TayNew-Our Path

By FormyTay

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Translate it into any language without asking me so we can spread TayNew's love to a bigger community of Polc... More

They always fight!
Parrallel Lines
Someone has a girlfriend!
Do you believe in fate?
TayNew-Ship's sailed!
Fighting with me all your life, will you?
Be your priority!
10 things I hate about you!
I hug you because I do want to!
TayNew-PeteKao-Polca-Our Fates
From now on, you are totally mine!
Our future has you there, it is worth for expecting

Only if you know you are always worth for waiting.

1.4K 58 7
By FormyTay


That Valentine, Phuket has winds and sun, and I have you!

When you are with the right one, you will forget that this world has even almost 8 billions people. New has not believed in that before, but now, he totally does. Like he also forget what is the definition of the time, like the watch on his wrist is just simply a decorated thing. Phuket is such a large place, but strangely, PhuKet in New's eyes is exactly equal by Tay Tawan.

That Valentine, I realize the best view ever in this world, is getting up and seeing you sleeping next to me. 

Tay met Gift 1 week after New's birthday, just a chance. He ran into her at the coffee shop, and she told Tay about the broke-up thing. Tay was really surprised, that idiot even believed that they broke up because Gift mad at New because the cancel of dating on the birthday, so he tried to explained to Gift. She kept listening, can't stand thinking why an intelligent guy like New cannot realize that the elder also loves him, like the way he does. So before leaving, Gift said: "Why don't you ask him about the reason?". So that one of the reasons Tay decides to go to PhuKet. The bigger reason, of course, it is PhuKet, on Valentine Day, with Hin.

But day by day, Tay still has not had a chance to get the answer. Though they almost together everytime, though they awake and chat with each other until 3 AM, though sometimes they walk along the beach together without saying and waiting for the sunset. Cause the warm of sky, or the blue of the sea, or the bright deep into New's eyes, makes Tay forget why he is here.

And Tay recognizes that he has a new routine, get up early and look at New being sleeping. Like every morning he gets up and realizes that: Lucky I'm in love with Newwiee!

That Valentine, I discover the sun doesn't rise to the east and set to the west, the sun is always right my back.

New usually complains why Tay is always like an old man,but sometimes he is like a child, especially when he is with his camera, concentrating on taking a certain moment. Like when they walk along the coast, sometimes New see Tay is behind, taking a photo of the sunset, or a jelly-fish, or anything that touches his heart. Like Tay said once when they talk overnight together: "I prefer the pictures that are not planned, cause when I look at it, I can recall how much I was touched by them." Suddenly, Tay hold his heads up and waves New with a smile. New is standing far, keeps looking at Tay, can't stand whispering: 

-Tay Tawan, through six years being my photographer,just once has your heart ever been agitated?.  

Tay sees New is saying something, runs toward the younger:

-What did you say?

- I said why the people let such a wide and dangerous orca on the coast.

- You know what? The orca is finding bait. And here it is...

Tay tries to run to catch New. They keep running like that, along the coast seems to be endless.

That Valentine, we fight again...

Through the trip, there is just one night they are not being together. Tay goes out with his old friend, so New agrees to hang out with his sister and her friends. Actually, he is going to hang out with Tay's friends, but his sister is about to suspicious, so he thinks it is better to be seperate.

New comes back sooner, cause he just feels the foods isn't really that good. Maybe he is getting used to hearing Tay's grumbling, that you eat too much sweet today, or that food shouldn't be eaten like that...

There is a message: From Tay

-New, my friend is so drunk, I will come back tomorrow.

Or maybe he just doesn't interest in his sister and her friends stories. New makes himself believe in that, and force himself to sleep soon.

It is 11 AM, New can't sleep. He gets used to stay up to talk until 3 AM. Damn Tay! He turns on his phone and watch some cat videos. 12 AM. Still awake!

There is a small light generated. It is from Tay's laptop, it is still on. Absent-minded Tay, he forget to turn off his lap again!

New gets the lap, is about to turn it off, but he see the photos on the screen. They are the photos of this trip, maybe Tay is editing it. Their couple photos, their photos together, their photos with his sister and friend. New sees one by one, the blue sky, the sunset and of course, the shell, suddenly he laughing as an idiot!

New rarely uses Tay's lap. It is, may be the first time he spends times on it. He has to recognize that it is really a treasure. There are like, a hundred of photo folder, from like, Off's graduation day, Kiss Me Again, friend's birthday, some events, some folders are already edited but forgetting to give to their owner, a lot of folders is waiting to be edited, and like almost of folder is empty, maybe cause Tay can't remember what SD he stored them.

New's eyes suddenly stops at a folder, cause among hundred folder, it is the only that has password.

The name of this folder is just a blue heart beside double small red heart.

He clicks to open the folder, the password is required

For almost 2 hours, New tries almost probability that he thinks including: Tay Tawan, Tay's full name, Tay's birthday, the first day he works,his phone number, KhaoTang, the first day of filming, the first movie, even the ID. Totally wrong!

New can't sleep like that. That folder, that suspicious heart, damn Tay!

He cannot ask Tay, the only hope is his Peng.


