Sidechick Syndrome

By UrbanQueen

600K 16.2K 5.8K

Sidechick Syn·dro·me 1. A female who is use to being second or at a lower position in her partner(s) heart. 2... More

Sidechick Syndrome
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 8

24.5K 1K 402
By UrbanQueen

          I was sitting on the red three seat couch in my living room, watching the newest episode of Love & Hip Hop Hollywood. Since Jamie went home the same night Nicole was arrested, I've had the entire house to myself this whole week. I wasn't creeped out or scared of being home alone like most people would be, so I was fine. Especially since the house was always packed with grocery and I had fifty bucks on me to buy or order food sometimes if I wasn't feeling what was in the house some nights.

          I spent most of the week on the phone with Mercedes, watching movies on the Internet or television, going on FaceBook, texting Zaire and watching a little porn. I've only had sex one time, I lost my virginity to my sort of kind of boyfriend. A boy named Valentino who use to go to my high school last year until he randomly transferred out. I figured he stopped attending there once he just stopped showing up to school. I knew he didn't drop out because he wasn't that type of kid. The day after he took my virginity, he showed up to school and didn't say a word to me. It stayed like that for a week and I was so confused and hurt. Then another week went by and that was the last time I saw him. I wasn't gonna lie, yeah I was tight. It made me feel like a hoe. But, enough about Valentino. I'll get on him some other time and explain the full story when I'm not that mad to rant about it.

          I got off the couch and pulled my black booty shorts down because they were riding up my ass. I hum under my breath and reach over, grabbing the metal spoon from the same small plastic bowl I was eating my ice cream out of and head to the kitchen to get some more of the Baskin Robins cookie dough ice cream in the refrigerator. I already had three bowls and I knew I shouldn't be going for more, but it was just so good.

          I set the tub of ice cream on the counter and take the kid off. I know what you're thinking. Nasty—she's about to use the same spoon she put in her mouth to take ice cream out that everyone has to eat from. Yes I am, because I'm Serenity Penn and I could do that.

          I take out another bowl full of ice cream and the container is damn near empty when I put it back. I make my way into the living room with my bowl in hand right in time to see the show come back. A minute later my cellphone starts ringing on the couch near me and I plop down and pick it up. It was a text from Zaire.

          Zaire - What you doing pretty?  6:23PM

          Me - Chillin' at my crib.  6:24PM

          Zaire - I'm close by, chillin' on Nixon Avenue wit' a few of my niggas. You should come through. It's lit down here.  6:40PM

          I make a stink face at the text, thinking about how I should reply. Zaire and I had kind of started our affair. We've been texting and calling each other since that night he dropped me off from Mercedes house; but the reason I said we were "kind of" having an affair was because we never really did anything besides call and text. Plus when we did, he never said anything out of line and neither did I. Him inviting me out on the Ave was obviously his way of trying to get me to come hang with him. Probably in hopes of us talking for a few hours which would hopefully lead us to fuck or something before the night was out. Because see, I realized this game we were playing. It was the game of where I was waiting for him to make the first move, and vice versa. And boy did Zaire have the right one; because he was not gonna fool me. I may have been sixteen but I was not stupid, if anybody was gonna make the first move, he was gonna be the one to type his laces and walk to me.

          Serenity - Funny, come see you. Nah, I'm good playboy. You have a whole BMW car, if you was really pressed for company you would come get me. What you think I'm about to hop on a bus or train to come all the way over there? I'm not those hoes you mess with, nice try tho' honey bun.  6:41PM

          "The fuck..." I mumble, hitting the reply button low key mad at the way he just came at me. He really must have thought I was one of them duck ass hoes he messes with. I'll admit, Zaire was sneaky. I knew what he was doing. Trying to test out what kind of chick I was. The thirsty thot that would jump through flaming hoops all the way across town just to go see him? Or the smart sassy mouth chick that knew the game he was playing and damn sure was not falling for it. Zaire was slick, but he must have forgot I was a teenager. The art of manipulation was my speciality, and he couldn't mess with me on that.

          Zaire - Lmaoo, yo' you got my niggas dying over here. What you mean? Why you can't just come see me tho'? It's that serious? I don't move my car after a certain time. Just take the bus.  7:00PM

           I was noticing how long he would take to text me back, must have been one busy dude or was just busy running his mouth with friends. When our relationship became official forreal, he was gonna have to change that reply schedule he was working with. I didn't do no late ass reply text. Especially from someone who was gonna be my man. But I roll my eyes and text him back.

