Mistakes and Regrets [Complet...

By Myouispeng

18.4K 572 204

Sana's been cheating on Tzuyu. Tzuyu knew it but still decided to keep loving Sana. But once she was slapped... More

Not Everything Changes
I Still Love You
Fancy You

Unplanned Ending

2.6K 87 29
By Myouispeng

"TZUYU! GET OVER HERE! HURRY!" Sana's loud voice woke the people at the living room including Tzuyu.

The squad decided to stay at Tzuyu and Sana's place to help the couple in case some emergency happens.

"S-sana I'm coming! Wait for me!" Tzuyu yelled back before dashing to the mini room at the first floor, knocking her knee at the table in the process.

"What happened?" Chaeyoung who just woke up, sleepily asked the others after seeing Tzuyu dash off.

"I don't really know.. Sana unnie just shouted, calling for Tzuyu." Dahyun replied while stretching to wake herself up.

"Maybe Sana's just hungry or needs some help to walk to the bathroom. She calls when she needs help" Nayeon answered still half awake while the others just nodded, agreeing on what she said.

Tzuyu burst into the room where Sana's at then she quickly went beside her, "Sana I'm here! What happened? What's the problem? Do you need something? Is something wrong?" Tzuyu bombarded her with questions while panicking.

"Hon.. M-my water broke.. " Sana grabbed Tzuyu's hand, holding it tight, trying to lessen the extreme pain that she's feeling.

"What?! Wait so the baby's coming out?" There were too many emotions evident on Tzuyu's face. There was excitement, nervousness, worry, and more but one stood out the most, it was panic.

"Yes, the baby's coming out, now please hurry and bring me to the damn hospital!" Sana pulled Tzuyu by her collar before adding, "Your child needs to come out so you better start moving!" Sana demanded, having enough of the pain that just seems to worsen each second.

"What happened? I heard some shouting so w-" Jihyo barged into the room, the other girls behind her and they saw Sana holding Tzuyu by the collar. "Sana's scary when she's pregnant" she muttered to herself before getting closer to the two.

"Unnies! Great you're here. I need help, let's carry Sana, she's heavy I can't handle her alone." Tzuyu got out of Sana's grip and looked at her friends with anxiousness.

"What's happening? Sana are you okay?" Momo shifted closer to the said girl, checking her condition.

"Obviously she's not." Mina told Momo with her matter-of-fact tone, earning a pout from the latter.

"Looks like her water broke. Let's bring her to the hospital. Now." With Mina's command, they immediately carried Sana, except Tzuyu who's just following them from behind.

"Damn Sana, are you carrying five babies in there? Y-you're so heavy!" Sana's deadly glare was sent to Jeongyeon as an answer, successfully shutting her up. Luckily they're at the first floor so they didn't have to deal with the stairs.

"Yah Tzuyu! Get your shit together and get the car ready!" Nayeon yelled, waking Tzuyu out from her trance.

"Right, right. I should get the car ready to bring Sana to the hospital. We must bring her there in an instant. She needs to give birth to our child so I n-" Tzuyu blabbing was cut off by Sana who's looking at her with so much intensity.

"Tzuyu, I love you so damn much but for fuck's sake, just get the car ready and bring me to the hospital!" Sana was growing impatient and the pain that she's feeling is not helping either.

"On it! Just hang in there, hon." they watched how the panicking Tzuyu dashed towards the garage to get her car.

"It's my first time seeing her panic like that." Mina commented, carrying some bags on her hand.

"You were like that too when I gave birth to our daughter." Momo smirked at Mina, earning a glare from her wife for three years now.

"What's with the bags unnie?" Dahyun asked once she saw the bags, curious on why her unnie's holding it.

"The things that Sana would need is in here." Mina answered with shrugged.

"You got those ready for Sana but you forgot to prepare those when I was the one giving birth." Momo dramatically looked at her wife, the expression of being hurt plastered on her face.

