System and A Lazy Host✔

By AuthorMei

34K 977 182

[No-- Com- Complete!?!?] {Author: .... Flip! Didn't realize the description was dam wrong! I'm an idiot... More

please read
Arc 1: Chapter 1
Arc 1: Chapter 3
Arc 2: Chapter 1
Arc 2: Chapter 2
Arc 2: Chapter 3
Arc 2: Chapter 4
Arc 2: Chapter 5
Arc 2: Chapter 6
Back at my space
Arc 3: Chapter 1
Arc 3: Chapter 2
Arc 3: Chapter 4
Arc 3: Chapter 5 [Special announcement]
Arc 3: Chapter 6 and what???

Arc 1: Chapter 2

2.8K 84 25
By AuthorMei

Author corner:

Aoyagi Hajime (Guy in the last chapter- not the male lead)
Amagawa Eri (Friend of our Aika)
Aikyo Aika (our heroine)
Chabashira Emiko (the story's heroine)
Fukuyama Akira (Emiko's friend/Rival)
Intel (System)
If your confused of the characters... here ya go!


Arc 1: Idol in Disguise ♤ ♡ ♢ ♧ Chapter 2: Losing Chances, Stealing the Spotlight

Aika's POV

A week has passed since the first day I came here in this world. I was currently practising in dancing and singing- Just kidding! I was just watching some anime, and I was then forced to sleep by my system, Intel, early.

If your wondering about the "Class Audition" last chapter, I passed the exam and they said that I have a potential to be an actress. I wasn't in the top though, it was stolen by the future friend of our heroine. Eri also passed on Dance class but she wasn't on the top as it was stolen by another future friend of the heroine.

I was now just relaxing, this morning... like hell I could. After I woke up, Intel forced me to practise, excercise, sing, dance, making dresses, I was so exhuasted...

I was now in my classroom, after finishing breakfast and was happily chatting with my friend, Eri. We started calling each other by first names now since we are very close friends. The teacher arrived and we all stopped talking and greeted her hello.

"Hello class! Today you will be helping in backstage the stars of our academy, the top idol group, Shining Stars." Our teacher announced. Everyone was now chatting happily to be able to see their idols backstage.

"I hope everyone can learn about a lot of things while during backstage. Please give it your all! Fight! Fight! Fight!" She cheered in English and then we all happily stood up and followed Ms. Alexandra towards the building where the show will be held.

We then started doing heavy work and placing and decorating but I think I've grown numb cause I don't feel anything anymore. I'm glad this body isn't weak.

[Host, work hard! This is the part where the Heroine gets along with the people backstage. They are not a powerful backer but even with the smallest of people can change your fate.]

'Whut?' I look at my system, confused.

[...sigh... Im saying that try to stop the Heroine being the Heroine and stop her from having a good relationship with the people backstage. They can help her even if they are easily forgotten.]

'Sure, sure. Will do, Intel.'

I then started to work near Emiko. I was just glancing at her now and then. But then I accidentally dropped something and she slipped on it.

[Wow~ way to go Host...]

'It was unintentional. I'm sorry, Heroine-chan.' I then quickly dropped the box I was carrying and went over to help her. The proffesional people on the backstage who saw that just sighed at the Heroine's clumsiness. They must think that she's very clumsy and that will make their work harder.

"Ah, Thank you Aikyo-san." Emiko then dusted off the dust on her skirt and squat back down to pick up the things she accidentally dropped. I helped her pick up the things she dropped making the people who saw that think that Im very helpful and kind.

[If only they knew...]

'Shut up.' After that when we finished setting up the stage we all celebrated.

"Oh! Im so excited!" Eri went over to me after we finished the preparations.

"Why is it?" I asked her.

"You don't know? The reason why we're doing this is because it's an event were they show off their new Premium Rare dresses!" Eri informed me. She then pulled out her Idol phone and showed me the advertisement of the four idols about their new premium rare dresses.

"Premium rare dresses? What are those again?" I asked her. She then looked at me in shock.

