Minecraft Daycare One~Shots

By ThatOneWeirdoAzi

4.9K 62 41

I made it to 1k views. So, I am keeping my promise. Have fun! More

Apples and Oranges ~ 1
War Of Hearts - 1
War Of Hearts - 2
War Of Hearts - Goldy
War of Hearts - 3
War Of Hearts - Tina & Ryan
Not to worry!
Incorrect Daycare Quotes ~ 1
Incorrect Daycare Quotes ~ 2
Incorrect Quotes ~ 3
"Yet another Switcheroo!"
Incorrect Quotes - 4
War of Hearts - 5
Incorrect Quotes γƒΌ 5
Daycare Academy - "Science Class"

War Of Hearts - 4

155 3 0
By ThatOneWeirdoAzi

May 12

Heart Clan

Tina ran past her father.

"Where are you going?" Leo (the king (also her father)) called in his gruff voice.

The princess stopped and turned to her father, "I'm going to the Outskirts to look at some lizards again and get taken by a spirit- What do you think I'm doing?!" She grunted, annoyed.

"Listen, Tina, I'm concerned for your safety and our sanity. Stay in the kingdom for me.." Leo asked bluntly.

Tina shook her head, "If you want me to stay so badly, get a fake me and prop it right here. I'm Leaving! Hear that? L-E-A-V-I-N-G!" She shouted, upset, but guiltily wishing she had never screamed.

Leo just watched her and considered her words. He got up and went into the throne room for a bit of thinking.

Tina, on the other hand, had to meet up with her friends. She needed to talk to this spirit and discuss what their destiny will exactly be.


"Oh? I didn't see you there! Sorry, I'm-" Tina's stuttering got interrupted by a few giggles.

She looked down to see the short brown haired girl looking up at her. Her golden eyes bouncing with laughter and excitement.

"We were told to stop the war!" Goldy exclaimed with a serious tone, but her bouncing proved otherwise.

Tina was confused, "What war?" She turned to see the while spirit floating around where Ryan and Unicorn sat. Today, Ryan wore his usual blue sweatshirt, but with a grey top.

Unicorn wore a light blue tunic looking jacket. His pockets were filled with glass vials as if he was using them before he rushed over.

Goldy wore the usual, but she had a chunk of her hair in front of the ripped area of her mask.

"What do you mean, 'What war'? The war that is going on! Its destiny..." Goldy hovered around Tina, talking on and on about what the (What they now call 'Oracle') Oracle had told them.

Ryan turned and caught Tina's eye, "Her Tina! Your a bit late.."

"Yeah, problems with my dad.. He didn't let me go in peace.." Tina muttered, twirling her hair around her finger.

"Its about time. We should get going," the Oracle's voice whispered.

"Where are we going?" Goldy huddled next to Unicorn and whispered loudly.

"Why are you asking me? Ask the Oracle! She seems to know more about healing potions than my teacher.." Unicorn chuckled.

The Oracle rasped a bit louder this time; "We are leaving your home, to visit the battlegrounds."

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