          Me - Yeah I bet I do have them dying. You probably use to girls that would be on your nuts in a heart beat if you told them too. And your car don't move after a certain time? Well neither does my ass and it's sticking to this couch unless I have a ride other than public transportation, lol.  7:02PM

          Zaire - really bout' to do me like that friend? Just hop on the train or something girl. You really not bout' to come hang with me?  7:15PM

          Me - Nah, maybe some other time babes.  7:15PM

          I chuckle and rest my phone down, knowing he was probably a little irritated by me. It was alright, he'd get over it. He was gonna have to learn to come at me correct because he was fucking up already and we haven't even went on our first date yet.

          Almost an hour passes by and I realize Zaire is not gonna text me back. It's okay though, I'd survive. He'd probably text me the day after tomorrow or something. I watch two more episodes of Love & Hip Hop before I get bored and change the channel. They were reruns of previous episodes earlier in the season anyway. Johnson's Family Vacation was on so I opted for that even though it was already half way through the movie.

           My cellphone started ringing again and I glance at it to see a picture of Mercedes on the screen. It was a face shot when she had her newly installed curly weave at the time, dark purple lipstick on and some contour makeup. I grab the phone and clear my throat before answering.


          Mercedes claps her tongue on the roof of her mouth and almost blows my eardrum out. "Hey booski!" She says dragging the word 'hey.'

          I chuckle, pulling the phone away from my ear for a second. I never got nervous about Mercedes finding out about Zaire and I. I'm pretty sure she knew better than to go through his phone whether he was around or not. He seemed like the type that didn't play that. And I always kept a passcode on mine. Nobody was allowed on my phone. Not even Nicole and she was paying the bill for it. I didn't have anything crazy like nude pictures or nude pictures of anybody else, I just didn't like people going through my shit.

          "Hey, whassup girl."

          She groaned. "I miss you."

          "Bitch I just spoke to you yesterday."

          "So, you know my life be dead without my little sister."

          "Aww," I smile, putting a hand on my chest like she could see me.

          "I just called to tell you I'm not coming to school tomorrow or on Wednesday—"

          "What? Why?" I say with furrowed eyebrows.

          I know it was not that serious, I had other friends but Mercedes was my other half. There was no point in me going to school if she wasn't gonna be there. Well—I guess besides the important fact that I needed my education. But who was thinking about that, right?

          "Well I was about to say it until I was rudely interrupted."

           "My bad."

          "Anyways, like a bad slim chocolate goddess with a booty like a donkey was saying," She cleared her throat. "I don't think you ready yet..."

          "Just tell me." I say wondering if she was just playing or she really had something to tell me.

           "Girl I said I don't think you ready yet!" She shouted animatedly with a laugh.

          "Cedes!" I shout back, laughing myself.

           "Okay okay!" She paused and complete silence was on the other end before I heard a faint slam in the background. Probably her slamming her hand on a table or something with a hard surface. Then all of a sudden she just blurted everything out all at once. "Girl tell me why I'm moving in with Zaire!"

           I get quiet myself, not knowing what to say. "What?" I ask quietly.

          "Girl yes! Me and my momma got into this huge ass fight last night—"

           "And you didn't call me to tell me? What happened?" I ask still not fully believing she said she was moving in with Zaire. He had his own place?

          "This was after I got off the phone with you—like way down late in the night. I was pissed, I didn't want to talk to anybody. I just wanted to be left alone because I was like legit ready to fucking kill her. But alright, like...I don't even remember what the argument was about, like you know my mom, she bitch about the dumbest shit. I think it was about me playing music too loud or something. And you already know how my mom is once she get started she don't stop..."

           "Mm hm," I say. I've been too Mercedes house a few times to witness her and her mom argue and Mercedes mom Keisha was one of those mom's who would complain for two hours. Stop, and then randomly start up again for two more hours causing more arguing to ensue. Mercedes mom was just like Nicole but I liked Mercedes mom more. Definitely, no questions asked.

          "So yeah we're arguing about the loud music and I'm really getting tight. I know I could have just said sorry and turned it down, but she was really getting me hot because I'm like you telling me about these dusty ass neighbors and how they gonna complain or call the cops because of my loud rap music, but you be blastin' your reggae and soca, having the bass shaking the whole damn house so what are you saying. Girl, it got crazy! She just walked over and slapped the shit out of me and at this point she was really beating my ass like I was still twelve or something. No funny shit, like I honestly thought about punching her in her shit but I controlled myself. I was like chill Cedes that's still your mom's."