"You don't know? These dresses are the best among the best dresses that they have created by the dress designer of the brands! These designers made these dresses with the only thought for their muse of the brands so that means that these clothes are especially made for them! Only their muses can wear them!" I nodded in understanding.

'Is there a special event gonna happen while during the show?' I asked, Intel.

[Well, Host- the Heroine will just learn a valuable lesson but we can stop her from learning it if you were to stop her from meeting her idol, which will be tomorrow morning. So that means, you need to wake up early...]

'W-what!? Alright... be sure to wake me up okay?' I sighed in defeat and told Intel what to do. Why am I here...? (T▽T)

[Of course...(^_^)] The blank rectangle on the floating mechanical ball lit up showing a face. I smiled and continue to chat with Eri.

After that, I arrive at my dorm room and began to read some novels to pass the time. I already finished my assignment early just for this. "Oh Im glad that I have an awesome system!"

[Yeah Im awesome... (─‿‿─) Anyway, Host- go to sleep. I'll wake you up tomorrow early]

'Ehh... okay...' I then put a bookmark on the page and put it under Intel. He floated up and light appeared as the book was sucked into him. I then said good night to Intel before sleeping.


[Wake up!]

"Wake me up later, Hubby..."

[Host! Wake UP!!] Intel then appeared as a boy around his teens and pushed me down the bed. I hit my head and stood up and glared at Intel.

I seem to be still sleeping cause when I saw Intel as a human form I was so shooked! "Who's this handsome fellow?! Where's that annoying voice of my Intel!?"

[Host, its me! Yes I know I'm handsome, don't need to over react] The boy's mouth opened and Intel's voice came out. He rolled his eyes as he saw me about to faint in shock.

"You didn't tell me that you were this handsome as a human form!" I yelled at him. 'Damn! He's a good looking bishounen! Too bad I already have my own bishounen.'

[Host, go stop the heroine!]

"Yeah, yeah!" My sleepiness has now disappeared because of the shock of seeing Intel as a handsome bishounen.

I sadly took a bath and wore my uniform and left the dorm room. Intel already returned to his mechanical boring ball form and is currently guiding me towards where the Heroine is going.

[Host, she's right there. Why don't you both head into the school café to distract her?]

'We have a school café???' I asked Intel. There were only a few students awake this morning but they were minding their own business and weren't looking at my direction so they couldn't see me reacting at empty space like I was talking to someone.

[Yes. Now go!]

I then silently ran towards the heroine who is jogging early in the morning. I ran up to her and luckily that this body is very fit that I have enough stamina.

"Chabashira-chan! What are you doing here?" I yelled. She then stopped and I caught up to her.

"Im currently jogging! What are you doing here so early?" She asked. She was currently wearing the PE uniform of the school and her hair which usually wasn't tied, was tied into a pony tail.

'Yeah, what am I doing here so early?'

[Just quickly invite her! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ] Intel felt like this host of his is so stupid without him. He just wants to flip his host. His other hosts were better than her.

"Well I just happen to see you jogging and wanted to invite you to join me to the café. We can't always practise, practise, practise! We need to relax sometimes..." I smoothly said.

"Well, I guess it doesn't hurt to relax once in a while. Wait! We have a café!?" She looked at me in shocked. Her sky blue eyes were really sparkly.

"Oh- uh- yes! We do have a café! I'll show you!" I then smiled and began to walk the other direction, far away from where she will meet her idol who was currently playing the piano.

'Intel, lead the way.' Intel nodded and appeared in front and guided the both of them. Good thing that no one can see Intel except me.

We arrived at a cute fancy building and entered. There were a few students here and there. There were even male Idols.

[This café is actually placed between the male idol academy and the femal idol academy. It's not visited often since not a lot of people often walk or jog here. You can also have a job here if you wanted.] Intel informed.

I nodded on the inside and went in with the Heroine in which to my suprise, I see her looking around here and there. I sighed and just sat on a chair for two. I then was intently staring at the menu as I scan for anything delicious or interesting to eat.

I then hear foot steps towards me and movement from a chair moving. "So what do you want to eat?" I then looked up to not see the blonde pink tips heroine but instead to find myself infront of Aoyagi-senpai.

