Being deleted soon (Fred Weas...

By RandomLiz06

79.6K 1.9K 2.5K

For ages, I have had this story up and running. It's my most popular story, but it's awful. Spoiler alert, R... More

Chapter 1 (edited)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38//The finale

Chapter 23

1.3K 40 91
By RandomLiz06

"Hermione, Ginny and YN, go and get everyone's robes. Harry, Fred and George, could you go and get everyone's books, Arthur and I will get supplies. Meet at the ice cream parlour for a treat," Molly said when they arrived in Diagon Alley, YN passed everyone money,

"On it," Harry said and left with the twins, "Fred, I'm happy for you and YN, mate,"

"Thanks, Harry," Fred said,

"She's stressed about your wedding," Harry said,

"We haven't started any plans, though," Fred said,

"She's stressed about who is going to walk her down the aisle. She can't have our dad, you see,"

"Oh, Merlin. I can't even imagine how horrible that must be," Fred said,

"Yeah, she's not going to cry about it, though. If there's one thing I know for certain, is that YN is not weak," Harry said, "And you have to treat her well, she's lost too much,"

"I won't, Harry. I wasn't even planning to propose for at least another year, but when I found out that I could lose her, I had to,"

"Can you two shut up and help me?" George asked, with a stack of books in his arms, unable to see,

"Sorry," Fred said, taking half of them and taking them to the front desk, "Is this everything?" Harry looked at the lists and the books,

"Yeah, it is," Harry said, taking out his money and paying for everything, the three shared the books out between their bags and went to the ice cream shop,

"Here the girls come," George said,

"Heya," Ginny said, passing the boys their robes. They gave them their books, "Mum and dad should be here soon," Ginny said,

"Let's just go in," YN said, "I haven't had any decent food in a month," she ordered everyone ice cream and they sat outside, eating it, "This is so good!"

"I second that!" Harry laughed, 

"I haven't seen your ring, properly YN," Ginny said. YN showed her hand, "It's beautiful, Fred. How did you pay for it?"

"I spent my savings on it," Fred said,

"Awe, I'm sorry Fred," YN said,

"It was worth it," he replied,

"YN, can I see it?" Hermione asked and YN showed it to her, "You have some serious taste, Fred," Hermione said, Fred grinned. Molly and Arthur walked over,

"Sorry, I couldn't wait," YN said,

"It's fine, YN," Arthur said, 

"I can get you two something," 

"That's not necessary, YN," Molly said, "You've done enough for us already."

Back at HQ, YN was reading,

"YN, love, why bother going back to Hogwarts? You already know everything!" Fred laughed,

"I like reading, anyway, I want to make sure I understand the basics before I get to Hogwarts,"

"YN, you can apparate,"

"Not legally," she interrupted,

"But still, I only learned last year," Fred said, "Do you know what you want to do after Hogwarts?"

"I think I would like to be an Auror," YN said, "What about you?"

"George and I have been working on our business and we even have a store. It's full of boxes, but it's the empty one on the corner in Diagon Alley," 

"You own that?"

"Yep," Fred said, "We will open it when we have finished out NEWTs, so two years (AN I am making Fred one year older instead of two years)," Fred said,

"That will be great, Fred," YN said.

The rest of the holidays went quickly. Fred woke YN up on September 1st,

"Love, breakfast," Fred said. YN woke up,

"I'll meet you downstairs, yeah," she said, changing into skinny, ripped jeans and a loose, cropped shirt before slipping on her Doc Martens and going downstairs,

"Is everyone packed?" Molly asked, serving breakfast for everyone,


"No," George said,

"George, I packed with you yesterday," Fred said,

"I forgot," he shrugged. YN smiled and they got in an enchanted car and drove to Kings Cross,

"Together?" Fred said,

"Together," YN and Fred ran at the barrier, arriving in front of the scarlet train they both missed dearly,

"Let's find a compartment before it gets too full," came Harry's voice,

"I'm going to go and find Alicia Spinnet, bye," George said, Ginny went to find Luna,

"Guess that just leaves us four then," Hermione said. The four made their way onto the train and found a compartment. YN tripped over her suitcase, Dean Thomas helped her up,

"Thanks, Dean," she said,

"No problem, YN, love," he winked at her. YN turned to see Fred fuming, she looked at him with a face that said I got this,

"Please don't call me love, Dean," YN said,

"And why is that, love?" he asked,

"My fiance won't like it," she said. Dean looked at her,

"Fiance? You? Who?"

