Life is Too Short (SEULRENE)

By Natzki25

12.7K 472 129

They said life is too short not to say how you feel to the person you love. Well, in my case indeed life is t... More

Please have a date with me!
So Deal?
Our First Day
Why Seulgi?
Jealous Irene
Meet Sunmi-unnie
I've Fallen For Her
I Love Her
Let's Be Real
The Hardest Decision I've Ever Made
I Will Never Ever Forgive You!
Is Seulgi sick?
I Love You, Goodbye.

I'd Rather Die With You

1.2K 44 44
By Natzki25

Irene's POV

I woke up with the sound of beeping monitors and people talking. I tried to open my eyes but it was so bright. I closed my eyes again. The last thing I remembered was I'm trying to pulled off my plan. Wait, I should be dead right now. I opened my eyes and saw Wendy, Joy and my mom.

"Mom?" I weakly said.

I saw all of them gasped. "Oh my God, Irene, you're awake.", my mom cried.

"What are you thinking? Please don't do that again.",

"I'm sorry, eomma."

"Yah, Irene. You are as stupid as that dumb bear. Do you know that you were in coma for like a month already?", Wendy said.

"Geez... you scared the hell out of us here and do you think Seulgi will be happy to get your literal heart? " Joy added.

I've been in coma for a month already. What happened to Seulgi then. Oh my gosh, I wanna see her now. I tried to stand up.

"Where are you going honey", my mom said.

"I want to see Seulgi", they all lowered down their head. No, please don't tell me she's gone.

"About her Irene" she said with voice full of sorrow.

"No, Wendy! I'm going to her room." I yelled at her. I know we are in the same hospital so I'll go and see her. I refuse to believe that she's gone.

"But--", Joy hold her arms.

"Let her", she added.

Wendy and Joy helped me so I can go to Seulgi's room. I'm still weak but I managed to walk. As soon as I opened the door, I saw Sunmi-unnie crying. A white cloth is covering Seulgi's whole body. I gasped and started crying. Hell no! I refused to believe it and uncovered the cloth. There I saw Seulgi with her eyes close as if she's just sleeping. I can't believe this is all happening. This is why I choose to die instead cause I don't think I can handle this.

I hugged her and cried. "Seulgi, I'm so so sorry. I love you so much. Tell me, how am I going to live my life now. Should I just kill myself for real?"

"Yah! Are you really that stupid?", she sit ups and yelled at me. Am I haluccinating or dreaming? She's alive.

Then Joy started laughing hysterically. Soon Joy and Sunmi-unnie started laughing too.

"We should have recorded Irene-unnie." Wendy said.

"You should have Wendy so I can watch it over and over again how whipped she is for me", Seulgi added.

I hit her arm as soon as I realized they pulled a prank on me. I'm still crying uncontrollably. I'm so happy she's still alive.

"Ouch. What was that for?" she complained.

"You guise are you so mean for pulling a prank like that.", I said. I looked at Sunmi-unnie. "You agreed too, unnie?"

Sunmi-unnie just smiled at shrugged at me.

"You deserve it for being stupid. Killing yourself just to be my donor.", Seulgi replied.

"Alright, we're out of here. Gotta go!" Sunmi-unnie said dragging Wendy and Joy out of the room too.

Seulgi's POV

"You deserve it for being stupid. Killing yourself just to be my donor.", I replied.


"Seulgi, Irene got into an accident.", I gasped. Is this how Irene feels every single time? The thought of losing her is enough just to kill me. Why is this happening? Isn't my parents already enough? Now I'm about to lose Irene."

"Seulgi, they found a letter and a donor card in her bag?", Sunmi-unnie said.

"Don't tell me, she purposely did it for me?"

She nodded. "No, unnie. How's her condition?"

"Critical. She's in coma." As soon as I hear that, my heart hurts like hell. I think my heart can't take all this shit anymore.

Sunmi-unnie closed the gap between the two of us. "Don't you ever replace my heart with Irene's or I won't forgive you unnie. I'd rather die than take that.", I managed to say before I passed out.

When I woke up I learned that they found a donor and they have successfully operated me. I'm so happy but sad at the same time. Irene was still in coma and it's been weeks already. I went to her room and hold her hand.

"Irene, please wake up. I have a new heart now. I'm stronger and I promise that we will always be together. I will make sure we'll go to carnival and ride all the rides in there. I will be there in your graduation and this time, I'll take care of you and will love you more than before. Now that my heart has no limit, brace yourself. " I kissed her forehead and saw her fingers move. I thought she's going to be awake but no luck.