"U-ugh... Hey..." I then looked at his back and saw Chabashira giggling. 'She must have thought we are lovers. Well we aren't!'

"Hello~ you know- I think a want a fiery red haired girl today." He licked his lips as he smirked at me.

[Wow... Host, be sure to continue doing what your doing. Tickle his fancy and you will become the best!] Intel cheered but I silently cried on the inside.

"Good morning, Aoyagi-senpai. That seat is mean't for you. It's for Chabashira-chan. May you please move?" I kidly asked as I raised my eyebrow at him.

He stood up and rose his hands as a sign that he's harmless. "Sure... anything for my queen." He then bowed and left before winking at me. I then see him walk towards his three friends who were laughing at him.

Chabashira sat in her chair as she pouted. "Why did you make him leave? You could've just let him sit on my seat." I rolled my eyes.

"Love is forbidden. Remember that, Chabashira-chan." I reminded her.

"Oh okay... but I swear, when I saw him look at you, I thought I saw hearts!" She fanned herself as she giggled at my forbidden love story. A waitress then arrived and asked for our orders. I ordered some chocolate cake as Chabashira-chan ordered some strawberry cheesecake.

"You know, you can just call me, Emiko!" She said after we took a bite of our cakes.

"Sure, Emiko-chan. You may call me Aika as well."

"I guess we're now friends, Aika-sama!" We smiled at each other as we ate our cakes and had some small chat here and there. After we finished, we went back to the dormitories and I waited for Emiko-chan to change into her uniform and waited for Eri to arrive as well.

Me and Eri waited for Emiko to arrive to find her bringing her friend, Akira, and the four of us walked to school together. We arrived at the cafeteria and ate breakfast. 'Is it even healthy to eat dessert then eat breakfast after? Oh well...'

We then all finished lessons and arrived back at the place of the show. It was almost evening and we all already ate dinner. We then watched the show as they danced and sang with the most amazingest (Is that even a word?) The most beautiful looking dresses I've seen! Each Idol was wearing a diffrent style from each other but together they stand out.

Each idol on Shining Stars are the top idols of their own class which makes them very unique. The Beauty class idol was wearing princess like clothes, the singing class idol was wearing cool clothes, the dancing class idol was wearing sexy clothes, and the drama class idol was wearing fun and cute clothes. Each had a diffrent style but were still coordinated.

I cried on the inside. 'It's just like an anime...'

[It actually kinda is.]

'I kinda want a premium rare dress now.'

[Conditions will be met if you were to befriend Hamano Kaori, and join an audition for a special audition where 2 or more idols join together.]

'Wait!? So I can actually have my very own premium rare dress!?'

[If you can do that by next week, the administrators will give you your very own unique brand for your style. What style do you want it to be?]

'Hmm... I think I want the cool style... but I kinda also want a cute style... or maybe a sexy and mature style? Oh I can't choose!'

[Okay! I'll set it on 'whatever'. The administrators will choose one for you to make you stand out. Please remember the deadline. By next week, you need to befriend Hamano Kaori then join with Hamano and Amagawa for the special audition. They also need premium rare dresses so be sure to help them find a brand fit for their taste.

Also, you will earn points when you befriend Hamano Kaori for 50 points and every time you join and audition, you get 20 points each. Work hard, Host!]

I nodded internally. The show ended and everyone celebrated after it. The group Shining Stars thanked us and everyone was all happy and smiles.


"Hello, Im Aikyo Aika! You are-?" I smiled as I wave at the girl with mint green hair with brown accesories decorated to make her hair look like mint chocolate chip, sharp upturned coffee brown eyes, milky smooth skin, cute button nose, and cute pouty lips.

She looked at me up and down and humphed, and continued eating breakfast.

"M-may we sit with you?" I kindly asked. 'What's with her proud attitude?'

"Go sit somwhere else!" Hamano glared at us and I just sighed and went with Eri and sat on another table.

"Why are you trying to befriend her? She seems so mean!" Eri, with her usual short haired in two buns the other one black, the other one white was sitting in front of me as she drank her orange juice in anger.

