Pillow Talk

By docsangel317

80K 1.4K 58

Tig's sister comes back to Charming to run from her ex. What happens when she's forced to reveal secrets and... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 1

10.2K 132 4
By docsangel317

Chapter 1

Passing the sign that says "Welcome to Charming" I start wondering if coming here was a good idea. Pulling up to Teller Morrow, I wonder how long it will be before Gemma runs me off. I pull into a parking spot, I get out and walk to the office. I look in the door and there is a very demure dressed woman manning the desk. "Uh hello?" I ask. She looks at me with a smile on her face. "Hello, Can I help you Sweetheart?" she asked sweetly. Gemma would not let just anyone work the office. "I was wondering if Tig Trager was here?" I asked hoping that he was still here. "Can I let him know who's calling?" she asked. "Can you just tell him that Mira's here?" I asked. Of course Sweetheart. I wait in the office and a few minutes later my brother walks in. "Mira?" he asked. "Hey Xander." I say back, waiting to see his reaction. He walks over and pulls me into a hug and I start to sob. "I missed you kiddo." he says as he pulls away and wipes away my tears. "Missed you too Bubby." I whisper. "I take it you two know each other?" the woman asked. "Babe, this is my little sister Mira. Mira this is my Old Lady, Venus." I look at him shocked. "You have an Old Lady?" I asked shocked. He just laughs. I look to Venua and then back at him and say "At least you married someone respectful. I was so scared my new sister-in-law was going to be a croweater. But you, Venus, have my deepest sympathy having to put up with his demented ass." I tell them and they all laugh. Venus pulls me into a hug and say "I think I am going to love you."

We walk into the clubhouse and it looks like not much has changed. We walk to the bar and there is a guy back there that I think I have seen before, last time I was in town. "Mira?" he asked and then it hits me. "TO? Holy shit! Are you a SON now?" I asked. "Yeah been almost a year now." he says as he comes around the bar to hug me. I see Chibs walk up and he pulls me into a hug. "Hey Lass. What brings you around?" he asked. "I was wanting to move back to Charming but wanted to make sure that it was cool with my brother." I say. "Of course it is." Tig says. "Does the Killa know you're back?" Chibs asked. "No. He doesn't. Hey where's everyone? I don't see Jax or Juice. Even Gemma is missing." I say. "Lass, let's go to the chapel. We need to full you in on a few things and that's when I noticed the patches. Chibs reads President and Xander's shows Vice President.

We walk into the chapel and they have me sit in my one of the chairs. "Mira, some things have happened. You need to know about this if you are serious about moving back here. Jax died. He did some things and Mayhem was voted." Chibs says and I look at him shocked. "Jax is gone?" I asked and they nodded. "There's more. Jax killed Gemma for killing Tara. Juice was killed on the inside and so was Otto. Bobby was killed by an enemy." Chibs tells me. I look at Xander and he confirms everything. "We are earning legitimatly now as well. We still have the porn studio and we have an ice cream shop but we also have an escort service." Xander tells me. "That's good." I say still reeling from being told most of my friends are gone. We walk out to the main room and I see Quinn walk in. "Rane?" I asked. "Hey baby girl. What are you doing here?" he asked as he puts me down. "I'm moving back. Just got the okay from my brother." I tell him. "They fill you in on everything?" he asked. "Yeah. They did." He pulls me into his side and whispers "He still misses you." I look at him, knowing who he's talking about.

We were sitting around, drinking and laughing. "Where are you staying?" Xander asked. "I was waiting until I got the okay to stay and was going to get a room at the Charming Inn while I looked for a place." I say. "No, you won't. I have a room that's open. You'll be safer there." Rane tells me. "Are you sure Rane?" I asked. "Yep. Your shit in your car?" he asked. "Yeah." I say. "Good. You can follow me over when we leave here." he tells me. I really missed my family.

A little later, I am sitting at the bar and we hear the door open. I see my brother's shit eating grin but it doesn't take that to know who walked in. I know those footfalls anywhere. It's Happy. "Hey brother? Venus know you're talking to another chick?" he asked. I turn around and he sees me and his blank face doesn't give anything away. "The fuck you doing here?" he asked. "She's moving back to Charming." my brother tells him. Happy just grunts and walks over to the other end of the bar to get a beer. Quinn sees him glaring at me and me shying away and walks over. "You ready to go baby girl?" he asked. "Uh yeah. Let's go." I say. I stand up and hug my brother and walk out the door with Happy staring daggars into my back.

Once outside, Quinn says "That went better than I thought it would." I just laugh and say "If you say so." I get in the car and I follow him to his house. He shows me my room and I get unpacked. He is standing at the bedroom door and says "You know I love you like a sister, right?" I look at him and say "I know and I love you too Rane. You and I have always been close." He walks in and sits on the bed. "Baby girl, I know it didn't seem like it but Happy misses you. You have been gone a couple of years and he still stiffens up when someone mentions you. Most people don't see it but those of us that know him, do." he says. "I'm just gonna stay away from him. I just needed to be near my brother." I say. "Talk to me. What's really going on?" he asked. I sit on the bed next to him, "Rane, I need my family. I, uh, started seeing this guy. We had been seeing each other for almost a year and he, uh, started hitting me. I had to get out. I know he will look for me and when he finds me, he will kill me. I don't want my brother to think that this is the only reason that I came home so please don't tell him. I really did miss my brother. You too." I say. "What about Happy?" he asked. "What about Happy?" I asked. "You still love him?" he asked. "I never stopped. That was part of my problem with my ex. I never would tell him I loved him and wouldn't get serious. I couldn't tell him I loved him because I didn't. Promise you won't say anything to my brother." I say. "I won't unless he finds you. Then I'm telling the club." he says. I nod. "Want me to tell Happy?" he asked. "Why would you tell him?" I asked and he just looks at me. "Rane, he doesn't give two shits about me. He never did." I say. "Whatever baby girl. Just stay close okay?" I just nod and he walks out of the room.

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