My Hero Asylum

By Todo_Doki_Doki_

646 21 34

Young psychiatrist, (Y/N) (L/N), who worked at a mental institution in Hokkaido, has recently transferred to... More


First Patient

213 8 4
By Todo_Doki_Doki_

My name is (Y/N) (L/N), a 23-year-old psychiatrist that works with mental patients, some of which have been diagnosed as 'clinically insane'. I've recently been transferred from a mental institution in Hokkaido to a relatively new facility in Musutafu. From what I've heard, it's heavily guarded and only a select few have access to even enter through the front gates. There must be some extremely unstable patients if they need that much security.

~ Timeskip (three days later) ~

Today is my first day working at the new facility. Apparently, it's located at the top of a mountain, extremely far away from the city. 'This commute is gonna kill me' I thought with a sigh as I looked at the directions on my phone. After I drove up the long path that lead up the mountain, I fished my identification access card from my bag, ready to present it to the armed guards. "Good morning, Dr. (L/N)" one of the guards, who was posted at the entrance to the intimidating iron gates, greeted me as he thoroughly examined my access card. "Good morning" I greeted back with a soft smile as he signaled to his colleagues to let me through. 'I wonder why they made me transfer so suddenly' I thought as I drove towards the large, white building. Every window was barred and surrounded by several layers of razor wire. 'Wow...there are so many precautions on the outside alone...I can't even begin to imagine the security inside' I contemplated as I parked my car.

I quietly made my way to the entrance of the building, which was also heavily guarded. "Identification card" one of them demanded with a challenging glare. "Of course" I kept a straight face as I handed him the required document. After he was satisfied with his examination, he stepped to the side, allowing me to enter. I inserted my access card into the door scanner, only waiting a few seconds for the thick, cast iron door to slide open. I had to pass through two metal detectors, had my bag thoroughly searched, and was patted down head to toe before I could even walk towards the elevator. 

"Level 1-A" the robotic voice of the elevator announced as it stopped at my desired floor. "Ah, you must be Dr. (L/N), I'm glad to see that you accepted our offer" a tall woman in a lab coat hummed as I walked towards her. "Well, it was too tempting to pass up. Who would refuse the opportunity to receive better pay at a new facility?" I chuckled. 'Not sure why they chose me of all people to work here. To my knowledge, only the best psychiatrists are chosen to work here...' my mind wandered a bit as I took in my surroundings. "I'm sure you're quite curious as to why you were transferred, so let me explain" she began with a slight sigh. "You were highly recommended by your superiors when we were searching for experienced psychiatrists and neurologists throughout Japan. As I'm sure you've seen, we are a high-security facility, and we take the safety of our staff and patients very seriously" she stated. "I understand" I confirmed with a nod. "I'll warn you now, some patients are more unstable than others, so you'll be escorted to each room by a guard, just in case" she said in a serious tone. "I many patients am I going to work with today?" I inquired. "Just one for today" she answered as she handed me a clipboard with the patient's information clipped to it. A few seconds later, armed guard approached us. "Dr. (L/N), please follow me" the guard said with a gesture towards the hall. "Of course" I agreed as I walked beside him.

As we continued down the long hall, I began reading the patient's file.

Floor 1-A; Patient 18

Name: Izuku Midoriya

Age: 23

Sex: Male

Quirk: Unknown; shows similarities to former hero 'All Might'

Diagnosis(es): Multiple Personality Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Separation Anxiety


- Patient's emotions are separated into three 'different people' that all have different names; When patient is feeling happy, content, or calm, he is referred to as his given name. When annoyed, angry, jealous, or vengeful, he is referred to as Deku. When anxious, lonely, or in a state of sadness/depression, he is referred to as Ryuko. 

- Patient is known to switch moods and personalities very quickly and without warning.

- Patient does not cope well with being alone for extended periods of time, so he has been provided with a stuffed toy that he converses with as a form of social interaction. WARNING: DO NOT TOUCH OR TALK TO THE TOY WITHOUT PATIENT'S PERMISSION!

History: Patient was born quirkless and was constantly harassed as a child. He was abandoned by his father at a young age and was left in the care of his mother, which has caused him to develop separation anxiety and the irrational fear of permanent isolation. As he grew up quirkless, the patient lacked positive social interaction with people his own age. With this lack of this positive interaction, the patient was unable to handle dealing with all of his different emotions at once. To compensate for this, he created different versions of himself in order to properly deal with each set of emotions.

