(Closed To Catch Up) Intervie...

By jyothi89

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I aim to give undiscovered authors to explore their views about themselves and their stories. Please check t... More

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1. The Scarlet Knife
2. Disappearances of the Creators
3. The Kingdom Ruins
4. The Mystery Of 79° 41'E
5. The White Capes
6. Aura✨
7. The Hardest Choice
8. Gandivdhari Arjun-The Warrior Prince
9. Gleeman's Tales
11.The Light of My Life
12. Mixed Tears
13. Her
14. Bedevilled Angel
15. Swallow
16. Interviewing an Avid Reader- AnyaSharma
17. Samsaara
18. The VIth Element Series (Book 1 and 2)
20. The Final Innings
21. Life Threads Series (Duology)
22. Silent Downfall

19. The Velvet Healer

31 3 5
By jyothi89

Blurb: "A Rape Victim" and "A Man of Many Secrets" -A story of Survival.

After experiencing sexual assault at a tender age, Priyasha mostly considered herself as used and violated. She often felt numb with the flashbacks and scared that her past would return. Although, the desperate venture to settle down in her life wasn't easy and the situation worsened with a wrong decision. Her new apartment owner wasn't someone he claimed to be. His aim abode on the collapse of a particular businessman. And she discovered eventually he was a man of many secrets. Would she be able to find his secrets? Did they really matter to her? What should be her decision standing between her past and equally terrifying present? Find out this romantic suspense in --- The Velvet Healer

My Impression: A spellbinding romantic-thriller with characters who will move readers.

Interview : 

Q. How did you get your start as an author?

A. I can't remember my age when I started writing my first story. It was about two brothers and their adventures in a dream world. Just because, I was little, the story was also little and very many children like. (However, I'm positive, it'd make a great children fiction if I edit that down properly.) I really don't know, how it happened...but one day I wrote that story and read it to my Maa. She liked it and I was very happy. After that...I didn't stop. (I tried once but failed miserably. Ha!)

Q. What inspired you to write this story?

A. Love-Hate relationship. Oh, how much I love twisted minds and their take on other person's lives to make it miserable, but at the same time, they care for each other as psychopaths. I wanted to create a character, that simultaneously loves and hates his partner. I used to like these kinds of stories so much and then ... I grew up! (chuckles) No honestly, in the first draft, the story was exactly so. Then I realized, it's not palatable. So, I changed bits and pieces of the characters in the new one to make it more realistic.

Q. Who is your fav and least likable character and why?

A. My favorite character has always been Jai. The innocent boy gave so much effort and gave his best to comply with Abhiraj's every order. He was a 'good at heart but victim of time' character, which is relatable to almost every one of the society. He was loving towards Priyasha and worried for her from the very start and which shows how pure was he from the bottom of his heart. He was like that brother to me I never had. I have always wanted a brother like Jai, and that's basically the main reason why I like Jai's character the most. 

My least favorite character is Abhiraj. I'm sorry, but it's true. A person who is deceptive and secretive cannot be my most favorite character. Just because it was Priyasha, she has accepted him in the long run, I would have run away far from him from the very beginning. Then also, it is a story and it was meant to happen like that. ((laughs) my cousin would kill me if she learns about this. She is just head over heels for Abhiraj! I'm not sure why! Wait... I do, though! (chuckles))

Q. Are you a plotter or pantser?

A. A plotter. I used to be a pantser in my younger days of writer life. Then, as time passed I realized it wouldn't work for me. Because I used to have four story ideas in my head at a time, but couldn't even finish at least one. So, I had to switch to the old but more convenient strategy, i.e plotting one story at a time and write it down altogether, to get them as a whole. 

Q. Are your characters based on anyone from your life?

A. Well, each reflects (not the character) Priyasha had throughout the story... are mostly mine. I would have thought the same if I was in her place. Apart from that, no. None of the characters are based on anyone from my real life.

Q. If there was one thing you would want to change in your story what would it be?

A. Probably, either Priyasha or Abhiraj would have died instead of Jai. Actually, I always like a bittersweet ending. Only that kind brings out the real essence of a story and leaves a long term effect in your subconscious. For a justified ending, one of the main characters had to die. By the main character, I not only mean Priyasha or Abhiraj. Jai, Vijay, Vikash...they also were main characters. They all had important parts in the story. So, I would have ended the story in a more bitter term if not the current one. 

