From now on, you are totally mine!

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The greatest thing in this world is that knowing that the one you love also love you by wholly their heart, like you will have one more reason to get up every day, to smile every day, and to wait every day.

Though both of them are agree to not make a move until Gift can overcome the hurt, though I cannot say I love you every day like I damn  want to, though we still haven't been able to define our relationship. But overall, I love you and I know you do, and the feelings is always real. 

Kiss Me Again creates a booming of Polca. That makes them have to do more fanservice stuff, and it makes Gift feel really worry. So she usually asks New out, for dinner, for helping something, to ensure that New also spend times for her. Tay knows about that, cause everytime New meets Gift, he always tells Tay.

One more problem. Some of their fan couple know that New is in an relationship, and they hate New, because they think New is lying them. Like "having a girlfriend but acting like a couple with Tay" or "stop being innocent, stop do that suck fanservice for money", something similar to that. Tay knows all about that, he sees New almost stays up late everynight to read these negative tweets or messages, just comes and sits next to New:

- Tay, they message Gift, say something really bad.

Tay sits the opposite to New so he can look at the younger's face. What a hurt, his boy is losing weight!

- Hin, listen to me. Accepting to be a famous person means you have to get through something like this. . Someone understand you, the others not. But you know, you have me, Chaobang Honey and Polca that you can lean on. Though I am not the first one loving you, I will be the last one stand by your side.

- I feel sorry for Gift, she should have not been in this suck situation.

Tay keeps silence. For a few moment later, Tay says:

-Come to her, she needs you. Be strong to protect her!

New looks deep into eyes of the elder. No need to talk, their heart hears more than what they said.

At that moment, looking at Tay that way, New determines to himself:

-Waiting for me, when I solve all of my problems, until I stand in front of you as a totally single man, I will love you by all of my heart, making up for the days we missed, and insisting to protect our relationship for the further future.

And a short time later, New does that.

Sotus The Series creates a great effect in BL fan group. The fanmeeting is more and more, and New is one part of it. But for both TayNew, the greatest fanmeeting of Sotus is Sotus The Memory On Stage.

Gift comes to that event, too. Just she wants to surprise New so she didn't tell him about that. At this fanmeet, they talks much about memories of Sotus. Off talks about Gun, waving at him whom sitting on the stand. In that moment, a little emotionally, New smiles:

-Ok, if he can do that, Tay where are you?

Actually, there are many staff and actors of GMM taking part in this event. The fan are too crowded, too, so the cameraman didn't find where Tay was in that moment. And even New can't find Tay among like thoudsands of people. He initially thinks Tay must have been sitting next to Gun.

But one person sees Tay, it is Gift. Her position allows her to see clearly a boy, with a big camera, sitting on the alley to the right corner of the stand. This man, squints one eye, tries to taking a little bit moment on the stage. This man, reviews what he just taken when others talking, but lowers the camera and concentrates to the stage whenever New is saying. This man, seems to be tired and full of sweat, , seem to be a little solitary, but always having a curve of smile on his mouth and a bright of proud from his eyes. What a strange, looking into these eyes, she can feels how happy her boyfriend on the stage is. This man, damn it, makes she feel her love is so tiny.

-"I didn't know you come, Gift." New meets Gift after the event.

- Just wanna surprise you. And I have one thing for you, give me your hand.

New lifts his hand, a little surprise: What do you mean?

- I dump you. This is the only thing that constraint our relationship left.

New holds the ring, it is the couple ring that he and Tay chosed for Gift.

-"Are you ok?" New asks, tries to consider Gift expression.

-"Yeah, it will be better! I believe that. Just I need time"

-" I am really sorry, Gift. But I don't get it, why..?"

Gift's eyes turn to behind New:

-Cause the last person to be with you must be him!

New turns round and sees Tay who is coming and suddenly sees them

-"I am sorry for last time, New". The girl holds New's hand

New is about to cry: Thank you!

-"Hi P'Tay. I gotta go now. See you later." Gift waves at Tay and leaves.

New turns round and comes to the other as fast as he could.

-Say it out Tay.

-What Hin? 

-You promise to say that you love me.

Tay is dazed for a while. Finally, he gets it

-What, you guy?

New shows Tay the ring: I am dumped, idiot Tay!

Both smile. New's tears unintentionally falls when Tay suddenly pulls his hands and hugs him, tighter than whenever before.

-From now on, you are totally mine!

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