, letting out a sigh.

"That was pretty bold of you, lover boy." 

The boy sighed. "Noona."

"Are you happy?"

"Over the moon. He kissed me back. Does that mean-"

"He likes you back, Bin. Now tonight, ask him out."

Changbin closed his eyes, remembering the feeling of the younger's soft lips on his. 

"What about your dad?"

"He said it was okay, noona. He said that he'd let me be with Jisung," he said, getting a bit emotional.

"Oh, Bin..." she cooed, hugging him.

Out of all the younger friends she had, she knew Changbin had suffered the most, unable to follow his dreams and forced to get ready to take over the company. But if he was ready to give up his dreams and passions for one boy, that boy really meant everything to him. And she hoped that nothing would break their relationship.

Time passed and Changbin was listening to Jisung singing happily on the stage. At one point he peeked from behind the curtains to see the boy bouncing on stage. He held the mic in his hand, jumping across the stage, a wide smile on his face as he yelled out the lyrics. 

The dark-haired boy realized, Jisung really did love music, it was his life. And perhaps he could help him that.

"Hyung!" yelled Jisung, grabbing his arm.

Changbin tilted his head in confusion, gasping when Jisung dragged him onto the stage.

"What are you doing, Ji?" he hissed.

Jisung winked at him, loud beats starting. Changbin recognized the song and shook his head, feeling a mic being pushed into his hand.

Everyone is on the same color. Anyone with a different color would be picked on. I hid it in fear and tried using the same color as the rest. Don't run away from what you love tomorrow. Puff up your chest and shine! The world is vast you know? Look! Let's raise our wishes. Go after your dreams without flattery! Let's go and leave our negative selves behind.

Jisung grinned widely hearing Changbin singing. The older sang with so much power, his voice rough yet mellow. They stood face to face and Jisung hooked a finger under Changbin's chin, making the boy look at him.

Your color looks like a one and only, beautiful flower coloring the world. Hey! You don't have to be shy! Raise your face. Be what you are, great.

Changbin rolled his eyes before spinning on his heel to face the audience. He grinned widely when he saw Jisung do the same and they threw their arms out.

Is there a loss if you can't do what you have or want to? It's a competitor's pledge. The dreams of other people are a no-no! Enjoy who you are.

Mr. Seo who was in the crowd, watching with a mixture of awe and pride as he saw Changbin twirl on stage, lips stretched into a wide smile. Perhaps Jisung really was the one for him.

They smiled at each other, mimicking the dance moves they had occasionally seen in the video, cracking up slightly when they stumbled. It was a show to the audience but they too were enjoying themselves so much. 

What I like someday will become rusty, be completely forgotten, and get lost. What lie is that! It'll be with you forever. Even now, you can become thrilled, by the dream taking over your heart. You even forget about the times you're laughing.

It was as if the song was made for them, speaking about their experience, their insecurities. And as if they were singing it to each other, as a message of support and love.

Your color is so awesome that things like a name it doesn't need, and it looks like a star illuminating the world. You don't have to match with anybody! And just that way, be what you are, great.

Changbin winked at the boy, the words falling from his lips easily. This song was like second nature to him.

We're going to miss fun stuff if we keep waiting right? Let's go and meet them. Start by taking your first step on! Enjoy your dreams.

They finished the song, the crowd roaring with delight and applause filling the building. The two boys waved to the crowd, sweat dripping off of them. Fingers intertwined they ran off stage.

"That was fun," admitted Changbin.

Jisung smiled, hugging the older. "It was."

The night went on, the two never left each other's side, basking in their shared love and affection. 

As they walked to Jisung's house, Changbin cleared his throat. 



" you like me?"

Jisung glanced at him for a minute. "Yes, hyung. I do."

The older bit his lip. What would he say?



"Will you be my boyfriend?"

He froze for a second. 


"Of course. Oh god, Jisung. You don't know how long I've wanted to be with you. I-" he breathed.

Jisung shut him up by capturing his lips in a sweet kiss. 

"I love you hyung."

"I love you too, Ji."


Okay, this was supposed to be longer, but I might make a second part because there was a lot of stuff that was supposed to happen that didn't. I'm sorry this is so late, I worked on it for days together, deleting, rewriting and adding. It was a lot of work. So I hope you enjoyed it.]

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