Catch Me If I Fall

By Kate_L19

1K 128 60

Teenage life should be pretty simple, no dramas and no complications. Adelaide thought that, but turns out li... More

The Grip
Defense system
A new friend
The more you know
We hate coffee
Alaya's predicament
An unhappy household
Don't let go
The kiss
Brodie's plan
The girl's pact
The Ski Trip: Part 1
The Ski Trip: Part 2
The Ski Trip: Part 3
Kellie's decision
I need you
So this is goodbye
Every night
New beginnings

New Beginnings

120 11 12
By Kate_L19

Adelaide's third alarm for the morning went off. She liked to set multiple alarms to ensure she woke up on time for school. She tossed and turned in her bed to find her phone which was hiding under her blankets. Adelaide threw off the blankets hesitantly and sat up, brushing her auburn locks off her face. She waited a second so she could adjust to the cold air and then reached for her phone to turn off the alarm. Her eyes immediately squinted from the bright light radiating off of it. Her music was still playing from last night.

'Monday morning' Adelaide thought. She hated Mondays.
Adelaide got up and threw on her fluffy, grey dressing gown. As she walked down the stairs she stubbed her toe on the banister and doubled over in pain. She knew today wouldn't be her day. She ran around the house, eating breakfast, getting ready, trying to find that other sock that matched the one she had on.
It was 8:15am by the time Adelaide left her house which was quite early for her since she started school at 8:45am.

Adelaide left the house and started walking to school, it was cold outside and the trees were bare, there was no sign of life anywhere-no leaves, animals, humans even! She lived on a quiet street.
She got to the main road and crossed over to the school gates, a knot formed in her stomach.
She hadn't seen anyone from school these last three months apart from occasionally meeting up with her friends. Summer had been a mixture of good and bad, but even so she wasn't ready to face the harsh reality of her final year in school.
She wondered if anyone would look different, she wished she didn't have to go to school today.

Adelaide walked into the school and swiped in at the swipe card terminals.
She crossed over the field to the building that her base classroom was in. Bayview secondary school seemed like a ghost town, there wasn't anyone around.
She went to her locker and started getting her books ready for the day. "History, maths, Spanish....."
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps running down the hall. She turned around to see her friend Kellie running towards her with a big smile across her face.
"ADELAIDE!" Kellie screamed so loud her voice echoed throughout the hall. Adelaide's face turned bright red but she was happy to see her friend. The two friends reminisced over their summer and Kellie filled Adelaide in on her Portuguese romance, she met him in her hotel lobby on the first day Kellie arrived in Portugal, Adelaide wished stuff like that would happen to her.

Kellie and Adelaide walked into their base classroom and sat down in their regular seats, they weren't assigned seats by their teachers but everyone had "claimed their own seats." It would be a crime to sit in a seat that wasn't yours. Shortly after, Alaya walked in smiling from ear to ear.
"Why are you so happy?" Adelaide asked inquisitively.
"I saw him!" She screeched.
She had "seen" Dylan Harris, a young teacher in our school who she liked. To be completely honest everyone liked Mr Harris, he was a good teacher.

The girls talked about the day that was ahead of them and watched as the rest of the class started to file into the room with miserable faces. No one likes the first day back at school. Even though the girls were busy gossiping, Adelaide couldn't help but notice Lachlan's evil stare from across the room, but she pretended like she didn't see it and that she was perfectly fine even though she wasn't.

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