Our Friendship Will Never Die...

By ellaaa_x

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Our Friendship Will Never Die. (Loveable Rogues Fanfic)
Were going on a trip?
No skiing today then.
Drama (part 1)
Drama (part 2)
The shock.
The blackmail
~Putting the fanfic on hold~
Get rid of this fanfic?

Were off to Switzerland.

206 1 0
By ellaaa_x

*3 months later*

We were all packing our suitcases ready to go to Switzerland for a week. We were all going early in the morning so Marianna, Eddie, Mollie and Sonny came to our room for the night. We decided there was no point in sleeping since we were going to be woken up at 2am anyway. Mollie, Sonny, Eddie, Katie and Marianna all piled into our dorm as we just finished off putting our clothes into our suitcases. 

“Your only just finished doing that” Marianna said to me, Mae, Ollie and Tè.

“Yes, you started before us remember” Mae said in reply.

We all sat in a circle thinking of something to do to make time go by.

“Hey what about truths?” Sonny asked with a big grin on his face.

“What’s that?” Mollie asked with a confused look on her face.

“Basically it’s like truth or dare but without the dares” he paused then continued. “You ask each other questions and they have to answer the questions with nothing but the truth, there are no comeback questions either, simple” He said still with the big grin across his face.

We all nodded in agreement to play the game. I was kind of scared to play since nobody really knows my life, and what’s happened in there.

“Ok so i’ll go first” Sonny said happy that we decided to play the game.

“Mollie, do you like anyone now?” I smiled at his question because i knew he liked Mollie and i knew she liked him too.

“Erm, maybe” She said obviously not wanting to say ‘oh yes i like Sonny’.

“Who?” he asked.

“I thought there were no comeback questions” she said smiling at her comeback.

The game went on for another hour, just asking each other awkward questions.

It was half an hour before we was setting off to go. We were still in our uniform so decided to quickly get changed. By the time us girls had got ready it was time to go. Our door got knocked and we got our suitcases and set off down the corridor to the hall.

Our names got called out on the register then we went to get on the coach. Marianna was by Eddie cuddled up into his chest. I smiled at them before taking my seat. We got allocated seats so i was sat next to someone who i probably didn’t want to be sat next to. Hell i was wrong.

Ollie smiled at me as he sat down next to me, i returned the smile. Me and Ollie have became really close over the couple of months. I felt like i could tell him everything, but i couldn’t. I hated keeping this secret away from my friends, but i just can’t tell them yet, i’m not ready to.

We buckled up our seat belts and then set off to the airport.

Cheers erupted the coach as we parked up at the airport. I started to get more nervous now that we are here. You see i have a fear of airplanes and i get all worked up when i get on one. We all got our cases from the bottom of the coach, then set off towards the doors of the airport.

We booked in and then set off to starbucks to get ourselves a drink.

“So what would you guys like? It’s on me” Ollie kindly said.

“Aw thanks Oll, can i have a hot chocolate please” Mae said flashing her eyelashes at him.

“Aw yeah me too” Mollie and Marianna said together.

“Sure, what about you Katie and Ella?” He said looking at us.

“Can i have a chocolate milkshake please?” Katie said smiling.

“Ella?” he looked straight into my eyes.

“Erm yes the same please, I’ll come up with you” i said getting out of my seat to help him when the drinks come.

The boys basically just ordered a load of coke, how they think they were going to drink that much was beyond me.

***do do do. The flight to Switzerland is now boarding the plane, please go to gate 34. The flight to Switzerland in now boarding the plane, please go to gate 34, thank you.***

We all looked at each other then got up to head to gate 34.

We showed the woman out passports then went down to the plane. I looked at my ticket to see what number i was. 15 A.

“Hey Oll, what number seat are you in?” i questioned.

“15 B, you?” he answered.

“15 A, i’m next to you” i said a bit too excitedly.

We sat in our seats, and i was sat next to a random man. He looked very posh. Wore a black suite with a white shirt and a blue tie. He was tapping away on his phone.

The plane started to move and i began to shake even more than i already was. Ollie must of noticed since he entwined his finger with mine.

“Hey what’s up?” he asked, worry in his voice.

“Oh nothing, i just have a little fear of airplanes” i said forcing a smile.

“It’s going to be alright” he reassured me, tightening his grip on my hand and we set off into the sky.



Hey, sorry for the chapter being so short.

And i'm sorry it took so long for this chapter to be up. I have had quite a lot of school work to do so i haven't had time to do it really. 

I'll try and get the next chapter up next weekend.

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