RWBY Yuri One-Shots!

By FanfictionFox37

75.6K 937 680

RWBY Yuri One-shots! I'm really bad at writing but I'll try my best! More

Weiss x Wolf Faunus Reader
Raven x Reader
Emerald x WhiteFang Reader
Neo x Fem Reader
Freaking Requests Plz!!!
Salem x Reader
Genderbent Hazel x Summer Maiden Reader
Summer Rose x Reader- Part 1
Coco x Bunny Faunus Reader 🍋
Blake x Dragon Faunus Reader
Blake x Tiger Faunus Reader
Summer Rose x Reader- Part 2
Blake x Pianist Reader
Weiss x Dog Faunus Reader 🍋
Waiting till summer...
Kali x Human Reader
Blake x Shy Cat Faunus
My life right now...
Okay... I know ya'll gonna hate me for this one...

Yang x Reader

3.1K 64 25
By FanfictionFox37


I chuckled as Neptune hit Sun over the back of his head once more, me and the two doofuses were on a bro's day out. We've been friends ever since we were little but they chose Haven over Beacon... I miss them a lot so we always make one day a month where we can all hang out together!

Neptune: Stop it, you know that spit is just as bad as water!

Sun: Nah, it's just spit. Besides, I can spit on you at any moment...

Neptune: Don't you dare even think to try it!

As they argued I continued walking with them down the street, bored out fo my mind- eventually I couldn't take it anymore.

Y/n: I'm so bored! There's nothing to do today!

I pulled my hood further up my neck as the sun attempted to bake it, Neptune looked at me, while Sun started smirking.

Sun: Well, we could always play...tap.

I blushed, tap is a game where your friends or people playing the game with you choose a person and when the person isn't looking you tap they're but and hide, if you don't get caught then your safe but if you get caught your friends choose a 'punishment' for you, last time Neptune lost and had to jump in a ice cold was totally and completely Sun's idea...totally...

Y/n: You know what, why not? It's not like we know any of the people around here.

They both nodded and we looked around, eventually they both found someone for me to 'tap'.

Sun: We dare you to tap....Yang!

Y/n: What!? When did she get here!?

I looked towards the entrance and saw all of team and my big mouth...

Neptune: And if you get caught you have to....brake your scroll.

(I attempted to type Neptune the first time and it autocorrected to 'Naw Prune'

My face went white and I stared at them in disbelief, my scroll is my life, my free time is always spent on it writing or reading online books, or drawing! If I lost it I don't know what I'd do...

Y/n: There is going to be a large amount of Karma for you two when It's your turns.

I slowly snuck into the bushes, one rule of semblances. As I was directly behind team RWBY...none of them saw me, as I stared at Yang's butt I could!'t help but blush as I slowly started creeping forward, I decided Incase they get a glimpse of my as I'm running that I should take off my jacket for now. I removed my bright red jacket and set it folded neatly behind me, my h/c ruffling up in the process, I look and saw Sun and Neptune smirking like idiots...I'll show them! I ran forward as fast as I can as I lightly tapped Yang's butt, I then sped into a shop, I heard a call do distress behind me and decided to listen in.

Yang: What!? What the!? HEY!

Ruby: What was that?

Yang: Some person just ran past me and tapped my butt!

Weiss: What!? That's insane!

Blake: That is quite rude, why do you think they did it?

I quickly snuck past them again to grab my jacket then I ran all the way back towards Sun and Neptune, they're faces were one of shock and slight fear.

Y/n: Heh, your up Sun. I dare you to tap...Blake.

Neptune: And if you get caught you have too...Dye your hair and tail green.

Oof! That's a harsh one, I just shrugged and Sun looked at Neptune with disapproval and shock...and slight betrayal.

Sun: What!? No way!

Neptune: Then don't get caught.

Ow, Neptune musts till be salty about Sun spitting on him... makes sense.

Sun: Cold man, Cold.

I chuckled as Sun took a different route then me, last time he took the same route after I did the girl thought he was going to come from that direction and spotted him...he couldn't steal for a that I think about it he got a lot thinner that month....but they supply food at Haven? What the heck Sun?

Neptune: Think he'll get caught?

Y/n: After last time...Nope. He got slapped so hard he blacked out for a while, I remember having to drag him because you wouldn't touch him after that girl spilled her ice water on him.

Neptune chuckled nervously and I smiled a dark smile, he knows what's coming and I can't wait. Sun took his chance as Blake turned the other direction to sprint past her so fast that she wouldn't be able to catch his scent... that's the thing with Blake, you're too slow and she'll pick up your scent, so speed is everything. Blake jumped as Sun jumped into a store and hid for about five minutes while team RWBY got slightly upset and started checking around for any culprits, they haven't noticed us yet which is good, none of us have been caught by team RWBY because we'd get our asses handed to us... and that is a very unpleasant experience. As Sun finally stumbled back to me and Neptune I smiled and pat him on the back.

Y/n: Good job, you thinkin who I'm thinkin for Neptune?

Sun: Weiss?