"Fred," YN said, showing her ring, "And there is a rule against student/teacher relationships, and I think you are borderline breaking it," YN smirked and walked into the compartment and sat down, "Prick," she muttered,

"Professors should not swear," Harry said, grinning like an idiot,

"Fuck you," YN said, smiling sweetly,

"I think we need to go to a prefect's meeting, now, Harry," Hermione said, seeing that he was about to say something in response,

"Yeah, see you soon,"

"Bye Harry, Mione," Fred said. Lupin arrived in their carriage and the three talked for a bit.

After what seemed like ages, they arrived at Hogwarts and entered the Great Hall. YN sat next to Fred and Hermione, who was next to Harry. After the sorting ceremony, Dumbledore began the start of year announcements, 

"I would like to offer congratulations and thanks to Miss YN Lily Potter, for those of you who have not been keeping up on the news, YN Potter worked all summer to help take down Voldemort, and thanks to her hard work, we are winning the Second Wizarding War," he began an applause, which was continued throughout the great hall, "She and Professor Lupin will be this years Defence Against the Dark Arts teachers, Professor Lupin will be teaching NEWT level and Professor Potter will be teaching OWL level," applause erupted again, "Remember, Voldemort is out there, stay within the school grounds, and no harm will come to you. May the feast begin," he flicked his wand and food appeared in front of everyone. 

After the feast, YN stayed behind to talk to McGonagall,

"Professor, I have a question-"

"You will be staying in your usual dorm with Miss Weasley and Miss Granger. Your classroom and office are on the second floor, next to mine. You will be given extensions if you so need them for any homework,"

"Right, thank you," YN went to her dorm and went to bed. She woke up to Hermione moving around,

"YN? Sorry to wake you,"

"It's fine, what's the time?"

"6:30," Hermione replied,

"It's about time I got up anyway," YN said. She checked her timetable, First years DADA first period, then Transfiguration with McGonagall. Break then third years, lunch followed by double potions. Great(!) She needed to plan a lesson, "Mione?"


"I need your help..." Hermione and YN sat down and worked out a lesson plan,

"I'll work on your next one in my free period," Hermione said,

"You don't need to," YN said,

"Yeah, but you have all your other classes to plan, so I might as well help out," 

The first period came and YN went to her classroom. It was quite dark and messy,

"Shit," she thought to herself as she sent charms around, tidying and organising everything so that it looked nice. She sat on her desk as students began to walk in. When everyone arrived, YN began

"Hello, class. As you will know, I am this year's Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher," YN took the register (AN: Comment your name and I will put it in a class). She took a deep breath, "The dark arts have been around forever, people have always wanted to stray from tradition and some of those people use dark, evil magic to do so," a hand shot up, "Yes?"

"Have you had any encounters with dark magic?" the boy asked, YN smiled to herself,

"I survived the killing curse twice," she said,

"That's not possible," a girl said,

"It's true," YN said, "There are level's of dark magic, the lowest is a jinx. Jinxes are usually harmless, for example, the tripping jinx or knockback jinx. Then there are hexes, which are the next lowest level of dark magic, like the bat-bogey hex. Finally, there is a curse. Curses are used to physically harm another, like the full-body-lock curse," a hand shot up, "Yes?"

"There is one more classification," the girl said,

"There is, yes. But we will not be talking about those, I didn't learn about them officially until my fourth year," YN said.

"Please Professor?"

"Okay, there are Three Unforgivable Curses. The Imperius Curse, the Cruciatus Curse and the Killing Curse. Performing any of these will result in life in Azkaban, wizard prison. Azkaban is the most miserable place you could think of,"

"Have you ever been there?"

"Yes, once," YN said,


"That's off topic," YN didn't want to get into a conversation about Ron, "There will be a thin line between what I teach you and what you are taught by Professor Flitwick in Charms, yes?" another hand was up,

"Have you ever experienced any of the Unforgivable Curses?"

