By anushkashettyfan

5.5K 637 114

Sister a beautiful bond that we have on this earth. sister is more than friend. If u have a sister in yo... More

Characters 1
Characters 2
Happy Birthday Sweety akka
Nation is in danger
What you have done Rajini
Rudra's Frustration
Operation freedom
Team freedom
Rajini's savior
Another side of rudra
Rajini's Rajan
Rudra's pain
First day at work
First step in case
Rajini the murderer
Day to remember
Sisters bond
The day when It all started

Face to Face

174 29 5
By anushkashettyfan

Hai friends hope u r fine.

Note : This story characters and places and names are purely my imagination. I don't have any intention to hurt any one.

Here the chapter

Rudra; Sanju..   why this sudden meeting.  She asked sanju walking into D. G. P office.

Sanju: How would i know rudra..  nanna just told me to bring  you that's it. She lied.

They reached hyderabad  7pm. Chennai to hyderabad  flights  cancelled for two days because of sudden rains. They came by road, Sanju informed Rajashekar about this and he postponed meeting.

Rudra: My head is aching like it  may burst in a minute,  I think my hangover did not gone yet. She said.

Sanju:  That's why i told you drink less alcohol But You did not listen to me. She complained.

Rudra: Stop complaining sanju and don't tell amma, nanna about this. She said.

They reached meeting room, rudra about to go but stopped in middle seeing sanju not following her.

Rudra: What happen you are not coming.  She asked.

Sanju: No... rudra..... they only wants to speak with you. She said.

Rudra: Who's they are to decided this. She said and dragged sanju along with her.

They entered inside and saw the three men already seated in their respective places but rajini is not there. Rudra gave a look to the three of them especially rajan she know him as rajini friend not as her soulmate. She  wished them with a salute and sat on their chair's.

Rajashekar: Sir they are my daughters D.S.P. Rudraksha and A.C.P. Sanjana. He said to minister in pride tone, minister and rajan smiled

Rudra: Sir.. why this sudden meeting if you don't mind can anyone explain me. She asked them politely.

Minister is surprised with her behavior, she is talking quite opposite to what he heard about her even Rajan too,  he is totally shocked. But rajashekar and sanju is normal because they know about her.

Rudra: What happened sir.. Are there is anybody coming?  she asked rajashekar again.

She addresses him as sir when they are on duty.  

Minister: Yeah rudra... there is one important person who is going to work with you in this mission so we are waiting for her to come. He said

Rudra: Who is she sir. She asked

Minister: Ra.....

Before he say further the room door opened.

"Sorry sir... i was stuck in traffic" said someone coming to near them.

Everyone turned to see who,  seeing rajini everyone smiled but one person is  tightened his fist and that one  is rudra only. Her eyes became red in anger if there is any anger measure machine it will blast by now. Seeing her angry eyes rajini stopped her steps but.

Rajan: It's alright rajini come have your seat. He offered her to a seat.

She sat opposite to rudra. Rudra looking at her like she will eat her any moment. Rajini is trying to look strong as much as she can because she is also little  scared of rudra's anger. She is tried to ignore rudra's i will kill you look.

"Rajini garu... are you  both twins"  Asked minister P.A to rajini.

He came inside  behind rajini to give minister phone to him. Rajini smiles at his comment and say no to him. But here rudra's blood is boiling.

"But you both are look like same,  both  of you are sisters. He asked again.

Rajini nodded her head as yes. That's it he added fuel to rudra anger.

"But how...


Hearing sudden roaring voice everyone  in the room is startle  in fear even sanju too. Everyone looking at rudra with wide eyes but  rudra is shooting death glares to P.A.  understanding situation, Rajashekar cleared his troat to divert their attention,  rudra realized what she did, immediately composed herself and apologized to them but her anger didn't diminished.

Minister explained everything to rudra about the case.

Minister: We are decided to appointing you and rajini to solve this problem. He concluded and waited  for rudra answer.

But she remain silent so he asked her again.

Minister: Rudra...  why are you answering me.  Is any doubt.

Rudra: Yess... May i know why this I.A.S offer is involving in bomb blast case. She asked him, her point looking at rajini.

Minister: It's P.M.  order rudra.. he wants an I.A.S officer involvement, to answer opposite party questions. He said

Rudra: Don't play your politics here sir..  She said in serious.

Minister: It's not politics rudra, he just want a peaceful tomorrow, you know if uno came to about this operation how many questions they ask us, we have to answer them. It's not about politics its about our country pride. He said in same serious tone. 

He didn't liked her questioning him but deep inside he can't stop himself from praising her guts.

Minister:  I hope you understand now.

Rudra: I understood sir but why she, why can't other officer. She shootout another question.

"Because she has ability for doing that" said rajashekar Before minister answer her. She looks him.

Rajashekar: How you have capacity of doing your work, she also has her ability... i'm i clear. D.S.P.  Rudraksha. He asked her in fully professional tone.

Rudra: Yes sir.. she said immediately.

Minister: So  are in this mission rudra. He asked her.

He is  praying god inside his minde  to made  her say yes... because he don't have another choice instead of her now, he was impressed with her professional performance after reading her file,  her case dealing is different from other officers. Rajini is right maybe she has rude behavior but she completed her case with ease in short time. She never obeyed with wrong people.

Rudra  went in deep thoughts she wants to say no,  she don't want to work with rajini but she can't because it's about country if she say no maybe it's too danger and she can't put people life in danger for her  personal issue if she do this her father won't forgive her. She thought for while and a  smirk appeared her face.

Rudra: I'm  in this mission sir.  She said smirking at rajini.

You are going to face hell Miss. Rajini devaraju. She thought in her mind.

Minister: Okay...  i will leave now... D.G.P. garu will explain everything about your teammembers. He said.

Rudra: No sir... i will select my team members. She said giving a shock to minister.

Minister: What..  but why..  we already selected capable members. He said feeling confused.

Rudra: Sir.... listen to me carefully...  if you are want me to continue this mission i have some conditions.  She said

Rajan: What is that. He asked her.

Rudra: You're already involved one person in this mission without my consult saying it's P.M order.. ok... i agreed with you but now  i won't,  this mission mine now and i have some rules.

Rule no.1.   I don't want any political  pressures in this mission i will complete this mission no matter what but i want your full support.

No.2.  Today  onwards no one is entering in this operation without my permission, i will select my team member myself. She completed.

Rajashekar: But rudra....

Rudra:  If mission is mine then team also will be mine sir. She said loudly.

Minister: Okay...  rudra do what you like you do but i want this country safety...  total south india future is your hands so please be carefull.  He said.

Rudra: Don't worry sir..... i will save my country and that's my promise, for that i do not care if i lost my life for. She promised sincerely.

Minister: Okay....  Rajashekar tell them full details and update me mission progress.  He said to him.

Minister: C.M garu we will now. He said Rajan nodded and they got up.

Minister: Good luck Rajini and Rudra. He said and went out.

Rajan: All the best Rajini and Rudra.  He said and followed minister with half hearted.

After they left Rudra immediately  got up her place and tried  moved from there. Because she if she is here anymore she can't control her anger.

Rajini: Where are you going rudra.. we need to discuss about this. She said

But Rudra ignored her and took step.

Rajashekar: Rudra...  Rajini is asking  you something answer her.

She stopped her steps and faced him.

Rudra: I'm not answerable to a murderer sir. She said looking at rajini with hate.

Rajashekar tried to protest her but she rushed outside leaving Rajini in her own tears.

Hope you like this update, And some guesses is right

If u find any errors pls don't mind

Dedicating this to Risha_dreamer.

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