
By aquarliam

279K 9.7K 2.1K

A compilation of one shots / mini stories based off of the characters from my story Road Trip. This is not a... More

Detour || RT spin-off
Felandy - Pinky Promise
Harry and Lou - Passenger or Pilot?
Folton - Facebook Official
Narry - The New Kid
Felierra - "You did what?"
Zarriall - The Tour Guide
Ferry - Meet the Parents
Don't Forget Where You Belong ... Vegas: (1 of ?)
Don't Forget Where You Belong ... Vegas: (2 of ?)
Don't Forget Where You Belong ... Vegas: (3 of ?)
Don't Forget Where You Belong ... Vegas: (4 of ?)
Don't Forget Where You Belong ... Vegas: (5 of ?)
Don't Forget Where You Belong ... Vegas: (6 of ?)
Don't Forget Where You Belong ... Vegas: (7 of ?)
Don't Forget Where You Belong ... Vegas: (8 of ?)
Don't Forget Where You Belong ... Vegas: (9 of ?)
Don't Forget Where You Belong ... Vegas: (10 of ?)
Don't Forget Where You Belong ... Vegas: (11 of ?)
Don't Forget Where You Belong ... Vegas: (12 of ?)

BTS - Chapter 6.5

10.8K 506 66
By aquarliam

Felicity's POV:

"We got caught up in the rain?" I raised a brow at Harry as the elevator doors shut.

That had to have been the lamest excuse I'd ever heard. But when I thought about it, it was better than anything I could have come up with. I probably would've said something that didn't make any sense at all or become so flustered that my words ran together and I started speaking a different language. So I guess of all the possibilities, Harry's little excuse wasn't too bad.

"What else was I supposed to say?" He frowned, pressing the button for our room floor. "'Oh sorry, sir, we were just swimming in the pool in the fucking cold after the facility was closed.' Yeah, that would've gone real well with him."

He rolled his eyes at me and stared at the steel doors in front of us. The two of us were dripping wet as our clothes were no longer dry in the slightest. I was freezing cold and couldn't wait until I jumped into the shower.

I didn't know why on earth I decided that going for a swim in the wintertime was a good idea, especially when we were in Pennsylvania where it was close to snowing. Not my smartest move. Just because I had seen a picture of it in the magazine, didn't mean that I had to go and do it. I could've said something more logical, like playing checkers or painting my nails.

But despite how dumb of an idea that was on my part, it was actually kind of fun. I didn't quite fully admit it to Harry, all I said when he asked me was 'maybe.' I didn't know. I didn't really want him knowing that I actually enjoyed it.

The elevator doors opened up at our floor and we stepped out into the hallway. Our shoes squished and made weird sloshing noises as we walked down the carpet to our room. My clothes felt so heavy on my body. They were heavy and wet, and I just wanted to get out of them as soon as possible.

Harry unlocked the room door, letting me inside before he stepped in. Immediately I took my shoes off, propping them up against the wall so that they would dry out. I was hoping I didn't have to take the hair dryer to them in the morning.

I walked over to my bag that was sitting on top of my bed, making sure water from my hair didn't drip onto anything. Pulling out my bag of shampoo and shower stuff, I set it on the bed comforter before I began to grab a change of clothes that I could sleep in. It was really difficult trying to make sure I didn't get anything wet.

Right as I had all my things, I turned around to head to the shower, seeing Harry peel off his wet shirt. I just stood there and stared at him as he wrung out the fabric, watching as his muscles would tense. I couldn't gather myself to move from my spot, and I couldn't tear my eyes away from him. I wasn't even entirely sure if I was annoyed with him or not.

"How long are you going to keep staring at me?" He laughed, looking up and meeting my gaze.

Okay, I was definitely annoyed.

"You can take a p-"

"Picture because it will last longer," I rolled my eyes as I cut him off. Composing myself, I straightened my posture and clutched tighter to the bag filled with my shower essentials. "Whatever. I'm going to shower."

"So am I," he smirked as he stepped towards the bathroom door, blocking me from getting past him. "We'll just take one together. I promise I won't look."

"No!" I shouted, causing him to laugh. I shook my head repeatedly as I scowled at him. "We are never showering together."

"Never is a very strong word, I wouldn't be too quick to use that," he winked at me but received no reaction. At my disinterest, he slumped his shoulders and tried to hide the smile forming on his face. "It saves water! Think about the environment, Felicity!"

I hit him in the chest, shoving past him and into the bathroom, "You are so ridiculous. We're not showering together!"

"Fine, but you better hurry up because now I'm cold as fuck," he frowned and crossed his arms over his chest before skeptically looking at me. "Why do you have your clothes with you?"

"Because I'm changing into them after I shower, duh," I rolled my eyes as I tried to shut the door.

He held onto the piece of wood, preventing it from closing, "Are you serious? Change out here in the room. You're going to hog the entire bathroom while I sit out here in soaked clothing, waiting for you to get out."

"Fine! I'll dress out here. You happy now?"

Harry pulled a look of discontent as he stepped away from the door and over towards his bed, "Nevermind. Do what you want to do."

I shook my head in confusion from his actions as I shut the door. Only a few moments ago we were laughing and getting along just fine, and now we were arguing about showering together. It was a switch in moods that I wasn't expecting. Why he decided to act that way, I had no idea. I didn't care at the moment because all I wanted was a nice, warm shower.

