(The Mission) Yandere Simulat...

By CharlottesFiction

83 5 4

Ayano has successfully gotten rid of Kokona and has Senpai all to herself... or does she? After a student dis... More


A Perfect Day For Murder

44 3 4
By CharlottesFiction

Forgetting about the wet blood on her hand, she wipped the sweat off of her forehead, smearing blood on herself. Kokona was much harder to kill than she thought. She didn't know the slut was so strong.

Ayano wasn't necessarily planning on killing Kokona. She actually became friends with her and helped her father out of debt by going through all the trouble to kidnap someone. But when Ayano invited Kokona to her home she asked... if Kokona could stay away from Senpai- or Taro Yamada. Ayano didn't get the answer she wanted, and Kokona said that she was planning on asking Taro to the school dance.

Ayano clenched her fist in rage, pretending to be fine with it, faking her cute smile. But as soon as Kokona left Ayano's house, she immedetly ran up to her room and began a plan to get rid of Kokona once and for all.

First, Ayano walked into the kitchen, making sure nobody was in there, and grabbed the kitchen knife. After she slipped the knife in her pocket and walked out, ignoring the glares of one of the student council members. Than, she followed Kokona all the way to the gym. After Kokona and her club members talked, Ayano met Kokona in the back of the stage.

Ayano asked Kokona to follow her somewhere. Kokona was hesitant at first, but Ayano was her friend, and decided to follow Ayano to her unknown death. Ayano lead Kokona behind the pool, where nobody went any time of the day. And before Ayano knew it her knife was inches deep in Kokona's skull.

Taking a few deep breaths, Ayano waited for the late bell to ring and rushed to the furnece, where she tossed her knife inside and closed it. A few minutes later and Ayano was carrying her bloody close to the furnece and tossed them inside. Carrying Kokona was the hard part. Dragging the lifeless body across the pathway and tossing her into the furnance. Without hesitation Ayano turned on the furnace and listened to the sound of flesh melt.


Ayano flinched when the lunch bell rang. Her hand making a fist as if she was angry. Mabye she was because her plan didn't work, or that Senpai was out today. Not having anything to do during lunch, since she usually stalks Senpai, Ayano strolled around the school and into the cafeteria behind the school.

Pulling out a few quarters from her pocket, she shoved them into a vending machine and bought a coke. Ayano popped it open and took a long sip, feeling the cold liquid against her lips calmed her down, all the worries washed away with the drink. She sighed, suddenly being aggressively shoved aside by an impatient delenquint. Ayano could only shoot a glance at the boy, since she knew he could seriously hurt her.

Finally Ayano left the outdoor cafeteria and continued walking around the school. That's when she noticed something... something red on the ground. Ayano's jaw dropped and her soda feel to the ground. The sight of three teachers, the princible, and a few students surrounding the blood stretch across the ground made her heart fleeze.

"The blood... the blood!" Ayano hissed through clenched teeth. She ran back inside the building. Made sharp turns, almost knocking people over along the way. Ayano nearly dove into a bathroom stall and slammed the door shut, pulling out her phone. She texted a number of her phone, praying. "Answer... answer... answer!"

Within seconds Ayano got an answer from Info-chan.

There is nothing I can do for you right now. People have already seen the blood.

Stay away from the scene as much as possible. If you get too close you might be labled as a witness.

Ayano took a deep breath. She hated the new emotion she has gotten. Fear.

I was just notifyed the police will be arriving in 5 minutes. They are sure to ask you some questions.

Act like you don't know Kokona.

Did you burn the evidence?

Ayano replied.

Good. It should be all burned before the police arrive.

But Ayano wasn't fully satifyed, she felt like she was still missing something. How could she have forgotten to clean up the blood. She was in so much of a rush.

The black haired girl walked out of the bathroom, trying to act cool and natural. Surely someone will know Ayano and Kokona were friends. Saki ate with them one day and saw how Ayano and Kokona were talking. Lying to the police about that wasn't such a great idea. Ayano tucked her phone away.

The sound of clicking shoes in the hallway made Ayano spin around. All of the student council members were walking towards Ayano, all stern looks on their face. Each one gave her a glance as she walked past her, all moving out of their way as if Ayano was a fungus. Ayano watched the studetn council walk towards the blood. Suddenly one girl stopped and cranked her neck to look at Ayano.

She had short white hair and dark eyes. She turned around and walked towards Ayano, in the opposite direction of her friends.