"Maybe Mina was panicking hard. It can really make you panic, you know. I remember when Jeongyeon looked so helpless when I gave birth to our little Kyungwan. She doesn't know what to do and was panicking so much. Luckily, you guys are there. And oh, she doesn't like that name before but when she saw Kyungwan, she immediately thought of that name." Nayeon nudged Jeongyeon and laughed remembering the moment.

"I don't mean to ruin your time remembering the moment you gave birth to your child but Tzuyu's already out there and I need to give birth too so please hurry and put me in the car." Sana said in an exasperated manner, being so done with everything and everyone and so they immediately placed her inside the car.


It took them 10 minutes to arrive at the hospital and those ten minutes were the hardest time of Tzuyu's life, with Sana asking if they had arrived already every five seconds and seeing Sana suffer so much adds up to Tzuyu's anxiety.

Fortunately, Mina, Nayeon, and Jihyo were there to help Sana while the others rode Jeongyeon's car since they can't fit in Tzuyu's.

Some nurses immediately approached them and assisted Sana towards the emergency room.

A sweating Tzuyu held on Mina's wrist and looked at her with shaky eyes, "Mina unnie, can you stay at Sana's side until she successfully gives birth? I-i don't think that I can handle myself seeing her like that.. I don't like seeing her suffer." Tzuyu lowly asked, slightly shaking and legs wobbling in nervousness.

"Of course. Just calm down and I'll take care of her. You can sit beside Momo while waiting." Mina gave a knowing smile before entering the emergency room.

"It's okay, Tzu. Sana unnie's going to be fine" Chaeyoung immediately reassured Tzuyu as she sat down.

"It's just.. damn. I don't know but I just can't help but to feel anxious. What I'm feeling right now is hard to explain but you'll know it once you and Dahyun get married." Tzuyu let out a small chuckle before rubbing her palms together, hoping that it'll help her calm down.

"Yeah, I guess that I'll be like this someday but hey, you waited so long for this day to come so get yourself together. You were so calm when you asked your cousin to be a sperm donor and now you look the exact opposite." Chaeyoung laughed softly before patting her friend's head and then she stood up to check on Dahyun who seems so sleepy.

"I know that you're really worried about Sana but take a deep breath, Tzuyu. I've been there before and trust me, everything will be alright." Jeongyeon patted her shoulder comfortingly, hoping to calm their youngest friend.

"We know Sana, she'll be fine." Momo added with a reassuring smile.

"Just be happy, kiddo. After all these years, you're finally here. This is the moment that you need to treasure so lift all of those worries away." Nayeon also helped in calming Tzuyu down which seems to work effectively since a small smile made it's way to Tzuyu's lips.

Memories then started to flash in her mind.



"Happy fourth anniversary my Tzuyu! I love you so much!" Sana stated with glee before enveloping Tzuyu in a warm hug and showering her with kisses.

"Happy anniversary." Tzuyu plainly replied before pulling away and gave Sana a small smile.

It's already 9 o'clock in the evening yet the two are now at the park, sitting on the same bench where they broke up before. The dark surrounding them.

"It's been four years since we got back together. I can't believe it. It's so nice to have you by my side. Thank you for everything" Sana said, showing Tzuyu her cheeky smile, feeling as thankful as ever.

"Oh yeah... you're welcome. Thank you for everything too." Tzuyu replied, quite nervous, her eyes were quivering which Sana didn't fail to notice.

"Hey, you okay? Why do you seem nervous?" Sana chuckled but got a little serious after seeing Tzuyu's blank face.

"Tzuyu what's wrong? Are you okay?" Sana held her hand while looking at her with worry.

'And why is the park a little dark.. It looks gloomy.' Sana thought when she looked around but diverted her gaze at Tzuyu when the younger started talking.

"Actually, I'm not okay..."

