A solders love " bug head "

By Bughead79

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Jughead and Betty meet and he is a soldier and she fell hard for him More

A Baby is Born
1 year later Jughead


739 13 0
By Bughead79

I woke up to betts talking with my mom. " mmm " I grumbled and rolled on to my stomach.

" he is awake "

" well breakfast is ready "

" I'll get him up " my mom left and betts rubbed my back softly. " handsome "

"Hmm "

" they made food "

" but I'm warm and cozy "

" it's jellybeans birthday "

" I know I'll get up "

" I'm getting up try to catch me "

" betts your supposed to be on bed rest. "

" sucks to suck " I got up and changed as betts sat up in bed. Then I gave betts a piggy back ride downstairs and we all sat down at the table " happy birthday jelly belly "

" thanks "

" happy birthday little sis "

" thanks " she yawned and started to drift off.

" see we're tired "

" oh stop "

" I'm just sleepy " she said

" jb can sleep jughead can't. "

" rude "

"Betty is also allowed to sleep "

" wow "

" we made chocolate chip pancakes " they sat them in front of us


" yea my favorite " we ate then loaded stud into the car as I was changing and feeding Alex. He was a happy camper. Betts wanted to stay home because it would be to strenuous on her body and she is healing but I buckled Alex in and we headed off. Jellybean was having a blast with her friends just jumping everywhere and they were all having fun then they ate some cake and she opened her presents Alex was asleep in his car seat then I heard jellybean scream and then cry my parents kinda just froze like it was something bad that just happened and they sat there I got up and ran to her she was holding her ankle and balling " jellybean what happened "

" i I hurt my ankle and and it hurts a lot "

" okay well why don't you just calm down a bit so I can look at it "

" okay " I looked at her ankle and it was swelling up purple and it hurt her just to the touch. " owww " she went back to crying as I gently put it down I picked her up bridal style and carried her to the bench outside of the trampolines I went to the nurse and got some ace bandages and ice then went back to her. " no jug it will hurt don't "

" I have to stabilize your ankle I'm sorry I'll go as gentle as I can " my mom and dad we're still frozen but they were a bit away. One of her friends sat and held her hand as I wrapped her ankle up and she cried it was horrible to see her in pain like this. Then once I finished I lifted her into my lap and held her tightly. " it's okay jelly belly I'll take you to the doctor and then after you can eat as much ice cream as you want okay "

" okay " she snuggled her head into my chest as I tried my best just to comfort her and make her happy. Her friends left and i carried her over to are table.

" mom dad I need to get her to the doctor and I think it would be helpful if you came. "

" uhh yeah sure " they drove as me and jb and Alex were in the back I held her in my lap so her foot was on the seat.

" is it feeling any better "

" no "

" okay maybe if you fall asleep it would feel better "

" but it hurts to much "

" try and not thinking about it "

" but it hurts to bad "

" what if i download a game on my phone "

" no thank you "

" how about a movie "

" I guess "

" okay what is your favorite "

" Barbie " I covered her in the blanket and I gave her my phone with my ear buds as she laid her head on my chest and watched the movie. Soon my phone fell into my lap I looked at her and she was asleep.

" she is gone "

" I i dont what happened we kinda just froze we're not good with hurt kids "

" she probably wished it was you guys comforting her. "

" your so good at that thank you "

" yeah " I held her and waited till we got there. Once we did I had to wake jellybean up. That broke my heart I gently shook her and she started to cry " it's okay "

" it hurts so bad "

" I know I'm sorry "

" where is mommy and daddy "

"there right outside of the car. "

" why haven't they talked to me am I in trouble I didn't mean to " she cried I kissed her head

" your not in trouble okay "

" mmk "

" mom and dad are here for you they arent good at comforting because it's hard to see your kid hurt I know it is hard and in that type of situations they freeze "

" okay "

" they don't mean to hurt you they are scared okay "

" mmk "

" I need you to get out so I can then I or dad can carry you "

" okay " she slowly got out and stood up I got out and she was gently crying but she was in pain it's understandable " mommy are you mad because I didn't mean to I really am sorry it wasn't supposed to happen "

" no jelly belly it's okay we're just not the best in that type of situation and jughead Does that everyday as job and it's natural to run to the rescue were sorry "

" thanks can daddy carry me "

" of course pumpkin come here " he picked her up and I had alex on a thing that straps him to my chest so he could sleep and it was a little big so I had a blanket to help him be warm and comfortable.

" I'll meet you inside guys I'm going to call betty "

" okay " I called her she answered all happy

" juggie bear what's going on "

" your happy "

" I had my medicine and I had a nice nap I feel good "

" so jellybean got hurt and we're at the hospital just a broken ankle I think but once we leave here I'll pick up food and we'll go to are house we might stop at the store "

" okay just make sure she is okay "

" I will I love you "

" I love you more "

" bye betts I'll see you soon "

" bye handsome I miss you "

" miss you to" I went back inside

" hey how are you feeling "

" not good "

" maybe they can give you something to help the pain. "

" no shots "

" we will try are best "

" betty hopes you get better "

" thanks " Alex started to get a little fussy so I had to get up and rock him and bounce him a little I gave him his binkey and he seemed to be okay I turned to my parents and they both had a big grin on there face.