"She doesn't deserve to be your friend!" She ate quickly as she cursed Hamano behind her back.

"Oh don't be like that. She must have a reason to why she is like this! I'm sure she'll turn around and be our friend. I mean, she seems pretty lonely don't you think?" I looked at the chocolate chipped mint haired girl as she ate alone at her own table.

"Sigh... you are too kind, Aika-sama..."

'Girl... you should have seen me in my past life. Once- a store was selling a limited edition anime plushie of my favorite character, a person grabbed my plushie that I kept my eye on even within the hundred of plushies, he got the one I kept my eye on. I fricking smacked that boy with my purse and grabbed that limited edition forcefully. Never mess with me and my limited edition anime merchandise!'

"Ha ha ha... I'm not that kind. Anyway, why don't we hear the side of her story before we say we hate her okay? It's almost class. Let's go." We then both stood up and returned the trays and went to class.

While in class, we were given an oppurtunity to enter a modeling audition in which the heroine, Emiko-chan meets her new friend from Beauty class. Everyone congratulates them since they both are the lucky ones that got chosen by fate and was lucky enough to audition for modeling. After that, we all continued class.

After class, which is already lunch time, I went over to Hamano-san who saw me went over to her and quickly turned her face away. "What do you want?"

"You seem kinda lonely... Isn't it sad?" I ask her as i sat beside her. 'I Aika has come over to you just to make you my friend! Feel honored!' She didn't look at my face as she spoke. She just ate her meal slowly, while savoring the taste.

"It's better than being betrayed after getting my hopes up for finally having a friend." She spoke quickly. Like not wanting to hear the words she just spoke.

"Were you betrayed before?" I slowly asked, hesitant to make her mad than she already is.

"Yes. So what of it?" She then finally looked at me with a sharp glare. She stared back at me with her coffee brown eyes, it was filled with sadness and anger.

"I won't betray you. Everyone isn't the same as your ex-friend you know?" I tilt my heads towards her in a teasing manner. "You shouldn't always get stuck in the past. You should learn from your mistakes and be better than your past self."

"Don't give me that lecture. I'm fine with being alone." She humphed and crossed her arms around her chest.

"Look, I think you have great potential as an idol! That's why I want to form a group with you. I'm Aikyo Aika, and I'm in drama class. I have a friend who is in dance class and I heard that you are in song class right? After that, all we need to dind is someone from beauty class then our group will be complete!" I smiled as I spoke of my plan.

"So I'm just a tool for you?" She looked offended as she raised her voice in anger. She grabbed her orange juice and drunked it down within a 5 seconds.

"No! We can become friends if you can just accept! I won't betray you, and if I did, I would leave the idol world." I promised. I raised my right hand as a sign of my promise.

She looked at me in shock. "What are you doing? I know you are just trying to prove your inocence but leaving the idol world? That's too harsh!" She wuickly pushed my hand down at my statement.

"You see, I never judged wrong. And I know that you-" I poked her the place where her heart is, "-are kind. Trust me. I will never betray you!" I grabbed both of her hands with my hands and looked at her in the eyes.

Her walls seem to be falling down and her eyes started misting up. She looked down at our joined hands. "Fine. But you promise to never betray me okay?" She looked at me. Her eyes filled with resolution. I nodded.

"Thank you..." I then grabbed her hand and lead her to Eri-chan who was waiting for me as she ate her lunch slowly.

"Im Hamano Kaori." She introduced herself. She then shyly glanced at Eri.

"Oh! Um! Hello, Im Amagawa Eri. Nice to meet you, Hamano-san." They shook hands and smiled at each other. I nodded to myself and felt like I deserve a pat on the shoulder.



'Pat me in the shoulder! I befriended Hamano Kaori!' I looked at him in my mind with sparkly eyes like a puppy looking for treats.

[...Good job host. You have recieved 50 points. Please continue and finish the side mission.(^_^)]

'I didn't get a pat in the back in the end but I got a praise! Intel is so stupid. So stupid! Can't even get a reward...'ヽ(o'皿′o)ノ

"Well then! Get along with each other! I'll sign us up on the special audition!" I said as I grabbed my Idol mobile in my pocket.

