
By gorgeousgarbage666

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{completed} Jisung has been alone for awhile, to the point that his loneliness is getting unbearable. Thankfu... More



9.5K 442 435
By gorgeousgarbage666

Jisung POV

I slowly opened my eyes and groaned due to the pain in the back of my head. I opened my eyes just to see nothing but darkness fill the unfamiliar room. The room was indeed very dark, but not that dark that I couldn't see. The only things I saw were a door at the opposite side of the room and some type of drawer with a dim lamp on top of it. The room was very small, which made me feel quickly quite suffocated.

I can't even fully remember what happened before i got here, but I had a feeling, that I was kidnapped. I tried to move, but my hands were tied to the back of the chair that i was sitting on, making me unable to move.

I started to panic a little, not knowing where I am and not knowing who kidnapped me. I want to cry, but I decided to stay calm and be strong.

It's funny how earlier I was just admiring the moon, not even caring about the fact that someone broke into my house and now here we are. The room I'm in doesn't have any windows, so I'm assuming that it's some type of basement, which is even greater.

I tried to wiggle my hands out of the rope they were tightly tied in. My attempt was very unsuccesful, but to be honest I didn't expect anything else. I mean...Do I ever do anything right?

It had been some minutes and I started to get frustrated with the situation I was in. Was it morning? How long was I knocked out for?
Why was I being the one kidnapped? What did I do?

All types of questions were running through my head, but my first priority was to get the hell out of here. I mean who knows what kind of psycho had kidnapped me.

At this point warm tears were already running down my cheeks, as I wasn't able to control my emotions any longer. I felt so angry at myself for letting this happen.

I could've stopped this from happening if I would've just cared more the moment I heard my window getting shattered. I let all my feelings out with tears that I had held for some time now. The truth was that I'm just a coward. A weak, weak coward like my dad would say.

At this point I was ugly crying, my nose running and letting out loud sobs. I didn't care anymore if the kidnapper heard me. I mean I'm going to die soon anyways. If not dying then I would probably be atleast tortured. I kept telling myself, that I totally deserve anything that is coming for me and that everything will be okay.

I am okay.
I am fine with this.

I calmed down a little after letting my frustration out. Though my calmness was quickly stopped when I heard rather loud footsteps coming towards the room I was in. I mentally prepared myself to get stabbed or something. I prepared to see my life flash before my eyes, mumbling my last words as the tears started falling again.

I always thought that I want to die, but now that it's actually happening I'm afraid to go and leave the world behind. God this is fucked up.

I saw the door open, but I instantly closed my eyes because of the light that shined in my eyes from outside the room I was in. I decided that it was the best for me to just keep my eyes closed, so I couldn't see whatever weapons might have been coming towards me.

"Why is Hannie crying?? Are you okay? " I heard a males voice say. I instantly opened my eyes in shock. He knew my name? Why is he asking if I'm okay? Does he care? Why would he ask that? I mean of course I'm not okay. You kidnapped me for fucks sake.

I looked at the man infront of me. He was extremely attractive, but he sounded like total psycho. He is a total psycho. I mean..he still kidnapped me and all. He started wiping my almost already dried tears away and looking at me with concern. I'm not having any of this.
"Don't fucking touch me!!" I yelled and turned my head away from his hands. The man started giggling again that same creepy giggle I had heard after he broke into my house. Unless this was a different person.

"My Hannies face is so soft~ "
My Hannies..? What the actual fuck is going on?
"I am not yours you weirdo! Now tell me why did you fucking kidnap me and how the fuck do you know my name!?!?" I looked at him as angrily as I could, but it didn't seem to quite work..
"My Hannie is so hot right now.. Looking all angry" He started giggling madly again which sent shivers down my spine. He also started blushing and holding his face and then turning away from me. He is making me feel so disturbed. I honestly want to vomit right now, I feel sick to my stomach being here.
"That doesn't answer my question!" I yelled at him.
"Sorry Hannie~ Minho just can't really control himself around you.." He kept giggling, I didn't like it at all.
"Hannie is here because Minho really likes him.." Now he..well Minho was his name apparently, looked shyly at his feet still blushing alot.

"Minho wanted Hannie all to himself and didn't know what to do.."
Again, I was very fucking shocked.
I decided to have a more friendly approach thinking that would help.

"R-Right..Uhmm. It's okay Mi-Minho, but how do you know my name?"
Minho grinned very widely. I got goosebumps. He has been blushing this whole time, but now his whole face is red.
"Minho really likes the way Hannie says Minhos name... And Minho is very sorry for the way he has been acting. Minho should've not kidnapped Hannie. No, no, no..."
Minho started walking in circles, deep in thought.
"Minho learned Hannies name from the name tag he was wearing in the cute coffee shop"
That's when it hit me. Minho was the same weirdo that I met earlier at the said place.

"Oh now I remember you Minho.. Could you please let me free?"

"No, Hannie. Minho will not let you go that easily. Minho wants Hannie to stay by his side forever."


Word count: 1098

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