Isnt she Andrews Sister ?

By serpentgirl22

390K 5.7K 318

A certain red headed boys sister finds herself amongst the snake pit . More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Nine
Fourty One
Fourty Two
Fourty Three
Fourty Four
Fourty Five

Thirty Eight

2.9K 65 9
By serpentgirl22

This evening me and Dad were sat in the living room as i finished typing up the english report that was due in tommorow , Dad was watching the TV . Well we was until both of us heard the door unlocking . Dad got up up and went into the hallway he sighed with relief as he saw his son who dropped his bag to the floor and let Vegas off his lead.
"Son" Dad wrapped his arms around him he had tears forming in his eyes , he had been away too long. I took the laptop off of my legs and i put it down on the couch before i got to my feet , Archie soon came through the living room door .
"Arch" i say with a smile
"Told you id come back didnt i sis " he said and hugged me .
"Dont know who ive missed more your or Vegas " i joke crouching down to an excitied Vegas .
"Oh hello " i said as he licked my face "ive missed you too boy "
"Son you hungry "
"Starving " he replied so we all took off to the kitchen . After Dad cooked him some food and caught up with him he went off to bed .
"So " i grinned wickedly
"What are you planning ?" He says sounding worried
"What do you say about a little get together here tommorow tonight ? Consider it a welcome home party " i grin
"Luna i dont know if thats a good idea "
"Please " "please "
"Fine but weve got a find a way to get Dad out for the night "
"Dont worry ive got it covered " i say going to grab my laptop again and sat back down in the kitchen. 
"Wait Luna what are you doing ?"
"Im booking a fitness spa overnight trip for him and Tom " i say scrolling through and placing a booking.
"Done that in the nick of time theres only two bookings left "
"Luna if we get caught " he started to say
"Dont worry womb sharer " i give a smile before heading up to bed. The next morning i had got up and got ready for school before running down the stairs.
"Dad " i say going to the coffee machine
"Darlin you need to stop drinking so much coffee " i handed him a mug of coffee.
"I know but i have a suprise for you , i know youve been a bit stressed recently so i may have got you and Tom something " i say handing over a sheet of paper .
"Whats this ?" He said unfolding it
"Luna you shouldnt have done this , how much did this cost ?"
"Dad it doesnt matter it will just be nice for you to relax have a few beers with Tom at the hotel "
"I really dont know what to say , thanks . I suppose i better pack my stuff ready " Archie came downstairs.
"Morning " i say he just mumbled back to me
"You all on for tonight " all of a sudden i see a smirk on his face
"You betcha "
"Right im off to work then to go get Tom "
"Ill see you Tommorow Dad "
"Have fun " Archie said as he raided the fridge . As soon as Dad left i shut the fridge door .
"Hey !"
"Ill leave you to think of who to invite , im off to school " i say grabbing an apple and leaving . Archie was staying at home today since the school allowed him to have a few days off . I walked to school eating my apple as i went , i got into school and went to my locker soon my locker was slammed shut by a tall boy.
"Good morning to you too " i say looking up to his dark brown eyes .
"Feel like skipping english "
"Pea i cant i have to hand in my essay " i say making him huff
"But ill make it up to you tonight , theres a party at mine tonight "
"Your dad let you have a house party"
"Well techinically he doesnt know about it "
"Northsiders rebelling " he smirked
"Pherhaps its because of the bad influence standing right in front of me" i say before placing a kiss on his lips and turning on my feet and heading down the hallway . I could feel him watching me as i walked away . Soon enough word about the party got spread round the school , the whole year was practically turning up.
Womb sharer
Were gonna need a lot of drink
Soon enough the day was over as i walked down the steps , i was greeted by Chuck Clayton .
"Hey Luna " he said catching up to me
"Clayton "
"So rumours going round theres a party at yours tonight "
"Yeah there is , i expect to see you there" i give him a smile before walking back to my house . I opened the door and saw Archie with a keg over his shoulder .
"Woah let me help with that " i say rushing over to help him with it
"Its fine i got it "
"Archie you was attacked by a bear let me give you a hand at least " i say holding onto the end to make it lighter for him .
"This ones going in the back garden "
"This one ?"
"Theres two in the living room already "
"Your coming round to this idea more than me " i laugh
"Well i think its least we both deserve "
"Im off to get ready " i went upstairs to shower , do my make up and get dressed . I slipped into a black lace bodysuit with ripped jeans .
"Archie you ready ?" I say grabbing a bottle of tequila that was hidden in my room amongst the mess . I went into his room and he looked back to his usual self with his letterman jacket proudly over his shoulders .
"Since your the main host , take the first shot " i say handing him the tequila . His face soon scrunched up and he handed me the bottle back which i then took a swig from which made me cough .
"Lets do this " Archie said going downstairs and turning up the music , soon enough there was a knock on the door .
"Everyone come in " i say letting groups of people in . Betty and Jughead came into the kitchen .
"Good to see you bro " Archie said
"Always thought parties wernt your scene " i say to Jughead
"Betty may have had to convince me to come here but im here thats all that matters " Jughead said .
"I think theres people at the door " Betty tells me so i swig some more tequila before opening the door . Three people who right now arent on the top of my nice list . Veronica , Reggie and Josie.
"Babe is it cool if we come in ?" Reggie asks
"What he means is it alright if we come in Luna " Veronica asks
"Yeah its fine " i say letting them inside