"H-huh? Why? Are you not feeling well? Are you sick? Do you want to go home now so that you could rest?" Sana was about to place the back of her hand on Tzuyu's forehead to check if she has a fever or something but the latter caught her hand and placed it down.

"I'm not sick. I'm perfectly fine, Sana." Tzuyu said with that unreadable expression of hers.

"Then what's the problem? What do you mean you're not okay?" Sana held on Tzuyu's hand, she was now worried and nervous at the same time, she doesn't really know what's going on inside her girlfriend's mind.

Tzuyu paid no mind to Sana's question nor concern, "Sana, we've been dating for four years right?" she asked which Sana answered with a small nod.

"Sana.. I-i don't want to do this anymore." Tzuyu removed Sana's hold on her hand before continuing, "I don't know if I can still date you much longer."

"W-what? Tzuyu, it's not nice to joke like that at our fourth anniversary." Sana became serious all of the sudden, not liking where this is going.

"But I'm not joking Sana. I'm serious, I don't want to date you anymore" Tzuyu said with coldness and seriousness that made it hard for Sana to breath.

"Yah! Stop joking like that please.. I thought that you love me.. P-please don't break up with me." Sana's tears started to slowly fall from her eyes. She loves Tzuyu so much and she can't afford to lose her now that they've been together for a long time.

"Sana, we have to stop this. I'm really sorry but I don't want you as my girlfriend anymore." Tzuyu stood up from the bench then she got on her knee, kneeling in front of Sana, "Because I want you to be my wife." she took a velvet box from her pocket and opened it, a beautiful and elegant ring with a shiny diamond was inside it.

Colorful lights suddenly lit up and filled the whole park, brightening it after being so dark.

"Tzuyu..." Sana gasped, her tears changed into tears of joy. Being happy is an understatement. Seeing Tzuyu kneel in front of her with a ring is the best scenery for her, she felt like she was on cloud nine.

"You know, those four years is more than enough for me to realise that it's you, it's you who I want to be with for the rest of my life, the one that I want to marry and someone that I'll love until I die. Your face is the first thing that I want to see whenever I wake up in the morning. I want to have kids and take care of them with you. I want to build my future with you. I want to be the one to comfort you when you're sad, sorry for making you cry though." Tzuyu chuckled and saw Sana smiling so lovingly at her while tears continue to flow out from her eyes.

"The past years were really hard for us and we may had gave up before but I promise to hold on and never let go, again. We've been through a lot but our relationship is still going strong so I'm really happy with that. I promise to trust you and love you all the time. Momo unnie and Mina unnie got married two years ago so I think it's time for us to also get married. So yeah, Minatozaki Sana will you marry me and be my Chou Sana?" Tears of joy started to form on Tzuyu's expectant eyes as she stared at Sana with a smile.

"Of course I would marry you! It's my dream to have a family with you.." Sana stood up and pulled Tzuyu up to give her a tight hug "I really thought that you were gonna break up with me."

The younger pulled away and kissed Sana's forehead lovingly, "I would never do that again. Never. But can I put the ring on you now?" Sana chuckled at that before nodding and Tzuyu happily put the ring on Sana's slender finger.

"I love you so much." Tzuyu cupped Sana's face and gave Sana a chaste kiss on the lips.

Loud cheers started to erupt out of nowhere and that's when Sana realized that their friends were also there, including their families.

"I love you too" Sana pecked Tzuyu's lips before they were embraced in a group hug with their friends and also their families.


"Tzuyu!" Chaeyoung shook her shoulders, completely getting her attention.

"Y-yes?" Tzuyu saw everyone looking at her with worry but was soon replaced with a smile.

"You're finally talking. Anyway, Sana quickly and successfully gave birth to a healthy baby girl. You should check on her now, we've took care of everything while you were deep in your thoughts and she's now on a private room." Nayeon informed then she gave Tzuyu's shoulder a tap.

"She's done giving birth? Already? That was really fast.. " Tzuyu commented, looking confused. She thought that it would take a really long time to give birth.