Q. How do you compare your book with other romance genre novels on wattpad?

A. First of all, I don't really categorize my story as a romance novel. My story is contemporary fiction with hell lot of suspense, secretive characters and the struggle for survival of a rape victim. Yes, romance certainly is an element in my story, but it'd not do justice with the plot if I dump my story into the romance genre. My protagonist is a female and certainly, a very strong one. I, probably, would tag my story in women's fiction where the story of her struggle and survival is the main thing, along with, ( *smiles* ) a touch of philosophical reflections. This one's my favorite part, which I'm sure would make my story stand out.

Q. What makes a great romantic story?

A. The romantic story itself is very boring. If there doesn't exist any problems and/or drama, then I don't think, that romance story would be an interesting one. (And I meant by romance is, not only the physical intimacy. The subtle mental connection is the principal part of romance.)

In my opinion, no character in the story should be a perfect one. Because, in reality, a perfect person doesn't exist. So, whenever there is a handsome hunk with good looks and a muscled body appears in the story, the story right away turns me down. I personally call these stories as 'teenage fantasies'. Because only an immature mind could dream/imagine/tolerate these kinds of non-existent perfect characters. I always look for characters that have flaws in them and this is not only for romantic stories but for every genre. Because normally humans (even gods sometimes) make mistakes and that's what should reflect in the fiction too.

Q. Tell us about your personal feelings while writing Priyasha's assault scenes.

A. I was daring this question, honestly. To be honest, I was extremely hesitant about the assault scene. I gave it a fair amount of thought, analyzing what exactly I should include and what I should discard. Because the scene certainly is a very sensitive and difficult one. It took me longer than usual writing it down. And honestly, while writing it down, I felt the pang inside my chest with every line I wrote. 

But, when I projected the situation in real life, I realized, it would have been the exact scenario in reality too, even worse. Romeo was considerate enough to not let any other person enter her room or touch her, but if you see the real life similar incidents, they certainly happen more heinously, with the entire gang engaged. So, yes. The assault scenes almost made me cry. (Actually, there are so many scenes which were difficult to write and they almost wrecked my inside. But, then...this is how it happens normally. The hard way!)

Q. What's your fav scene in your story?

A. Well, I can't really point out only one favorite scene from the story. There are so many I like, and often read them again and again. One of them being that scene when Priyasha and Abhiraj had an argument in their car and Abhiraj asked her, "Why can't you trust me for once? Did I ever hurt you?" And Priyasha explained to him the definition of 'hurt'. It was one of the most amazing scenes. Or the one scene, when after the heated argument with Abhiraj, Priyasha satiated his query when he asked, "I was ... an unwanted creation by God. Is that even possible?". The way Priyasha elaborated God's love is very dear to my heart.

There are so many...(grins) I can't possibly mention each one of them.

Q. Why do you read/write?

A. Reading book is food for the soul. I am not really an outgoing kind of person since my childhood. Perhaps, being the only child and the circumstances I grew up in, were the reasons. So, since childhood days, I always have found my peace and safe haven in books. And about writing, I used to write poems on my Maa when I was little. Then my horizon expanded. (laughs) What else I can say!

Q. What is more important- character or plot?

A. Character development is very important. Until unless you make your readers fall in love with your characters, your story wouldn't get adopted or loved, doesn't matter how constructive your plot is.

Q. What's your best and worst comments you've received on your story? 

A. The best comment being - "why don't you get the hard copies for sale? I think it can be a best seller" I could never-ever-ever forget this comment! It made me so happy that I was literally jumping up and down. And about the worst comment - there is none. I don't see any comments on my story as a bad comment. Every comment is precious and they made me finish my story with enthusiasm. If they hadn't been there, I would have stopped writing the story in middle (which I often do whenever doubts rise up in my mind!)

