Ariana's Party

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 V's POV

       I've always had a crush on Jennie but she obviously doesn't like me so that dream is dead. However I heard there will be a party over at Ariana's house so maybe I can impress her over there. After school I leave and go to the store. While I'm over there I see Rose and Jungkook shopping together idk but it was an interesting sight. I pick out my outfit and change my hair color for tomorrow. The next day at school everyone was looking at my hair because I am usually the good boy and I am one but I have to impress Jennie. During school I saw Rm and Suga explode at Jungkook so I ended up hanging with him he actually has been through so much pain I actually feel bad for him. Later at night I walked into the house looking like.....

His outfit👇🏼

I saw everyone looking at me the biggest reason is probably because I say I never have time for parties

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I saw everyone looking at me the biggest reason is probably because I say I never have time for parties. Or I looked nice for once but one things for sure I have never wore super tight leather pants with a V neck and a choker. I have died my hair before but not blonde. I was walking around and I saw in the corner of my eye Jennie staring at me at least I think she is. I have no idea that or she is checking out Rm he was also dressed pretty well. All of a sudden I felt hands on my chest from behind I looked behind and saw Jennie. "I never knew a good boy can look so hot", Jennie. She started to move her hands from my chest down trying to feel my abs I just licked my lips which made her more turned on. When she put her hand above my area I stopped her there but she used her other hand to feel. Aaaaaaaah!!!!!!!! We both jumped and a girl just screamed we ran in the area and I saw Rose being attacked by Suga and Jungkook fighting with Rm. I jumped in and got Rose for Jennie but breaking up Jungkook's fight was harder Aaron and Alex had to help me with that. 

Jungkook POV

       "So you promise to help me with all my problems", I asked. "I will be there every step of the way", Rose. "You promise not to leave my side", I asked. "I promise", Rose. "Can you come with me to the store I have to get a outfit to wear at Ariana's party", I asked. "Well I won't leave you so sure", Rose. We drive my car there and we get out. "I have to get an outfit too", Rose. "Perfect we can choose each other's outfits", me. After about 2 hours we go to my house to show each other our outfits.

Jungkook's outfit 👇🏼

Jungkook's outfit 👇🏼

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Rose's outfit 👇🏼

"Hmm not to bad",Rose

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"Hmm not to bad",Rose. "Do you like it", I ask. "It is amazing", Rose. "What about yours", Rose asks. "It looks cool", Me. "I know and your a cool person so that's why I got it for you", Rose. "I actually have to tell you something about the party", Me. "What", Rose. "Well Rm threatened to hurt you if you date me", Me. "Well I'm not dating you", Rose. "But if you did", me. "Why does RM want to hurt me", Rose. "Well he likes you so he doesn't want me to be with you", me. "How would he hurt me if he loves me", Rose. "He would hurt me in front of you", me. I see Rose's eyes widen with concern. "So I am no longer gonna hang with him", me. Rose nods and starts to put her shoes on. "Please don't leave me", me. Rose looks back at me. "Stay", me. "Ok", Rose 

The next day I walk up to Rm and Suga and tell them I am no longer gonna hang with them. Of course Rm yelled and cussed at me but I know he can't hurt Rose if we're not friends. Suga on the other hand just stood there then Rose came and stood next to me leaning on me. I can tell Rm was mad but me and Rose walked away. "Did you do it", Rose. "Yeah", me. We got ready for the party and left. When we got there I saw Rm and Suga so We avoided them. Me and Rose danced the night off and it was pretty fun. When me and Rose went to go get drinks Rm through his glass on the floor and tackled me.

Rose's POV

"Oh my gosh Rm get off of him", I shouted through the music. All of a sudden I was grabbed by Suga and slapped. "Watch it pretty girl", Suga. I kneed him in his crotch and tried to run but Suga grabbed my arm and threw me against the wall. I got up but my head was bleeding a bit. When Jungkook saw me he was mad that's when he started to fight. But Rm knocked him out a bit when that happened Rm got up and started to kiss me on the wall. Then Jungkook grabbed Rm and threw him on a chair breaking it that's when Suga grabbed me and I screamed. All of a sudden I saw V save me from Suga and I walked toward Jennie and Jennie told me about V. I was trying to listen but at the same time see if Jungkook was ok. When he got up we went to his house and I helped clean his wounds while he was laying down on his bed.

He looked up at me and we locked eyes for a moment. The moment seemed like forever but it was not sadly. He sat up and put one of his hands on my cheek I looked him in the eye and he leaned in. When we kissed it felt as if it was meant to be. 

Skip to party (Roni POV)

       "Ethan what about this dance", Me. "It looks just great", Ethan. "Don't lie to her. Roni it is the worst dance I have ever seen in my life", Emma. "That's not very nice", Aaron. Hold up gtg take a crap", Ethan. "Eww",me. I see Aaron start playing video games on his phone so I sit down and watch. "Oh is that the new zombie game that keeps popping up on my piano game", me. "I'm gonna guess yes", Aaron. "Ooo get him", me. 

Aaron POV

       Roni starts telling me how to play and of course I obey. But I love this moment with her when she demands me to do stuff and we laugh together. She starts to click on the buttons and starts playing and she beat my high score. "Hmm who knew you were so good at video games", I said. Then Ethan comes and says "what are you to laughing at". "Oh well I just beat Aaron's high score and he has been trying to get the highest score globally for 3 years", Roni. "Good job babe you beat Aaron at video games", Ethan. Aaaaaaah!!! I look around and see a crowd form around. I walk inside and see Jungkook fighting with Rm and v trying to stop it. I go in and help. Jungkook,Rose,Nessa,Emma,V, and Jennie left which meant I had to hang with Gray and I didn't know him very much so it was kinda awkward. After an hour of talking to Gray I see Roni being carried into a room by another guy besides Ethan. I look over and see Ethan sleeping with a glass of beer in his hand. 

I follow the man and he starts to take off Roni's shirt so I go in and punch the man. I put Roni's shirt back on and carry her bridal style out of the room I tell Gray to bring Ethan home while I take Roni home. After the car ride I carried Roni to her room and when I placed her down she said something but idk what she said. 

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