           Shit, Mercedes was a real one because that couldn't be me. That was exactly why Nicole and I were always banging. I couldn't stand parents that were always so quick to start slapping and punching when they got mad. I didn't play that. Not now not ever.

          "So I don't even remember what we started arguing about next. But it went from the loud music to just like...everything, like I don't even know," She said letting out an exasperated sigh like she was reliving the argument. "Bitch I was saying shit like you not my mother, that it was you're fault daddy went to prison robbing that bank because he was trying to feed you're gold digging ass, that David was not my real brother, like, it was crazy."

          "Damn Cedes, all of that?" I say. All that shit she said was light because I would say all that and more to Nicole on a calm day. But I know Mercedes had a bit more control so for her to say something like that to her mom meant she really must have lost it.

          "Yes, we started screaming, crying. Like, it was bad. I know I keep saying that was bad," She chuckled, "you just had to be there to see it. In the midst of all the drama I got on some White girl shit and I told her I hated her and ran up to my room. I called Zaire and told him what happened and he was like pack all your things, I'm coming in the next hour to get you because you moving in with me. Bitch!" Mercedes laughed, "I just called so he would let me crash at his place for the night or something but my baby was like no, pack your shit and be ready. I was hype!"

          I could tell my mouth was slightly hanging open. I could feel the jealousy brewing in me like fresh coffee. "You're dead serious right now aren't you?" I ask.

          "Yes! Girl I'm so serious. I'm eighteen so I can move out if I want. I'm at Zaire's house right now—"

           "Wait, how? I thought you said he picked you up an hour ago." I say. I was getting confused because Zaire just texted me asking me to come see him but he only picked Mercedes up an hour ago and now she was at his house? I had to admit I was mostly mad at the fact he didn't tell me he let Mercedes move into his house. Then again I'm guessing he didn't mention it because it was none of my business.

           "You not listening, hun. I said this happened last night. I packed some of my shit and left my house last night. I been over here since yesterday night. I'm in his room right now rearranging stuff to fit some of my clothes in the draws and stuff. I think he's out hanging with his friends or something. He's taking me back to my house tomorrow to get the rest of my things. I could have just went back and got everything earlier today, but because the fight was last night it would be too much tension. I wanted to wait the day after or something. That's why I'm not gonna be in school tomorrow or Wednesday. I have to get situated, go get the rest of my things, have my address changed so my mail could start coming here and everything."

          "Oh..." I say, not really hiding my disappointment. I knew Mercedes didn't pick up on it because she would have said something.

           "Like Zaire makes enough money to rent out his own girl. His pad is dope, trust me. He has three bedrooms and three bathrooms! Like I'm always at his house but I can't believe I'm about to be living there now. Imma be sleeping in the same bed as my man getting the D every night!" Mercedes squealed.

           I wanted to come through the phone and smack flames out of her honestly. I was surprised she couldn't feel my hatred through the phone.

          "I can't tell you how excited I am, like—"

          "Yeah, that's cool. But tell me why I had to smack this bitch Robyn last week." I say changing the subject. The more she talked about it the more I wanted to beat her ass.

          Mercedes groaned. "Yes girl. I heard but I forgot to ask, what happened?"

          Robyn and Mercedes were friends. I never really had a problem with Robyn because she was just a girl in my school to me. But since our little altercation in the hallway I officially didn't like her now. I was friend's with Raheem's fine ass though. I don't know why he was with Robyn anyway. She wasn't ugly or anything, but I didn't like the bitch so she ugly now.

         "I'm in the lunchroom with Richie little sister, and Infinity the other day—"

          "Ugh," Mercedes grunted, "Why you had to mention her, I can't stand that hoe."

          I suck my teeth, "Girl you still on that Stuy situation? I already told you. She said Zaire just sold her some weed and that was it."

          "Yeah I bet. But my bad girl continue with your story. Hearing that girl name just got me so mad just now. What were you saying?" Mercedes urged.

          "I was sitting in the lunchroom at a table with that Trinity girl and Infinity. I was talking to Infinity but I notice the other girl looking at Raheem like every few seconds."

         "Richardson sister right?"

          "Yeah. So I see her looking at Raheem, watching, looking away, watching. So eventually I just look at her and I'm like 'you like him?' and all of a sudden she's stuttering, like 'oh, no no, I was just—"

          Mercedes started dying at me imitating her soft voice. "She probably just scared of you with your aggressive ass!"