Y/n: Yup. Punishment?

Sun: Hm...Ice water?

Y/n: Nah, how about no goggles for a week?

Sun: Ooh, that's cruel. What did he do to deserve it?

Y/n: Remember when that girl knocked you out after spilling her water on you, I had to drag you back all by myself because Neptune wouldn't touch you at all.

Sun: Oh man, I can see why, I'm pretty heavy.

I nodded my head and we turned towards the very pale Neptune.

Sun: You're up dude, good luck with the ice queen.

Y/n: *Snickers* Yeah, better hope she doesn't freeze him in place with her ice cold glare.

Me and Sun highfived and chuckled while Neptune snuck off, as he slowly took a different route I new this was going to go south really fast.

Y/n: We need to hide, we all know that stealth approach never works in this game if there's a group.

Sun nodded in agreement and we started walking in different directions, groups get found easily, but if we're separated then it's harder to find all of us. Once we were hidden I saw Sun, he's in a trashcan on the second floor while I'm on the fourth floor of the mall standing by a clothing shop. As Neptune turned around I activated the walkie-talkie I set up by them when I ran Incase this happened, I saw Sun doing the same. As he was right behind Weiss she abruptly turned around as his hand was right by her butt.

Weiss: What are you doing!?

Neptune: Uhhh, I-, We, Uh!

Yang: What!? Were you the one doing this!? What the hell!

Neptune: N-No! It's just a game!

Blake: Game?

Neptune: Uh...

Yang: Better started explaining before I beat your face in!

Neptune: A-Alright! Not the face! M-Me, S-Sun, And Y/n are playing a game called tap! Your friends give you a target and you tap they're butt without getting caught! If you get caught your fitness give you a punishment and you can't say no! I-I just didn't want to lose my goggles!

Y/n: Neptune you sellout! What the fuck man!?

I screamed into the walkie-talkie, I then went pale realizing I had given our secret translator away.

Sun: Shit. Y/n, Neptune, code 225!

Neptune: Which one was that again!?

Y/n: Scatter you blue brain! RUN!!!

I ran for the window of the fourth floor, my walk is-talkie went off again but it wasn't Sun or Neptune.

Yang: Y/n when I get my hands on you I swear I'll-! Hey! Blake give it back I wasn't done threatening her yet!

Blake: Wait. Sun, we already got Neptune, your not getting out of this one easily.

I jumped, completely gazing through the window as I activated my semblance, I turn into a puff of black smoke then turn back when I'm done doing whatever. As I landed I turned into em again and started running for Beacon.


I saw my room in sight, I haven't stopped running since I got out fo the mall, I lost my walkie-talkie a while ago Incase they track happened before and I got slapped so hard I went cross eyed for a day, and my face hurt for a estimated two weeks. Right as I opened my room door I was tackled into my room, luckily my team is out for a 'girls' bonding night for a while, I denied going because they were mostly going to talk about boys...I'm into girls, so it'd just be awkward if I went.

Yang: Gotcha! Ha!

I payed face first stick to the floor as Yang held my arm behind my back, twisting it slightly, I swear if I walk out of this with a broken arm I'm gonna beat the living shit out of Neptune.

Yang: Heh, you can run for a long time, if it weren't for bumblebee I probably would've lost you.

Wait...damn motorcycle!

Y/n: So your telling me, you watched me run as fast as I can while you peacefully drove behind me avoiding traffic...

That is just torment! She was just taunting me when she could've run me over at any time or just hit me with her bike!

Yang: So, Why?

Y/n: Why?

Yang: Why play the game?

I didn't answer until she started twisting my arm.

Y/n: Ow! Hey!

Yang: Why play the game?

Y/n: For the thrill! Get off!

Yang: What thrill?

Y/n: The thrill! If you can get away without getting caught it's one of the biggest adrenaline rushes of all time!

Yang slowly let go of my arm but she was still sitting on my back.

Yang:...Why'd you tap me?

Y/n: Sun told me to tap you and Neptune told me if I didn't do it then I'd have to break my scroll!

Yang: What's so important about your scroll?

Y/n: A lot of things, very personal things.

Yang: So, they made you?

Y/n: Yes!

Yang: And you don't have a choice?

Y/n: If I chicken out of braking my scroll then I get kicked out fo the friend group, it happened to a lot of our old friends!

Yang: Promise me something

Y/n: What?

Yang: Never play that silly game again.

Y/n: What!? Why!?

Yang: It's rude, It's cruel, and It's completely demeaning to girls when they get there butts touched in public.

Ouch, I guess I've never thought about that, it's just something I've done since I was little. And I'm honestly proud of 'touching the butt' so much, like Finding Nemo- but better!

Y/n: Right, I won't play that game anymore.

Yang: Better not.

She got off me and I jumped up off the floor.

Y/n: Thanks god that's over, my arm hurts like hell.

Yang: Oh it's not over yet, it's far from over, you still need to pay for your touching my butt... so, if you like touching butts so much then how would you feel if you couldn't sit on yours because of how sore you'll be...

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