-"Do you know what time is it?" Off says with a sleepy voice

-I'm sorry. But do you think Tay has a secret girl?

- What? You wake me up on 3AM just to talk about that impossible thing?

That makes New laugh:

-I'm serious. He has password on his laptop.

-Come on, that is why the programmer write the function of setting up password.

-Hey, do you know KhaoTang's birthday?

-Hey,hey, it is more reasonable to be your birthday!

Off cuts off the phone, leaving New with a confused feelings.

He inserts his birthday, letter by letter, feeling his heart is about jumping out.

Incorrect again! Though no taking so much hope, but in deep insight, New still feel a little disappointed.

Among 1000 reasons, please these heart.. aren't your love for another.

Tay returns in the morning, seeing New still sleep. At first, he intend to ask New to go to watch the sunrise, cause today is Valentine day, but after that, he decides to turn back to sleep, whatever, as long as with you.

All that day, New always intentionally avoid Tay, like the way he gets up and has breakfast without calling Tay, or the way he sits next to his sister instead of next to Tay, like usual, and he intentionally wear an T-shirt without unbutton totally that Tay usually mad about. The elder said left, the younger will say right. 

The situation continue like this, until the noon, cause Tay can't stand anymore.

-"Hey, we need to talk." Tay holds New hand on room when seeing him being about to leave.

-"I'm hearing" New keeps avoid looking into Tay's eyes.

-You are madding.

-I'm not.

-Don't lie. Friend can know when you are lying.

-Ok, so now I will ask you, are you hiding me something?

-"No, why asking?" Tay becomes halt, he just cannot lie, especially New can easily realize that.

-You can lie, so you have no right to ask me to tell you everything?

-What? Everything is ok, today I return and get this unreasonable attitude, and I cannot ask?

-Yeah, I am unreasonable like that, so why don't you find your secret girl?

-"What are you talking about?" Tay surprised

New gets Tay's T-shirt, points at the lip mark on the neck: So tell me what is this? 

-What? Where this mark come from?

New is really mad, can't stand calming anymore: So what the fucking smell on your body?

Actually, when New gets up, he saw the mark on the T-shirt and felt a ardent smell of perfume from Tay. And that really makes him mad, he can accept Tay had a girlfriend, but he can not accept that Tay is lying to him.

-New, don't be child, it is not like you imagine?

-I imagine, so what the fuck folder with the hearts and the password thing on your lap?

-"My folder, hey, hey, you use my lap without my acception" Tay rushes forward and tight New's neck.

-"Hey, hey, you didn't turn off your laptop." New touches Tay's Adam Apple, turning round and weigh down on Tay's back.

-"But you can check my private folder" Tay bites New's arm

-"You are the one who lied" New tighten his arm around Tay's neck.

-"Stop unresonable. I count to three and you are so death!" Tay yells

-" Ready! Three"

They continue to fight like 30 minutes, until both hairs are tangled and their body are exhausted. They lie on the ground, looking on the ceiling.

-What are we doing New?

New stands up: I don't mad because you have girlfriend. I am mad because you did lie even to me.

And leaves.

That Valentine, I take a lot of photos, but the most beautiful pics are not in my camera...

New goes out until 9 o'clock. Just walking, seeing other couple hands in hands, arranging his mind. Anyway, they still have a joint project, but he really really mad at Tay. Feeling like the guy who holds his hands yesterday becomes to be a stranger today. At least, why don't you give me a sign to prepare for this suck feeling? After eating some cakes, really feeling better, he decides to comeback, anyway, ignoring him is also a good idea!

Opening the door, the room is dark, so Tay isnot in here.

New signs, is about to turn on the light, but surprisingly, a hundred source of light is on. At everylight, is a photo of New. Haft of them he hasn't ever seen.

And the brightest source, his Tawan, is standing here, looking at him.

In a minute, New cannot move, keep looking at the elder

-"Check your phone." Tay gently asks

New looks at his phone, Tay just gives a srceenshots, it is the message from Tay's friend to him.

" Thanks for  your help, my girl really loves that perfume. By the way, if your love is mad about the mark of my lips, you have chance to success tonight. You are welcome! Good luck!"

New reads the message, can't stand falling tears, knowing that the hard time has gone.

-I met Gift a week ago. She told me about the broke up and told me ask you for the reason if I want to know.

-You met her?

-Maybe it can be selfish when taking advantage in this stage, maybe you are not ready for another relationship now, maybe you have trouble with dating a guy, but only if you are single, I won't waste chance one more time. I don't know why you mad at me, I don't care why you and her broke up anymore, I don't know if I had a 1/1000000 percent of chance to be your boyfriend. Just one thing, New, please...please remember that, from a long time ago, to very long far future, I did, do and will be always the man standing right behind your back.

New stands there, hearing clearly every single word, feeling the elder's voice is choked with emotion. Tay comes toward New and give him a chocolate cake, a brand he loves.

-Anyway, this is the sorry present. You are right, friend shouldn't lie to the other. I has feelings with my bestfriend for like years, New.