          "Girl I don't know what it was but I was like okay whatever. So me and Infinity start talking and everything is fine. The girl is on the other side of the table and pull out her phone to probably play some game or something since I'm talking to Infinity. Mercedes...of my gosh, this is where I get tight," I say clapping my hands. "The last three minutes of class or some shit, shorty gets up to go to the bathroom and the bell rings so she goes upstairs to class."

          "Right." Mercedes said.

          "Girl I get upstairs in the hallway and see Robyn all over Richie sister on some 'oh, I know you fuck with my boyfriend. You're his side bitch, like I know you mess with him. Imma expose you, this and that. And I'm getting so tight because the girl just went to use the bathroom. So I walk over there like yo' what's the problem. You're bitch ass friend turn to me and say 'I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to her. Well bitch I'm talking to you, like the fuck." I say.

          Mercedes laughs.

          "So we pretty much going back and forth for a while and I'm just like girl it don't matter if she have a crush on Raheem or not. Like anybody could have a crush on anybody they want too. As long as she don't cross any boundaries than so what. And I'm telling her like yo', you look extra pussy tryna press this quiet ass girl, 'cause if it was Tatiyanna, Emerald, Jamila or one of them you wouldn't even have approached them."

          "Nah she wouldn't tho'," Mercedes kind of laughed, "'Cause Jamila? Whoo! JaJa woulda violated mad quick and just started dragging her."

          "Exactly, that's what I'm saying. She would never pop on Jah or one of them but she wanna run up on Richardson quiet ass little sister. Get the fuck outta here, not while I'm there. So I just get tired of her talking and smack flames out her."

          Mercedes is laughing but groaning at the same time. "Oh my gosh Serenity you need to chill..."

          The front door opened and I turned around to see Nicole walk inside. We lock eyes for a brief second but she doesn't say anything. She just goes jogging up the stairs with a purposeful speed.

          "Crazy you there?" Mercedes joked.

          "Nicole just walked in. She went upstairs." I say into the line.

          "You serious?"

          "Dead serious."

          It was Wednesday. Exactly the same day she got locked up on last week, so she should have been home by now. I just didn't expect it to be so sudden.

          "Please don't say nothing, just—"

          I immediately pulled the phone away from my ear and hopped of the couch once I saw a bunch of my clothes come flying from upstairs, landing at the bottom of the staircase.

          I ran over to where my pile of clothes were just in time to see another set come flying down. Some landing in the already small pile on the floor and a few shirts landing on top of my head. I angrily snatched a tank top off my head before yelling to the top of my lungs.

          "What the hell are you doing!" I screamed at Nicole who was inside my room, throwing my things down the stairs.

          "You're leaving."

          Slapping my closed fist in my open palm, I could feel myself getting angry. "Yo', forreal, you need to put my shit back. You just walked in the door and already startin'!"

          She ignored me and threw something down the staircase. I barely jumped out the way just in time for a sneaker to come flying over my head.

          "Mercedes imma call you back." I say hanging up without even giving her a chance to say anything. My booty shorts didn't have any pockets so I had to rest my phone down or hold it. I chose to hold it because I was gonna have to call somebody to stop me from killing this bitch in 2.5 seconds.

         I ran up the stairs as fast as I could and made it into the bedroom just as she was about to throw another set of clothes. I blocked her shot making most of the clothes fall between us. "The fuck are you doing?!" I shout grabbing her arm.

          "Don't touch me!" She screamed, snatching her arm back. If looks could kill, I'd sure be dead.

          "Just pick my shit up—"

          "Are you deaf?" She said, "you're out of here. Did you think you would send me to jail and still be living in my house like nothing happened? They wanted to charge me with child abuse but then dropped the charges last minute. You have to go because you have life messed up. You almost get me a criminal record and think for a second more you're sleeping in here? I don't think so." She said picking up some of the clothes that were laying between us.

           This time I let her pick my things up and watch her walk around me while she ranted and raved about some bullshit.

          "Have the nerve to put your sixteen year old hands on me. Disrespect me, talk to me any kind of way when I provide a roof over your head? Fine," She said continuing to walk around me with the things she had in her hand, throwing them down the steps. "We'll see who's gonna get the last laugh."

          "So you're kicking me out?"

          "Yes! Get out!" She snapped.