"Don't we need premium rare dresses for that?" Eri looked at me in shock.

"Yes but we have our ways. Right, Aikyo-san?" Homona looked at me and smirked. I widen my eyes then grinned. "Aw! You really are good, Homona-chan! You can call me Aika if you like." I patted her head in which she blushed.

"Alright, Aika-sama. You may call me Kaori as well." She then looked at us seriously. "Anyway, my parents are quite the influential people and we might be able to ask some popular designers to let us use their premium rare cards."

"Thank you, Kaori-san! Your such a big help!" I grabbed her hands and clasped it in my hands. I looked at her in happiness. 'Being famous and rich is so awesome!'

[Host, since you completed both missions during the week, as promised, we will give you your very own premium rare cards. As a bonus for doing it quicker, since this is just a test world, we will add a brand just for you. (*^▽^*) ]

'What's it called?'

[Wonderland! Congrats host!] Inside my brain I imagine him in his human form throwing confetti everywhere.

"Y-your welcome. I'll call my parents later this evening. What dorm number do you live in? I'll tell you the details later." Hamano asked as she pulled out her Idol phone.

We then told her our dorm room number and we all decided to go over to my room.


Later that evening...

Knock! knock!

I opened the door to see two girls wearing some casual pajamas and bringing some snacks over. It was after dinner and I rubbed my eyes to see that it was Eri-chan and Kaori-san. I quickly smiled and let them enter my room.

They sat on the beanie chairs that I prepared for them as I asked if they wanted to drink anything. They wanted to drink some tea so I brewed them some chamomile tea which is said to have been used for relaxing and relieving stress and is wonderful to drink at night.

I served them tea on the coffee table that was surronded by three beanies. 'A coffee table must feel ashamed somehow. I just poured tea on a coffee table!'

[... (/ω\) ] 'Why is my host like this...'

"So what's the news?" I asked after Kaori sipped some of my chamomile tea.

"Well, they agreed but they're not sure if the brand designers might be able to have time for us in their busy schedules." Kaoria sighed.

"I see..." Seeing the gloomy atmosphere, I quickly changed the subject. "So what brand did you guys choose again?"

Eri's gray eyes seem to sparkle in delight. "Ahhh! Im so happy! The brand, 'Monochrome' actually accepted to give me their premium rare dresses! That means that thay must like me! I'm so happy!" She giggled in delight at the thought of wearing her favorite brand's premium dress.

"Well I chose, 'Ice Lily'. I really like the way their clothes are so elegant yet cold!" The both of them began to talk happily about the chance to be able to wear their favorite brands.

Aika, unfeeling about it, was just happily nodding as she listened to them talk about the styles and how pretty and awesome their clothes is. We planned to practice early in the morning and after school to practice.

It was getting late and we all went back to our respective dorm rooms after our meeting. I wasn't worried at all since my Brand will be literally out of this world.


Hello Dear Flowers!

I hate myself... when i make characters descriptions, I just think of the character and when I want to have a picture to demonstrate what they look like, I have to search google for my chracters...

Sadly, can't find pics for Hanamo, Eri, or anyone else I want.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter like how Im tired of finding pics for this story.

This story is based out off 'Aikatsu', 'Aikatsu Stars', and they are anime, which I enjoy watching. I hope they make a boy Aikatsu soon.

Chapters are random posted randomly and are very long!

Hope you stay and enjoy my story!

Thank you for reading!

Bye Bye~~


Author adds:

I have a question!
How would you like the character to leave a world? Would you like:

A.) her soul be replace backed by the original?

B.) Die by an accident?

C.) Straight up soul taken away?

D.) Die of old age?

E.) Other suggestions?

Please answer... There are so many ways! I can't choose!

Edit: I changed Hanamo Kaori's brand to 'Ice Lily' since 'Ice Cream Baby' is kinda stupid for a brand name... and I dont have clothes fit for its theme...

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