Tease • L.S

By kittieloux

10.1K 387 114

"You tease. Why won't you just let me kiss those pretty lips?" "I-I um what?" More

6 [M]


980 43 12
By kittieloux

♡ ♡ ♡

All hope went away like dust. He could faintly remember how great it felt. The great rush of adrenaline in him but that was long gone now. Despite feeling as if he was very close to grasping his freedom he, unfortunately, failed quite miserably. At least now he knew what was separating him from the outside. It was that damn gate.

He just knew he had to wait a little longer for freedom and plan everything more carefully. He'll eventually get out sooner or later. He had to in order to reunite with his family.

After he and Harry went back inside, Harry eventually brought him back in the bedroom. As soon as they entered, he sighed in content when he saw the comfortable bed. He didn't really have any energy left inside him to object so he simply walked towards the bed to sit on it, not waiting for the quiet man to say something.

Noticing that Harry still hasn't said a word, he turned to look at him only to see the man staring at his hand as if he was inspecting it.

He glanced down and looked at them, almost forgetting about his fucked up hand he carelessly injured. He might've acted too recklessly when he tried to take down that gate.

During that time, he felt extremely desperate to get out and just did anything to do so. Although he knew it wouldn't do anything, he felt his anger and hopefulness take over him. He knew he wasn't strong and his weak hands definitely proved that.

"Your hands," Harry pointed out with a serious face, making it unable to see any emotion or thoughts the man had.

"You can just lock me up in this room again and leave. I'll figure out how to clean it," he replied defensively, trying to hide his hands from his view.

He was sure the man was amused on the inside and didn't care at all. Why would he? He did watch the whole thing and didn't stop him at all. He just watched him act foolish and desperate. This was the man who kidnapped him after all.

Harry didn't react to it, he just kept staring at him with an unfazed face but he suddenly closed his eyes and sighed. Which made him even more confused. He wanted to know what he was thinking. The serious face was hard to figure out.

His heartbeat raced, making him grow nervous when he saw Harry walk out of the room without saying a word. His big mouth once again was getting him in trouble. He dared not say anything else. All he could do was watch the door Harry left with confused eyes. He had no idea where he left or what he had planning for him which made him nervous.

Never mind that. He's probably just being left here locked by himself just like he asked. Besides, it's not a problem for him. He could take care of himself and he certainly didn't need help. He just had to figure out how and where he could get the things for his injuries. Was there even a towel he can use to clean up?

He softly hissed in pain, feeling the hot pulse coming from his red hands. He could see the small amount of blood on them. He was kind of surprised of his strength, seeing how badly he hurt himself. He could see how dirty and injured they were instead of his usual clean, delicate hands.

The pain coming from his hands didn't help him think at all. Trying to distract himself from the pain and his feelings inside that was about to burst, he went to sit down on the floor by the huge window in front to watch the rain. Maybe the gorgeous view of the outside he won't see for a while will bring him some comforting peace.

He tried to calm himself with the calming sound of the drops falling on the sandy beautiful beach. It was like as if the ocean was breathing, the waves moving with rhythmic ease as it was rising and falling. The captivating waves were breathtaking to the eyes. It was almost hard to look away, it was mesmerizing. The ocean was something he deeply adored. Something he always found therapeutic in hard times.

But it couldn't help him this time.

Just like the gray clouds, he felt clouded with sorrow. It all felt like a nightmare. He felt like crying out loud, to finally break apart to sob and mourn his longing for his family.

He felt caged, out of place, and lonely. He was just a normal boy who was kidnapped and brought into an unknown place. Of course, he's scared out of his poor mind. He wasn't used to any of this. He was used to being safe with his dad who protected him.

He was in a place full of dangerous people and a mafia leader who was hard to even understand. He could possibly get killed and never see his family again. Ian, his amazing and wonderful dad. He just wanted to hear his voice again even if it was to scold him. At least one more time.

And Liam his close friend that was like his second father. He just wanted to see his silly face and hug that cuddly bear. He just wanted out, any place besides here, separated from them.