Turning on the water, I stepped into the tub when it was at a satisfying temperature. Having been in the freezing cold pool and walking around in the winter air, a hot shower was amazing. I washed my hair and face and scrubbed my body, taking my time as I soaked in the warmth of the water. The steam filled the room, and it was beginning to fog my vision. I took a peak from behind the shower curtain to see that the entire mirror was cloudy and swirls of steam made their way around the small space.

I must have been in there for a lot longer than I thought because I was completely startled by a loud banging on the door. It made me cry out in surprise as I almost slipped and fell. And thank goodness nothing bad happened because I couldn't imagine how embarrassing it would've been to have to call Harry for help when I was naked.

"Felicity!" He called out, banging on the door some more.


"Are you done yet? You've been in there for twenty minutes! There won't be any hot water by the time it's my turn!"

I quickly stood under the warm water for a few more seconds before I finally shut it off, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around myself. Remembering what he said about changing out in the room, I swiped my clothes off the counter and unlocked the door to reveal a very upset Harry.

There were goosebumps all over his arms, and his lips were tinted with a faint shade of purple. As he stared down at me, I held on tighter to the towel.

"It's about time."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," I apologized, starting to feel really bad for having made him wait so long.

He shook his head and stepped into the bathroom, turning the shower back on. I looked over at him just as he pulled his shorts off of his legs, thankfully leaving on his boxer briefs.

I didn't know what it was, or why I kept wanting to just stare at him, but there was something about Harry that I felt drawn to.

"You can leave now," he raised his brow as he turned to look back at me. "Unless you'd like to join me. I don't have an issue with that. Although, your boyfriend might."

His little laugh made me want to smack the smirk off of his face. I scoffed as I rolled my eyes and headed out the door into the room. The bathroom door shut behind me, and all I could hear was the sound of the shower running.

It was way too quiet for my liking, so I sat on the edge of the bed and flipped through the channels until I found something remotely interesting, which ended up being some show on the history channel. I could already imagine the look of annoyance on Sierra's face if she had been here with me. She hated it when I'd watch this channel, and she wouldn't shut up about how much she disliked it.

I got caught up in watching some show called Pawn Stars. This happened to me all the time. I could watch a show I'd never seen before, and get completely hooked on it within ten minutes. I was like the child that sat in front of the television for hours as their eyes were glued to the screen. That was me.

"You haven't even gotten dressed."

Harry's voice scared me as I was sitting there on the bed. I slightly jumped up at the intrusion, clutching onto the towel around my body as I realized I hadn't changed. He was standing at the door to the bathroom, a towel hung lowly on his hips and a large smirk on his lips. I felt my cheeks turn a deep shade of red as I became ridiculously embarrassed at the situation.

"Were you waiting for something, or someone?" Harry spoke, crossing his arms over his chest. I could see a look of amusement start to make it's way onto his face.

"No, I was not," I stood up from the bed, grabbing the clothes I hadn't changed into and some of my toiletries.

"You can still change in here if you want."

"No, I think I'll use the bathroom," I sarcastically smiled at him as I walked by, accidentally brushing my arm against his. The contact of our bare arms sent this weird feeling throughout my body, and I didn't want to stand there long enough to find out what it was.

Besides, this was highly inappropriate. I had a boyfriend, so I needed to act like it. I couldn't just stand here almost naked in a room with some other guy that was almost naked as well. Thank goodness we had separate beds. I couldn't even imagine what my mother would think. She'd die and then haunt me in my sleep.

"Hey," Harry stopped me as he grabbed my wrist. His voice was quiet, and as he looked at me, I could see the softness in his eyes. "Sorry, I don't mean to make you uncomfortable or something. I'm just joking around."

"It's fine," I shook my head. I didn't want to look up at him because this was kind of weird, but my eyes failed me as they glanced right at him. The bold green in his eyes was staring back at me with what I could only decipher as concern. "Don't worry about it."

"If you don't like it, just tell me. I'll stop."

The only thing I could think to do was give him a small smile in response. I could tell he was reluctant at first, but he slowly let go of my wrist, giving me a slight nod before he turned away.

I didn't know what it was, but he acted so weird sometimes. First he was rude and annoying, then he was playful and happy, now he was slightly perverted and ... worried? I didn't get it at all.

Shutting the bathroom door, I got dressed and brushed my hair. It took me a little while to blow dry it, but I didn't think much of it because I didn't want to go to sleep with my hair wet. After brushing my teeth and doing all the rest of my nighttime essentials, I walked back into the room.

Harry was already in his bed and underneath the covers, playing on his cell phone. He didn't even look over at me as I made my way past him and shut all the lights off. I slid into my bed and turned the television off, right before Harry decided to speak up.

"You don't sleep with the tv on?"

"No, why would I? That's distracting."

"No it's not."

"Yes, it is."

"Do you snore?"


"Are you just saying that or do you actually know that you don't?"

"Harry, do you snore?" I rolled my eyes as I turned the question on him.


"Oh lovely."

"I'm sure you snore louder than me."

I groaned in frustration as I placed my hands over my eyes, "Will you just shut up and go to sleep now?"

"Jeez, no need to be mean."

"It wasn't mean."

"Mhm, sure. Nighty night, Felicity."

Sighing, I rolled onto my side so that I wasn't facing him, "Night, Harry."

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