Q. Describe any unforgettable experience you had on wattpad.

A. One is a part of the ambassador team of course.

And another one is, about a fellow Wattpadder. When I was still using my old account, I had this follower named KrimsomRegret (later she changed her name as Risque or something like that) I always used to look forward to chatting with her. She was probably living in the US. So whenever we talked it was mostly night on my side of the world. I don't know why I liked her very much. Probably because she was one of the first "friend" I made on wattpad. She was younger than me and was suicidal (attempted a few times). 

I, several times, tried to talk her out of the tendency. Then one day she stopped talking to me and then deleted her account or something. I am not sure. Perhaps, she had opened another one but never contacted me again. The last thing I learned about her was she had made a boyfriend/friend/partner. They were an interracial couple and I was so happy for them. Then...I couldn't find her anymore on wattpad and never tried again, thinking it would be best if I keep it to myself. Because she probably wanted that. Now, I don't even know if she's alive or not. I just want her to be happy because the time I had spent with her on chatbox was a precious one. We both shared many issues we were suffering at that time. It is definitely one such unforgettable experience I had since my beginning days on Wattpad (2012).

Q. What's your fav novel? (On and off wattpad)

A. Probably, this question isn't suitable for me to answer. Because I have 'many' favorite novels. (grins)By the River Piedra, I sat down and Wept by Paulo Coelho is one of them. Then, The God of Small Things or To Kill a Mockingbird or The Last Poem or ... ugh, anyway (hides face).... these are all my favorite novels and there are so many more, I can't even name. 

On Wattpad, I enjoyed reading Blood Magic Saga, My True Love Ghost, Dead and Not Buried, Lotus in his eyes, The Vampire Next Door, Wake up Call, Hard Mate...and so so.

Q. What books do you intend to read (on and off wattpad)

A. There is a list: 1) Wings of Fire 2) My experiments with Truth 3) Immortal 4) The Kite Runner 5) And the Mountains Echoed 6) Thousand Splendid Suns 7) The Journey Home 8) The Journey Within 9) Jim Corbett and Bibhutibhushan Omnibus 10) Chaitanya Charitamrita 11) ....the list can go on and on...

On wattpad...1) Hayden Mackay (Book 4) 2) Death is my Soulmate3) Parashuram: the ascetic warrior4) Sun Child5) ....and so...

Q. You are an incredible writer. Why do you think it's getting difficult to get noticed on wattpad? Or are you satisfied with the attention you are getting?

A. Probably,1) Because of, lack of marketing/advertising. 2) The story is set in India, Kolkata. Because, people on wattpad mostly avoid Desi (what they call, I don't like this term) stories. Of course, I would love to attract attention, but outside of wattpad too. I want my story to be a real-published one. That would only make my dream come true. (like all!)

Q. Who is your fav author. If you get to meet him/her, what question would you like to ask?

A. Satyajit Roy. (A genius gem.)My question would be, How come Feluda never thought of giving up smoking? (Certainly, we all know, smoking is injurious to health. And I don't like my favorite character into a bad habit. It's the only flaw, I don't like about Feluda, then also, without flaws...a story turns out insipid. (winks))

Q. How would you convince one to read your story?

A. I assure you, you'll not be disappointed after reading my story, The Velvet Healer. I categorize it as unique, one of a kind because it has suspense, it has romance, it has cruel intentions, action, family drama, bonding of friends...and last but not least, it has a philosophical approach which certainly wouldn't let you down and will definitely make you ponder on the theories(even at least for few moments).

Q. What advice would you like to give to an aspiring writer?

A. Invent your own style. Many new(aspiring) writers make mostly one mistake. They unintentionally (or intentionally) try to acquire some other writer's (whom, probably, they consider as their idols) writing style into their story. But this take on never works, trust me. You write down what you want to say through your story, even if that means a very straight forward, to the point kind of story. Never imitate someone else's style. It makes your story a piece of blueprint that's all. When you invent your own style, only then your story will pass... otherwise, the satisfaction you want from your creation will never come to you.

Thank you for these wonderful questions. I am glad to have answered them. I hope my story will be loved by people and if you give a nice opinion on it...then I'm sure, people will be intrigued to read the story. (grins) Thank you.


Thank you 

Your answers amazed me and so did your fascinating story. I wish you all the best for your future endeavors.

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