"Do you have anything to do with this?" her eyes narrowed and there was a small smile on her face.

"Why would you think that?" Ayano answered.

"Because you are in no distress. Have you seen what happened?" Shiromi Torayoshi circled around Ayano. "I hope Info-chan has nothing to do with this. You know her?"

Ayano shook her head, letting Shiromi continue.

"Well we all do. My team members and I have been trying to look for her all year. She's causing major problems on the school's campus. It's like she trying to shut down the school or something? But whoever did this must know Info-chan, right?" Shiromi finished, smiling again and walking down the hallway, sending chills down Ayano's spine.

As soon as Shiromi was out of sight, Ayano ran to her classroom. She placed her bag on her desk and sat down in her chair. Taking deep breaths, so pulled out a notebook and slammed it on the table.

She quickly opened the notebook, flipping through many pages of different, well thought out, plans. Ayano stopped on the page with her most recent work. She gently placed her finger on the page and read it over making sure there were absolutely no mistakes.

Ayano made the steps easy enough the remember in a range of three hours:

Musume and Kokona. Plan #59

Monday- Stalk Kokona all day to get more details

Tuesday- In the morgan have Info-chan get the Nurse fired. Study all classes well. Place a note on Kokona's locker. (Meet me on the rooftop at 7:30 am) and speak with Kokona about her problems (with her dad).

Wednesday- In the morning go to (now empty) nurses office and take the syringe and sleeping medicine. Give Musume some 'ciggies' and make her follow you to (secret) closet. Inject her with syringe and keep her in the black box near the wall. At midnight get the black box and bring it home. As soon as the box is home tie Musume to a chair.

Thursday- Before school wake Musume up, and record her begging for her life. Receive father's phone number and text him to drop all clients debts. He must agree... it's his daughters life on the line... after he agrees bring the black box and leave it in front of Musume's house.

Friday- Ask Kokona to come over early. Ask her if she will leave Senpai alone. If she does, she lives. If she doesn't, she dies.

After the kill (if it happens)- Make sure Kokona is somewhere where nobody goes. Kill her as fast as you can and keep her body there until classtime. Bring her body to the furnace and leave her in there. Drop the weapon in to. Take a shower and change clothes. Go back to furnace and leave the clothes in there too, and burn everything. Then go to the bathroom and mop up all the blood.

*you will be late to class*

The last part. Of course. Ayano missed the last part. The whole plane was just an extra Ayano made, actually labeled Kokona before she found out about Kokona's dad being in debt.

The police would be here soon. And Ayano needed to get rid of all the evidence. She quickly rushed the the bathroom again, ripping out all of the pages in the notebook, even the black ones and throwing them in the toilet. When there was just the cover left she ripped it all up to shreds and flushed the toilet. Watching all of her plans go down the toilet. Literally.

After Ayano was satisfied she returned to her classroom, surprised to already see two police men in the hallway. They had no concern for Ayano and were heading straight up the stairs, probably to the principles office.

Ayano acted all concerned and watched the police until they were out of sight. She pulled at the bottom of her skirt, she did it when she was nervous.

She hopped Info-chan had her back. If she was able to hide in a school building then she is sure to save Ayano.

"Excuse me?"

The voice made chills shoot down Ayano's spine. She wiped around, tugging more violently at her skirt. "Y...yes...?"

"Do you know what's going on? Why the police are here?" Her brushed his fingers through his perfect black hair... in Ayano's eyes. He had a nervous smile on his face that made Ayano feel hundreds of butterflies in her stomach.

Taro is... talking to me! She thought. Taro waited for an answer patiently, thinking maybe she didnt hear him he repeated himself.

"O-oh! I... I dont know. I heard someone was injured?" Ayano roughly spat out.

"Really? Do you know who?" Taro asked.

"No..." Ayano drifted off into a romantic daydream.

"I heard it was that big boobed slut!" A voice called from the stairs. "No one has seen her since after class."

A smaller figure than Ayano, trotted down the stairs. She wore the normal school uniform, but with a green watering thing attached to her shirt. She wore a blue flower in her hair and wore a long ponytail. Her hair was between blonde and brown. Ayano has seen her before, she was apart of the Gardening Club. Ayano has seen her setting up the flowers and decorations before school plays.

At first Ayano didnt mind her joining in on the conversation. But it was when she wrapped her arm around Taro's that sent the same rage feeling she got from Kokona.

