One Sided Love

By Hher020

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Aaron has always loved Veronica ,but has never really expressed it. So Veronica falls for Ethan which is Aaro... More

My Friendship Pt 1
My Friendship Pt 2
Present Day
Jungkook's Story
The Fake Truth
I Know Who I am/Rose
Ariana's Party
Me and Roni Days
Sorry 😐
"As Long As You're Happy"
The Wedding Day
5 Years Later


135 6 0
By Hher020

(Btw if you are a shipper of Rosekook read this chapter but if not read the next also if you like some smut go ahead and read ⚠️ ) - Author

Rose POV

The next day we decided to skip school and go to the park. We rode our bikes around and smiled at the view of the pond. "You know what's more beautiful than this", Jungkook. I was expecting him to say me but instead he took me to  Lake Tahoe. "Now you want to know what's more beautiful than this", Jungkook. "What", I ask. "You", Jungkook. I blush and he moves my face to face him. He squeezes my cheeks. "Hmm you remind me of a chipmunk", Jungkook. I look at him. "You remind me of a rabbit. Cute personality and cute appearance", me. "Call me Jungkookie. And I'll call you chipmunk Rosie", Jungkook. "I like that name", me. We walk on the dock until I bump into him knocking him in the water. "Oops sorry", me. "Not fair help me up", Jungkook. I stick my hand out and he pulled me in. Of course I already saw it coming but still I wanted to experience how it would feel like. "Hey", I yelled swimming towards him as he swam away to the shore. I finally get to the shore and I chase him to a corner. I smirk and lick my lips as I jumped in front of him wrapping my legs around him. "Let's get coffee Jungkookie", me. "Ok", he said as he dropped me down.  "Aww i'm Tired can I go on you'are back please", me. "Fine", Jungkook.

Jungkook POV 

We got to the coffee shop and went back to my house. I took her up to my room and I closed the door. "Jungkook close your eyes I have to change", Rose. "Ok", I say pretending to close my eyes. She turns around and I only see her back. Dang it! "Hey Jungkook can I borrow your shirt I don't have one", Rose. "Sure", I say. "Can you show me but not look at me", Rose. I smirk and move my hands. I walk and pull a shirt she can wear. "Here", I said looking at her topless self. (Btw she has a bra on) "I told you not to look at me", Rose says hitting me. "Ouch!!! Fine", Me. "You have a nice butt by the way", I say making Rose chase me and I fall back on the bed making her on top of me still topless. She looks at me with her big eyes. I kiss her and flip us around. But when I was gonna move on she slipped out my grip and put my shirt on. "Ugh you're such a tease", me. "Oh don't worry you'll get me one day", Rose. "Ooo I want to meet dirty Rose", me. 

Rose POV

I lay down on Jungkook's chest and we play video games together on his phone for the next 2 hours. "Jungkookie I'm hungry", me. "What do you want to eat", Jungkook. "Can we eat Kimchi stew", Me. "Sure, let's walk", Jungkook. We walk over to the restaurant and get the food after 35 minutes. "Mmm this is good Rose", Jungkook. "I know this place has the best kimchi stew in my opinion", me. "You're definitely not wrong", Jungkook. "What do you wanna have for desert", me. "Can we have some cake", Jungkook. "But that means we have to go to the grocery store for it", I whine. I look at him and see him smirking. "Hey knock it off we have only been dating for a week", Me. "I want to see dirt Rose", Jungkook. "Shhh Jungkook people are looking at us", me. "Ok guess I just have to be prepared", Jungkook. "What do you mean", Rose. "You know I don't want to get you pregnant our first time", Jungkook. 🤦‍♀️ "Oh my gosh Jungkook don't say that too loud", me. "Are you still....", Jungkook. I look at him shocked then continue eating my food. "Oh really you're just scared", Jungkook. "No", I say trying to not sound obvious. "I'm definitely getting my cake tonight", Jungkook says smirking. I look up at him shocked. He nods. "Only if you agree", Jungkook. "I do", Rose. They continue to eat until they get back home. 

(Your final WARNING ⚠️ people)

Jungkook POV 

I close the door and smirk. I stand up and stand in front of Rose on her chair. "Call me what you want Rosie just not Daddy", me. She gulps. I laugh a bit. "You ready", I ask. She nods and kneel down and walk in between her legs while she's still sitting on the chair. I kiss her lips and it gets heated. Then I pick her up and placed her on the bed I go on top. "You ready", me. "I'll be gentle but just a heads up I'm usually a rough guy", me. She nods and starts unbuttoning my shirt. I take it off and she stares at my toned abs. I pull off her shirt and go to her pants. I look at her for permission and she nods while looking up. "We're not doing anything extreme today. Only if you want to", me. I smirk and she looks up biting her lip. I take off her pants and take off mine. Leaving us almost naked. I look at her. "If you feel weird tell me to stop", me.

Rose POV

He unclips my bra and takes my underwear down next. He kisses my neck. Then goes down lower until he's around THAT area. He stops and goes back up. "You ready", Jungkook asks. I nod knowing it might hurt. He grabbed a condom and put it on. Then he went in. At first it was painful but it started to get better. 4 minutes later. Jungkook lays down next to me. "How was it",  Jungkook. "It felt great", me. "That means you had fun", Jungkook. I sat in bed staring at the ceiling. "Oh Jungkoo-", I look over and see him sleeping. I then go to sleep. 

The next morning I wake up and I feel sore down THERE. "Ouch", me. "What's wrong", Jungkook. "It hurts", Me. "That means I did a great job with you last night", Jungkook. Jungkook carries me out of bed and he goes to the bathroom while I change. Since I finished first I guess it means I get to make breakfast. I start cooking pancakes on the stove when I felt arms around my waist. "Hi Jungkookie", me. "Hey Rosie whatcha cooking", Jungkook. "Pancakes", me. When I finish the pancakes I decorate them and then me and Jungkook ate them.


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