New can't keep calm immediately. This is totally beyond from his expectation. For a long time later, he wipes his tears, looking deep into Tay's eyes:

-Sorry, I can't take that cake. 

A little upset on Tay's face. Though he did preparing for refusing answer from New, but it really hurts.

-I know, I...

-"Cause I did eat too much cake outside. Damn it!" New cuts Tay's line and suddenly hugs Tay and letting his chin on the other's shoulder without waiting for his reaction.

They hug each other, for the long time, tears still fall, but they are happy tears. They keep hugging like that, like they want to make up for the past three years. No need to talk anymore, at that moment, feeling the other's heartbeat is clearly connect to their own's. That moment, just let the heart says their own language, is more valuable than hundreds of words, isn't it?



-"Everything has't done yet." New pretend to be serious. "The folder"

-It is your birthday.

-I did. No kidding!

-What? It is clearly your birthday? Or KhaoTang's birthday. Oh I can't remember it.

-Hey, wanna more fight?

Tay smiles widely: We have so much time to do that. But not tonight.

Then he takes New to the table where the laptop is available, New clicks on that file, a request for password.

New looks at Tay, likely to ask. Tay sits next to New, closes his eyes, and says:

-That is exactly what I think about you. And if you do think about me exactly the way like I do, if our hearts are at the same frequency, this password is decoded. In reverse, I will help you, I promise! 

New looks at Tay's face and smiles: why can't I realize this from the begining and types: ความรัก

The files is opened. That moment, they did know about other's feelings.

It is speechless. This file is exactly Tay's private space, cause it is full of pictures of the one he loves. New clicks one by one, looking himself in the old moments, surprising and exciting; Newwiee in this album didn't try to be cute, didn't try to be cool, didn't try to be happy. Newwiee in this album is just New from the first day, with a lot of change in outlook, with the changes in styles, with the differences in mood, but there is one thing unchanged, that the one who always concentrate and appreciate these moment, the only who always behind this normal New, thanks God, is just Tawan.

They stand by each other and look toward the sea. New points to the couple holding hands on the coast.


Tay looks at New, wipes the tears left on the other's eyes corner.

-When we can be like them? 

-I am sorry for our secret relationship.

-I know, it is not easy, especially in our career.

Tay holds New hand, whisper: but believe in me, I will always stand by your side, holds your hand like that, and we will wait for that day.

New smiles, nods his head softly. Suddenly, he point at another couple.

-So how about that couple?

Like a little cat, New closes his eyes, intends to tease Tay

Tay follows New's hand, and suddenly his face turns into red:

-We did. You stole my first kiss, so you have to responsible for it.


-That peck, isn't counted as a kiss.

Then New pulls Tay's hand and kisses him.

The time is likely to stop.

New looks at Tay face, keeps teasing:

-And that is how you should act for our next kiss scene, so you owe me one.

Tay glances at New: I think we need to practice the punch scene, too.

-So Tay, what is your most favourable photo?

-"Here." Tay points at the photo of his dog.

-I am serious, Tay.

-Seriously, not there.

-Why? You hided it somewhere, did you?


-"I know. Let me see, let me see" New starts to harass

Tay holds New's hand, put on his left chest:

-I saved them their. Cause the most beautiful moment of you, I snap them by the lens of my eyes, and save them in my heart so that I can keep them as long as possible.

- I love you, Tay. From such a long time ago.

- Ok

-What? At least one expression?

- Why? It is so clear?

- You haven't said you love me yet. That is so unfair. Hurry, I am waiting. Wait, I will film it.

-No way...

-For me, please

Tay looks into New's eyes, sighing: Poor Tay, you will be beaten by this person for the rest of your life.


-Wait, Gift is calling me.

-"I can avoid so you can talk to her". Tay tends to go

-"No, it is ok, we are over". So New turns on the speaker, just he wants to assure Tay

-Hello, Gift?

-I know you are in PhuKet now, I know you are with Tay now, but..

-"Are you crying now?" The girl's voice really make New feel worry,

-I did try New, but I can't get over it. It is three year.

-I'm sorry, Gift.

-I need you. Can we start again?

-I can't. I told Tay that I love him, I have to be responsible for my word.

-So how about me? You also said that you love me? Now you left me?

-Please, don't cry, please.

-I'm sorry Gift, it is all of my faults. We can still be friends, can't we?

-No, I don't want to be your friend, just another chance, I cannot be over you. I am really hurt.

The girl keeps crying like that, like an hour.

New looks at Tay, seeing the other nod his head softly.

-Keep calm Gift. I am really sorry to hurt you. But our thing is end.

-Give me more time to get used to with this, I cannot stand seeing you are belong to the others.

-Look, Gift, I don't know if it make sense, but I promise to you, whenever you need me, I will be with you.

The phone call is over.

New comes and hugs Tay from the back: I owe her three years of youth, I want to see her happy before I am happy. Now neither I have any rights to say I love you nor ask you to say you love me. But Tay, you can see my heart, don't you? 

Tay turns round and again, wipes the tears on the other's face, hugs him, tigher and tigher

- I did be behind you like three year, so I don't mind waiting for another 3 years, or even another 30 years, only if you know that you are always worth for waiting.

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