"I just want to see them again," he shakily whispered out loud to himself, touching the window gently with tears finally falling down his face.

For the first time in a while, he felt miserable and weak. He hadn't felt like this since the incident where it all ended and where it began. It was no use thinking about it again. He tried so hard to forget about. It was just the past. The painful past that changed his everything.

Suddenly, the sound of the door opening made him flinch in surprise. Not wanting to be seen in this vulnerable state, he quickly wiped his tears and stood up from the floor. He pretended as if he was just looking at the view. As he calmed himself, he turned around to see who came in the room.

His eyes then widen in surprise when he saw Harry with a first aid kit on his hands. Did he actually come back to help him? He closely watched the man sit on the couch and finally looked at him in the eyes. He could see the concern in his serious stare.

"Can I?" Harry asked carefully, finally speaking to him to observe his hands.

Still filled with confusion, he hesitated for a moment but eventually gave in. Might as well accept the help. He nervously sat next to him and slowly showed them to him. His heart began to quicken when Harry grabbed them carefully, inspecting them with an attentive face while reaching for the kit.

Feeling a sudden sting, he hissed in pain while Harry gently pressed against his skin with a cloth with warm water in it. He watched the man closely as he worked with a focused face on cleaning off the dirt and applied a type of ointment. He then started finishing by carefully wrapping them around with a bandage.

One question remained in his mind the whole time Harry treated him. Why wasn't Harry reacting like the dangerous cruel man he was rumored to be? He recently tried to escape behind his back and yet here he was holding his hands as he gently bandaged them.

He was expecting to be left locked up in here and having to attend his injuries by himself. It made him feel confused about why the man was being helpful to him. Where did all this kindness come from and why him? He couldn't think of something he did to deserve this treatment.

"There, it should heal in a few days. Try not to do anything reckless," Harry said, beginning to put everything back in the kit.

He couldn't help but smile softly in response. He felt thankful but he was hesitating on what he could say to him. The rumors of the man were still in his mind. But disregarding the rumors, the man still treated him and that deserves at least a thanks. He could've just left him here by himself but he didn't.

"Thank you," he finally said with a small smile.

"Anything for the kitten," Harry responded jokingly while closing the kit.

For some reason, he didn't roll his eyes or respond to his jokes this time. The moment felt different from their usual bickering. It felt calmer in a different way.

After a comforting silence, Harry turned to look at him and held his hand gently in a careful manner to not hurt him. He stared in confusion but he didn't pull away. Something in his head was telling him not to and to just listen.

"Louis, I-" Harry spoke up as he looked at his wondering eyes but was soon interrupted by an abruptly knock as a man's voice called for Harry.

"Mr. Styles, your private jet is waiting. Should I wait for you in the car?" the voice of a man asked behind the door.

"Yes, thank you, Mr. Kim. I'll be there shortly," Harry called out.

"Yes, sir."

After hearing the footsteps of the 'Mr. Kim', Harry turned back at him to look at him.

"What were you going to say?" he asked with curiosity, waiting for the man to continue.

"It was nothing," Harry stated, turning serious as he stood up from the couch as if it wasn't anything worth mentioning.

He stayed silent, watching the man check his probably expensive watch. His thoughts went back to his problem he was facing with himself. Was there nothing else to do but to stay here?

It was clear he couldn't do anything else. He already tried to escape but it seemed impossible. It would be smart to wait and see what would happen. For now, he should patiently wait and see. He was going to plan everything more smartly.

"I won't be here for a few days. I should be leaving now for a trip," Harry explained as he glanced at him, "While I'm gone I'll have Niall watch after you."

He watched the man quietly, only managing to nod at him in response. On the bright side, he was going to spend more time with the friendly blonde.

Harry then walked towards the door to leave but he stopped in his steps when he heard the boy trying to say something to him. Harry turned to look at him in confusion, waiting for him to speak.

"Have a safe trip," he softly said trying to avoid Harry's stare.

If the man had some kindness in him, then he shouldn't judge him by some rumors. He just wanted to understand him better at least during his time here.