" what he is my baby "

" you growing up "

" oh stop looks like jellybean passed out "

" yeah she is tired and in pain I would to if I was her"

" mom can you make him a bottle he is getting fussy I think he is hungry. "

" yeah " she made one. I gave it to him and he was sweetly looking at me as I fed him. " how long of a wait "

" like another half an hour "

" at least she isn't feeling any pain in her sleep "

" yeah "

" will you guys stay the night tonight so I can be close to her and help her "

" yeah we can stay as many night we kinda are always over at yours "

" yeah I know I'll let you go home soon "

" it's fine we like your house "

" daddy will give you a bath tonight "

" he needs one "

" JELLYBEAN JONES " they called her back my dad carried her which woke her up he seat her on the bed and we sat in the chairs she was crying a bit but she was scared it's understandable.

" want me to hold your hand "she nodded so I gave her my hand and she squeezed it " jelly it's okay " she nodded.

"Hello ms Jones your here for a hurt ankle "

" mhm "

" how did this happen "

" trampoline "

" okay well we will order and x-Ray. But I was looking at your file and your not up to date on your shots so we're going give you those "

" no no I don't want to get shots "she said squeezing my hand

" big brother please don't let them "

" I can't do anything "

" no no no " she cried I gave my mom Alex and I picked her up and held her

" just don't watch and squeeze my hand and it will all be okay "

" no "

" it's okay " they gave her 3 shots and I felt horrible she was crying in my chest and squeezing my hand tightly. Jellybean hates shots she hates them more than anything

" one more and this should help with your pain and you might feel a little more pain but it will get better " he gave it to her and she sobbed he put a band aid and wrapped up her arm with a ace bandage. Then he left I held her and did my absolute best to comfort her.

" it's okay jelly belly it's okay " she was calming down. " would you like to lay down " she shook her head no " would you like dad to hold you " she shook her head no again. " okay little sis it's okay " I rubbed her arm to help her calm down. " after here we will go to my place and we will eat ice cream and watch tons of movies and it will be okay you just have to get through this "
She nodded

" so we're going to take her to x ray why don't you have someone in there to hold your hand "

" dad go with jelly bean and comfort her "

" yeah "

" no I want you big brother "

" why not dad "

" please"

"Okay but please talk to me "

" mhm "

" let's get your foot x raid " I carried her back and I held her hand as they did it. Then we went to the room and she wanted to sit with my dad so she did and I strapped Alex in my chest and gave him his binkey and gently bounced him as my mom and dad were talking with jb. "Shhhhhh shhh go to sleep " I said rocking him "is he asleep "

" not quite he is working on it "

" okay " I kept going and he fell asleep. " there my little guy is down for a nap and good. " I sat back down and jellybean was asleep on my dad. " i need him to not wake up tonight so I can sleep that would be amazing "

" is betty any better "

" she is doing good "

" that's good "

" she has medicine to make her feel good and she loves being back home " 

" yeah " the doctor came back in

" so her foot is broken here and here " he showed us on her scan " and fractured here "

" so what's treatment"

" we will cast her and in 6 weeks she will be put in a boot and no getting it wet and we're hoping no surgery but if it is still bad by then we will have to do surgery. "

" okay is this part painful "

" yes only because we have to touch and move her foot and that will hurt more "

" can you give her anything she is only 6 "

" we already gave her a shot for pain but we will transfer you and get her casted."

"Okay "we went to a different t room and woke her up as my mom and dad stood next to her finally comforting her how they should of this whole but I know my little sister and she needs someone to physically hold her.  I whispered it to my dad so he picked her up and sat her in his lap holding her. " okay sweety I'm going to start what color would you like "

"Pink "

" light or hot "

" light "

" okay just try to breathe " they did it and at some points she would scream and she was crying poor sis. Me and jellybean have a different bond then normal brother and sister because I am different since I am older than her I just protect her and she looks up to me. " all done "

" so she can't get it wet "

" no make sure she just rest for a couple days and have it elevated "

" okay "

" your free to leave "

" thank you " we went to the car and I put Alex in his car seat as he snoozed away I drove and my dad held jb and my mom sat next to me. " are you okay jelly belly "

" she says no"

" why don't we stop at the store and get you ice cream and maybe some presents "

" she says yes "

" does she talk "

" yeah "she said a little sad

" what will make you happy "

" I don't know I am in pain and I just want today to be over it's been horrible "

" I think I know something to cheer you up " we went to the store and I know I kinda spoiled her but I have the money to I work at the diner and own it and I have all the money from the army so I bout her an iPhone X and I made them wait in the car and I bought 3 tubs. Of ice cream one for her one for my mom and dad to share and one for me and betts I bought her a phone case the was all glittery and I got her a Barbie blanket It was big and comfy then a movie for everyone to watch

and then went to the car and loaded it up.  Then I drove to mc Donald's and bought everyone food then went home I took the bags from the store as jellybean crutched over to the couch and my mom and dad worked on putting toys and stuff in there car for when they go home I put the ice cream in the fridge. Then I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist. " betts how did you get down the stairs "

