He's called Matt smith and he...

By Demihughes7

38.4K 1.2K 329

Iife's a funny thing isn't it? one day you mean nothing... the next you're someones everything. One problem... More

He's called Matt smith and he's my teacher
Less of a crush a lot more love
i wish I could help
detention with a great conclusion
Worse day of my life
The jelousy game
im so upset
sorry again
I made the right choice
A date with a confusing phone call
Excepecting the unexpected
Prison or not
Singing and acting
a story of love
spark's and firework's
Im a dad?
children In need

Holy tardis of galifry

1K 40 2
By Demihughes7

I woke up on a bright christmas eve. 2 years since Matt had been taken away from me. I found out from the courts that he'd gone to London a week after the trial had finished. I missed him so much. I walked over to the cot that was neatly laid in the right corner of my bedroom and picked up my 2 year old baby boy. Kyle Alexander Smith. Alexander is my middle name. I wanted to use Matt's last name. I remember the panick I went through the day he was born.

Talia, me and Ben sit in a wierd shaped cirlce around a monopoly board.  I was winning and just about to buy my last property when I felt wet beneath me and then a sudden shot of pain shoot through my body. I knew then he was coming but it was too early. A month too early.

"Arghhhhhhhhhhh" I doubled over in pain as the contraction's became more closer together and more painfull.

I was in the operating room preparing for birth. I was so scared. what if he didnt make it? What if I didn't make it?. 

"Will he be ok?"

"he will be perfectly fine and healthy as long as you push now." I nodded amd gave a massice push.  soom enough my baby was out and in my hands. He had his father's eye's and nose and my lips and colour hair. He was beautiull

I placed my hand on his back trying to wake him up. Talia and Ben came in and sat on the bed.

"it's ok guys. Come inside and sit on my bed without asking." They both smiled and talia held out her arms. I handed Kyle over and watched as she smiled down at him.

"I can't wait until Latia is born. You're going to be best friends arnt you?"

Kyle's eye's opened and he smiled at Talia

"auntie Talia"

oh yeh probably worth mentioning. When Kyle turned 2 Talia found out she was pregnant. She is 7 month and expecting a little girl shortly.

"you're going to be late for your singing take"

"crap, thank you for looking after him today" I ran out the door and into my car. Over the past few months I had been singing and was now classed as famous. I earned alot of money, I wrote songs, produced them and was  heading to be a disney Princess.  I pulled up at the studios and fans that I had recently gained screamed my name. I walked over to them and signed some pictures and took photographs.  A young boy walked over to me amd tugged on my trousers.

"I think you're really pretty, can I have your autograph?" I laughed and kissed his forehead.

"That's very kind. Yes you can have my autograph" I signed his picture and then began walking into the studios again. I was only 19 and already living the high life. Matt had also become an actor now. He was the doctor on doctor who. I loved watching it but everytime I did I would cry a little. He has moved on and got a new girlfriend.  Daisy Lowe. Less of an age gap than me and him. I noticed Carla the other disney Princess and walked over to her and her daughter Lila. She hugged me and so did Carla. We placed our headphones on our head and got into character,

"ok girls scene 1 act 3. The princesses talk and then sing."



"Is it really you?. My best friend, my sister"

"yes. Is it really you?"

"Yes" The two character hug and then the music begins playing.

I never imagined I'd see you again

id never dream it in a million years

id never thought I'd hear you voice again

your voice how it ehos through my ears.

We carry on until the song is done and do 3 more scenes. By the end of the day Im exaughsted and want to see my baby boy so I rush home and open my front door to see Talia and Ben asleep with Kyle in their arms. I smil and take a picture. I dom't take Kyle out with me. If I do Talia and Ben are there. I don't want Matt seeing and getting the wrong idea or finding out Kyle's his and doing something stupid. I wake Talia and Ben up and then take Kyle upstairs. I kiss his head and then go back down to Talia and Ben. Ben's rubbing Talia's forever growing bump and i sit down. I turn on T.V and see the news. im about to turn it off but I hear Matt's name.

Matt smith who plays the eleventh Doctor has split from model Daisy Lowe after an argument arose that Daisy cheated on Matt with her boss. Nothing is yet certain but Matt is distraught.

I walked back upstairs and face planted my bed. That should be us two and Kyle should be in the picture. we should be happy. I hate my dad. I slowly drift off to sleep before dreaming of a life I'll never be able to have with Matt. One where he knows of his son's bloody existence.

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