1D/5 SOS imagines and prefere...

By Sonia_Henry

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Hey everyone!!! So someone told me that I should make an imagine and preferences book and I was like, why no... More

Drunk calls
First date (for papasmurf29)
Little Arrival (for NiallsHeart13)

Niall Horan Imagine

393 15 14
By Sonia_Henry


"He's been a mess y/n" Zayn stated over the phone. You twist the phone cord around your finger a habit you've had since you were little.

"Hardly sleeping or eating, he hasn't eaten!" You sighed over the phone knowing that this was going to be bad news if Niall was refusing food.

"Why?" You asked timidly hoping he wasn't sick or anything like that.

"He said that there's no point filling his stomach if his hearts empty" you felt your breath catch and your heart beat increase. He still loves me your heart sang but your brain knew better

"Seriously what's really wrong" you could hear the phone move from hand to hand and Harry's deep slow voice came on.

"I'm not going to be nice to you like the rest of the lads...ummm....errr.... Just get home now" Harry was the one who introduced you to Niall and your biggest fan.

"Aright I'm on my way" you hung up and got in the car, stomach erupting with excitement and nervousness.


He was lying on the sofa in a fidgety sleep constantly twitching and turning.

"See I told you, he's an absolute mess"

You looked over at your usually bright eyed, perfect blond haired boyfriend and smiled.

You crouched next to him and placed you hand on his forehead and his eyes fluttered open.

His usual cheerfulness was replaced by a dull blue, like a raging storm of emotions as erupted within them

"Am I dreaming?" you shook your head, realising that you've missed his Irish accent more than you like to admit.

"I'm sorry" you stated and he immediately shot up and took your hands in his

"I'm sorry, you have nothing to be sorry for"

A tiny tear threatened to shatter your calm composure and his thumb brushed it away.

"We both said things that we didn't mean, can we please forget about it and stop fighting" you asked, hoping and praying that he'll say yes.

He nodded his head frantically and placed his soft lips on yours.

He drew back "princess, I'm never letting anything come between us again" this time you couldn't hold the tears back and they rushed out

"Happy tears" you reassured him.

"Y/N don't leave me like that again"

"Never" you promised

"Never" he repeated and kissed you again.

"Ummmm..... I guess I'll go then" you both turn to see Harry had re-entered the room. You laughed as he walks out clearly embarrassed. You reminded yourself to thank him another day.

"Nandos?" Niall suggested and you looked across at the man you loved with all your heart, promising yourself you'll never let anything come between you again

"Nandos" you agreed.


First ever imagine that I've ever written so I don't even know if it's good or not but yeah!! :D

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