"Can we have a word " Josie asked me so i nodd and we went upstairs
"I just wanted to apologise about everything Luna , i wish i never went there with Sweetpea . I know i shouldnt have done that while playing spin the bottle but i want you to know im completely over him and i dont want you to feel uncomfortable with me being around "
"Honestly Josie im over it , shit happens " i say giving her a smile
"Come on lets get you downstairs for a dance " she said taking my hand and taking me into the living room where we met with Archie , Kevin and Reggie .
"Andrews , lets get you a drink " Josie says taking him into the kitchen . I necked some more of my tequila and began to dance with Kevin .
"You need to drink this " Reggie said handing me a cup
"What is it ?" I say swirling it round in the cup
"Its a mix of everything "
"Come on Luna " everyone surrounded me in a circle
"We like to drink with Luna cause Luna is are mate and when we drink with Luna she gets it down in 8..7..6..5" they chant as i necked what was in the cup managing to finish before they reached one . Everyone cheered before we all danced again . Everyone was dancing the music was pounding i was having a great night . I needed to get some air so i went to go into the kitchen to get into the back garden however when i went in i saw Josie sat on the kitchen counter kissing Archie .
"Ignore me " i say trying to shut the door but struggling to shut it due to the drink . I went to the front to get some air instead . I sat down on the porch steps , i was sat there for about 5 minutes before i heard some familar voices.
"Girl your looking hot , thanks for the invite " Toni said to me
"Get in there and have a good time , Cheryls already in there somewhere "
"You had a few drinks ?" Fangs asked with a laugh
"Not at all " i say sushing him he went in with the others leaving just me and Sweetpea outside .
"Wanna hand " he said extending a hand for me to take which i did and almost tripped up .
"Youre not looking too bad tonight Andrews " he said his teeth sinking into his bottom lip . I shot him a wink before handing him the bottle which he took two swigs from .
"Come on lets go " i say dragging him inside . He went into the kitchen and got himself a drink , Archie and Josie were busy upstairs . I went in and danced with Toni , both of us getting up on the sofa to sing along to the blaring music . As the night proceeded everyone got louder and drunker but everyone seemed to be having a good night. I went into the hallway and saw Sweetpea with his pals joking around  , he was looking handsome tonight well he always was but tonight in particular. I looked over in his direction , he was laughing until he noticed my eyes which seemed to lock with his . I swigged another shot of tequila which i probably shouldnt have done before walking over to him .
"Boys clear off for a bit " he instructed , they all wolf whistled before joining the others in the living room .
"Why you looking at me like that Andrews " he said backing me up against the stairs his hand resting on the handrail.
"You know why " i let out a small laugh , both of us were quite drunk . I held his cheek before he leant down pressing his lips against mine . It began to get heated .
"I want you so bad righht now " i admit
"Whats stopping you" he said nodding his head up the stairs . I grinned before running up the stairs him following up behind me , slapping my ass as i went up .
"Pea stop !" I laugh as i reached the top , i pushed him up against my door.
"I have no clue what has gotten into you baby but i aint complaining " i open the door and slammed it behind us . I threw off my jeans just leaving me in my lace bodysuit . Sweetpea was sat on the end of the bed.
"You are a sight for sore eyes " he said before hoisting me onto his lap as his eyes scanned my body in the lace . I reattached our lips both of us were desperate for each other , i could feel him stiff against his jeans so while we was kissing i grinded my hips gently causing him to groan slightly . He pulled off his top . All of a sudden the door opened and i turnt to see Reggie .
"Ooo " he said shocked at what he just came into and to me in the lace wear .
"Reggie this room isnt free . Get out !" I say to him and the random girl he had pulled downstairs . He shut the door and i heard them go back down .
"Horny fucker , cant keep it in their trousers i swear "
"Bit hypocritical " we laughed as i beagn to unbuckle his belt .......
The next morning i had woken up feeling the hangover was a complete understatement , i grabbed the nearest clothing item of clothing to make myself modest . It ended up being one of Sweetpeas tops i threw it on and went down to get a drink since my mouth was incredibly dry , i got downstairs and i saw Archie seeing Josie out of the house . I looked through into the living room and saw a few people asleep on the couches .
"You can wake them up " i groan before getting a glass of water and necking it down in one . Archie managed to get the last few people out . He handed me a trash bag .
"We better get going " he said so i looked round at the house it was trashed , there was cups , bottles and beer caps everywhere . We began to clean and Sweetpea came downstairs in some tracksuit bottoms .
"Sweetpea can you give us a hand ?"
"Sure " he said starting to put cups in the bag in my hand. It took around an hour and a half to get the house tidy . Afterwards the three of us flopped down onto the couch.
"So Archie did you have a good night ?" I ask
"You know what i did , im glad we done it "
"I just wanted you to have a good time " i say
"Well you done a damn good job of it northsider , it was a good house party " Sweetpea said "not gonna lie i feel slightly rough "
"So do i mate " Archie groaned . Archie looked at me .
"You alright you look pale" i started to gag before running to the toilet and throwing practically everything up into the toilet . Sweetpea followed me up and held my hair back .
"Not sure tequila agrees with me " i joke
"Dont think it ever has baby "

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