"These are very off-topic questions, but yes I have," YN replied, jumping off her desk,

"Which one?" YN paused for a second,

"The Cruciatus Curse and the Killing Curse," she finally said, "A lot of curses and some hexes result in Azkaban, but not all of them do. Any questions?" YN asked she had more to say, but everyone's hands were up, so she decided to give them this lesson to ask her anything, "You,"

"Have you ever performed an Unforgivable Curse?" YN thought for a second, 

"No," she lied, "You,"

"What are your opinions on blood status?" asked a Slytherin,

"I don't care if I am honest. My mum was a muggle-born, my best friend is a muggle-born. My fiance is a pureblood and my friend is a half-blood. It shouldn't matter what someone was born, it's what they grow to be. Have you heard of Hermione Granger? The brightest witch of our age?" a few people nodded, "She is a muggle-born, and was bullied for it. But I don't know a spell she can't do," YN said, "You,"

"How did your mum die? It's just you said she was a muggle-born,"

"You are probably too young to have heard this story. So, 15 years ago, Voldemort was at his strongest. He had a huge army and on Hallowe'en night, he broke into my house, I and my brother were just babies, and he killed my parents. My parents were working with the people who fought against him, they were 21 years old. He tried to kill me and my brother, but couldn't," YN moved her hair to reveal her scar, "He gave me this and vanished into the night. People assumed he was dead, but he wasn't. He returned a few months ago, stronger than ever. You,"

"How old are you?" YN laughed,

"15, why?"

"Well you are a professor at Hogwarts and you are engaged," she pointed to YN's hand,

"Good observation skills," she smiled, "You,"

"How old is your fiance?" a boy asked,

"16," YN said, 

"Isn't there a rule against student/teacher relationships?" he smirked,

"Well considering I am 15, an exception was made," YN smirked back, "You?"

"What's the hardest spell you can do?" YN smirked and produced a Patronus, her YP (Your Patronus) went around the room,

"This is a Patronus. It can protect some-one against dementors, which are the creatures who guard Azkaban. Dementor's don't really like me, so I learned this spell last year," YN explained, "You?"

"Will Voldemort come to Hogwarts?" the girl sounded scared,

"If he does, I promise to do everything I can to stop him, so will all the Professor's and the older student, so there is no need to worry," YN smiled at the girl, "Right, that is all we have time for. By our next lesson, I want a 6" essay on the difference between Jinxes, Hexes and Curse. 20 house points will be awarded to whoever does the best essay," everyone left and YN went to Transfiguration. She knocked on the door of the classroom,

"Come in,"

"Sorry I am late Professor, I got caught up with first years and lesson plans and it won't happen again,"

"It's fine, Potter, sit down," YN saw that the only empty seat was next to Dean, "These seats are not permanent. I will make a seating plan for our next lesson. This lesson we will just be discussing what we learnt last year," 

"Your fiance isn't here," Dean winked at YN,

"I've noticed, and I'm not happy about it," YN said,

"I missed you in Herbology,"

"I'm not taking it as an OWL, and I had a lesson to teach," YN said,

"What do you mean?" Dean asked,

"If you were paying attention to Professor Dumbledore, you would know that I am a Professor this year, DADA," YN hissed,

"Really? Interesting. So, will you be having me?" he asked, a smirk on his face,

"At some point," he winked at her, "Dean, just stop. I am engaged and not interested," he winked again,

"Baby, you don't mean that," he grabbed her wrist. YN couldn't control her anger. Her hair turned a shade of red as she punched Dean in the nose,

"Miss Potter, detention. Mr Thomas, go to the hospital wing. This is not the behaviour I expect from a Professor," McGonagall said, "Talk amongst yourselves," she told the class, "Care to explain?" she asked YN,

"He was flirting with me after I ASKED him to stop and he grabbed my wrist so I hit him in the nose," YN said,

"I should not be proud in this situation," McGonagall said, "Fine, no detention, but if it happens again," she warned,

"I get it. It won't happen again," 

AN: 2200+ words and I need a life. Comment either your name or an OC and I will put them in a chapter as a student. I love you all so much Potterheads

Much Love


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