As soon as Joy informed me about Irene waking up, I felt so happy. I've never felt so alive in my life. I was gonna go there but then the chipmunk remind me of something. We already planned out that once she wakes up, we'll pull a prank as part of her punishment. I can't argue as they been through so much because of Irene's condition. Wendy and her have to be in the hospital like 24/7, shifting their schedule of monitoring her. We're so blessed in having them. I also told Sunmi-unnie about the plan, usually she won't agree but then I was surprised when she did. Maybe she's been so upset too, she wants to get back. 

(Back to the present)

"Alright, we're out of here. Gotta go!" Sunmi-unnie said dragging Wendy and Joy out of the room too. As soon as they left us I immediately kissed her lips. I missed her so much. She responded and we're almost out of breath.

"It's been a long time.", I said

She's still crying non-stop. "How's you heart now Seul? You should have just take my heart", she whispered.

"No way Irene. I'd rather die with you than live with your heart."

"So what will happen now? I can't lose you."

"I have new heart now, Irene!"

Her eyes widen. "For real?"

I nodded. "I was operated weeks ago when you're in coma. I just found out they have found a donor when the operation was done."

"Oh my Gosh, Thanks God that everything works out in the end."

We hugged each other so tight like there is no tomorrow. "Im so happy Seul. I love you."

"Me too Irene. I'm so happy and I love you so much."

Irene got discharged after several days then after a couple of weeks I got discharged as well. The doctor said that the operation was successful and my body adapts very well with my new heart.

Irene and I decided to visit Jisoo's grave today. That's the name of the girl who's heart was donated to me. We're so grateful but sad at the same time for her. We bought flowers for her and when we get there, we saw a girl sitting on her grave crying. I'm guessing she's an important person to Jisoo.

We put the flower down then the girl stand up and looked at us.

"Excuse me, I don't want to be rude but who are you?", the girl asked.

"I'm Seulgi, and this is my girlfriend Irene. I'm---", she cut me off.

"Are you perhaps?", she gasped.

"Yes. I'm so sorry" She then hugged me.

"We're sorry for your lost. Are you--", Irene hesistantly asked

"I'm Lisa. I'm Jisoo's girlfriend."

"We are very sorry" I said

"No, it's okay. It's not your fault. She always told me that if she ever became brain dead, she wants her heart to save someone else life."

"She's a very good person." I added

"She is. Thank you for coming here. She's for sure happy knowing that she have saved your life. Just a favor, please take care of her heart."

"I will, I promise." We prayed for a little while because we don't want to ruin Lisa's time with her.

"We'll be going. Please call me if you ever need a help.", I handed my card.

"Thank you Seulgi. I will definitely give you a call" she smiled.

"Thank you Lisa.We hope to see you around. " Irene said

That conversation with Lisa, made us realized how lucky we are to be walking holding hands with each other.

"Babe, I felt so sorry for Lisa. I can't imagine how hard it is for her.", Irene sadly said.

"It's really heart breaking babe. We are so damn lucky that we've managed to get through everything. From now on, I will not waste any time to show you how much I love you Irene."

She blushed so hard, cute! "Do you want to go to carnival today, you know to kill the sad mood"

"Of course, I love to."

(In the carnival)

"Yah, I don't want to ride that roller coaster. It's so scary." Irene said

"Come on, it will be fun. I haven't tried it before." I pouted. "Please Irene".

"Alright!", she agreed.

After the ride, I felt like I'm going to throw up. I'm never gonna ride it again.

"Wooooo, that was fun. Let's do it again Seulgi!"

"Hell no! I won't do it again."

"But you're the one, you want to try this. Besides you said that you'll make me happy every single time."

"Did I say that?"

"Yah!" She's about to walk away when I hold her arm.

"Alright. Let's go" I sighed in defeat. Then she smiled.

"Aiggoo I'm just kidding. I'm just testing you. Come on let's eat an ice cream."

When we're busy, eating our ice cream someone called us.

"Seulgi! Irene!", she yelled while waving her hand.

Irene and I walked closer to her.

"Ajumma, what are you doing here?", Irene asked.

"I just moved my store here. Are you guise on a date?"

"Duh, ajumma can't you see? I raised our intertwined hands.

She chuckled. "Aiggoooo, it's always good to see the two of you. I'm going to repeat myself again, don't forget to invite me in your wedding!"

This time, I gave her my sweetest smile. "We will ajumma!"

I saw how flustered Irene's face was. "But for now we will continue our date first. Bye!"

" I love you Irene!"

"I love you too Seulgi!"

And then we kissed.

******** Thank you for supporting the story.

I'm actually thinking of a sequel inserting JenLisa on the storyline. What do you think guise, should I do it?

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