Kid(s)?! [Sequel to Emily] ✔️

By LastnameUnknown

4.3K 211 32

He is dead, or so they thought. 16 years, they had gone 16 years with Claire and without him.... Will they ev... More

Kid(s)?! (Sequel to Emily).
Chapter 1: what? (sneak peek)
Chapter 1: what?
Chapter 2: reality.
Chapter 3: Nathan.
Chapter 4: blame me.
Authours Note
Chapter 5: moving forward
Chapter 6: the letter.
Chapter 7: school.
Chapter 8: X Factor.
Chapter 9: shocked.
Chapter 10: songs.
Chapter 11: losing.
Chapter 12: party or not?
Chapter 14: surprises
Chapter 15: getting old. [Last Chapter]

Chapter 13: waking up?

147 11 4
By LastnameUnknown

Micheals POV

I knew it probably was a bad idea to attack Nathan but when he started taking about all those things he did to Aiden and anger took over. But before i even had the chance to hit him properly i felt something hit me in the leg and a horrible, horrible pain take over my body. I could hit him a few times before i blacked out. ”Whats wrong with him?” i heard a faint voice say. Someone mumbled something back and before i knew it i blacked out completley.

Emily´s POV

It had been 2 months. 2 months since i had seen those beautiful brown eyes of the man i called my husband. Nathan had gotten his trail and had gotten a sentence for life. To say my family had been relieved had been an understatement. Aiden and Claire had began crying when they got the news from Cloe. Michael had gone into a coma and they didnt know when he would wake up. Maybe tomorrow, maybe next month, they just didnt know.

At first they had said that the blow Michael recieved against his head hadnt been to bad but when they did some tests they figured that he had some brain damage. How bad it was they once again didnt know and they only would know when, or if, he woke up.

Claires POV

My mum hadnt left the hospital ever since that day. Only me and Aiden had gone to the court to see Nathan taken to prison. Aiden had start crying when he figured out Nathan had done this to our dad and  think he had yet to stop crying. He thinks i cant hear him at night but i surely can. He says its all his fault and that he shouldnt have stayed with us and that we would be better without him but i always tell him that without him we wouldnt be the Penniman family.

I still cant believe that everything that happened actually really happened. The day it happened mum send us back home and we found the papers on the table. Aiden was officially a member of our family. I bet thats what the groceries were for that we found in the car. I just my dad wakes up soon. I miss him.

Aidens POV

I.Cant.Believe.All.This.Is.Actually.Happening. My dad is suposse to sit here beside me and everything shoudl be fine. But insted of that he is fighting for his life in the damn hospital. Luckily i coudl help Nathan put away and he is out of our lives now, for good. Except for the traumas we all got from him of course. Beside in the mental part of our lives he would always be, even if he is gone psycially(?).

What my family doesnt know though is that i went to visit Nathan in prison. To exually see that he is in there and cant get out. The things he said to me that day hurt me but also made me stronger. Even though his words will hurt forever i know he cant actually hurt me anymore. So i laughed at him, got up and left.

Emily´s POV

Today they want to talk about Michael and the progress he is making. I didnt think there was any but the doctors assured me there was. Maybe he would wake up soon? I truly hoped so. “So, Emily. Michael is making excellent progress and i believe he should wake up any day now. There are a few things you have to know though. Because we dont really know how bad the head trauma is we dont know what the consequences for his body are. There is a slight chance that he could have lost his memory or he could be paralyzed.” They must have noticed the shocked look on my face because they quickly added, “There might be. The chances are more likely that everything is just fine and he will recover fully.”  I wasnt really convinced but thanked the doctors and left the hall way to walk in to my husbands room. Only to be met by him looking at me with a shocked look on his face.

Michaels POV

I woke up to see that i am in a hospital room. Suddenly i heard talking outside of the room and listenend. They talked, probably the doctors, about memory loss and paralyzement(?). Shocked i looked down at my arms and legs but found that everything worked properly. I let out a sign of relief when the door opened. And in came a lovely looking women, she looked shocked to see me and i saw tears fill her eyes. When i finally spoke i saw she was about to burst out sobbing, “Who are you?”

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