'This poor man...' I thought sympathetically as I finished reading his file. We soon came to a room with the number '18' engraved onto the door. "This is it" the guard stated as he pulled out his keys. "Be careful, Dr. (L/N)" he warned as he unlocked and opened the door for me. I cautiously walked into the room and looked around. "Hello, Mr. Midoriya" I greeted the man who sat on the untidy twin bed that was nestled in the corner of the room. I tried to be as polite as possible as I addressed him. 'I don't know which personality is in control at the moment, so I have to be careful' I thought as I remembered a former patient of mine that also had MPD. She used to get upset when I addressed the wrong person, so I learned to use the patients' last names until I've learned the mannerisms of each personality well enough to properly appease the patient. "Don't call me that...n- not that name" Midoriya muttered as he wrapped his arms around himself. "I'm sorry. What would you like to be called?" I inquired softly. "B- before I say...t- tell me wh- who you are...I've n- never seen you before" he stuttered as he locked his eyes on me. "My name is (Y/N) (L/N). I'm your new doctor" I introduced myself with a calm voice and a smile. "D- doctor?! N- no! No more doctors! No more needles! No more zapping! NO! NO! NO!" he began to panic as he threw himself into the corner and cowered away from me. 'Alright...time for a new approach' I decided as I sat in the corner at the opposite side of the room, giving him as much distance as possible. "I'm not one of those kinds of doctors" I said softly, which gained me a confused expression. "I don't administer any medications, nor can I preform any form of procedure on you. I can suggest and prescribe medicines that might help you, but I can't physically give them to you" I explained. "What kind of doctor are you, then?" he inquired. "I'm a doctor that you can talk to. I want to be your friend" I answered with a smile. "A friend..." the green haired man muttered before he let out a groan of pain and grabbed at his hair. "Are you okay?!" I asked worriedly, quickly making my way over to him.

"I'm great! Why do you ask?" the man chirped with a smile. "You seemed a bit distressed" I told him. "O- oh, heheh, there's no need to worry! I'm perfectly fine!" he assured me. "Am I correct in assuming your name is Izuku?" I inquired. "Y- yes! did you know that? I don't believe we've met before" he questioned curiously. "Oh, my name is (Y/N) (L/N). I'm your new psychiatrist. It's a pleasure to meet you, Izuku" I introduced myself with a smile, making sure not to use the term 'doctor'. "I see...y- you probably read my file then" he muttered shyly. "Well, yes, but I'm not going to judge you based on a silly piece of paper. I'm sure the people who have observed your behavior in the past weren't the nicest people" I answered sincerely. "Wow! You're so nice!" he cheered, his smile shining like the brightest star. 

Just then, Izuku groaned in pain again, clutching at his green locks. "Izu-!" I was about to comfort him, but I was met with a sinister set of eyes. The irises were shrunken down and almost glowed. The way he seemed to stare into my very soul sent chills down my spine. "You've just met and he already has full trust in you...Izuku is a fool" the green haired man's voice was deeper than it was mere seconds ago, coming out in almost a growl. He instantly turned his full attention towards me. "You may have Izuku fooled...and I have no idea how the Hell you got through to Ryuko...but you won't pull any wool over my eyes! You're only faking! I just know it! It's all an act!" he exclaimed with clenched teeth and fists. I knew that I couldn't show fear in front of this man, it would send me straight to the chopping block, so I kept a straight face and calmed my breathing. "Pardon my assumption, but I'm guessing you're Deku" I spoke evenly, not looking away or showing any weakness. "Are you not afraid of me?" he questioned, his face showing his skepticism. I let out a sigh, deciding it was best not to lie to him. "To tell you the truth, a few seconds ago, I was terrified. But I'll tell you the same thing I told Izuku; I may have read your file, but I'm not going to judge you based on previous observations. They were probably recorded by people who only focus on the negative aspects of a person" I said calmly. "You're the first" Deku stated with crossed arms. "I've been told that you are in control when Izuku is angry, yet you took control in the middle of a normal conversation. May I ask why?" I questioned. "I didn't want Izuku to get hurt or be fooled, so I decided to meet you myself. And, for your information, we aren't only controlled by emotions. Any one of us can take control at any point time, we just tend to attach ourselves to certain sets of emotions" Deku explained calmly. "I see. Well, thank you for informing me about that" I thanked him sincerely. I swore I could see the ghost of a smile on his face, but I wasn't going to point it out. I was on good terms with Deku at the moment, and I wasn't going to ruin it.

After about a minute of talking, there was a firm knock at the door. "Dr. (L/N), your session time is over, so you can leave now" the guard called out to me from the outside of the room. "It's that time already?" I questioned in surprise, completely losing track of time. "You're leaving?" Deku asked in a saddened tone before groaning in pain and giving Ryuko control. "B- but you c- can't! You j- just got here!" he whimpered, clinging to my arm desperately. The man let out another pained groan before gazing into my eyes with tears forming in his. At that moment, he looked terrified and vulnerable, as if he'd break if he let go of me. His face held so much emotion, and it was pulling at my heartstrings. "G- give me a few more minutes, please" I called back to the guard before following Izuku back to his bed to sit beside him. I couldn't help but smile as his face radiated joy.

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