" I'm getting better silly what's all the stuff "

" me spoiling my sister " she looked in the bag

" she deserves it after everything "

" will you watch the movie and eat with us "

" yeah of course "

" will you give me a kiss "

" now that's to much " I gave her a sweet kiss it wasn't to long but it was sweet " let's go to the couch " we all plopped down and I passed out food

" so jelly belly I spoil you just a reminder I'm a amazing big brother " she nodded first I handed her the blanket and told her about the ice cream and movie and she was thankful and happier the. I gave her the phone and she screamed and attacked me with a hug." Now your six so don't be on that to much "

" jughead you bought here a phone "

" it's a I'm very sorry for all that you went through and I love you phone "

" how come I didn't get one " betts

" I bought you a phone don't worry it in the bedroom on your night table "

" thank you "

" then jelly I got you this sparkly case " I gave it to her and she hugged me.

" thank you big brother "

" do you want to have mom and dad help set it up"

" yeah " I picked her up and set her on my dads lap then covered her with the blanket I put the movie and handed out all the tubs of ice cream then laid down on the couch with betts in between my legs her head on my chest. She was eating the ice cream as I was playing with her hair I just kinda laid there staring at her admiring the beauty of my wife.

" juggie you want a bite "

" huh " she said breaking me from me my trance

" want a bite "

" sure " she fed me a bite and I smiled at her.

" you can have some I feel bad "

" don't I'm not that hungry "

" why are you smiling so goofy "

" no reason " I gave her a kiss and oh my gosh did it feel so good it was long and passionate and made me lose myself in her passion and love my eyes were shut. When she backed out she went back to eating and laying on my chest. " your beautiful "

" why thank you , your very handsome "

" back to playing with your hair. "

" are you nervous or something "

" I'll talk to you later ".

" okay " she said and she snuggled into my chest. When the movie ended everyone parted into the rooms and I carried betts to bed. We got into comfy clothes then sat on the bed. " so what on your mind handsome " she said holding my hand

" I'm so tomorrow there is this fancy banquet and Um it's for the army and it kinda means a lot to me and you mean a lot to me so I uh was wondering if you would come I know you are recovering so if you don't feel good it completely fine I just it's to kinda honor the service all the leaving soldiers have done and I worked so hard for this and your my wife and it would feel good to have you by my side in this again I understand if your not feeling up to it it's just I'm sorry it's dumb I shouldn't of asked"

" hey it's not dumb " she said grabbing my hand and holding it with both of hers " it this means a lot to you and you want me there than I'll go I love to support my hubby " she gave me a kiss and calmed all my nerves.

" really "

" yeah of course I'll we're my red dress and I'll look all spiffy and we will have an amazing Time "

" oh thank you I was kind a nervous because it does mean a lot to me and I'm sorry it was supposed to be this big thing I got nervous and its dumb "

" oh shush you're adorable "

" no your adorable " we sat there staring into each other's eyes " wanna take a shower "

" you said you were really tired "

" well maybe you can help wake me up "

" I think I can " I picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. * time skip * I laid in bed betts snuggled into my arms as I kissed her head.

" I love you betty I love you so so so much "

" forstheye Pendleton Jones the third I love you and you mean the world to me "

" Elizabeth Jones you mean the world to me "

" I think you are the sexiest guy on planet earth and I'm so so lucky to have you "

" well betts have you seen yourself your stunning your the most beautiful girl in the world "

" I love you and your squishy personality "

" im not as squishy as you "

" you are but I'm not getting into it I'm tired and just want snuggle with my hubby "

" okay " I turned on the ac and then covered us in the blanket. " hey betts "

" yeah "

" do you like are house or would you like to move at some point "

" I do like are house but it kinda feels cramped with now having Alex and stuff it would be nice to get something bigger why "

" so I found a nice house it big and it's actually in the same neighborhood as my parents and I don't want to sound selfish what so ever by moving in over there but it's a couple houses down and it is absolutely stunning you would love it betts so I contact the seller and it's pretty cheap. I didn't make an offer because your apartment of the family and you need to help make decisions to so I didn't want to exclude you from anything and I told him I'll call tomorrow and tell him if we want it or not and I know this is a lot to kinda throw on you but it is really nice and I think are future should be in that house there is a balcony from the master and a walk in closet it's the biggest there and I just want to make you happy I want to be happy with you and Alex can grow up in a nice home and it's just I don't know "

" well can I see it or something "

" uh yeah " I pulled out my phone and showed her " I saw it for sale picking up my parents and I took a picture but he sat we can have a walk through tour tomorrow "

" we should it is a very nice house if it works out price wise then it's perfect for us "

" okay I'm ill shot him a text then we need to get some sleep " I did then we snuggled up and fell asleep.

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