"Are you... a thing?" Ayano asked, trying to hold in all her anger. She just murdered someone, now she has to do it again? After she threw away all of her plans...

"Mhmm!" The girl said cheerfully. "Together for a few days! I wanted to ask him on a Friday under that tree... but I thought it was too... typical."

"Right. Right," Ayano said. Her phone buzzed, but she decided to ignore it. "So... about Kokona? Shes a slut?"

The girl sighed. "We had many fights last year. She posted fake nudes of me to get some money. I hate her. I hope it is her."

Ayano nodded, was this girl as crazy as herself? Taro just sighed. "C'mon, dont talk like that. What if she's dead?"

"I highly doubt that. Remember last year when she faked being pregnant for attention? I'm sure the blood is fake and she ran home or something," the girl said. Then returning her attention back to Ayano. "I'm Himari, Himari Fujita," she stuck out her hand.

"Ayano- Aishi," Ayano hesitated to shake her hand but did anyway. "I better be getting to class soon. It starts in ten minutes."

Another girl walked past them, dark blue hair and wore a smock. "The police are telling everyone to go to the court yard... know why?" She held her books close to her nervously.

"Someone saw blood," Himari said.

"B-blood?" The art girl asked. "Like..."

"Puddles of blood," Himari said.

"Come on ladies and gentleman! Everyone to the court yard!" A policeman who was walking in the hallway said. He pointed to the stairs. The four did as they were told and walked into the courtyard where half the school was. Ayano watch others walk through the doors looking around in confusion.

"This is serious..." Taro mumbled.

The four passed the popular girls, Musume's friends. "I'm sure a girl was just on her period!" One girl laughed.

Ayano scanned the girls and realized Musume was sitting alone near the bushes. Ayano didnt feel pride or guilt.

The four decided to sit on the benches, and two others joined them who failed to find another spot, since all the spots on the fountain were taken.

Ayano made sure she was sitting next to Taro, giving the art girl the hint to scoot over before she sat down. Not to make things weird, the art girl stuck out her hand like Himari did before.

"My name is Efude," the art girl said. Ayano shook it with more interest than with Himari. "Are you in any clubs?"

"No," Ayano answered.

"Do you like art? You look like you like art? I can see you wearing a smock!" she pointed to the hat on her head.

"Art... I used to draw dragons when I was in grade school, but nothing more," Ayano said.

"Well we actually give out passes for your class to skip it to come to our club! Maybe... if you dont like a class you dont like?" Efude said, slipping a small blue piece of paper to Ayano.

"Really? Thanks," Ayano said. She really meant it. She knew she was going to use it tomorrow for Chemistry.

Efude smiled, impressed with herself. Ayano wasn't one to like someone instantly... besides Taro... but she liked this girl. She didnt mind her company unlike Himari's.

"Ladies and gentlemen! May I have your attention!" The principle of Akademi High made some students move over so he could stand on the fountain. "Early today there were puddles of blood spotted near the pool. We dont know exactly why, but it is real blood. You will all be asked questions about what you know... if you know anything... and you will all be sent home right after your interviews with the police. I want everyone to line up with your teachers so we can continue the process quickly. Your teachers are all standing over here," the principle pointed in a random direction. "Remember. You will go straight home after you are interviewed with the police. An email will be sent to all of your parents shortly," the principle hopped off the fountain and chattering filled the court yard.

Ayano turned around to look for Taro, but he was already walking away with Himari's hand in his. Ayano clenched her fists. She held her breath when a gentle hand touched her shoulder.

"I will meet you outside?" Efude said.

Ayano nodded and walked to her teacher, trying to keep an eye on Taro. Ayano felt her phone buzz again and she took it out.

A text.

Info-chan: Delete all of our messages

Info-chan: Hello? Dont make me hack into your phone!

Ayano: Ok. I will. Calm down

Ayano quickly deleted everything and slipped her phone back into her pocket. In ten minutes five students in her line were interviewed, and Ayano was 2nd in line now.

"I'm so nervous... though I didnt do anything..." Juku said to himself standing behind Ayano.

"Next," Mrs. Fuka said. Beshi Takamine walked past the teacher and a police officer lead her back into the school.

Ayano tugged on her skirt. She was next. Shit. She thought of all the questions they would ask and what she would answer with.

Two minutes went by faster than Ayano hopped. Mrs. Fuka watched Beshi walk back into the courtyard and to the gate when she turned to Ayano. "Next."

Ayano took a deep breath as she was lead into the school.

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