"You've been in daze for some hours." Dahyun giggled, finding this very rare side of Tzuyu, cute.

"Ah.. really?" Tzuyu asked, still not being able to process everything.

"Yes really. Now go inside. Your family's waiting for you." Jihyo pulled her up from her seat and pushed her towards the door with a smile.

"This is it.. " Tzuyu took a deep breath and looked at her friends with a smile before turning the knob to enter the room where her wife and their baby is at.

Her wife peacefully laying on the bed and a beautiful baby, that Momo was dreamily staring at, on her Mina unnie's arm was the first thing that she saw once she got in.

"Oh Tzuyu you're here." Mina instantly smiled as she saw Tzuyu standing at the door.


"Well we'll leave Sana to your care then, and oh here, " Mina showed the baby to Tzuyu before adding, "You can carry her."

"I-I can?" Tzuyu pointed to herself, asking to make sure.

"Of course, it's your child after all" Momo chuckled and then Mina handed the baby to Tzuyu "We'll go now." and she patted Tzuyu's back before pulling Momo towards the door, leaving the couple alone with their baby.

"She's so pretty.. she got my eyes and nose but her lips and those squishy cheeks, she got it from you." Tzuyu looked at Sana only to find her staring at her, "Thank you Sana, thank you for bringing her to my life. I love you so much." Sincerity was overflowing as Tzuyu said that.

"I love you too, hon. But what should we name her?" Sana asked, still looking at Tzuyu who's holding their baby in her arms.

Tzuyu looked down to stare at their baby "Yuna. Chou Yuna. That'll be her name." and she averted her eyes on Sana while her eyes turned into the shape of a crescent moon as she smiled.

"Yuna, I love it. Can I hold Yuna?" Sana fixed her position into a sitting one before smiling at Tzuyu.

"Of course." then Tzuyu gently handed Yuna to Sana.

"From Minatozaki Sana to Chou Sana. And now we have Yuna. I feel like my life is complete now, it's perfect." Sana looked at her wife with a smile, tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

"Hey don't cry. I don't like seeing you cry, just smile." Tzuyu automatically cupped Sana's face as her thumb wipes the latter's tears.

"I'm just so happy right now. We've been through a lot. We've been hurt enough. We've shed painful tears so much. But now we're here, we're so happily in love." Sana softly chuckled as she leaned in Tzuyu's touch, feeling the warmth that the younger's touch is giving.

"I guess those mistakes and regrets brought us into this. Those mistakes taught us to be strong and those regrets served as the reason for us to hold on" Tzuyu looked at the love of her life so lovingly as she says.

"Thank you for giving our relationship a second chance even though I don't really deserve it. Thank you for loving me. I love you so much my Tzuyu" Sana placed her hand above Tzuyu's before reciprocating her smile.

"You deserved to be loved. I love you too, Chou Sana." A smile crept on Tzuyu's lips before planting a soft kiss on Sana's forehead.

"And you my princess, I love you too" Tzuyu gently caressed her daughter's cheeks who leaned into the touch.

"I also love you so much. " Sana then fixed her gaze on the cute little baby on her arms and as if on cue, a cute smile formed on Yuna's lips, showing a dimple on her left cheek, just like Tzuyu's.

"She just smiled! And oh she got my dimple! Aigoo, she's so cute~" Tzuyu squealed earning a giggle from her wife.

"You're both cute" Sana commented, adoring the cuteness of the two.

"And so are you. We're all cute. We're a cute and a happy family and we're gonna keep it that way." Tzuyu said as her dimple showed when she smiled so wide.

"That's right.. Let's love each other and be a cute and a happy family forever." This is something that Sana would always be thankful of, a happy family.

This proves that mistakes and regrets doesn't always lead to a sad ending.


And that's how it ends. I hope that the ending is satisfying enough for you guys. Anyway, thank you for reading and appreciating this story. I'll always be thankful of you guys :-)


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