Chapter 23

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"Hermione, Ginny and YN, go and get everyone's robes. Harry, Fred and George, could you go and get everyone's books, Arthur and I will get supplies. Meet at the ice cream parlour for a treat," Molly said when they arrived in Diagon Alley, YN passed everyone money,

"On it," Harry said and left with the twins, "Fred, I'm happy for you and YN, mate,"

"Thanks, Harry," Fred said,

"She's stressed about your wedding," Harry said,

"We haven't started any plans, though," Fred said,

"She's stressed about who is going to walk her down the aisle. She can't have our dad, you see,"

"Oh, Merlin. I can't even imagine how horrible that must be," Fred said,

"Yeah, she's not going to cry about it, though. If there's one thing I know for certain, is that YN is not weak," Harry said, "And you have to treat her well, she's lost too much,"

"I won't, Harry. I wasn't even planning to propose for at least another year, but when I found out that I could lose her, I had to,"

"Can you two shut up and help me?" George asked, with a stack of books in his arms, unable to see,

"Sorry," Fred said, taking half of them and taking them to the front desk, "Is this everything?" Harry looked at the lists and the books,

"Yeah, it is," Harry said, taking out his money and paying for everything, the three shared the books out between their bags and went to the ice cream shop,

"Here the girls come," George said,

"Heya," Ginny said, passing the boys their robes. They gave them their books, "Mum and dad should be here soon," Ginny said,

"Let's just go in," YN said, "I haven't had any decent food in a month," she ordered everyone ice cream and they sat outside, eating it, "This is so good!"

"I second that!" Harry laughed, 

"I haven't seen your ring, properly YN," Ginny said. YN showed her hand, "It's beautiful, Fred. How did you pay for it?"

"I spent my savings on it," Fred said,

"Awe, I'm sorry Fred," YN said,

"It was worth it," he replied,

"YN, can I see it?" Hermione asked and YN showed it to her, "You have some serious taste, Fred," Hermione said, Fred grinned. Molly and Arthur walked over,

"Sorry, I couldn't wait," YN said,

"It's fine, YN," Arthur said, 

"I can get you two something," 

"That's not necessary, YN," Molly said, "You've done enough for us already."

Back at HQ, YN was reading,

"YN, love, why bother going back to Hogwarts? You already know everything!" Fred laughed,

"I like reading, anyway, I want to make sure I understand the basics before I get to Hogwarts,"

"YN, you can apparate,"

"Not legally," she interrupted,

"But still, I only learned last year," Fred said, "Do you know what you want to do after Hogwarts?"

"I think I would like to be an Auror," YN said, "What about you?"

"George and I have been working on our business and we even have a store. It's full of boxes, but it's the empty one on the corner in Diagon Alley," 

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