           With narrowed eyes, I watched her for a while. When I saw that she was dead serious, I scoffed. "Fine, I'll leave. I don't wanna stay with you anyways. Fuck outta here, just stop touching my shit." I snapped.

          Surprisingly she actually does stop. Nicole puts a hand on her hip and really studies me. She looks amused and she probably was for whatever reason because she busted out laughing. I thought about back handing her just to get her to shut up but thought against it. Instead I stand there with a straight face to show she wasn't getting to me.

          "This should be interesting." She said walking out of my room. "You have thirty minutes to get out of my house."


          I was standing outside in the curb, down the block from my a place that was my home only an hour ago. I, Serenity Penn. The baddest thing walking the universe standing on a street corner with luggage on top of luggage looking crazy. Every car that passed slowed down as they watched me like Hawks. Probably wondering why I was standing there looking like I was having a garage sale—or a sidewalk sale, in this instance.

          Nicole kicked me out. She really kicked me out; but it was cool. I'd get her ass back. Because that's exactly what I looked like right now. A complete ass as I stood out here. Intelligence is something I'm sure this lady never heard anyone say to her because if she was smart, she would know that it wouldn't be the best idea to come straight from jail and kick a sixteen year old out on the streets in anger.

          That right there was another charge. And a serious one. All I had to do was call the police again and notify them that I was being tossed on the street and they would haul her straight back to prison on a couple charges forreal this time; but unlike Nicole, I didn't need to call the cops and snitch on anybody. If she didn't want me there, then I'd leave. I didn't need her or anybody else.

          I pull out my phone and start figuring out who I should call. My first thought is Mercedes, but I instantly erase that thought. Since I just found out she moved in with Zaire, that was out of the question. Because I know that had to be a big step for Zaire, letting his girlfriend move in with him, I knew there would be no way he would let her friend in right after her.

          Maybe Infinity, I tell myself, my index finger hovering over her number in my contact list. I know she did say she practically lived by herself since her dad was hardly home; but then again, home girl got the pipe morning noon and night. And I was not trying to hear all them screams of passion in my ear every minute of the day. Plus Erica was the type of person that could get annoying in a second. I liked Erica and all, he was cool and funny. But them gay dudes could get annoying as fuck with the extra behavior and antics twenty-four seven.

         I even thought about my friend Katerina. Katerina was a Spanish girl who was called Kat by people who knew her. I met her in one of the bootcamp programs I attended when I was fourteen so I've known her for two years. The only problem was after Kat got out the program she was sent to live with her grandmother who turned her behind around. I heard Kat's grandma was strict as hell. No shoes on the carpet, homework done by a certain time, showers taken and bed at a certain time, no electronics on the weekdays and all that.

          I was good.

          "Shit..." I mumble, knowing I was running out of options.

           I had family—but they lived no where close to me. The closest relative I had nearby was my cousin June. But I don't think I wanted to live with her. June lived with her boyfriend Trey Mafia, a street thug with whom she has a toxic relationship with. They fought and banged every six minutes. It was not a personal request to watch my older cousin get smacked in the face and then get her ass smacked right after. So living with the two of them was a side to side, upside down, all around hell no as well.

          I sigh and shift all my weight to one leg. It was scorching hot and I was too cute to be standing here looking like a hooker off forty fifth street. Just then a car pulls up. The window was rolled down so I could see inside the driver's side. I was about to say dude looked cute until I realized it was Jamie. Ew.

          Right away I realize Nicole must have called him because I sure didn't. Jamie popped his trunk open and got out of the car after, slamming the door back as he walked onto the sidewalk. He was dressed simple in a black t-shirt and some sweatpants. It was his he usually dressed.

          "Only three rules to living with me," He says leaning against his car, "no boys in my house. I don't want you talking to any boys period. Two, if you outside hanging out with your friends or whatever on a school night, curfew is eight o' clock, even on the weekends. And three, you do what I tell you to do. Follow all three of those and we should be fine."

          I could tell we were already gonna butt heads before I even unpacked my suitcases. Jamie was looking like a perfect example of an Erica right now—doing way too much.

          His rule number one he could definitely forget about because he must have lost his mind. I wasn't feigning to talk to no boy don't get me wrong. But he couldn't tell me I couldn't entertain boys. He was my brother not my father. Rule number two he must have came up with while snorting something because why would he think eight o' clock would be my curfew? I was not six. And rule number three he could just take and shove up his ass because I know that must have been a joke. I already found myself wondering, what then foster care beds felt like. Because this was about to be a big problem.

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