"I'll see you soon," Harry responded with his serious face as he turned back and walked away.

He frowned to himself, seeing how quickly Harry changed into his serious self. It was making his thoughts on him more confusing. Just who was he really? He couldn't really understand the man.

As the room was filled with silence, he glanced at the window and noticed it had stopped raining. He could see a rainbow has now formed. Was this a sign that maybe things would be better? No, it was too silly.

Deciding he wasn't going to think much more about it, he went over to stand in front of the window. It succeeded to calm his nerves down and try to make him forget about the mess his feelings were right now.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see a blonde head talking to Harry. His curiosity got the best of him when he recognized it was Niall. He tried to carefully look without being noticed. He was only on the second floor so it wasn't that hard to see them.

Niall seemed to nod without hesitation when Harry said something to him. He couldn't help but remember the earlier events when he stared at Harry's serious face. It was making him curious about the different side he was shown a few moments ago.

He watched as Harry got inside the fancy car that soon drove away towards the open gate. The gate immediately closed after they left, not leaving any chance of escape. He was secretly hating that shitty gate that embarrassed him. It was no use remembering that anyway, he was just going to bury that memory deep so he couldn't cringe at himself.

He slightly jumped when Niall looked up and made eye contact with him. The blonde man waved at him with a smile and did some weird hand movement. He frowned in confusion at Niall, not knowing what he was trying to show. He soon nodded in understanding when Niall mouthed "Come down here."

He went back inside and went the route he took when he tried to escape at first. It was getting easier to recognize a little more this giant house. He might ask Niall for a little tour if he was going to stay here for a while.

After opening the front door, he met up with Niall's bright face as he stood there at the front of the house with a smile.

"Hey! I wanted to show you something," Niall quickly said as he headed towards him to link arms with him.

"Where are we going?" he asked in confusion, letting himself be pulled along as they walked. He felt comfortable enough to have close contact with him so he didn't mind it.

As he walked by his side, he saw they were walking somewhere towards the side of the place. Just where was the blonde taking him?

"Somewhere you'll like," Niall responded with an excited grin.

He quietly followed along, curious to where he was taking him. Niall finally stopped in front of a small gate that was surrounded by beautiful plants. He could watch as Niall took out a key and unlocked the gate that leads to the beach.

He couldn't help but admire the waves and clean soft sand. It was different from the other beaches he visited. It was much cleaner and more beautiful. Niall then sat down on the sand and looked at him with a smile as he patted the spot next to him.

"It's surprisingly empty and clean compared to other beaches," he mentioned as he sat down next to him.

"This whole beach is owned by Harry. That's why it's empty. No one else is allowed here except us," Niall explained with his gaze at the waves.

That explains why he didn't stop him before when he was trying to escape. It was no use remembering that again. He looked at the crashing waves in front of him. Watching it was working on calming him down especially with the pleasant feeling of the breeze.

After a comfortable silence, Niall softly grabbed his hand in a comforting way without saying a word. Just like how a brother would. He looked at Niall with confused eyes, not knowing how to react to the action.

"I might not know what you're going through but I know how hard it can be when you're in an unknown place," Niall spoke softly, still staring at the view in front of him, "I hope at least one person in here can help you get through this instead of suffering alone."

"It might not be my place to say this but please be patient with time. Do your best to survive and keep smiling because it'll all be over in time. So until now, I'll try my best to help you as a friend. You know I'm here with open arms," Niall finished with a warm look on his face.

He listened to Niall speak with comforting warm
words. He could hear the sincerity in his voice. It almost made him tear up again. He tried to hold the tears in but the breeze wasn't helping. Those words really meant a lot for him. He was feeling extremely grateful for this kind person he managed to meet in all this mess.

"Thank you," he finally responded, leaning his head on Niall's arm as he closed his eyes in peace.

They both enjoyed the tranquil silence as they stayed by each other's side. He now knew Niall is a precious and kind person. He was lucky he had someone in here to help him. He knew it wasn't going to be terrifying as it felt at first if he had Niall by his side. He could only smile to himself as he listened to the waves.

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