Pillow Talk

By docsangel317

80K 1.4K 58

Tig's sister comes back to Charming to run from her ex. What happens when she's forced to reveal secrets and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 2

6.1K 109 5
By docsangel317

Chapter 2

A little later, Quinn and I are sitting out on the deck having a couple of beers, laughing and talking about old times. "I remember when you were about fifteen and snuck out to go to that party Tig told you not to go to. You were with that punk that thought he was bad ass." he says. "Holy fuck. I remember that." I say laughing. "Yeah, thought Tig was gonna shit bricks when he saw you up on the table dancing. He was ready to drag you out of there until your skirt came up and say you were wearing my little pony panties." he says "You are not gonna let me live that down are you?" I asked. "Nope." he says. I just shake my head and laugh. Quinn really was like another older brother. I don't really remember a time where he wasn't there.

We hear a knock on the door so Quinn gets up to answer. I hear someone walk out onto the deck and look up to see Happy. I stand up and put my beer on the table. "Hey Happy." I say. "Why are you here?" he asked getting right to the point. "I came to be near my brother. I missed him." I tell him. "Bull shit." he almost shouts. "Look, doesn't matter why I came back. I didn't come back for you. I'll make sure to stay out of your way." I tell him. "Good. Make sure you do." he says before turning to walk away. He leaves and after I take a couple of deep breaths and head into my bedroom. I take out my suitcases and start packing my clothes, trying to keep it together. Quinn walks in and asked "What the hell are you doing?" I keep packing and say "This was a bad idea. I'm just gonna go. I'll call Xander later and explain everything." I tell him. He walks over and pulls me to him. "You ain't going anywhere. Talk to me. What's got him so pissed about seeing you?" Quinn asked. "There's something that happened before I left. No one knew about it but me and Happy. We both got drunk one night and hooked up. We kept hooking up over the next couple of months and we were together one night and I started bleeding and in a lot of pain. He took me to the ER and we found out I was having a miscarriage. He took me home after I was released and told me he couldn't do it anymore. He walked out and stopped speaking to me. That was the reason that I left when I did." I explain. "Look, get unpacked and get some rest. I'm gonna go take care of some things. I'll see you in the morning." he tells me and I do what he tells me to do.

At the clubhouse, Happy is sitting at the bar, entertaining a croweater. Quinn walks over to him and says "Ring. Now." and walks towards the ring. Chibs stops him and asked, "What's this about brother?" Quinn looks at him and says "This is personal Prez. Just need to work some shit out." Quinn says. "Well, work it out brother." Chibs says. Chibs wraps Happy's hands while Tig wraps Quinn's. "What's this about Quinn?" Tig asked. Quinn doesn't say anything. They get in the ring and Quinn takes the first punch. After about thirty minutes, Tig and Chibs break up the fight and tell them to hug it out. Quinn hugs Happy and whispers in his ear. "You disrespect her again and I'll fucking take Mayhem." Quinn lets go and Happy just glares at him. "So, she fucking you now?" Happy asked. Quinn went back after him and Tig and Chibs pull them both back. "Chapel. Now. Both of you." Chibs yells.

Walking into the chapel, Tig, Chibs, Happy and Quinn walk in and the doors are closed. "Someone want to explain what the fuck that was about?" Chibs asked. "Personal shit." Quinn says. "That's not good enough. What the hell is going on?" Chibs asked again. "Happy showed up at my house jumping all over Mira about why she's back. Upset her pretty bad. Turns out that the reason little sister left was because the Killa here knocked her up and when she lost the baby, he treated her like shit and left her, acting like she didn't fucking exist. Girl's been in love with him since she was fifteen." Quinn says. "You knocked up my sister?" Tig says, clearly pissed. "Don't matter now." Happy says. "Don't matter? My sister fucking left because of you and you say it don't matter?" Tig yells. "Calm down Tig. That's not going to change things." Quinn, you and Tig go and make sure Mira is okay and Happy, you steer clear of Mira until you can make this shit right. And you will make it right. She's family." Chibs says. They all nod and head their separate ways.

I am sitting in the living room, not able to sleep when I hear the door open thinking that it's Quinn. I didn't expect to see my brother. "Xander? What are you doing here?" I ask and then I see Quinn walk in. "Rane, what happened?" I asked. They sit down and my brother takes my hand and I see the hurt in his eyes. I look to Quinn and say "You told my brother about me and Happy?" I asked. "Yeah. And took Hap to the ring." he says. "What? Why?" I asked. "He fucking deserved it." Quinn says. I just look down and the tears fall from my eyes. "Why didn't you tell me?" my brother asked. "What good would it have done. Club comes first. He's your brother and no matter how pissed you would have been about it, you wouldn't have done anything because he's another member. It didn't matter anyway. Still don't." I say pulling my hand from his. "Look, Xander. I haven't been here a whole day and there's already problems. I shouldn't have come here." I say. "Don't start that shit. You left because of him once and he won't be the reason you leave again." my brother says. "You need to tell him the rest." Quinn says and I glare at him. "What else is there?" my brother asked. I sigh, defeatedly, "After I left, I started dating this guy. He started hitting me and I left but I know if he finds me that he will kill me. That's not the only reason I came back. I really did miss you guys." I explain. "Well, we won't let anything happen. Just give shit a few days to die down okay." my brother says and I just nod.

Friday night rolls around and Quinn is getting ready to head to the clubhouse. "You coming to the party?" he asked. "No. I think I'm just gonna hang here." I say. "No you ain't. You're family and you will hang out with family. Plus, Venus says you better be there. You thought that Gemma meant business? Venus is just as bad." he says and I just shake my head. "Get ready. You ride with me. Venus has a dorm room ready for you to crash in." he tells me and I get up and start getting ready.

We pull onto the lot and get off Quinn's bike. "Are you ready baby girl?" Quinn asked. "Nope." I say honestly. We walk into the clubhouse and I walk over to the bar where Venus is sitting. The prospect hands me a glass of wine and Venus says "I keep wine here for us girls." I take the seat next to her and she asked "How are you doing Sweetheart?" I empty the glass and motion for another and Venus says "That bad? Sweetheart, no man is worth that." I just look down at the newly filled glass and Venus puts her hand on mine. My brother walks over and kisses Venus on the cheek and then hugs me. "Didn't think I'd see you here tonight." he says. "Yeah, Rane didn't leave me much of a choice." I tell him. I look over and see someone coming from the hallway to the dorms and see Happy walking out with a croweater. He sees me sitting there and smirks as he pulls her in for a kiss. I stand up and say, "This was a bad idea." I get up and say "I'm just gonna go. I'll call you tomorrow Venus. Love you Bubby." I start to walk out the door and TO comes up behind me. "Where are you going?" I turn to him and say "I'm heading home. Coming here was a bad idea." TO grabs my hand and says "Hang with me tonight. We still have some catching up to do." I look at him trying to figure out what he's doing. "He needs to see that he's not getting to you." TO says. "T, that's the thing. He does and he knows it. I'm just gonna head home." I say and he grabs my hand and walks me to his bike. I get my helmet from Quinn's bike and get on the back of his bike. As we pull out of the lot, I look back and see Happy standing there glaring at me.

We pull into the driveway and I get off the bike. "Thanks for the ride T." I say. "No problem. Don't let him get to you. You don't respond and it will piss him off and he'll come to his senses." TO says. "Thanks T. I'll keep that in mind." I hug him and head inside. Once inside, I hear him pull out of the driveway. I head to my bedroom and as I lay down, I start to sob until sleep takes me.

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